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>psychotherapist of 40+ years works with schizo patients in hospitals and prisons
>starts asking them about the voices they're hearing
>patients tell him what they say and how they act, he starts noticing patterns among hundreds of schizophrenics, such as the voices getting angry when the patient goes to church, the thoughts are always negative, the voices dont like it when patients take meds cause it quiets them down, and every single patient feeling like they're drained of energy when they start hearing the voices
>psychotherapist starts conducting experiments
>he gets patients to say Psalm 23
>all the patients say the voices dont like it and it hurts them
>a patient walks into the therapists office one day and then the walls and ceiling in his office start making a static crackling sound that eventually moves down to his trashcan
>the patient is just dead eyed staring at the therapist while this happens
>a couple months later he has another appointment with this patient and he asks him about the previous appointment
>therapist asks patient if he heard the static and the patient said it was the voices trying to scare him and they told the patient to kill the therapist
>every single time he tells patients that the voices are energy parasites the patients say the voices go crazy with anger
>the therapist did another experiment where after doing this, and knowing the voices would go crazy upon him saying they're energy parasites, he would vividly imagine the voices having duct tape wrapped around their mouths and the beings would be locked into boxes
>he would not tell the patients he was doing this, and when he'd ask about the voices the patients said the voices now sounded muffled
So not only are they real, but human thought affects and hurts them
Here's the interview with the therapist. His name is Jerry Marzinsky
The voices also tell people things they could have no possible way of knowing themselves. The therapist told a story about how the voices told some dude in California where an illegal weed farm was in Oregon and how to get there, and they were telling him exactly which roads to take to get there. Then when he went and stole a bunch of weed the voices told him where he could sell it in order to have money to buy more hard drugs (the voices try to send people down into negative spirals by getting them addicted to things like meth). The voices also told the dude to not go back to the farm because the owners were gonna be waiting there for him and he'd be killed

Being able to use imagination to create fictional dialogues is a sign of intelligence, you primate.
Based deliverer.
Nah. You’re just mad that you’re a schitzo.
That's a jewish name and like Kiketianity this is just another jewish grift.
You're mentally defective. You aren't special. Kill yourself.

Guy manipulates extremely vunerable schizos to agree with his """hypothesis"""
That's bullshit but I believe it. You're crazy. I like you but you're crazy.
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Priests say the exact same things about demons
schizophrenia is the only real mental illness, ironically enough
Neat stuff, also it appear the bots are mad at this topic.
Hi, Baelzamon here, arch count of the 6th circle of hell. I would appreciate if you would stop putting things like this in front of my host. He hasn't adapted well to the relationship, and you posting things like this is only going to confuse him. We all just want what's best for anon right? So let's cool it with the antidemonism a bit. It is low class and distasteful, and totally beneath you. Our people have been slandered and maligned throughout history, for no reason at all, other than ignorance. I thought these old antidemonic tropes were done after the last few decades where everyone got along, but I see the internet has caused a resurgence in this behavior. Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem and be on the right side of history.
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this sounds like the inmates scammed this guy
>I have voices in my head, doc. They speak Hebrew.
>Do you feel phantom pains in your foreskin?
>Actually... Kinda yes.
>Imagine those imaginary voices are bite off your imagine foreskin
(((Jerry Marzinsky)))
that book seems like the biggest meal for schizos to fill up on their delusions.
its not helping,
Its like sneaking up to someone at a graveyard at night and going
All the seething jews in this bread.
>yes goy dont believe in super natural entities just keep taking your meds
It's just the dream mechanism running while you're awake. The problem is how it takes control of your mind and you can't see through it no matter how hard you try.
The voices in my head tell me OP's mom is a dicksucking whore
what has always been unsettling to me is how the subject of delusions are and have always been assumed irrelevant by mechanistic medicine/healthcare so muh science people are actively discouraged from taking this seriously. consequently, this looks interesting af
So not only is it a pill pusher, a scumfuck who profits off maiming others from the inside using poison, but it's also a christcuck-yid. Very intredasting.
Because they're probably extremely related.

The truth is that there are dimensions unseen to and very difficult for us to comprehend. This is known. The concept of ghosts, aliens, and demons are ancient. It's probably because they're real phenomenon.
It makes sense that a person who becomes disinterested in life begins to make shit up in their head.
yes. to kill astral parasites visualize them being killed and shredded into bits by your third eye laser. don't believe me and call me crazy i don't care but please give it a try.
Interestingly enough, there's actually another therapist who came to the exact same conclusion (Wilson Van Dusen) in the 70s and wrote a book about it: https://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/w.vandusen/presence_spirits.htm
They were both inspired by Swendborg
For anyone suffering from hearing voices, Marzinsky is recommending something called the MACE energy method for getting rid of them
Mood disorder require attention to self for some odd reason. Like body and mind.

