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Trumps fucked. Sad!
We have once again become such a hard working and energetic nation, we have proven that we are capable of accomplishing anything in America. What great tasks we have done, what great projects we are working on, we're building now the nicest street, powerful industrial plants, we have invented new things, tremendous residential developments, everywhere new things are being created in all sectors, we have proven in four years that we are a nation that can be compared to others, and I ask you American people, give us your opinion on it this November
it's not like he would ever name the Jew so who cares
>be trump
>debate biden
>make pedo remarks
>nobody sees it
trump BTFO
Well, there goes any reason to watch. If trump doesn't make them rescind that then there is no point
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>yt poop edits of real presidential debates are now just hours away
what a time to be alive in this fucking brave new world
It is a reasonable cautious move with convicted felons on the screen.
The fact trump agreed to this shows how dumb he is.
Nobody really wants to see uncut footage of 2 senile old men shidding and farding while professing their love for Israel. The shidding and farding will be edited out to make it more tolerable.
Trump should secretly livestream the whole thing
If Biden stops and just short circuits or drools, they'll switch to "analyst" takes for a few minutes while they pump him full of adrenochrome.
That's how long the deep fake will take
>no point

what is the point of watching _any_ so-called debate
when it is edited in pseud-realtime by the broadcaster?
how is that even a 'debate'
it's merely a programme
especially without a live audience
It's insane how much they're Biden-proofing this debate.
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they're putting all of the press in an entirely different building
>it's not like he would ever name the Jew so who cares
Trump sold his daughter to a kike investor who was coincidentally appointed as his senior advisor.
It's not even a real debate at this point. CNN has truly fucked this up to a rather extra and unfair degree.

Might as well tell us Biden won the debate without even airing it
You faggots destroyed infinity chan. Can you not just fucking keep your faggotry contained there? I'm sure chodemonkey will make some new Q posts for you.
Hahahaha Biden is a fucking brain dead retard and he's the POTUS. Hahahahaha Obama pimps white men and black men. OBAMA!!!
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There is no way they will try this right?
Trump should just broadcast the audio from his phone
Q said we are saving Israel for last. Trust Trump.
they going to put fact check false over his face on half his answers and cut the sound.
Wow. CNN must really secretly want Trump to win. Only Donald Trump can get those military enlistment numbers back up and make dying in the middle east in Israel's wars for child anal sex cool once again and they KNOW it too.
>across party lines
Two geriatric pedophiles square off under the watchful eyes of the jew for the future of a fallen nation
I really want one of them to rip a big nasty ass juicy fart when their mic is on. Like so juicy they have to shake their pant legs a few times before continuing to speak
Was this part of the original deal? If it wasn't Trump should drop out.
Why do you even care foreign fag? This is none of you business.
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Mutts dont care about injustices. They have no principles. They tolerate systemic corruption since forever.
No one cared about Snowden. No one cared about Assagne. No one cares about shitskin crime epidemic. No one cares about clown courts. No one will do anything.
When will the “patriots in control” actually do something good and not just play gay hint drop games?
Thankfully only brain dead people watch CNN. This is a wake up call to them.
A fortnight from now
holy shi-….
Biden will use the Power of Tech against TRUMP a super computer compiling the answers in real time, i can only hope biden is so juiced up he will slip some shit
like obama said so or something lmao
They're doing this because so many people would rather watch their commentator of choice talk over the debate than the debate live. This still won't work because the debates are so fucking annoying the way they're done. "Respond to this question in ten seconds" "OK you can talk over the other person." "No, you can't talk over the other person, cutting your mic."

Fucking internet bloodsport debates are more respectable than our political "debates" on mainstream news channels.
As a vassal state, it is my business. Since your country exports if faggotry everywhere around the world it's everyone's business.
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>You faggots destroyed infinity chan.
imagine saying this why you are RIGHT NOW destroying the much more important 4chan you faggotniggerdoublefaggottripplenigger

