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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: palestineflag__90887.jpg (64 KB, 1280x768)
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Fuck Palestine.

I hope the kikes wipe you out. I'm so sick of seeing that flag everywhere. You people are the most insufferable cunts on the planet.

I denounce the Torah and the Koran.
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israel created hamas and has funded hamas multiple times. hamas is controlled opposition
Never trust a Muslim. They are big liars just like Muhammad and Allah.
Their idol who they worship is a pedo robber and warlord. That's their idol? No wonder they are so animalistic!

Muslims are basically darker Jews and they deny it. They are in denial that they worship Yahweh and that Muhammad stole his made up religion from Judaism.

Muslims don't eat pigs because it's in the Torah. Every Muslim worships Muhammad and defends his honor even though he's not Allah.

Every Muslim prophet was a Jew except Muhammad. The Muslims pray five times a day and the actual reason for this is because of a story that Muhammad rode a flying horse into the sky and Allah said to pray five times a day. And this story was written decades after he died.
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>Says he hates seeing the flag everywhere
>Posts the flag
>I denounce the Torah and the Quran
Based. But unfortunately by shitskin logic if you shit on Jewish religions that somehow makes you a jew. Mohammed was a pedophile btw and a false prophet mudshits lel
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thanks bro we are working on it
Seeing a simple flag everywhere is nothing compared to seeing niggers in every fucking form of media possible
Fuck you and your nigger puppets, disgusting kike
Yea the jews are the worst, decievers and thieves.
Murderers and rapists.
Child abductors and molestors.
There is nothing worse in the world than a jew. I agree.
go to bed benji
Based. The arab shills and paletrans faggots are greatly overplaying their hand.
>denounces the torah but not the talmud
>jewish mental gymnastics

You see that physical revulsion you feel for the palestinian flag kike? Christians have been experiencing those same spectrum of emotions at the mere mention of your godforsaken race. You belong as a stain on the underside of my boot you hook nosed rat.

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