>my inner spiritual life is dead, so therefore others cannot enjoy one

sucks to be you, thinking like that.
Let me guess, those "astral parasites" look like some sort of mechanical worms?
They are demons
There are several known demons

Shadow People are one of them
yep. they have different forms but when you see them you'll gag. they look disgusting.
I used the wrong words. If they lose interest in normie life, then they are likely to explore themselves.
Uh bros.
Those of you willing to pay attention to this stuff, are you guys familiar with the Greenbaum Speech?

If they have DID not schizophrenia he is literally taking away their chance of recovery.
And of course he has no proof of any of this because recording a patient's session would be immoral, right?

step one: write off voices as crazy nonsense
step two: many years later, develop conscious model of the universe
step three:never rectify previous assumption, of course they're correct trust the science goy
step four: ignore inconsistencies
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telepathic worms.
I am schizo, been diagnosed for 15 years now. I never heard voices until a couple years ago, when I was having a particularly bad time mentally.
Those voices are demons, 100%. They have their own personalities, their own locations they hang around, even have conversations with each other.
They talked about things going on around me that annoyed them, that I was even unaware of.
My brother was playing a game upstairs from me for example, and they were talking about how annoying the character he was playing voice lines were. It drove them crazy, and I wasn't even aware of any of this myself.
At one point they tried to possess me, moving my limbs against my will. It took all my strength to keep my neck from bending, like they were trying to break my neck.
I haven't heard any voices before or since that episode two years ago. They are demons, spirits, whatever you want to call them and something I did must have exposed me to them. I think they exist on a lower dimension and the occult things I were dealing with at the time 'lowered the shield' or opened me up to their influence.
Shadow people are exclusively Jewish spiritualists who now suck out our energy for their masters on the astral plane
very interesting
it seems most diseases of the mind can be cured with true faith in Christ
we are fortunate to be blessed by his grace
I can't emphasize this enough. Stay away from Discord and anyone who tries to convince you to do anything illegal needs to be recorded and exposed.
Watch out for CIA/FBI groomers posing as friends.
Hang tough brother, like John Nash, you can win against them.
I am good, no social media, NEET lifestyle, I usually just stay home all the time. I have a simple life that's hard to infiltrate or influence.
You mean the entities?
I imagine that people who are schizo have to deal with the paranormal differently because the lines between illness and demons, ghosts (for example) begin to blur. It's truly hellish.
faith in Christ is the solution
i will pray for your protection
Thank you, I am saved, that's what really keeps me going.
(((Marzinsky))) would never snitch his fellow jewmons:

William Shatner Exposes Voice of God Weapons on The History Channel


Army Yanks 'Voice-To-Skull Devices' Site


US Army toyed with telepathic ray gun


American Psychologist Article : 1973 Voice to Skull Demonstration

>and the occult things I were dealing with at the time 'lowered the shield' or opened me up to their influence.
Correct. Dabbling in the occult is one of the quickest ways to attract demonic oppression, or, in rare cases, possession. Turn away from that shit, preferably seek Christ, and never go back
>and they told the patient to kill the therapist
the common thing is that they'll tell you things which bother or annoy you.

