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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How did this happen?
We let women vote
they are trying to make models more average and more approximate to real life people, who work 9-5 jobs and don't have the time to take care of themselves. Not necessarily a bad idea. I only don't understand why the fuck are women so narcissistic that they make all things about them all the time.
Only male models need to be attractive.
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They are, which is why the magazines keep doing this gimmicky shit once in a while to shut up the ugly women.
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Get with the time. Ugly is new beauty.
>they are trying to make models more average and more approximate to real life people

Y tho? "model" signifies ideal type, not average type.
Hashemite hyperparameters found applying a torque on your cost functions goyim? Oh no say it ain't so.
They cant compete with AI girls anyway
Damn. She can squat 500lbs!
Dibs on the back left slampig
Would fuck the hag on the right
Her digits isnt the only thing Im checkin if ya know what I mean
The granny on the right had to be super hot when she was young, holy shit.
Fat people buy products, so ads target fat people.
Only ugly women in the places formally occupied by the women that everyone agrees is maximally beautiful.
Only male ones
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...but first the Tranya!
Women figured it was easier to lower beauty standards than lower their waist lines.
>Aren’t models supposed to be attractive?
Uh no? i think you mistook that with supermodel or something
>Aren’t models supposed to be attractive
No. They are walking hangers.
It's still an improvement over skeletons with uncanny faces.
Those ARE the male models.
What's with the Slim Shady haircut
Sorry chads it’s the uggos turn.
there is no such thing as a beauty standard chud
By letting jews conquer us. They were the only winners from WW1 and WW2
>Aren’t models supposed to be attractive?
according to who? the definition certainly doesn't say anything about that...
Someone post that image with diversity of female models and male models
everything is *supposed* to be whatever is the most in the interest of the jews. thats what it means to live in totalitarianism
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>Buzzcut in the middle
The Modern Left is basically just weaponized Frankfurt School Critical Theory, and starts with the premise that all of the history, values, culture, traditions, institutions, and norms of Western society are inherently evil tools of oppression and therefore there is a moral duty to destroy them and replace them with something else, preferably the exact inverse.
All of the niggers and fat women and faggots being turned into underwear models and called beautiful or being placed into positions of authority think that they are in charge now, but this was always intended to only be temporary.
The true goal of all of this is to make society and life in general so unbearable and retarded and gay that the people of the West rise up in revolution to replace it with something else. The leftist make the same mistake they always do, and assume that society will always inevitably progress toward the left and that after the revolution we will all live in some kind of gay space nigger communist utopia just because. So they don't bother to create even the framework or foundation for how that will actually happen.
They have also managed to transform multiple generations of young White men (the most brutally efficient killers in the known universe) from docile gamers who just wanted to be left alone to furious unironic Nazis who think the holocaust never happened, but should have.
It's pretty inevitable how this is all going to play out.
Weimar2.0 will become the Fourth Reich.
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Its about selling product not the beauty of the model, if Women buy product on ugly Women, then so be it.

If the companies get money for hiring DEI, so be it.

If the money printer literally is just used to fund these projects without any care about how economics works, so be it.

What are you going to do about it?
>Gray-haired woman
Ugly women couldn’t bear looking at more attractive women and wanted revenge
i would actually laugh if there started being underwear ads with a short pudgy guy whos bald, hair on his shoulders and no bulge.
Because the "ideal" form is a Jewish fantasy, Plato wrote a lot about his ideal forms, maybe you should take a look unless you are comfy in the cave
I'd fuck them, are you a homosexual op?
Okay so my take:
- The middle one is okayish. Would but she does look kind of crazy.
- The left one would be okay because she's kind of cute, except for tattoo (that's a deal breaker) and she needs to lose some weight.
- The black woman, no, not for me.
- Top right, is out of shape, and doesn't look cute anyway.
- The old woman definitely no.
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>they are trying to make models more average and more approximate to real life people
checked and HH.
>the "ideal" form is a Jewish fantasy,
Who do you think is promoting THIS version??
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Ok I get the fat/ugly/old/nigger thing.
Why do they push for teeth gap though? I've never seen anybody like that outside of those kike ads.
In Sweden it-s illegal to have "to thin" models.
Women whining and pissing themselves insisting that beaty is subjective and every woman should be proud of what she looks like.

They're not willing to reach across the aisle and extend the same subjectivity to male attractiveness though.
It's a psychological trick. They know that people will see these ads and will start to subconsciously start thinking why these particular people were chosen to be the models.
They like to use people with unusual traits like the gap teeth or those people covered in freckles that look like they got blasted in the face with a wet fart because people will see that and subconsciously assume "oh it must be because of their unusual tooth gap" instead of realizing that it's just an ugly nigger, and the only reason they were placed in the ad was specifically because they are an ugly nigger.
>They're not willing to reach across the aisle and extend the same subjectivity to male attractiveness though.
And they shouldn't do that.
You are an absolutely pathetic excuse of a man if you would want to have women yasslight you and lie to your face about what they thought of you.
Stop being a weak, insecure, whiny faggot. Fix whatever you can about your appearance, and stop worrying about the things that you can't control.

This is what women find attractive
Hot bitches all became pornstars because companies prefer Ethots to advertise on social media platforms. It's way cheaper and it keeps the political head aches away with better marketing results. So simply put, the hot chick's don't model traditionally because there is no money in it
The average pornstar is ugly

This far and no one has said feminism?

