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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Can I meet a nice trad wife if I start spelunking? I understand that there are no blacks down there.
>falling for the cavernous Jew
ever read the flintstones comic book?

marriage is disgusting. go back to the sex cave as nature intended.
Anon her face looks like the human skin cell face robot. Have some standards.
there are blacks down there but you can only see them if they smile
>I understand that there are no blacks down there.
There will be when your 'trad' gf invites her "friend" along for the adventure.
Only Dwarves down there...only Dwarves.
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Watch out for the bloody mattresses.
That is one thing about nature, there are no blacks outside of the city where ever you go. They don't call them pavement apes for nothing. As for the trad wife psy-op, it is not real, it's just a fake Hollywood archtype often saw on the Hallmark Channel. It is fake and never was real outside of 1950's television sitcoms.
I wasn't talking about caves btw
>there are no blacks outside of the city where ever you go
Not true. I live in the south and we have tons of niggers that go fishing and hunting. Yes, they litter a lot. Yes, they are extremely loud and do not follow safety precautions whatsoever.
>muh South
Not real wilderness pal. All you got is disgusting swampland.
They're called "cavers" now. Why? Because like Trekkies vs Trekkers, it's people trying to pretend they're not some they really are.
don't look up that story of that dude who died upside down and they sealed his body in the cave for the luls
No! They are all loose leftist hippies that try to be macho and compete with men. They also sleep around a whole lot, sometimes even if they are married. The only hope in caving is to get one that only goes a few times and isnt really part of the main caving groups.
yeah buddy come on down nothing to worry about haha
>nintendo switch
i dont care for those but ill go down

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