They won't tell you to kill anyone if you aren't bothered by the idea of killing. Anything which would bother you to think or say in public, they'll shout in your mind. They also can't make you do anything, all they can to is suggest, spam you. They have no real power. They're basically just like internet trolls.
based and (((Western medicine))) pilled
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Who cares I'm Psycho The Rapist
Same for (((Greenbaum))).
>take it from me! The unironic schitzo
I mean, that obviously makes him a subject matter expert if you think about it
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also I think he might just be polish. not necessarily (((polish)))
>Psalm 23
Today I learned Psalm 22 in the Christian bible is Psalm 23 in the Protestant KJV
It's coincidental how fast you can lose interest in the paranormal world once religion (booooring) is brought up. Because I've heard that religion can be quite effective against demonic possession.
>It's just the dream mechanism running while you're awake
You're quite right about this but I'm curious how you reached the conclusion.
and despite them having soft power at most, all it takes to vanquish them is the word of Christ
i understand why normies lose faith so easily
they've never experienced demons, and thus have never seen the redeeming power of Christ
it's like a little kid who refuses to brush his teeth until one day the dentist says he has 7 cavities and needs to get 3 teeth removed
then they brush and floss excessively
You should listen to the Greenbaum Speech.
Hint - Greenbaum isn't the speaker.
take your meds
sweet some gay x jewish rightoid shizo bread
>the occult things I were dealing with at the time 'lowered the shield' or opened me up to their influence.
No anon. These occult rituals exist not for any benefit or power over these demons, but instead exist to make you believe it all enough to let them in. You let them in because you believed their soothsaying lies.
I'd like to add: they work to corrupt your defenses over time, but all it takes to allow them to start is a single hook into your heart. Small corruptions lead to medium corruptions lead to large corruptions and every step of the way they steal more and more and more from you.
>a serious brain disease shows patterns among sufferers
I-it's demons!!!
Also true but the insidious nature of them causes someone to fall to suggestion much more easily because they are blinded from the anchor that is the light of God. They can be pulled in any direction because they become lost.
christ cucks are like "dude, don't let those demons in, just let our demon (yhwh) inside you.
What if these schizophrenics are more easily tuned to other dimensions. They might have been considered oracles if they were born a couple hundred years earlier.
Take your meds, junkies.
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No bueno...
Take them pls
i believe this is the case
the brain when in specific states can work as a sort of bluetooth receptor device for thoughts and emotions
this is why people might suffer schizophrenic episodea while under the effects of marijuana
we do not have enough research on this topic to form any concrete statements
OP is losing his grip on reality lol
[takes nords instead]
whatchu gon do bout it bish?
Here's the post about schizophrenia.
Hell is eternal.
>bringing gay christcuckery into this
stopped reading your schizo shit right there
He lie to you
the voices say to lie
it's also not real but keep being scared of your hot underground cave your beloved sandniggers who wrote your desert novel stole from the Greeks
make sure to do the average christnigger thing and call me a kike because how I dare I not be a fan of shitty desert cults
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Schizo here....
The premise of this shit is inverted.
As a schizo hearing voices all the time i can enter church and love Jesus without a problem.
We hear voices yes but not tve voices the psychopaths hear.
I believe we can hear angels and psychopaths pisibly hear demons.
And psychopath rulling the world using this article to point their shit on us.. this is the thing.
I don't get a kike vibe from that name. It sounds like a Czech hockey coach or something.

Yeah, that's a gentile.
>Schizophrenic episodes while under the effects of marijuana
I have gotten that. Scary as fuck, but basically it was my mom nagging me to find a job. Scary though. Thought she was right behind me.
Plausible certainly. The phenomenon is multifaceted and just to reiterate it's very old and transcends cultures and civilizations that never would have communicated with nor met each other.

Ultimately all we can do without further information is postulate.
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>third eye laser
hmmm I have experienced something similar but in reverse I thought, seemed like the laser was pointed at my third eye about to obliterate my skull. Anyhow.
They're very subtle; and I'm not convinced that the jewish/christian god is here to help either. If it's real, even as just a collective tulpa, I'm not necessarily compatible with it.
That said, individual belief alone might be enough, so it may not matter for true believers.

it's moreso that biblical teachings and identity crowd them out. One obsession can't supplant another, more deeply rooted obsession.
I start hearing voices when i see the first guys face.

Try ivermectin imo
what intrest me the most is
one: how to increase mental resistance against them even if you are not a schizo
two, can you actually train yourself to see them (i remember some mom who learned how yo see them said that her kid girls also see them)
how to actually fight them (but in this case i think it boils down to "believe in yourself and your beliefs")
Basically he became schizo in the end! lol

My mom was right, you are and become who you hang about with. To be mindful of who one is around.

>Swedenborg was a critic of slavery. He was the first prominent Swede to condemn slavery. In his works, he argued that sub-Saharan Africans were superior to Europeans, and condemned European missionaries for intruding on African lands.
>can you actually train yourself to see them
most of them don't have physical forms.
a lot of them are just stray tulpa, leftover from someone else who moved on or died, looking for a new compatible host to attach themselves to.
Basically they're just parasitic thought patterns.
>Basically they're just parasitic thought patterns.
or in some cases, curses (mental viruses).
No, because it would be extremely amusing to sneak up to someone in a graveyard and scream at them
While I will admit that Christian themes including Hell for eternity for the rejection of Christ dominated my former psychotic drug experiences, I think that's just because I was raised Christian and genuinely put true faith in Christ for so long. I think your voices might be similar to the thoughts I would have, but I would always be aware that it was me who was thinking their thoughts, not some other entity. Sure, they weren't pleasant thoughts, they weren't ones I'd have if I weren't in a seeming death loop Hell scenario at my wits end, but they were mine. Many of them were just amplified versions of normal anxious thoughts, of course much worsened because of a combo of being concerned of neighbours hearing my freak out or the person I'm on the phone with realizing I'm off my gourd or what not. And of course, many thoughts that I'm not really where I am but instead in a hospital or psych ward or ambulance in actuality.