just a reminder boomers never blink at this orwellian shit
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>When will the “patriots in control” actually do something good and not just play gay hint drop games?
something you'd consider good?
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>Trump will still show up for this
He deserves everything levied against him and more. Faggot is clearly a willing participant and banking on a victim complex to secure victory despite doing positively NOTHING to fight these people. He's fucking uniparty, if you don't riot before this fall then you deserve the globohomo that will be rammed up your ass.
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White House press pool is not allowed in the debate (the reporters who follow Biden everywhere)
It doesn't matter. All the independent journalists on Twitter are letting everyone know what a biased shitshow it is so no one is going to take it seriously. This junk is purely for entertainment at this point. To see how fucked up it is. No one is going to be listening to what either of them are saying. They'll be catching the cliff notes on Twitter where real journalists tear it apart and point out exactly when and where the footage is cut and the mics get turned off. 2 minutes is not enough to do a clean cut.
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btfo'd by digits
kek is with me
They are afraid Joe is going to shit his pants or forget Kamala's name and refer to her as "that nigger lady."
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president biden your responds
>listen, times are tough folks. we got kitchen tables were there seats-
>y'know man, C'MON! WE ARE-
ahhh and Mr. Trump 30 seconds to respond
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lmao. if Trump wasnt politically retarded he would explain all this fucking bullshit the first second he gets to the microphone
wow I wonder if they'll cut Trump out probably not haha
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>my opponent is gay, I walked in I thought, 'wow is this guy gay'
Couldnt he just livestream it with his own team stageside?
>how is that even a 'debate'
Imagine talking to friend about who the best band of the 80s is, but both you are required to stop talking after every 30 seconds so the other person can speak. Absolutely nothing can be accomplished like that. That's not a real discussion. It makes no sense to even proceed with it.
>something you’d consider good? Never
So they’re acting in the interests of elite jews and their shabbos goyim?
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This isn't true at all by the way. Not that it matters to anyone here.
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>despite doing positively NOTHING to fight these people.
I do. The fuck else is on tonight? Baseball? Fuck outta here.
So not live and enough time to run it through AI, got it.
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>So they’re acting in the interests of elite jews and their shabbos goyim?
hint: the person doing pilpul is always the kike.
>no audience allowed
>giving themselves enough of a buffer to trim out biden being a senile faggot, and to censor anything bad orange man might say that they don't like
Oy vey.
That is absolutely 100% what I would do. Get one of those pins with a microcamera then dump the whole thing online afterwards.
Biden must already be partially crippled if he has this many unfair rules being set up to protect him from Trump. CNN has basically confirmed that already by making this the most stacked and unfair debate in history. This is going to piss a lot of people off no matter how it goes honestly, this should be the last debate CNN is ever allowed to host after all the shady shit they've pulled (You can't believe in the illusion of democracy when this level of fuckery happens)

Uhh guys
>2 more minutes
Reading an article about the lengths CNN went through to censor the debate and keep the whole thing secret except the parts they want to show will be 100x more interesting than reading about the debate parts we were allowed to see.
They shouldn’t even be allowed to have *any* delay. They should be able to say whatever the fuck they want. They are the ‘candidates’ not some CNN button pusher.
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this is my favorite moment from the last debate.
>no you're on number two.
It’s so they can fact check trump in real time and cover for Biden if he shits his pants
skibidi biden all over again.
So, you?
I asked when the “patriots in control” would actually do something worthwhile and you got all defensive. The criminals still walk free and basic life milestones are still increasingly unaffordable. Where is some kind of tangible result of the “patriots’” efforts?
Back to the CNN comment section you go, pussy boy.
You will be tortured to death in front of the kids you rape.
Meant for >>472354534
Digits and there will be a happening on stage that's edited out. We'll only find out the truth after the election.
Please make it so
Fake and gay. Nothing on the interwebs to corroborate that.
Politicians should bot be censored.
Nobody should be censored, or edited.
Slippery slope.
Hope you enjoy your onions green you dumb fucker.
>No you can't inspect the government onions factories. Trust us, it's good enough to eat. Look at Hollywood celebrities enjoying their onions. Note how happy they are. Now in onions blue & red!
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MIGA bros…. It keeps getting worse
Because your burgers tends to need to have it spelled out to you:

You don't have news media
Anything happening on that stage big enough to care about is not going to be saved by a 1-2 minute delay.
It will be interesting to see if they even finish, “Technical difficulties” incoming
Holy shit. Phone posting censors ONIONS to onions. what the actual fuck
Trump is still under a gag order, so this is partially true.
>muh qtardation
Cope, uniparty shill.
Lmao what a joke. The fakest news.
And how is shitting on the Q nigger doing that? I'm really keeping people from seeing the other 6 gorillion plebbit and tweet threads? It's not like there is a culture of ignoring shills, retards, and slides anymore. How many fucks left even know what "sage goes in all fields" refers to or why. KYS nigger.
>i'm too gay to use 4chan
Not for any of that
wait wait wait
something green, is actually censored by 4chan. what.
We can say nigger
but not soil3nt
free speech is dead
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>uniparty shill.
that idea is from Q
>And how is shitting on the Q nigger doing that?
"you" (you're a gpt bot) agree with CNN.
This is what I was thinking. Real time fact checking, and they might AI edit Biden's mind-farts and speech slurring "for clarity".
>i still can’t name something good the “patriots in control” have actually done.
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its onions that is censored
and it is censored as a quiet reminder that the site is controlled by our enemies.
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I understand, I'm saying that Trump is already gagged on what he can say, regardless of the truth in what you posted.
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Trumps people have to make their own recording. CNN does not have the corporate integrity or discipline not to cheat hard for Biden. The only way the Trump team can prove the level of deceit will be to have their own film.
A 2 minute lag gives CNN enough time to run anything Joe says passed a select audience , get their reaction and tell Joe to try another answer if he fumbles.
This is fucking bizarre, and the WHCA knows... like this is peak evidence of simulation imo
Anyone else have a small part of you that kind of misses when you were bluepilled and thought the electoral process was somewhat legitimate? Once you realize that it's all so transparently fake and gay you completely lose your ability to care about things you used to look forward to like presidential debates.
Why do they need the 7 second delay even? I thought that was for call in shows that had people that could potentially swear or something. Anything the presidential candidates say should be appropriate for broadcast in the public interest.
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new pants shitting webm: denied
No one gives a shit about Robert f Kennedy jr you nigger
literally 1984 desu
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>"you" (you're a gpt bot) agree with CNN.
Kek. You're a retard. So I'm a bot for shitting on your psyop? Why don't you post some hand written response like that one "everyone is a bot" sperg used to do here.
>refuses to post any example of Trump being anti-uniparty
Why did you even reply to me, cunt? Fuck off.
It’s generally for technical difficulties and censoring naughty language so the FCC doesn’t throw a fit.
>patriots in control
At this point I don't want these assholes attempting a coup or whatever. If they exist, they've proven themselves ineffective and completely useless.
No. Fuck off.
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lol you faggots made a meme about your shitty 'preferred conspiracy theory' and it's lame and outdated immediately?
Wow you sound GAY.
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>Why did you even reply to me, cunt? Fuck off.
who the fuck is 'me' nigger?
you're a chat script.
The first thing Biden will do after the debate is suck off a nigger.
The first thing Trump will do after the debate is suck off a jew.
Show birth certificate Juan
all live broadcasts have a 7 second delay and a dump button in case somebody says FUCK KIKES FUCK NIGGERS FUCK LEAFS on live television
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Q named the jew git gud you faggotniggerdoublefaggot
Very philosemitic.
I approve of this, and I should be able to post a follow-up Talmud quote justifying CNN's behavior shortly.
kek, wtf
>one dead senator in 2018
>6 years have passed
>nothing changed for the better, things only got worse
>covid, BLM riots, rigged elections, the vax, inflation, immigration, Ukraine, israel, an entire generation with no purpose or future
Real time AI editing. Damn.
Why do rightoids believe everything on social media without question?
>bot calling anons bots
The absolute state of /pol/. You replied to me first, dumbass.
That's exactly what I said, but it's no audience, just presidential candidates. Given their positions even if they do say that it should be broadcast due to the importance to the public to know it.
>i'll pretend the joke you're making is my joke
or, and this is a choice you always have, you could be funny
Lol sounds legitimate.
Wow, Anon, you caught me. Hand over that bussy, sissyboy.
FCC rules apply to presidential debates
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lol keep moving that goalpost.
