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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Kill all Californiafags edition
land doesn't vote.
The Californian plague lives within you if you grew up there. It doesn't matter how far away you move or how different you vote from the bugmen of your state. You are a carrier of the virus. And yet you dent it. The cancer spreads wherever you go. Californiafags must die.
If you're not a coastal or socal fag, you hate Commiefornia. I left it n 2008 when I saw the writing on the wall. I grew a lot richer after I left.
Fuck New York. That's what I hate more than anything. Fuck New Yorkers too. If I had a dollar for every time some motherfucker from New York caused me some type of issue, I'd be so fucking rich I wouldn't need to come to this board anymore.
Yes it does
You're all dumb as fuck, you have normie syndrome where you view life through media headlines and movie cliches. You're thinking of literally just SF and LA and the immediate vicinities. The rest of the state is farmland, mountains, desert, lakes, snow, endless highways, etc. You obviously know nothing about the state aside from your childish 3rd hand insults based on nothing. Stay out of the fucking cities, its literally that simple.

No response you can write matters, you are still a little baby with little baby views of the world. Anything you type after I post this is just you having a tantrum.
I live in California, this is an accurate map.
>where you view life through media headlines and movie cliches
Retarded babble. How old are you?
>You're thinking of literally just SF and LA and the immediate vicinities.
I didn't saw SF and LA. I said coastal regions and socal. It far larger area than you realize, nigger.
>The rest of the state is farmland, mountains, desert, lakes, snow, endless highways, etc.
Yes, I know this. I lived in norcal. Norcal isn't the SF/Bay Area. Kill yourself.
>Stay out of the fucking cities, its literally that simple.
I didn't, you retarded rape ape. But Sacramento imposes on all. It doesn't matter where you live. (You) get to live under the tyranny of Sacramento.
I get you haven't lived in Commiefornia.
Why haven't you necked yourself yet, nigger?
>Stay out of the cities
>Still subject to laws voted on by retarded California city faggots
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Kill Californians. Behead Californians. Roundhouse kick a Californian into the concrete. Slam dunk a Californian baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a Californians food. Launch Californians into the sun. Stir fry Californians in a wok. Toss Californians into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Californians gas tank. Judo throw Californians into a wood chipper. Twist Californians heads off. Report Californians to the IRS. Karate chop Californians in half. Curb stomp pregnant black Californians. Trap Californians in quicksand. Crush Californians in the trash compactor. Liquefy Californians in a vat of acid. Eat Californians. Dissect Californians. Exterminate Californians in the gas chamber. Stomp Californian skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Californians in the oven. Lobotomize Californians. Mandatory abortions for Californians. Grind Californian fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Californians in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Californians with a ray gun. Kick old Californians down the stairs. Feed Californians to alligators. Slice Californians with a katana.
When the wheels come off, rural Californians will be the last men standing.
I'd take ten Norcal hillbillies over 100 of anyone else. Send bachelors you posturing faggots, we'll kill you all.
>>Still subject to laws voted on by retarded California city faggots
This is how I now the faggot doesn't live in the state.
I hated suffering under city faggots. I left in 2008, I wasn't born there, parents cursed my teens and young 20s by moving there.
I moved out, and my God! I could keep earnings. Not suffer under batshit crazy laws. Marry a normal woman and have kids, and grow wealthy.
Fuck Commiefornia!
Where'd you go? I'm tired of being the only White person for 50 miles, I think it's about time I abandoned ship.

>"hate us cuz aint us"

ill admit, my petty ass did that. fuck you still.
Fuck around and find out.
>rejected by actual real incels in a 2d ERP furry simulator
>makes all these personal attack threads to cope after being called a dork and ditched
lmfao keep spamming these retard threads you retard no one not even incels will love you
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>Irrelevant flyover trailer-trash thread #1000434
I moved to the South for a while. Currently in Arizona. Getting tired of the fucking snowbirds that vote illegally here from the Midwest and Canada.
All the college faggots from ASU Tempe fucking suck too. It's strange to see LA-SF-NYC blue colony in the heart of Arizona. The rest of the state isn't remotely like the university faggots.
I'm semi-retired and live in the mountains and I'm shocked to see illegals where I'm at (thanks to Biden's open boarders policies). There's no fucking jobs for them where I live but they've wandered out here. I got this land to be away from people, not see fucking illegals. The indians out here fuck up the illegals. They hate them way more than any white man.
Honestly, I'd tell the natives here, "You want your land back? Guard the border and kill all the wetbacks, niggers, chinks."
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Shit take.
West coast best coast.
Are people still allowed to own land in Commiefornia?
I thought developers couldn't build single family units anymore.
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Here, I’ve drawn up a plan for them, Taiwan should love this
Taiwan has turned into a progressive shithole like Commiefornia.
That chart is a lie, I love California and I love America.

Born and raised in Texas, fell in love in Alabama.
That's not true.
There's no more exclusively single-family zoning here though.

Which means hypothetically any suburban neighborhood can have multi-family units built into it.
It's a good thing. Suburbs are boring and lame.
"Multi-family units" just means niggers.
Taiwan is an absolute fucking toilet.

Those mud people actually believe they are a country.
This post smells of AIDS.
>There's no more exclusively single-family zoning here though.
That's what I said you illterate nigger.
The problem with it, you illterate nigger, is that they have to build the multifamily units on plots of land that could only fit a single family unit.
>"Multi-family units" just means niggers.
You don't realize, they want the impossible by putting multi-family units on lots that barely fit a single house.
To even make it worse, you have have equal parking for all four units on the same lot, which is impossible to do.
U.S. without California:

>70% white again overnight
>Democrats rendered almost irrelevant in federal politics
>The LGBT movement is purged
If you hate them so much why do you allow them to control so much of your culture?
Are those niggerhives in grey Oakland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles?
>If you hate them so much why do you allow them to control so much of your culture?
It's called Federalism.
Some states can go ape shit insane.
The leftwing parasite in California wanted as many illegal aliens as possible to displace white.
They took over the state courts to ensure their retardation.
If land doesn't vote, cities don't eat.
Grow your own food faggot.
>Grow your own food faggot.
Illegal in Commiefornia now.
Also, you finnoid. Aren't all of your kind urban fags?
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My hate for california is second to another.
It's only a matter of time before "multi family tenants" is added to the list

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