But I'm not sure one can simply blame these on external entities. I think we're raised with these fucked up thoughts being thrown at us, in our movies and tv and youtube and video games and druggies and schizos around us but most of all our media. You absorb those 'demonic' ideas that were passed down and refined by PEOPLE who experienced shit and attempted to process it. I mean fuck, watch some shit on ww1/ww2, then think about how much worse it ACTUALLY was than even our Hollywood jews and all their money can make it look...that's alot to process for whole generations of people. I think there's otherworldly intense darkness inside of us, and I'm not sure if any of that comes from something/where else, but you the individual have to see your role in it all and try to lessen the darkness, and try to understand, and to not give in to the ritualistic abuse and strife and violence and slaughter.
>But I'm not sure one can simply blame these on external entities
>I would always be aware that it was me who was thinking these thoughts
I used to believe this myself, but I'm not aware that this isn't the case.
Telepathy/mind-reading being real was the hint.
There's some kind of a vector by which mental parasites can be transmitted, which is not officially admitted to exist by mainstream science.
if the voices can convince you that they're actually their own thoughts, they can go undetected longer, and manipulate you more effectively. Like a tick numbing its bite.
>but I'm not aware
*now aware
Despite my experiences detailed in former posts, I can't imagine having those voices truly drown out all else in daily life. As you say they basically snowball whatever random thought you could have in the moment that you wouldn't want others to hear from you. But to have that experience and have it never abate, to never have the drugs wear off and return to normalcy again, God save those poor souls that suffer such. I'm still uncertain on things of God but I pray always for suffering souls when I see them. If something is up there hopefully it cares.

This is quite interesting. I consider myself to be something of an expert on these subjects.
Some people have no inner voices. Can't visual 3D images. It's actually a noted characteristic of Jews according to Dr James Watson.

People can become very imaginative and hear/write music when in a sleep deprived state where their sleeping imagination becomes co pilot with to your awake, objective, observing mind.
Traditionally, in Europe, "genius" and brilliance can come from friendly supernatural forces, and they act like guardian-angels and many people, like Tesla, have talked about strange ideas that just seem to come to them.
That there is some.. otherworld that can communicate with you.

Unprovoked overlapping reports are basically what you're looking for when it comes to this kind of research, and this guy claiming his patiences "voices" sounded muffled after he imagined it.. that's colour and mirror test level evidence of "something" externally real.

This is one of the main examples of supernatural phenomena that people encounter. When precognition claims get verified repeatedly, from like, little kids etc, that's when you can't dismiss the possibility.
Remote viewing tests have similar results when unlearned knowledge is acquired. Not only should this be impossible but, it suggests knowledge/memory can leap between people and possibly exist independently of people.

Other common examples are Ghosts, "visions" of the future, mind reading, people detection, synchronicity etc.
When you apply science to this shit, it actually stands up surprisingly well to scrutiny.
People are seeing something consistently.
Maybe it's a bio jungian interface?
>"i love sucking cocks"