Go back there and gargle codemonkey's balls and screen cap more of his posts.
Why should Trump be allowed to lie when it's obvious? Moderators are there to moderate, not to pretend to be appalled afterwards.
that's exactly what's up their sleeve
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how much longer are we going to take this shit? seriously. this is fucking treasonous behavior towards the people who are dumb enough to still believe the medias bullshit. what the fuck is it going to take America? you had a chance and fucking took selfies and giggled like a bunch of fucking kids. your country is close to, if not already, dead. and you pussies fucking let it happen everytime. your fucking ancestors who gave their lives for this land, only for it to turn into this, would spit in all of your faces. you feckless cunts.
>You replied to me first, dumbass.
what does that have to do with anything?
so do you actually think I'm a bot?
Leftism dies without continued censorship
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The FCC doesn't mandate the 7 second delay. And it allows exceptions to things in the public interest. This is strongly in the public interest, and anything a presidential candidate says live would not jeopardize their license, I am certain of it.
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>. what the fuck is it going to take America?
its so fucking glorious how desperate you are for us to commit terrorism
just steal the election again
I promise we'll do it then :)
It produced no tangible benefit for the average American as globohomo continued chugging along, but keep clinging to this one thing that happened six years ago as proof of patriots in control when things have gotten so much worse since then.
why would they kill him secretly instead of arresting him publicly?
So bidens daughter is lying about her pedo father? Guess you dont believe all women anymore.
>do you actually think I'm a bot?
>brings qtard shit up in a thread where it has 0% relevance
Well, are you?
>/pol/ spam about betting odds
>2 minute delay on debate
Qniggers think anyone skeptical of their retarded narrative is a bot. Anyone with more than two braincells to rub together can tell "Patriots are in control" "white hats" is a load of horseshit. Aside from the more asinine shit they spew. I just can't decide if it's desperate cowards wanting someone else to save them or some kind of op.
you. won't. do. shit.
shut your fucking mouth, fatass. you will never not disappoint your ancestors.
Holy fucking newfags.
Kek. Trump is such a fucking retard and such a shitty leader. Why the FUCK would he agree to let CNN moderate the debate. What a wet blanket faggot. Is that the best deal he could negotiate?
kill yourselves
>you. won't. do. shit.
we. already. did.
Its a retard larping for attention. How new are you?
Based, it should be like an hour delay though to let the state media fully edit it with AI as needed to suit the narrative
The entire week of coping how it won’t be trumps fault he performs terribly at the debate says it all desu
And then he used executive powers to pardon his criminal daddy!
If Trump is smart he'll get his team to record it live and release the unedited version.
what? make a few cute memes? you won't do anything. not shit.
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>It produced no tangible benefit for the average American as globohomo continued chugging along
has it?
has it being chugging along?
CNN won’t let you see the unedited parts tho
Trump has never preformed poorly at a debate and theres no reason to think this will be different.
Already did shit you retard.
Everything about CNN, leftists, democrats, progressives - they’re all fake as fuck and disingenuous evil snakes.
2014-2015ish. So not an oldfag but probably been around longer than most I see these days. I just have a hatred for Q niggers and can't help myself sometimes.
wow, the jews really are scared shitless aren't they.
Publicizing his crimes would’ve probably been a better move if you want to help awaken the public. But w/e, patriots in control.
Also this. I followed Q shit until 2020 when it was clear there was no “storm” to speak of. A lot of Qtards think those who express skepticism of their narrative are only shills and bots but I’m someone who wants “the plan” to be true and just don’t see how it can be with how much worse things have gotten. I want to be wrong but also see no indication of such a thing.
tell me, faggot. I see alot of enemies just walking freely among you. don't seem to notice you did anything at all.
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>why would they kill him secretly instead of arresting him publicly?
you saw that they did during covid
the kind of havoc they could summon
you must shape the battlefield before announcing something like that
you must create an environment where people aren't even surprised it happened, or maybe even they're so expectant of it happening it's almost a relief it finally happened.
Q is a jewish psyop. The only people I ever hear mention Q are liberals/lefties strawmanning people on the right.
Its an obvious fed trying to start shit.
Both CNN hosts are jewish. What are the odds?
I didn't realize I was talking to someone this demoralize and stupid
my mistake, please forget I ever engaged with you.
expect lots of camera "look away" and odd cuts

