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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Get fucked Sacklers
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jews shouldnt be tolerated at all after all their cirmes
they should be lynched wherever they go
this reminds me of when the anti trust amendment was ratified, then the next the banks made a new monopoly anyways
friendly reminder that the prime minister of afghanistan's brother was on CIA payroll for selling heroin
The real question is why are we messing around with courts and not just bombing them, they're enemy combatants.
Thats the spirit.
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>(((Sackler))) family
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Hard to believe they're still walking around free and alive.
bump. Based. Fuck the sacklers
I wish I still believed they were the only ones to blame.
Man news of pol never thought I'd see the day.
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sacklers of shitlers
Man I miss OC 80s
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Yeah yeah, fuck the jews etc., but you can't make me accept that junkies are poor unfortunate souls who aren't the primary cause of the opiod "epidemic" and don't deserve to die anyway.
Israel does not allow extradition of Jewish traitors
all of those scumbags need to be lined up
What about the extradition of their money?
Some people are fine until they get a prescription for strong painkillers, then they realize it feels really, really good and they want more and before they know it they're doing fentanyl to keep that feeling going.
The drug companies know this and lied about the addictiveness of their opioid painkillers.
Having a fucking launch party

These people need the rope.
As a blue collar dude who has absolutely no Healthcare because I'm self employed and work 70 hours a week some of us need pain meds to keep working and lifting heavy truck spring assemblies and clutches. You can get fucked for raising the street price of 750 hydro pill for 2 dollars to 15
this goes against normal judeo-justice. odd.
I don't believe that you work 70 hours a week. You could afford insurance. You can get fucked for putting your narrow aspirations and ambitions above the good of your fellow man. Piece of shit.
The problem wasn't with those who were prescribed oxycontin, it was the huge black market that was created by people not prescribed the drug and who were willing to pay $1-1.50 per mg to get one.

If they sold them OTC there would be no issue and the fentanyl epidemic would be solved overnight
Sacklers need to swing.
>If they sold them OTC there would be no issue and the fentanyl epidemic would be solved overnight
People would still overdose because you get a tolerance to it and need to keep taking more to get the same feeling.
Have you ever had a prescription painkiller?
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Bro I work for family fleet, you obviously don't know how small family trucking companies work leaf. I'm not a piece of shit and don't use the drugs to escape life. I use it so I can work through my back pain at 40 because every young POS I train wants 35 dollars hour after they stop costing me money even though they still live at mommy's house
This isn't comically evil imo
VERY shortsighted, but they might have thought they had made a revolutionary pain killer and been celebrating the big W a good product would be
I doubt they were ignorant to the addictive effects, but I can see them minimizing them.
Iirc one of them "committed" suicide l, probably because he was gonna roll on the rest
Same but the vomiting on my back would scare the fuck out of me just because I would barely react at all. Chinese fent doesn't do shit like OC
Incredibly naive. Jews have been exploiting the vices of non-jews for thousands of years. They know exactly what they're doing, exactly how and why it is harmful, and that's why the Sacklers tried to use a legal loophole to shield themselves from personal liability for what they did.
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We love our Indian doctors.
get the fuck out of here
everyone and their mom new exactly what the active ingredient in OxyContin was and what effects similar alkaloids have had on other populations
launching this drug, bragging about the target audience, and creating pain clinics to distribute is beyond evil
they arent proteceted anymore.
>and before they know it they're doing fentanyl
Cry me a river. If they drive to the ghetto to suck dick for drugs that they OD on, that's entirely on them.
>lied about the addictiveness
Every company lies to market their product, not that it excuses it, but if any doctor actually believed this they should probably lose their license.
And also this. They DID know that their drugs were being illegally prescribed, but that really isn't their problem.
>People would still overdose
I think that's probably how the problem gets solved.