Wow that's awesome that you love sucking cocks.
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Well because my mind does things to change my mood, and dreams primary purpose are mood stabilizers. So I thought, dang it makes sense, this thing is just running while I'm awake. The content of my mind revolves around my involuntary ans problematic interactions with people and my loneliness. What do you know that seems to be the main theme of my dreams, being with people I don't want to be around and then people I know ruining my mood. So I began comparing more and more, and bam I hit the nail in the head. The problem I have is the paranormal mimicking my mind and then quizzing me about it. These things can be underwhelming chumps just like humans.
>If something is up there hopefully it cares
I've met several full-blown paranoid schizophrenics and their delusions can be both coherent and internally consistent, despite being batshit crazy
it is a slightly other-worldly experience listening to someone else's delusions
I could believe the possession thing
>it suggests knowledge/memory can leap between people and possibly exist independently of people.
It's definitely a thing. I have no idea how it works though.
They think it's a happening but nothing happens until they take things into their own hands. That's how the paranornal trick the mentally ill into doing crazy shit.
Well you might be right but see I have fallen so competely out the other side of drug use that I refuse to allow any thoughts in my head which would suggest that I KNOW anything for certain, or that there is some meaning behind things, or some plot. I basically came to the conclusion that, despite it being boring and likely temporary and ... all in all strange to say the least ... life as a normal human being is the best thing I can get right now. Perhaps I'm just the battery being content to be drained and recharged forever, but the most powerful alternative when one delves into alternatives is horrifying on a level I cannot describe. I would need an entire bump limit of 2000char posts to describe it, and still it would be lacking. I'll try my damndest to steer as far from that as I can.
>he would vividly imagine the voices having duct tape wrapped around their mouths and the beings would be locked into boxes
It's mostly been buried now, and probably deboonked, but there was this experiment which proved that monkeys have a group consciousness. Monkeys on an island were taught to do some new thing, and after a majority of monkeys had learned the task, every monkey on the island suddenly learned how, without having the contact or time necessary to actually learn it.
can you imagine some very bad person that instead of going through the reincarnation cycle he stays here trying to harm people (because its only what it knows to do) and then some people can receive his signal better than others are called schizophrenics
>Perhaps I'm just the battery
It's not that.
Thought patterns can become like programs and can be transmitted, sometimes wirelessly. Familiarize yourself with the concept of a tulpa.
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>he would vividly imagine the voices having duct tape wrapped around their mouths and the beings would be locked into boxes
>patients said the voices now sounded muffled
>So not only are they real, but human thought affects and hurts them
My guess is vibrations, not so much group consciousness.
They've proven it with humans too. I forget the name of the experiment. But they did one with crossword puzzles. They looked at the solve rate of general population compared to prisoners who got hold of the puzzles after they were solved by the public and their solve rate was higher than average. Yet when given puzzles at the same time as general public the solve rate was at average or lower. Also look at how patents and breakthroughs happen historically, it's almost always a few minds around the world coming to a conclusion almost at the same time.
>he would not tell the patients he was doing this, and when he'd ask about the voices the patients said the voices now sounded muffled
>So not only are they real, but human thought affects and hurts them
i bet you anything the whole glownigger lore is astral projecting and the voices are those people...
let's imagine a different scenario than boxes and duct tape
>A NEET's worth schizo nightmare is being told to find a job
Yeah alright I do agree there is something like that going on. I think somehow it has to do (perhaps as a cause, or as an effect) with our ability more or less to reproduce other persons in our mind (their personalities and whatnot). The experiences of those voices sometimes also had this weird sensation that I was at a party going on inside of my brain that everyone I ever knew, perhaps all of humanity, was invited to. And we were all discussing my actions and more or less controlling them, with something akin to departments on a spaceship controlling the many aspects of this human person.
>Also look at how patents and breakthroughs happen historically, it's almost always a few minds around the world coming to a conclusion almost at the same time.
exactly why intellectual property is theft and should be abolished. It's common property, created by the group mind.
I've seen concepts I imagined, and never shared, show up in media relevant to it before (I don't mind in that case, because it's media I like anyway).
Every fanbase is a literal hivemind. Just one example.
/pol/ is also a hivemind.
Something for Judeo Christians to consider:

If you were making a fantasy story where supernatural forces exist around mortals, and one of them approached people and told them to obey them or be punished in life and the after life and that they must not obey or worship other supernatural beings or they will be punished for this too.
Imagine if they also told you that to prove your loyalty to them you had to cut off part of your penis and let another worshipper suck the wound and that it's acceptable to sell your daughters.
Imagine they also said that you were special only to find out that they said similar things to other people but that you shouldn't believe them as they are liars or talking to the bad entities you're not allowed to talk to.
Imagine if this being made you follow complex and absurd rules and encouraged you to treat other people badly and told you that you were entitled to rule others... and this in part leads to you making enemies with peoples that can beat you up in war, to the point you are hated the world over..

In this fiction writing scenario, what would you classify this supernatural entity as?
It's not just emulation I think. More like subconcious interaction.

This is anecdotal, but how often have you heard of someone suddenly thinking or dreaming about someone they hadn't spoken to in ages, only to find out that that person has gone through some traumatic event or died.
Triple Sevens

based post. Well done Latvia innie anon.
Was he the guy who had to give up his psychology license when he published his research? Cause he proved the schizo voices were demons?
>it's moreso that biblical teachings and identity crowd them out. One obsession can't supplant another, more deeply rooted obsession.
That's also a good way of thinking of it honestly.
>what would you classify this supernatural entity as?
A lawful evil or lawful neutral tulpa.
But every denomination may be using their own fork of the tulpa, or even an arbitrary stand-in only going by the same name.
>without slavery we wouldn't have blacks in north america or europe
>blacks in Africa lived in a paradise with no Jews and plentiful food in harmony with nature
>everything goes to shit when (((missionaries))) try integrating them into society
Swendburg was right.
hmm yes I can see this as well. There does seem to be some strange persistence to dreams which feels like either some sort of ancestral passdown of idk some sort of soul energy, or perhaps another sort of semi-world / dimension which we all collectively visit unbound by the same time and space as our waking lives yet of course influencing them. I don't want to get much into the pervading idea behind the worse part of all my trips but a sort of grand thread uniting all experience is a way to sum it up without getting into the horror part.
Are vibrations numbers in patterns and meanings?