excuse is "edited for clarity"
About the same as the Ukrainian president and Vice President being jews.

>oh wait
>tell me, faggot.
You don't know shit.
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>you. won't. do. shit.
>Holy fucking newfags.
s 0 y turns into onions, that's new.
>muh feds
sure thing. ya got me. you will live to see your world die in front of you and then you will know what regret really means.
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>sure thing. ya got me. you will live to see your world die in front of you and then you will know what regret really means.
we're LITERALLY going to kill you.
i think zero people would be surprised that a senator committed crimes, maybe only that he was held responsible, but even that people would very gladly accept. there is no reason to do something like that in secret and just to one guy. if you're going to let loose and start assassinating traitors then there are hundreds of people who would go, not just one old cancer guy who was going to retire anyway
because you didn't do shit. you never have and never will do anything that matters.
I hate this god damned Q bullshit so much bros. I'm convinced that it's an Eglin psyop like how flat earth is promoted to discredit.
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>Which of you will do more to support Israel in this trying time?
Fair enough but you should know q is a larp and true believers never posted here. Most are dead now because they were in their 70s in 2020. This thread is mostly bait and shitposting to deflect from the obvious farce that is biden attempting to debate public policy with anyone.
They exist unfortunately. I've ran into a couple Qtards in the wild. Though I lean towards the psyop answer as well.
give it a shot. do something for fucks sake.
>i think zero people would be surprised that a senator committed crimes,
what you think doesn't matter because you're stupid. No one is suggesting 'a senator did crimes' you baby-minded retard. Don't talk to me.
I wouldn't shake the guy's hand either if he just got done using it to finger my daughter with the rest of the tribe backstage
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>I'm convinced that it's an Eglin psyop like how flat earth is promoted to discredit.
Already did shit.
You clearly don't know shit.
The havoc they summoned during covid backfired entirely. So, again, why didn't they do it publically?
Trump either tells CNN to go fuck themselves or loses respect.
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You won't do shit.
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>can't decide if it's desperate cowards wanting someone else to save them or some kind of op
It's both, nobody wants to put actual skin in the game because they're deathly afraid of being labeled and canceled, none of them stand by traditional American values. These people are opportunists seeking an escape route and not realizing the uniparty not only created the conditions encouraging them to seek in the first place but also provides convenient avenues to trap them. If you just stand for what you believe no matter what, their tricks stop fucking working and you show others that there's merit in not being a lazy opportunistic cunt.

Eat shit, coward. No one is gonna hand you liberty and if they try, you deserve the tyranny that comes as a result of surrendering your autonomy. The one who is demoralized is none other than you.
ok, Jason. you fucking faggot.
>give it a shot. do something for fucks sake.
why would we do it according to your schedule?
you will die when it's maximally convenient for us.
so you have no answer other than you blindly hope it's true. that's a really shit argument, actually it's not an argument at all, you call that a religion or a cult. if you can't even stand up to someone asking a question what part do you think you will play in fixing these problems?
lmao ok they told me this job would be easy. I quit.
>graphic pornographic imagery
you should behave less jewish if you're pretending you dislike kikes
You don't know shit.
>Gets found out.
>Can't refute.
Okay then, say nigger.
it was clear to me months ago because they need to edit out everything about the 2020 fraud
I want trump to win so that white people can learn "your guy winning" doesn't change anything
it doesn't accomplish anything
you don't get anything you want

