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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How are the Zionist States of America supposed to pay this debt?
it's not about debt it's about interest.
And there is only way - more printing, more inflation and more pain.
>pay this debt
Wagies on suicide watch.
>Imagine not understanding how a Ponzi works
Nobody expects them to pay
Everyone only buys their debt hoping to not be last one.
Some of it is paid every year. The problem is that our government every year spends far more than it receives. Debt isn't a problem, it's just a symptom.
>Go to war with china
>Cancel all debt held by china
We are so back!
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They'll mint $1gazillion coin and call it a day. Jews don't pay their debts to goyim.
I find it so ironic that The United States is going to default on trillions of dollars of debt and still try to make the plebs pay back every cent of student loan interest on their literal death beds. The government doesn't have to pay back it's loans, Donald Trump doesn't either, just the plebs. KEK.

Slave ass niggers, every last one of us.
All the infrastructure in europe has that value, they are gonna destroy it all and give us (((loans))) to rebuild everything after the radioactive dust settles.
Net zero agenda is not what it seems.
Net zero is about making a tabula rasa of everything and everyone.
The national debt has existed and has been increasing for longer than anyone's been alive. This doesn't mean that people never get paid. The government does pay, but it keeps on taking new loans at the same time that serve to increase the debt.

They won’t default. They’ll pay it all back. Since the debt is in US dollars they can just mint a coin worth 80 grazillion dollars, and pay everyone twice.

By this time the dollar won’t buy you a paper clip, but the debt can easily be paid.
Besides the real estate market is gonna pop so hard, no way there is 170 trillions worth of real estate in europe.
Like the whole US real estate market is just 120 trillions, we are probably gonna see a crisis like 1990's Japan.
china holds less than 1% of the debt
you are correct but anon… why this picture? why? unholy gore
>all debt held by china
lmao at people who believe blatant ridiculous lies
Imaginary debt will get an imaginary pay off.
Unelected jews don't get to dictate what our debt is.
Every jew, every democrat that is killed, will reduce the debt.
jews cant build empires
They're planning to kill all white people and take all their stuff to pay down the debt
its not really "debt" in normal way
China now holds less than $1T of US debt (out of $35T total). They're in the process of getting rid of what they still have, a process which they accelerated after Feb 2022. The US' largest foreign creditor is Japan
Why pay the debt when you can just flush it all into a new digital economy and say you saved the economy? In-fact the amount of debt is exactly what will fuel and give “value” to this system. Debt is for goys to pay and for jews to play with and make more money by doing so.
Pay the debt?
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Airstrike the bank?
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Why can't the debt be cancelled? Or just eliminate whoever you owe it to?
The US partially defaulted in 1934 with the Gold Reserve Act and again in 1971. Also, many of the US' so-called "sanctions" are de facto partial defaults,
Buy bitcoin
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they will try to print there way out.
the banks will just abandon the usa lol. soon another country (you know which one) will get a new central bank and that one will make a bunch of new money and destroy the old usa.
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Already have
Or just don't pay.
Just import more immigrants dude, it's good for econo.. -ACK
The sunken states used to cope with this by exporting inflation to dollar dependent countries. Why they aren't able to do that anymore tells you how bad their situation really is.
>How are the Zionist States of America supposed to pay this debt?
Get rid of the Federal Reserve . Kill off the Jews
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the interest is deducted automatically through the "accounts" or balance sheets rather.
just mint a a 35Trillion coin, ez
Isn't the debt secured by U.S. taxpayers and their assets ultimately? They'll probably just start liquidating private citizen's homes and everything else because jews have blackmailed and bribed politicians over the fed for well over a century.
>it's your country and therefore your debt obligation goy
The debt isn't secured by anything. You as an individual will have to give away your assets when defaulting. When a country defaults technically their citizens' assets would be part of the defaulting process but I don't know a single case where this happened other than being companies that are given away (state companies which are at the end assets of individuals).
Highly doubt that homes of individuals would be part of the defaulting process, owners of skyscrapers and other large buildings on the other hand could be.
Even soil could be part of it.
>but I don't know a single case where this happened
it means that the country has to raise taxes to pay the debt, that is the reason any citizen is on the hook one way or the other
Obviously, yes.
It's nothing new, jews have throughout history always created debt out of nowhere so the owners of that region would go bankrupt.
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Mr.Swiss Banker
What would be the appropriate measure to fix the debt crisis?
A: Not spending
B: Raise taxes
C: Eliminate banking and cancel the debt
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You can always default and say you're not gonna pay shit. What is jew gonna do? Invade when they can't win against Palestinians?
But we all know that Politicians are bought by jews, so that will never happen.
Same as reducing spending, that will not happen because that way debt doesn't increase.

If you're anti jew and want to fix your country, you either default and don't pay back, which will make others angry (we're talking about pretty much every country because that's how debt ponzi works) or you cut your spending and go the way Russia does by having net zero debt.
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just brrr more money
Makes sense, thank you, concluding:
Russia is only real country left of any importance, even though most Russian oligarchs are Jews, they do not answer to Rothschild. So we should just all support Russia then, as long as Putin is in charge, and remove NATO and all western leadership except Trump and USA which we can just default and kill all demanding payment with military force. Seems like a plan.
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It's not just Russia.
Remember why Libya, which had 0 debt doing the same model as Russia, was destroyed.
the US was debt free in the 1990's wasnt it?
Have you seen the episode of the Sopranos where the t1000 loses his sporting goods shop to the mob and they run it into the ground for a quick buck?
The sporting goods store is America.
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During dotcom bubble there was a surplus in the budget and in the 90's the debt was increasing at a slower pace than revenues were increasing, but overall USA always had debt, because that's how our system of pseudo capitalism works.
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Different view

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