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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Are Bulgarians white?
I live next to them and I can confirm they're not white
>Are X white?
Chose whatever will make you not to come here. We are full.

Only if you have blond hair and blue/gray eyes you are white...rest are more and less niggers and should pack their things and go back to Africa...sorry.
I'll be getting drunk with cheap alcohol in golden sands next month
I consider bulgarians based and white.
t. mass tourism enjoyer
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In Romania we got big problems at the borders with Bulgaria, they're so black and at night they run amok on the village roads stealing whatever they catch sometimes raping old women
What about brown hair you disgusting Ugric chink?

Back to oven.
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no, we are black
You go back to Lapland or Mongolia, whichever kills you first, and give your country back to Sweden
if by white you mean related to the degenerate limp-wristed western faggots whose ultimate pleasure is to diddle kids and suck brown/black cock - no
Hitler said they were 'Turkomen', despite modern Bulgarians having little of the DNA of the namesake of their country.
I mean by white that you are of European descend and not being brown
The whitest person i have ever seen was a bulgarian girl from Stara Zagora. She looked like an elf, almost albino but not quite , and deep blue eyes .
On the other hand all other bulgarians i have meet look like your average balkanoid .
> On the other hand all other bulgarians i have meet look like your average balkanoid
Can you give an example i don’t what this would be
Also did you fuck her?
what the fuck other descend would we have? Paleobalkan is probably one of the oldest bloodlines of European people
>being brown
so where does the purity spiral end? Greeks aren't European? Italians and Spaniards aren't European?
To be fair, modern greeks are too paki to be European..
Idk maybe turkish or gypsy blood. Spaniards do often look indistinguishable from arabs. But i don’t know how Bulgarians look like thats why i ask.
>Idk maybe turkish or gypsy blood
There's a shitload of different ethnicities in the balkans but they mostly live separately. The turkish/gypsy rapebaby is a /pol/ myth with 0 basis in reality.
>i don’t know how Bulgarians look like thats why i ask
picrel is the biggest Bulgarian national hero - Vasil Levski
greeks are as diverse in their looks as us, if not more. I've both been to Greece and known greek people here. From arab-looking in the extreme south to obviously slavic in the north
Do they really look Arab in southern greece?
Checked. We are good.
How common are blonde people in Bulgaria ?
they're an ancient seafaring civilization that lives a hop and a skip away from the arab world and has done trade with them for millennia, of course some of them look arab
from what I've seen irl and from statistics, I'd say maybe 10-15%. Many people are blonde in their infancy and the hair and even eyes change color as they grow up, there's a lot of sun here
I am not blonde, but brown hair, hazel eyes, white skin tone, a bit tanned from sun exposure. Not very common tho. Depends on the region, but also we are not that dark over here.
We do?
he's clearly trolling but if anyone asks - yes, brown gangs prowl the night, we're non-white and full
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You decide
Oooh, yeah ok.
Another D&C thread. Sage!
what tool is this btw, can you give a link? I'd like to play around in it
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Download this the txt files here

In order to do this I uploaded the
>Global25 pop averages modern scaled
file to it via open file --> add to --> source
alternatively you could copy paste the txt entire file into the source tab (in my case I only took a subset, namely German, Portuguese, ... Syrian etc.)
Then for target I took specifically the Bulgarian one
(What this is is a 25 dimensional thing, more or less containing genetic data. The way it's done is called PCA, and in here there are 25 PCA "axes" (or the super high dimensional data that is genes is projected into lower dimensions while retaining the most variation within the data)).

Then click on distance and there you go. There are other tools, but you can learn those as you go
Make sure you use scaled btw. It's better
yes in their own way.
dont talk shit about them, they are one of the most loyal allies of germany.
grazie for the effortpost
checked and the unofficial motto is "Always with Germany, never against Russa"
Thank you german anon, i will do my best to keep and honor this alliance when the time comes.
they are your niggers. they have alway been your nigger puppets
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