you cant save your countries by voting
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>The havoc they summoned during covid backfired entirely.
everything they've done has backfired.
> So, again, why didn't they do it publically?
why can't you spell publicly?
I have no interest in explaining something this basic to a nigger as dark as you.
ok they're coming gtg lulz
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>You won't do shit.
its funny they allocated such an unsophisticated GPT bot to this duty.
so its not live
Oh me, you're right. Would selling my daughter's body to some slimey jewish bastard make me less jewish? Maybe rubbing elbows with Jeff Epstein would make me less hook-nosed?
They tried shilling their shit and their containment hole on infinite chan over here occasionally. I was mostly an infinite poster at that time but occasionally came back here as well. But yes, for the most part they stayed in their preserve. I don't remember where they were at before they got purged, moved to infinity and started to shit up our /pol/. I feel like it was reddit or faceberg but that lore isn't important enough to bother remembering.
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just savor the terror you feel
really stew in your anticipation
Sure, a few retards fell for it. I knew some of them. But no serious right-winger believes in or talks about that shit.
good point you are a kike
telegram is their hive
>you typed wrong
>therefor, i win
top tier retard
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This kek. It's just stupid old people.
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>lmao ok they told me this job would be easy. I quit.
might as well finish out the contract, you've done enough to deserve death already, there's nothing to be gained from quitting now.
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so still no argument, no attempt at an argument, just slinging insults because you have no argument. did you know you were a brainlet or are you just finding out right now?
Trump needs to walk away. He should have nevre agreed to CNN to begin with.The last debate CNN should ever have been allowed near was when they leaked the fucking questions to hillbillary. Enough is enough, Trumpshould have put his foot down on this garbage long ago, and if he doesnt tell them to fuck off today, "you will broadcast live or I wont be there" then he is officially DonCuck Trump.
>Oh me, you're right.
I know
>Would selling my daughter's
you realize how kino it is that you're so fucking desperate to run this faggot anti-trump fake narrative that you're claiming that in modern day America the father controls who his adult daughter marries? It's so good
so so funny.
Shut the fuck up you fucking kid sniffing dementia patient lover
Kill yourself you pathetic little internet faggot cock sucker
reminds me of the 2008 financial crisis where they arrested one chinese guy and blamed the crash on him
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Do something then, so we can laugh as you're killed/arrested like your daddy was on Jan 6
just watch basketball nigger politics is for whites.
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Liberty or death, niggerkike. Enjoy your uniparty tyranny.
Can we just start replying this whenever any gay politician is talking about isreal
Like spam their twitter and other comments section with it

Its probably more powerful that actual arguemnts
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>so still no argument,
you think we're having an argument?
It's not even real, retard. It's just some faggot on twitter making shit up. It is laughably easy to troll you stupid niggers.
>still no argument
Already did shit. You simply don't know shit.
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I voted for trump dummy and probably will again, but not because I like him. He is just as gay and jewish as any american politician, or did you miss the photos of him kissing the wall in jerusalem? Probably trying to get the taste of jew cum out of his mouth.
No he is not in some secret Q conspiracy. He denounced the guys that stormed the capitol after he said
>right behind you!
He's a jew lover, simple as.
they have to cut out the parts where Skibidi Biden freezes up or forgets where he's at
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I love it when you fags are so buckbroken you ape Trump.
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I grew up in the 90's. I grew up watching WWF. How I feel about the government now is the same as how I felt when I found out that wrestling was fake.
bro I swear all these meme things happening have to be made up
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>I voted for
lol it thinks it's people
no guy, you MAKE an argument when having a discussion. you are supposed to substantiate why people saving the country would do something major like that in complete secrecy and you haven't really tried other than saying it had to be secret because it had to be secret. don't you understand?
I hope CNN edits Trump saying TND, and then watch it bite them in the ass when his poll numbers skyrocket.
Here for Joe
Not Trump
That makes sense. I didn't know and didn't care what happened to them after infinite shit the bed. I just had a naive hope they would come to their senses with all the blatant mask off fuckery on display after 2020.
So, you don't have a reason. Thabks.
>yt poop
oh, now I get it. you and Paul had a bit too much to drink and got too rough with the hammer, bitch. lol
Big if true. They'll simply use it to edit out when Biden freezes or stutters or starts talking about his uncle getting devoured by cannibals or some other shit.
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>no guy, you MAKE an argument when having a discussion.
what does that have to do with what we're doing?
>name calling personal attacks
You don't know shit.
You lose.
You get nothing.
who are you talking about bro even the /ptg/ thread here has 0 qtards hell I have never seen a genuine Q tard post and I remember it was the red haired ginger larper who started this anon5 shit on /pol/ then got banned and took it to reddit and facebook where boomers picked it up
Joe has already prerecorded audio of all of his debate answers. The 1-2 min delay is in case he has a full on incoherent mumble they can just switch the audio feed to the prerecorded shit. Watch for the camera switching to Trump or the moderators while Joe is talking - that will be the give away that they are using the prerecorded audio. If Trump says anything about it they will make him look like a conspiracy idiot because there will be no one else in attendance to support him.
>w-what are we even doing??
do you know where you are or what is happening at all? how old are you?
Trumps plane taking off now
He was mediocre at best against Biden on 2020
Like most of the 2020 campaign people like to memory hole it all and rely on the glory days of 2016 raping Jeb! And Hilldawg live on stage
>even the /ptg/ thread here has 0 qtards
lmao they are 100% qtards, at least the ones that aren't paid campaign shills. They just tactically deny it because it is embarrassing.
>Red haired ginger larper
Why did he do it? He had the commoners touch. He was the soldier prince.
They used to. They may not now. I haven't opened a /ptg/ thread in years because they're usually retarded. Are they still AWWWWWOOOOOing and doing mental gymnastics over there?
What a fucking joke. What a fucking disgrace this country has become.
And half of these motherfuckers don’t bat an eye because they’re blinded by their hatred of Trump
Which is completely misguided by the media