I'm not defending poor multibillion dollar big pharma, but society is just pointing the finger at them as a scapegoat because they're an easy target rather than addressing actual problems.
You're just a piece of shit.
Some people have a stronger reaction to opioids than others, and they really can't control it. It's a totally unnaturally powerful concentration of feel good chemicals.
The only way to help them is to prevent them ever having it, and once they're hooked you probably can't do anything but keep them away from it for the rest of their life.
To say it's their fault that a doctor got them hooked is jewthink.
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>Trust doctor
>Doc prescribes "non addictive" pain medicine for back pain
>Get hooked
Only the docs and the pushers are at fault.
Millions of people got strung out because they trusted men making bank pushing dope. The sacklers and every crooked white coated pusher should be hanged
They lied and ruined millions of lives.
They only deserve a short sharp shock and a nice little jig a the end of it
Pic very related
God damn the pusher man
>Have you ever had a prescription painkiller?
Yes, I grew up in SE KY in the 90s. No one OD'd from OCs, they started dying after the methadone clinics opened since everyone who went to one was also taking Xanax daily

I've never known of anyone dying from OC
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Literally kill yourself and take a few of your daemonic tribe with you
We have known about opium for almost 4000 years, we know what is and isn't toxic, believe me we have tested almost everything.
>And also this. They DID know that their drugs were being illegally prescribed, but that really isn't their problem.
yet they still supplied pain clinics with their trademarked drug
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>Opium isn't harmful bro just shoot up with me bro
Maybe I am but it doesn't mean I'm wrong. There are a series of steps and decsions they have to make to fuel their addiction and it absolutely is something they have control over, they just don't want to deny themselves the pleasure. Blaming temptation is jewthink. I get that it can be hard, but there are numerous help programs out there and many people successfully recover from various addictions.

>everyone I don't like is a kike
Think harder.

Yeah, and gun manufacturers know that their guns sometimes end up in the hands of criminals.
>Yeah, and gun manufacturers know that their guns sometimes end up in the hands of criminals.
what the fuck kind of false equivalence is this? guns don’t create murderers, but drugs leveraged onto vulnerable populations definitely creates addicts. what the fuck do you think the purpose of crack was, you disingenuous snoothbrain?
they've already transferred their assets beyond the reach of civil suits
magically they'll find some change between the cushions to settle the civil claims with either the feds or states
It's not a false equivalence
>guns don’t create murderers
>drugs create addicts
THAT'S a false equivalence.
Fuck off, dude.
Why you fucking mutts never have the ability to post a proper link to your pics?

>use a (((search engine)))
Ah yes....
Fuck the supreme court and the sacklers. Supreme Court is kiked I don't trust them.
Did the Sackler School of Medicine in Tel Aviv change it's name? Anyone know?
kys. Absolute shill and for what
there isn’t a systematic program in place by gun manufactures to create and distribute guns to niggers. purdue pharma on the other hand had a systematic plan to prescribe a highly addictive drug to honkies, and handed out cash rewards to doctors selling those scripts kek.
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Defending dope pushing kikes or is a kike doesn't matter. Either way, an hero
And that chutzpah is exactly how you know he is a filthy fucking yid inbred
Imagine going into internet and white knighting a fucking billionaire jewish family that are responsible of over 500,000 deaths and even more suffering. You need a reality check buddy.
Intredasting… let’s see.
Ive put over 10,000 rounds through my firearms and haven’t became a murder.
Do you think i could eat OxyContin 10k times without becoming an adddict?
He needs a bullet in the fucking head
Imagine shilling for kike pusher niggers who specifically brought soulless golem street shitters in to specifically harm Huwhites
They should have all assets seized and all offspring sterilized
CIA flooded Italy with heroin in the 70s out of the blue to target leftist-dissident groups, basically out of the blue on the street markets weed tripled its cost and a flow of cheap heroin was available
This reversal essentially guaranteed that the Sackler's could be held personally liable.
They deserve death. Blame China for fentanyl allllll you want. We know how it got here. Fuck, you may as well blame the sun, earth, and rain
Fuck you, you stupid cunt. You are a piece of fucking shit. Do not tell people what they think and insult them in public. Your can tell me what you fucking think you small-minded piece of crap. But don’t tell me what I think and then insult me in public when you’re fucking wrong… You got your facts wrong: you got your timing wrong; you got your thinking wrong; and you’re a fucking piece of shit. You should not live in a world with other nice people. Because I have a feeling you’re just as much of a piece of shit when you go home. I bet your family hates your fucking guts behind your back. I guarantee it, with that kind an attitude. The fact that you can come after me with your fucking imaginary problems, put them in my head, and then blame them for me, means that your family is probably getting the same treatment. I feel sorry for your husband. I hope your husband is watching, because he’s agreeing with me right; he’s nodding with me. Yes, you are an imaginary, shit stirring. Probably a narcissist, piece of shit. That’s what I think of you.
Demonic evil rats, and basically nothing has happened to them. I never watched that gay Netflix show because I knew it would just enrage me by not telling the truth about them
Had my wisdom teeth out in mid-90s in central Florida. Doc gives me a completely full pill bottle with at least 100 oxy in it…I was a dumb kid but asked “what is this for? And why so many?” Docs like yeah just take as many as you need for pain, it’s got three refills.
Ended up taking like 30 over two weeks and all it did was impacted shit I’m my colon. Pooped out two grapefruit sized round turd balls and thought I was gonnna rip my assshole apart.
Oxy isn’t even a useful drug, aleve otc works better.
The drug Jew tried to trap me boys but they underestimated the power of my asshole. Fuck those guys
Those dumb faggots forgot to pay Clarence and Alito.
Doc thought your asshole was too tight while you were under anesthesia
>invent drug
>government fda reviews and approves it
>government sues drug maker