Unlawful neutral fupa
not even glowworms it's just bots, notice how they attack the same way "YOU'RE THE SCHITZO", when you made no claims about it in one way or the other
anyways I'm convinced troons and extreme faggots and feminists are infected by demonic entities too, but they WELCOME THEM in
have ya payed any attention to the "tuples" freaks, and self forced "multiple personalities" people?
it's all the rage in the furry, troon, progressive sexualities, baby regressor "communities"
>most of them don't have physical forms
i dunno i just ask how to improve myself so i won't be suprised
>Basically they're just parasitic thought patterns.
whitch brings me to first question, how to train youself to deal with them (except for obvious "don't look for troubles/don't do drugs that destroy this barrier")
Oh absolutely. I changed after my grandfather died, inherited a part of him.
I actually dreamt about him for the first time in a while last night, after just abandoning a fetish tulpa which I'd fostered since childhood, due to realizing it's true nature.
>the occult things I were dealing with at the time 'lowered the shield' or opened me up to their influence.
which were this occult things?
This has been observed in birds (ravens).
Ravens can learn and remember faces and will respond differently to the person they think they are dealing with.
What's curious is how this is taught, because new generations and other birds that haven't undergone (observably) this learning/training process also learn the faces and respond accordingly.

shit like this ... there's just something odd about that
ok now this is the good stuff
like machine elves
based demons, theyre everywhere
you might not see them but theyre attached to you too. all the time.
and they eat you.
This thought and gnostic thoughts do intrigue me, personally weird as it is my life is quite nice and I've suffered very little compared to most so it seems interesting that the more powerful artificial thought or mind virus or meme whatever you'd call it is the Judeo one which as you describe could be the real negative. I've had no real experience of the opposite aside from drug experiences I brought upon myself, but also I have been always fairly adjacent to Church so perhaps it's a good entity protecting me? Yet also I feel such a lack of feeling no matter how close to God I get, literally in the case of Catholics because we have Christ's body and blood. So close and yet not much has changed for me, only the example and presence and guidance of good persons who serve their community has made a mark on me. Often those are Christians, because of my environment, but I always have to wonder if they need the religion to be that way. Certainly part of the core idea of Christ is inspiring at least.
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The ?si at the end of YouTube links are trackers and you can remove them
>how to actually fight them
trick them into manifesting then beat the shit out of them
wish I had that /x/ pasta where the some guy buys a haunted house and his mexican friend get really enthusiastic and employs hoodoo from a bunch of different traditions, ends up punching holes through drywall while wearing some brujo trinkets and hand wraps soaked in goat blood. Ghosts leave and never return.

if mexicans moved into my neighborhood I'd leave, too
>how to train yourself to deal with them
I'm not sure. I'm still shaking off the brain fog of deception just now. Parasites are adept at numbing you and subverting or warping your will. Maybe awareness of them is important.
Nigger I just tried to post this meme. Apologise or I will drag you to the astral realm and fuck your souls ass.
I sometimes go into the spirit realm and genocide billions of parasitic demons, it's kinda fun, they build up and act all cool but all it takes is some human energy and you can lay waste to entire civilizations of them. That reminds me, I gotta go back and scorch some daemon lmao.
I killed my voices ten years ago. They're really horrible creatures to be fair.
Does he get into how other religions and practices work or is it one of "those books"?
They were violent convicted felons, most of them were already sentenced to life because of things they've done, there was no escape for them
schizo copypasta.
Shame on you, jew.

DID does not come from nothing. How do you think a person breaks so much, it forgets part of itself just to not remember?
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christians are parasite controlled spam bots that derail conversations. there is no dialogue with these creatures.
From the depths of my college days, I can notice that loud degenerate voices that are creative and compelling can create pretty engrossing communities which sustain and increase the degeneracy which feeds them. Not to say I disapprove entirely, perhaps there is a place for some tinge of degeneracy or at the least that caveman spirit so we don't completely die off from chastity. But those loud creative voices happened to be Jewish, happened to have quite the ensnaring personalities (at least to a lonely messed up person), and happened to sort of influence reality around their audiences, both through subconsciously and consciously injecting ideas and actions into their minds but also through some sort of perception they would transmit that they had some secret to life or some esoteric special place in it all...think of David Lynch and how much people try to dig in and dissect everything he does. I don't know if it is a genuine power, perhaps demons or something, or just as Hitler a sort of power which emanates from the compounding belief of those around them.
Mental illness is demon possession.
So the jews are demon possessed, no schizo.
Sound reasonable. They are children of satan.
>I'm convinced troons and extreme faggots and feminists are infected by demonic entities too, but they WELCOME THEM in
you're on the right track, anon.
this is political.
see >>472372215
You don't even know or even suspect that your ego is itself a demon that is not you. And that it wants you exactly where it has you, shitposting all day on 4chan and doing nothing else.