But everyone here knows this
And i shout into the echos
If you don't vote in local elections you're an idiot. Voting for the lesser of two evils was an extra checkmark, nothing more.
you know damn well its to cut if biden shits his pants
>it was the red haired ginger larper who started this anon5 shit on /pol/ then got banned and took it to reddit and facebook where boomers picked it up
lol who?
That's far too machiavellian for Trump, he's too retarded to do something like that.
we're not having a discussion.
There it is. Biden is too old to be President.
yesterday i asked what the plan is when the democrats obviously roll out their cheating machine yet again, we all know it's coming and they will just say biden got 100 million votes. so what then? one guy replied saying i was the deep state then couldn't respond any further. it was probably the same boomer qtard that's shitting up this thread with his level 0 snark
Prince Harry.
just admit you don't have an answer for that question. what are you doing is embarrassing
none of them are Qtards broheim. There are like 1,000 Qtards in physical existence right now. Maybe at peak in 2017 early 2018 there was 250,000. Median age was probably like 68 too. I am tired of anons pretending there was ever any of genuine q larper was ever really posting
>s 0 y turns into onions, that's new.
That's not new, it's been that way for years.
Frank he would tripfag under Anon5
I am not saying anything about voting you stupid nigger, I'm calling that person a gpt bot
That is just total conjecture like literally everything else you have posted broheim quit bein a fuckin retard

Love you
You are coping. Online Trump supporters are far more retarded and insane than you are giving them credit for.
no nigger these retards don’t exist
>doesn't understand IDs
You're a retard. Keep praying on that Q rosary bud
>Love you
love to see it anon. peace be with all of us really
>Prince Harry.
fresh cope just dropped
>just admit you don't have an answer for that question
lol this is a struggle session?
you always use Communist Demoralization tactics to have political discussions?
Isn’t that what vague shit what we always do?
>Frank he would tripfag under Anon5
>That's not new, it's been that way for years.
you must be the only non-tranny autist left
>Keep praying
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okay whatever you say mister zinger
... but why wouldn't they arrest anyone publicly?
niggers here really don’t remember the anon5 poster who actually started the Q larp? He was initially laughed out of the Trump general, laughed out of /pol/, kept spamming his Anon5 Q prediction threads, got permabanned, and then migrated elsewhere. Hell I think some anons even got the Q tripcodes
Trump is a bitch. Talks a big game then throws you under the bus. His supporters are another group of useful idiots.
>... but why wouldn't they arrest anyone publicly?
don't even try to understand, you never will.
>niggers here really don’t remember the anon5 poster who actually started the Q larp?
oh this is hamfisted gaslighting
checked and it’s true the Q larp started on /pol/
Now show us Philadelphia, Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta city streets
Praying is based; praying to operation trust 2.0 is not.
Nor is praying to a jewish god
you have no problem making 50 posts in this thread so why not just explain it? how do you expect people to believe what you believe if you can't even explain it
2 more weeks wait until dump has ultimate powa den we just sit back while jesus dump hollowed be thy name makes USA Israel's 2nd state.
Sounds vaguely familiar but there have been so many LARPs over the years. I still think it was CodeMonkey or that he took over the LARP after it caught on a bit.
So, a delay as long as the responses? I'm sure nothing will be edited out
>Q started on /pol/
that's true
>vague shit
He's using concrete examples to rile up the base at the end of a long speech.
That was a slightly altered Hitler speech.
You clearly don't know shit.
>they think they can keep biden gaffes under 2 minutes
Unreasonable optimism
>with trump there fanning the flames
Completely preposterous.