what am i missing here? why do we even have an fda?
Then we'll just liquidate their assets and sell them, exactly like they did to Alex Jones.
where’d you go, dumbass? have you gotten it through your thick fucking skull that acknowledging the fundamental difference between two things is the exact opposite of a false equivalency? is that why you ran back reddit?
Nigger they knew opium was addictive after the first person started sucking dick for another hit in 1890
very surprising considering how much money and power the pharma industry has
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I had chronic kidney stones and gout from my 20’s til my late 40’s. Was manageable whilst on vicodin and then norcos. Once they finally Rx’d me roxies, shit got real. I used kratom to lock that NEED down cold turkey and haven’t looked back or even craved it since.
>protip “moons kratom”
In b4 buy an ad. I’m doing a fellow anon a service
Lastly: Chanca piedra to break down kidney stones before they get too big and cut your peen from the inside out. And for gout I use “triphala guggul for gouts. Kills the pain within 24 hours by dissolving the uric acid crystals.
My doctors/pill peddlers have been absolutely useless and can only Rx less than useless meds or pain pills.
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I had a botched surgery at 21 that left me bedridden for over a year and physically disabled for a decade.

My (((Dr))) was my cunt mom's bf, who prescribed me +180 vicoprofins a month for a year and then methadone, in addition to the vicoprofin.

This was at the beginning of this century and redpilled me on the medical industry. I gradually became so doped up that I first lost everything I had of value (due to not being able to work), then everyone in my life including my gf of what was an 8 year relationship, then finally myself. I completely lost myself and became another person entirely. I hated the addiction and everything that came with it. I wanted to stop but was put on such ridiculous dosages that when I finally was able to get a job that had health insurance, I could only find one detox center in the Midwest that would take me as I needed a 60 day detox where most only do 14 tops. I made it out the other end which took more work and dedication then I've ever experienced since in anything I've faced since.

There's +100k's if not millions that experienced what I went through but the majority are dead. The success rate of an opiate addict staying abstinent after recovery is 7%.

Please don't lump the victims of the sacklers with assholes who choose to get high, and weren't targeted for the slowest form of murder imaginable.

I hope they and their descendents are flayed alive publicly so the country can have a chance to heal.
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I want to afford a house if I’m going to trade you my bodily health in my prime I better be getting a fucking house out of it. So you’re goddamn right I’m not going to do an awful job like that for less than $35, I’d rather be poor and homeless than poor, homeless, and in constant agony.
>not marrying into the powerful Ball family and hyphenating the name

how long did it take for you to become dependent on them?

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