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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: white nigger.jpg (178 KB, 1000x667)
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The Irish may have pale skin but they act like niggers. Their BLM chimp outs and their arson is just further proof of that. So of course they support Palestine like all the other brown countries. That has now come back to bite them. Who could've seen this coming?

If you don't support Israel, you're not white. It's that simple. The Irish were better off under British rule and they know it. If they love Paliniggers so much they should invite them to Ireland.
Dont worry anon, ireland is getting plenty of immigrants in the next few years.
Good. They deserve it.

meds were the only civilized whites
Keep your Palestinians in Israel kike. They're your problem.
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Shalom Alan Shatter.
He's referring to the Irish peacekeeping forces in places like the Golan heights. Who have been hit before by Iranian proxies. Some have even died. The UN is a joke.
>if you don't support Israel, you're not white
Nice bait.
Ireland is where the nationalist fire rises most right now.
Dublin sorts are scum
I'm genuinely scared anon. I hoped we'd have more time. It's not what it felt like before now that it's actually happening. I'm not ready to die and yet I might be dead soon.
Didn't read, death to americans anti european scum, cia glowies and moronic us citizens.
Is there any 99% white bastion left in Ireland?
Small towns were. Now the government are literally shipping thousands of men to them to settle. No exaggeration. They're bussing thousands of men to small Irish towns and housing them in hotels. When the hotels are burnt down by /ourguys/ they build temporary buildings to keep them in. I think the fighting will escalate from fire bombs to the real thing very soon. I see no other way for the pressure to escape. Worst of all I feel this must be part of their plan. Have us chimp out and make an example of us so the replacement continues across the West. They've been way too mask off way too quickly.
Someone will have to take the lead. My only hope is that at least some of you guys walk out the other end rather than be ashes to remember.
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