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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I can't read vodka runes.
Where are the Kherson and Kharkiv signs?
Also, I love the pristine landscape around them,
why are these Russian gigachads unable to film a commercial at the REAL Adveeka?
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Pretty fun little propo vid. We'll need at least five drone footages to make up for it.
from sniid to sneed
>you didn't conquer me fast enough!
Noone knows of Kharkov will be taken.
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I know the average intended viewer would be too retarded to figure out why the sign is crossed out but the way they shot it makes it seem like all that heavy equipment is running away from Avdiivka kek
Picrelated is what it should look
Maybe next century
>heavy equipment is running away from Avdiivka
yea implying it was conquered
So they are going back to Russia?
Are you retarded?
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>Where are the Kherson and Kharkiv signs?
so far ruskies have run from Kharkiv, so they're trying to destroy it instead

apes being apes
I dont understand klingon FSB
>Where are the Kherson
The russian sponsored propaganda is top tier bantz.
I love them for it.
Eastern euro countries literally don't matter, this shit where we pretend they do is getting old.
>Maybe next century
O don't know, NAFO dude. Ukraine MUST run out of live soldiers at some point.
For sure
Yeah, then get out of my country, Yank.
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Construction workers replace a sign that says Avdiivka (Ukrainian spelling) with Avdeyevka (Russian spelling). Signs for "Chasov Yar" (Chasiv Yar), Kherson (this one's the same in both languages, so they're kind of stretching to make their point here), and "Zaporozhye" (Zaporizhzhia) are shown in the vehicle. The text at the end is "Work, brothers!"
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Does the average Russian still believe they control Kherson?
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they are changing Ukrainian signs from that to Russian signs in places they've conquered, no NATO spellings but proper Russian spellings.

> Kyiv > Kiev.
> Refuses to use the correct name KIEV.

Only ukrihomohols could behave like those dogs.
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Few more weeks buddy, anyways memes aside, it showed that those places were already under occupation basically in that skit.
Considering they've been conscripting the old geezers more than the young men, It seems they're planning on being able to sustain this rate of casualties for a very long time.
No demographic is safe from the Snatchers, not even poor Voha.
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Oh no, someone didn’t get the update
In that case, at the current rate of losses, Ukraine will run out of Ukranians sometime in the mid 2140s
The video sketch also subtly indicates theat one of the warring sides is taking territory of the other warring side.
Ukraine wants to terrorize Russians by making them kill a lot of people.
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>Ukraine will run out of Ukranians sometime in the mid 2140s
Maybe even a little longer with the help of their future Ukrainians.
No, it clearly says FABULENT BRAPER at the end.
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>Maybe next century
Yeah, just two more mobilisation waves, dear hoholonas. Keep the meat going.
I do. It won't.
Oh noo, whatever. Kek.
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>Too scared to actually go there because you'll get BTFO
Why is Ukraine such an aggressive and hateful nation?
TFW this shit was filmed far as fuck from the front line because it's still a FUCK fest
the equipment is leaving Avdeevka and going to the other places so it all makes sense in the end
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I'm gonna be sad when the war is over. Bullying NAFO trannies was a lot of fun.
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Are you hidden? They seem very forceful with the recruiting these days. no bully
Pretty based ngl
because today's Ukraine is ancient khazaria and they are literally khazars, just of christian variant. Kikes (talmudic khazars) are of the same behaviour, what is for me proof It's genetic, no other explanation
Westerners are so stupid and can't take bants
Troon bros.... we got too cocky.
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Neither do I yet I got the point. What's your IQ?
When the war is over are you troons and diversity-hire shills gonna keep up a /copegeneral/ for years and years like /ptg/ fags?
Anyone notice the blatant nafo posting has gone down in favor of debate FUD?
Are both of you genuinely retarded or only pretending to be?
Are...are you even aware that tend to be more than just one road going in or out of a city?
Too bad it's you who's too retarded to figure it out.
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/uhg/ already debunked this, sorry
You know majority of white russians are dead and the rest of them will die when they take all of ukraine. But thankfully plenty of caucasus mudslimes and siberian gooks are left to repopulate. Putin really outdid himself.
How are Russians so good at propaganda? Even if this was wishful thinking it's pretty funny, all the nafo propaganda is just straight up cringe.
The war isn't ending any time soon. Worst case scenario is the conflict gets frozen, 2014 style. Just for a new war to pop up a few years from now.

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