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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Let me go ahead and spoil the debate for you
I hate how you’re not lying
Very likely.
You realize if Trump is back in office, he will conscript all of you that are white to die on the frontlines for Israel, right? He will make the draft forced and if you do not comply, he will brand you as traitors and have the firing squads to murder you at your doorstep.
Imagine being a mutt
He will also fuck your mom and force you to watch it. He will make you suck his cum out of your mom. He is pure evil. We have to stop him.
You don’t really get the whole gun thing in America do you?
Haha, joke's on him then, cause I have 2 dads.
Based truth poster
no shit. thats why im rooting for the do nothing democrats.
Genocide Joe vs Zion Don.
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getting real tired of doomershit
trump will just point at the economy (which is absolutely fucked up thanks to biden + fed reserve faggotry) and to anyone actually paying attention he'll win
How will this realistically be achieved?
I'm really sorry bro
>muh gunnaroonies
You won't do shit
Yes you are right. It's why I don't vote and have became a political atheist entirely. But one things for sure, whomever "wins"/AIPAC chooses, America loses nevertheless.
and he'll heckin fix it with more h1bs, more outsourcing, and rewarding whichever company sucked him off last
It's ok. It's tough, but at least now I get to watch my dad fuck kike lovin' Trump.
Just a question, but how exactly do a bunch fatasses and women with B grade firearms plan on fending off the same government that has some of the most advanced military on their side?
Politics are run by the gov which is run by jews.
That sounds like unhealthy boundaries between your father and yourself. But I suppose it's to be expected with a two father household. :[
Hey man, I didn't write the rules, >>472354096
did. I'm just following them.
Hello sirs,
I'd imagine it's not really about taking it all down, but taking as many with you as you can, though I'm sure the individual mindsets vary greatly. You're right though, we'll never know until the time comes, if it comes, and I imagine the firearm ownership in the u.s. had been a bit of a deterrent at least
How did this all-powerful government lose every overt war since 1945 to literal poverty-stricken troglodytes with AK-47s?

They won't, and can't. The idea of a mass spontaneous uprising of millions of obese 'patriots' is the biggest meme of all time. Supposedly all these people believe the election was stolen in 2020 and yet none of them 'rose up in arms' did they? That proves they're all full of shit.

Firearm ownership is a good thing for a lot of reasons but historically there hasn't ever been a big uprising of the proles against the gubment. All revolutions have always had big money backing them from somewhere and a significant amount of 'elites' on board. In the American one it was the French backing it.

This image of all the regular people just suddenly 'waking up' and storming the government buildings is a popular notion that seems to come from movies. It's not based in reality.

How's that a loss?

The US lost that politically, not in the battlefield. The US won every single engagement with the NVA.
Also if I wanted to be an asshole about it I'd start using the vatnik logic of 'the US wasn't just fighting the NVA, but all of communism' due to the presence of a few thousand USSR troops ;^)

But in reality it was seething commies back home that lost the war. Demoralization of the youth. It became politically unpopular to continue the war, because politicians care about being popular rather than doing what's right, and that's the 'battle' that was really lost.

Now you're being silly. The US reached Baghdad and Saddam's Baathist government was taken out within one month. With minimal losses. The Iraqi army was totally destroyed and the regime was changed. How is that 'losing'? Did Iraq 'win'?
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Even more silly of an example. By the last decade the US barely even engaged in fighting insurgents. There were around 3000 US troops left there by the end and they mainly just supplied the ANA via air superiority to distant regions of the country (That's one reason why the ANA collapsed so fast because they lacked this ability themselves).
The US never lost a single battle against the Taliban and the mere presence of a few thousand US troops (literally tiny numbers) was enough to keep the Taliban hiding in caves for 20 years.

Seeing a pattern? Where was the battle really lost? Back home when you have a cuck like Biden who cares more about political point scoring than doing what's right. The US could, and probably should, have stayed with 3000 troops in 'ghanistan for the next 100 years or more.

The problem is commie subversion has entered the culture so much now, including with (you). Which is why you say insane statements like 'America lost in Iraq', when in reality there is no clearer war where one side won and the other lost. But the nature of subversion is that the demoralized individual can believe black is white. Sad.
Are you a jew, anon?
Why does the taliban still exist if the US won
It might sound strange to a fucking pajeet like you where human life has no worth but the military going in an starting to shoot civvies, is a very bad outcome especially in a country which was formed by people who fought off their respective government. And even at the least, they would put up a better fight armed than disarmed.
WTF bro, did you already watch it?

The fact that the US was lied into every single one of those wars was the primary reason that they became politically unpopular. Now, because every single war that the US has waged since ww2 has been shown to be because of lies, is why recruitment numbers for the military are abysmally low. Which is why they are doing the whole automatic draft. Which is why they are trying to subvert the discourse by saying that it is unethical to draft women. On and on and on it goes. I think that obvious kikes like >>472356638
are getting more and more scared. But I could be mistaken.
>B grade firearms
Many people don't know this, but a lot of soldiers buy civilian attachments and equipment because the military gives them the cheapest shit to make
You can tell, by all of the wars he started, the last time. Retard.
Why are you hiding your geographic location? What purpose does that serve?
LMAO this is exactly what I try to tell people about this nigger jew worship event
You realize you're a kike memeflaggot who fucks dogs, right?
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Extremely accurate prediction

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