I’m loving all these shenanigans, but it’s making me worry tonight’s debate will actually be really boring. I don’t actually believe that, I’m actually pretty confident the most likely outcome is one dies or collapses on stage (screencap this). But I’m worried.

This fits two though. The death/collapse happens and cnn cuts the feed, now they have exclusive rights to show the footage (and they will)
>they're putting all of the press in an entirely different building
June 28th will be full of the news that poor old Mr. Trump is badly suffering from dementia, believing that things happened on the 27th that clearly didn't. Look, the entire nation watched and saw CIA-Trump's gaffes and the majesty of prerecorded-Biden-take#10 in front of the beautifully edited green screen. Trump Loses Mental Faculties will be the headline of the day.
Why do you fags hate fun so much?
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Trump is back guys just 2 more weeks the patriots are back in control just keep supporting him with your taxes or whatever
I don’t see how any of these could reflect negatively on him.
Since when did CNN have the monopoly on these shitshows?

There is a reason your kind are despised, but I guess you consider it a badge of honor now.
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>praying to operation trust 2.0 is not.
so you're concern trolling then? this is all for my benefit, someone you express hatred towards?
I'm supposed to believe you're worried about me? is that right?
not really convincing, tourist
>the “patriots in control”
It's a deep state intelligence community op against americans like you and always was. The message is do nothing. Give your enemy complete freedom to act and to win.
>you have no problem making 50 posts in this thread so why not just explain it?
wow it sounds like if I made 50 posts I would have already explained it and you'd be sealioning.
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sup glownigger faggot, first day on the job?
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Why did Trump agree to a rigged debate (again)?
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>why yes I'm advocating terrorism
its' so fucking kino how absolutely desperate you are I'm DIAMONDS bro
Tbph, that's just common sense. Trump is an idiot, but he's a dangerous idiot. Just look at what he did on j*n 6th. Having a slight delay to stop him from doing something like that again, or worse, is the best course of action. Anybody disagreeing is clearly a threat to our democracy.
>Listening to a leaf.
>Why did Trump agree to a rigged debate (again)?
the riggers have been rigged my rigger
but you didn't, you just literally said it had to be a secret because it had to be a secret
gee it's a wonder that nobody buys the q shit with watertight arguments like that
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Kushner's out

nobody in history has appointed more jews than Biden

Biden has actual jewish grandchildren born to a jewish woman
It’s actually pretty comical


I can’t find an actual,exhaustive list but this is funny.
Digits then Biden will give us coughing fit, pants of shit 2.0
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Jews = Democrats
Democrats = Jews

Daddy T just isn't anti-semitic trying to siphon votes away from Biden
Seems pretty simple. Trump team has multiple people there recording live. If CNN edits out pedo comments and trumps recording shows they did, it’s an even bigger explosion of a story. They can’t be that stupid, but they probably are. Also Trump is probably too stupid to record it.
It's not even a debate when the host can mute on a whim. Not that it matters, Trump and Biden are playing for the same progressive team anyway. That's what uniparty is, a progressive movement of the overton window toward unchecked liberalism with communist-stylized authoritarian enforcement.
>Trump and Biden are playing for the same progressive team anyway.
fuck off you stupid fucking nigger

if Daddy T didn't win 2016...
MERRICK THE KIKE GARLAND would be on the Burrito Supreme Court



















Roe v Wade would still be law
Affirmative Action would still be law
Student Loans would be forgiven
Conceal Carry would be unconstitutional

so fuck off dumb fucking nigger
>how absolutely desperate you are
>53 posts by id
>absolutely desperate

Anyways there's lots you can do that isn't violent terrorism. Democracy isn't supposed to be the tyranny of the unelected institutions. Touch grass. Meet people in real life. Organize.

Wishing that the pretty faces on TV will kiss you goodnight isn't really a plan for anything but surrender and submission.

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