What the fuck happened, why are all these newfags here?
>substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms
Normies want representation. Funny how they try to censor most of it because they are still garbage deep inside.
Body Mass Structure = fatties
if these brands actually cared about these fucking whales they would just tell them to lose weight.
>just blow out your already fucked joints and hips gurl!
put the fucking fork down, keep it down until you drop 200 pounds and then start walking.
No. Models are supposed to sell a product. Sometimes pandering to your audience is better than selling an unattainable image.
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Every ad is nigger mystery meat and fat asses now. Disgusting.
I'd knock the dust out that pussy, nomesayin?
When was the last time you heard of a woman who got a boob job?
>When was the last time you heard of a woman who got a boob job?
When was the last time you heard of a woman who got a boob job?
>When was the last time you heard of a woman who got a boob job?

Bobsbros when??? Remember when women used to get them to feel more attractive? Now we have rampant titlets and noboob who get the SAME attention as real women. Did the fake boob industry die because of feminism? Did they pivot and market to men now?

>Big Fake Boob and HRT Big Tranny in cahoots now, funded by ESG shadow jews
it may very well be the case
Like cellulite, discoloration, hair and lard stretch marks.
the definition of model is a mishapen mass innit?
Retarded platonian idea, using arts to push narratives
here's your kek fren
Women have more money now and underwear companies have realized that they can get more people to buy their product if they convince the fuglies that they would look good wearing it. “Body positivity” messages by corporations are about as genuine as a Jew saying that he’s giving you a discount. They’re simply casting a wider net to catch more consumers.
saw a bunch of fat, ugly black women models on amazon the other day
all the guys still had 8 packs
>Aren’t models supposed to be attractive?
Do you find child models attractive?
>This is what women find attractive
So what? Your attractiveness to women is more or less irrelevant.
It's the female role to be attractive and attract a high value mate of the opposite sex.
The male role is to approach those women who attract you and make the first move and take risks and push things forward sexually and scare off any other males who might be trying to do the same thing.
Also, don't you think it's strange how you think women are only attracted to guys who look like this french rugby Chad. But that gypsy anon insists that they only want men who like those gay male models he is obsessed with. And other incels insist that height is all that matter. And other incels will say they only want BBC. Some will say that women only want super skinny frail emo-looking guys, while others will say women want roided out jacked gym bros.
The fact that all of you theorycels who obsessively think about this stuff can't come to any consensus at all about what women are attracted to is a pretty solid indicator that women aren't all attracted to the exact same thing.
If I want to look at overweight negros, bald 3 out of 10s and old wrinkly birds with no tits, I can pop to the supermarket.
Nobody is selling anything to me with these bipedal ugly fucks.
Sorry, jews. No money for you today.
Yeah when men were in charge. Women don't care that much when it comes to representation.
I'd creampie every one of them except the disgusting nigger. I'd eat granny's ass 3 times a day before I would tolerate vile niggers and their foul smell.
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Middle is literally perfect
Call me crazy but that old wrinky cunt ain't looking half bad, might be the cheerleader effect tho
Men see a ripped dude and think “Wow, maybe if I work hard then I’ll look like that guy” and women always like seeing a ripped dude. Women get bitter and envious if they perceive another woman to be more attractive than she is. That’s what happens to the sex that derives almost all of their success from their physical appearance.
>women aren't all attracted to the exact same thing
Woman don't know what they are attracted to.
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>who think the holocaust never happened

There is no thought, the idea of the holohoax is the dumbest ignorant shit ever uttered in human history. To think a nation at War with the entire world would spend MASSIVE resources to . . . burn bodies?? The kike who thought that up was demented, that is the dumbest shit ever. Genghis Khan killed 100x more people than claimed in the holohoax and he didn't need a fucking oven.

After the upcoming series of Wars, saying the holohoax was real will be a 20 year prison sentence.
That negress has a great figure. Too bad she's gotta ruin it with that stupid haircut and gap tooth
It’s more like they’re trying to appeal to people who actually scroll fuckin underwear websites instead of just go to the store and get whatever aka fatass western woken
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>After the upcoming series of Wars, saying the holohoax was real will be a 20 year prison sentence.
highly dependent on who is victorious.
i don't plan on losing.
Would, not you, would, would, would with some regret
WHy? just why? So much effort just to fuck some random guy.
Because you dumbass just watched as commie perverts infiltrated EVERYTHING!
Got woke,
IPs broke!
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It's PLAPPIN time bros
I don't disagree, but that doesn't mean that women are all consciously or unconsciously attracted to the exact same thing. Especially not to the autistic level of specificity claimed by incels.
If you want to say that most women are generally attracted to men who are perceived as strong, dominant, wealthy, competent, confident, etc. then ok. But once you start talking about hunter's eyes and canthal tilt and saying that specific traits like that make the difference between a Chad who all women want vs an incel that no woman wants, that's clearly ridiculous.
I'd fuck the GILF and the plaphog on the left
The miley cryus type looks like sinead o conner.
>body positivity
>face positivity
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>behold mediocrity is the new ideal of your civilization!
>hey neighbor, where you running to?
>come back!
I actually wanted to draw a logical structure that is nt binary.
>Aren’t models supposed to be attractive?
Male models are. Subjecting women in general or any woman in particular to any standard is unacceptable behavior. All women and every woman in particular are 150% valid.
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Its over isn't it?
You will be disgusted by what become of the pageant scene in our shithole. There are now trans, adults, and single moms competing. Fuck this gay earth.
advertisers finally want to convey truth that their products are nothing special and maybe even bad.

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