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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Debate night pol

lets hear your thoughts
>i love immigrants
>no i do! even illegals!
>no jew is illegal, biden.
>well my cabnit is full of jews, i love jews
>my children married jews
2 old retards I won't be voting for.
When's the debate starting?
>Ukraine needs another billion dollars
>No, Israel needs that billion!
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jews rape children
It's gonna be a gay nothing burger. I could be wrong but that's just my knee-jerk reaction after seeing that shit with the green lights while they talk ect.
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Joe isn't going to be able to stay awake that long. Here comes Killary.
>CNN issuing DMCAs and takedowns to anyone restreaming or commentating live
>Very specific agreement with other networks as to the handling of the broadcast
It's going to be a shitshow.
debate is cut short to deliver an important message that nukes were used in Ukraine
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my thoughts are that trump is an evil fascist and biden is a pedo
9pm EST
>trump is an evil fascist
I don't think you know what that word means.
Biden already lost. He refuses to take a drug test which pretty much discredits everything he has to say.
All you need is a lipreader commenting and the mic cutting garbage is over.
Thank you Eglin AFB
How realistic would the action double for Biden be?
Trump is going to eat Biden alive
i don't think you know you're retarded. biden is also a fascist.
my theory:
Joe Biden hasn't done a real public appearance since Jan 6th
I miss Trump's 2016 bantz
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How the fuck did Donnie agree to this?
>Joe Biden hasn't done a real public appearance since Jan 6th

So you think they hired a body double to make Joe Biden look like a senile fool on camera during his presidency?
it gets even worse
Correct, this is a fascist nation.
no, i think they didn't know the guy would do that
why would one of them not agree to a drug test? doesn't seem suitable to be president imo
How many uppers is Biden on for the debate lmfao
Everything is a joke with this administration. Universal suffrage was an effective scam.
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>Trump finishes answering first question
Hopefully Trump will rip Biden’s mask off literally.
How can I watch it on my tv without paying jews?
/pol/ will stream it FOR FREE
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>lets hear your thoughts
I think the failed 'Business Plot' of 1933 was tried again in 1963 with JFK's assassination and was successful. I think that every single presidency since LBJ has been an extension of that coup. I think that "Trump VS Biden" is about as heterosexual and real as "The Undertaker VS Kane". I think that the 'bread and circuses' of modern America are all a distraction so they can finish extracting the last of the wealth out of a dying once-great nation while we fight amongst ourselves. I think I might have to take a shit.
joe 'corked sphincter' biden will drop on stage due to all the performance enhancing drugs.
Lmao how bro? No sound, plus gay commentary, I want to watch the shit show for myself before coming back here
>Watch two 80 year olds fumble through their lines and watch the world pretend it will make any difference to the average person having to feed, clean, drive, and labor for 50 hours a week to make someone else money

very cool, I hope team based wins
my man ramzpaul on twitter or rumble
i would imagine some anon will post multiple options for chat or not, some jewtube, some on places like kino.tv
>no sound plus gay commentary
you just described the entire debate, watch the trainwreck in a comfy stream with frens
>something something Israel
>something something Ukraine
>something something January 6th
>something something abortion
two boomer retards yelling at each other, this is how low we've gone
I'll consider that, I forgot about youtube alternatives
I bet we can go lower for '28!
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Oh yeah is RFK in this one? I get why they wouldn't want him debating with the two demented guys. Will there be a debate with the three of them at some point?
This shit again? Didn't we already settle this 4 years ago?
Rolling for medical emergency
>two demented guys
are you forgetting that half of his brain was eaten by ass worms?
a german would be the expert i guess
I am morbidly intrigued. Wonder how coked up Biden is going to be.
I can't forget something I never knew. RFK had assworms that migrated to his brain?
It's a show for idiot "independents". Debating Democrats is like trying to reason with retards. Republicans aren't better, but Democrats just suck nigger cock like no one else. They hate Whites. Voting Trump but it doesn't change the entire game.
Trump Win easy diff
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Your welcome, kike!
90 minutes of arguing who loves the jews more
yes, and that's why he talks like a fag and his shits all retarded apparently
It's going to go on for hours, and then people at home will be angry that "they didn't even ask about _____".
Choose the moderator.
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Rolling for Don to start a physical fight with Joe which begins with an embarassing display of physical ability and ends in both candidates shitting their pants on stage diarrhea style.
Checked and correct

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