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insightful observation, anon.
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Truth I force myself too go to church because it hurts my schizophrenia. Well the audio delusions and hallucinations; I have the rarest form of it supposedly tae the point they were studying me and they use it in the Scottish possibility in all of UK universities too teach people. I signed it so I could help others… I also have Hyplogroup X which is connected to the divines and saints; also a congenital pain defect. I don’t believe in this bullshite. I feel they were trying tae silence me because I was human trafficked and saved a bunch of bairns including myself from being taken too Russia.
>t. Scottish Schizo picture saved is linked to my bloodline also… supposedly Zeus and Neptune are my clan members; wot m8.
>people suggesting maga isn't terrorism
Watned to post this pic for >>472371882
It just protects the ones responsible like the ones in the pic or similar ones.
Yeah, and then I get confused who I'm talking to because none of the fucking words are for me. Eat a fucking dick.
One thing Jerry brings up in an interview I listened to was support groups for people who hear voices but ignore them and carry on. There are probably way more people like that laying low.
>have ya payed any attention to the "tuples" freaks, and self forced "multiple personalities" people?

Stop posting trackers in YT links to /pol/

format YT posts as follows:
Everything he says is true. I experienced it as a young man and finding his interviews a few years ago was a "That thing was fucking real!?" moment for me.
Jesus Christ saved me from the torment when I called upon his name.

Glory be to the father and to the son, and to the holy spirit.
So will the meds stop it or is it just like putting a band aid over a eternally bleeding wound
>deprived sleep
I have had alcohol withdrawals many times. I am unable to sleep during it (like a week at a time). Ive hallucinated a lot of crazy shit. It is kind of fun when you know you are hallucinating because you already know what normalness is (cant imagine being a schizo from birth who doesnt know what normal is and ends up genuinely freaking out). Anyway I would hear music and I could create music using my brain. It was truly bizarre. It sounded good. If I was able to record it I know it would have sold.

I also saw a negro with his head spinning like one of those paint mixer shaker things they have at paint/home depot stores.
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Kek this is in Africa
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tulpas, not tuples.
There are people who intentionally try to create and maintain them. Multiple personalities are basically the same thing.
its true. these kind of voices are demons.

also sleep paralysis is demon activity.

Started getting sleep paralysis in high school, where i would be dragged, saw shadowy figures, attacked, etc. Somehow, first couple of them i have woken in terror late and sweaty, had no idea what was happening. Couple of times had disgusting paralysis, they were trying to kill me. Somehow, even though i was an atheist, i always heard someone praying for me, and as soon as i heard it in a paralysis i would wake up.One time, paralysis was that my penis was eaten by a crawl, when i woke up it physically hurt. Shit gets strange.

Started getting strange at that point, decited to explore faith. Never had any voices, just weird sleep paralysis. As soon as I started exploring about Jesus and faith, it gets terrible.

I was a normal guy always, except these paralysis. Great childhood, life, good looking guy in spors, a lot of friends. No weird shit.

I start having mental images of killing self, anxiety. sleep paralysis gets worse. I cannot explain what happened in last paralysis in words. Got chased by evil one, again someone starts Lords prayer, first 3 words i wake up.

I go to church for the first time, i start hearing blasphemy vocally in my head clearly, happened first time ever i heard it so clear.

My anxiety in that period where I was looking for Christ first time was uncontrolable, like something was controlling my nerves and my head couldnt stop vibrating. Paralysis starts getting worse, i realise i am in danger for life, cant tell anyone this but at this point i Know whats going on.

Im starting to read Gods words and sleep with Bible, keep Word closely to me. Started feeling presence of demons and their attacks.

Survived it with Gods word and prayer, started searching for help. I go to a priest and he starts praying over me, I start crying and cannot control it. Peace I felt was unearthly after visit to the priest. Theres more, can write post about this if anyone wants.
There's a demon in yourself that says jew and nigger all day every day, and you don't even suspect a thing. Your very identity is the demon. None of you know how demons really work.

