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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Yeah. I hope they team up and slaughter you all
why are you so upset about the death of a pedophile?
>Child defends himself from pedophile
>Some faggot cries about it
Show your real flag kike.
i took one look at the pictures of the people rittenhouse shot in self defense and only wish more of them tried that night.

these kikes keep kvetching and obsessing about the Hitler in every shadow and all the evil white men out to get them.
They fucking want it, anon. Badly. If they can't be victims, why even live?
Based fpbp
Right wingers are animals.
Exhibit A: >>472354010
the left is a chubby teddy bear grifting faggot who shot some lefty faggots

the right is a dumb kike lover

the right are dumb kike lovers

King Kyle the TriggerFingered
I don’t see anything inherently wrong with either of those things considering the laws we live under. In fact these days it makes me respect a person more, depending on the crime and who they killed
the guy on the left was a stupid kid who probably has bullshit right wing views and was friends with the pig cops, but he literally was going to put out an actual, literal fire when he was attacked. stick to talking shit about trump
kyle was in his right to defend himself against an armed, violent pedophile, whether he was white or black.
as opposed to what?
Maybe they can fake murder more fake people and then spam for four years about all the fake murdering they did
Yup, can't wait to kill you and all your familes members in minecraft.
>the man on the right is a cri..
The OP is a kike.
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The man on the right in this image raped his own daughter in the shower when she was a small child.
The man on the left is conduction a controlled genocide of the entire population of Ukraine.
These are the Heros of the left.

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