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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Does the destruction of Mexico make you happy?
Mexico is an enemy of the USA. Their government is a client of the cartels and the CCP and actively facilitates the mass illegal migration across the border, same as the drug trafficking
>Their government is a client of the cartels
And who are the cartels a client of genius? You don't think the CIA could clear that shit out in an afternoon with drones? They are allowed to operate.
A little bit, yes.
russia and china should make a DEFENSIVE alliance with mexico and place an untold amount of missiles there. just becauz it would be fun.
Learn to use a toilet, Dalit.
The destruction of what exactly? Mexico has been a shithole for 200 years.

>A new report shows that a stunning number of murders in Mexico remain unsolved. Impunity has been a long-standing issue in the country.

From 2015 to 2021, only about 7% of murder cases in Mexico resulted in a conviction, according to Monserrat Lopez, a data analyst with Impunidad Cero, which has released the fifth edition of its report analyzing impunity in Mexico.

Conviction rates for femicides — the killing of a woman or girl because of her gender — were higher, at about 44%. However, the report emphasized that only about 20% of murders of women and girls were investigated as femicides in 2021, with each state applying a different set of criteria.
>According to the report, high impunity rates are the result of a criminal justice system that lacks funding, staff and resources to properly investigate, solve and bring such cases to trial.
>Meanwhile, Mexico has seen skyrocketing levels of violence, with an average of 94 murders and 10 femicides reported every day.
They are savages that have zero respect for human life. Anyone pretending Mexico is anything but a shithole is lying, the passport bros are there to murder and rape children, the old retirees that were too poor to get something in Florida? they take baths in mexibeaner blood.
I said that in my comment dumbass. Learn to read
>Does the destruction of Mexico make you happy?
No, it just means more people will want to come here.
No. If Mexico could get their shit together people would stay there (including the central and South Americans)
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It’s not actually going to be destroyed in a literal sense. Their culture will be dissolved until Mexico is just another economic zone.

The USA is near shoring manufacturing to North America, primarily to Mexico. There’s just one problem though. The fertility of Mexico is below replacement. Mexico will need mass migration to have enough workers for the factories. Mexicans will be replaced by niggers and jeets.



Add it to the collage.
Next Health Secretary.
No, you didn't. The cartels are a creature of the US government. They are allowed to operate. You think we are enemies. We aren't.

Yeah, most of their government is just an extension of the cartels. Corruption breeds corruption. Eventually most people are compromised.
Look at the cartel behavior, the guerrilla death squads trained by the CIA in South America, and project phoenix and explain how the first is different from the second two. It is all the same manual.
>It’s not actually going to be destroyed in a literal sense.
Ah, you like to move goal posts, got it.
>still lying about being the first jew
>Their culture
What culture?
Songs actually about killing Americans kek still funny
Were they larping blue beam

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