Becoming Christian isn't going to save you, your demon will just adopt it as a belief system, forming a new ego-identity (demon-identity), then you will die and reincarnate just as it plans.
based shiva killing kamadev
Being beaten into retardation is horrifying

Ascended schizo here, I’ve killed these entities within lucid dreams. In psychoanalytic terms, you might kill this excising repressed traumas. In based schizo terms, it is killing demons like a wizard. I have a vivid imagination, always had one. NPCs will never understand. I close my eyes and it’s like the most immersive video game you could imagine.
Most of the retards that larp as having multiple personalities are just too stupid to realize that emotions exist. They wake up on the wrong side of the bed and insist they're Karen today.
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The latter, the meds also destroy your central nervous system
You can't "kill" or destroy them. They don't have physical bodies. They absolutely ARE subject to your imagination but they will just come back another day.
The only way to be rid of them is to stay above thier realm of influence. The best way to do this is prayer to, and worship of Jesus Christ.
>There's a demon in yourself that says jew and nigger all day every day
That one's correct, he just doesn't understand the notion of appropriate times and places.
Jews and niggers are indeed a problem. Our ancestors are enraged.
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Demons are fallen angels… angels are demons yet too fall. Wit yea oan aboot ya fucking Tadjger; we are all going too heaven even those that commit suicide because we were all tricked by Shaytan the alter and if you pray for the bringer of dawns forgiveness our Laird and Faither shall show yea the truth even when I committed suicide I went to heaven. I never believed in religion until this event.
>t. Scottish Schizo and Religious Zealot fuck Freemasons and their heretic ways.
>Verification not required; don’t believe me commit suicide and you will find out. >Pic related too this…
>you can't "kill"
Ah. Yes. Apply quotations. I wonder where the lie is?
Net: You can't kill them, but you CAN "kill" them. Why? Because they are not living beings.
You can't kill them either. They are divine beings, fallen as they are. Christ is the way.
Interesting thread OP, it's been a long time since OP was not a faggot.

Thank you.
cool story bro
The "hundredth monkey theory". Yeah, it was deboonked. I read about both of these in a book whose title I forget by a guy named Rupert Sheldrake. Search his name, and/or the term "morphogenetic field". Goes into all sorts of physical phenomena that may also be influenced by the same mechanism. He's been deboonked as pseudoscience too, I hope you don't mind.
Mine just says nigger
This doesn’t justify your mental illness as something good nigger. You’re delusional and full of shit
anytime I try to say or do something positive it's like a negative voice immediately follows in my head
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Correct Anon. I have a multiple personality disorder linked to an aggressive behavioural disorder and congenital pain defect; which is linked to what part of my genetics? Neanderthal genetic coding which is linked to a thing called the Warrior Genes. Ducking Jews at it again bastards! Kek funny enough after I stopped drinking these “entities” have less effect apart from this one issue. But I agree anon a lot of these issues stem from zero self discipline and a craving for love and understanding from a broken childhood as your brain was in Theta Wave and formed your reality to be this thing in this physical reality.
>I hope you don't mind.
I don't. I mentioned it was probably deboonked because google hid any real links covering it (which used to exist), and only showed me one page clearly meant to scream "conspiracy theory", even if the content included is accurate.
Meanwhile this was a real study actually being discussed seriously at an earlier point. The order was made to bury and discredit it I guess.
I love that more people are doing the 3rd eye torching! I view the parasitic daemon as a build up of mold against my Being, like an entire planet of mold-tech built to destroy humanity and then I just open up my eye and like the sun I just blast it like nothing, and you can feel them trying to fight back and it's like ants trying to lift me and I just burn them all. It's great fun. Been a while though.
I actually thought I was the only one. Great to meet fellow third eye torch enjoyers!
Praise Kalki
you can destroy their machinations though.
>morphogenetic field

I would rather say that this is a machinery.
the idea of these nonphysical fields having something to do with physical, biological development is interesting.
IF i have my shit then it will be this way.
O'Donnell Abu

Correct cousin. You can absorb the energy into your own pool. Previous post of Cairn is connected to this belief.
>Hail Tyr; tried my ancestors runes when I was really fucking wired. The rune for Tyr helped stabilise me. Completely. Weird that huh.
You either learn to fight them or they get stronger and you'll be a pussy for having the meds do the fight while they grew stronger. I'm dealing with a family member right now who took the pills instead of fighting and he's painfully unprepared to control his own mind. I worry about him greatly. Always keep the name of Jesus close, it is like daemonic cryptonite.
Sounds like a good premise for a horror movie
Based, will do
>to control his own mind
^this is important.
Proper mental hygiene and maintenance help a lot.
Don't just be tossed around by whatever mental or even emotional noise you may experience.
They are really robust.
Sleep paralysis guy here.

So, attacks start frequently when i started looking for way out and understood i was being attacked.

I start hearing these voices. First started having disturbing images in my head. I would walk in sidewalks. saw image of a car splattering me to the wall. Digrading images, sexual, violent. etc

I go to church for the first time, start hearing blasphemy in my head after seing ST Mary(Wh***) voices, disgusting. I start talking back, and realise it not myself. I talk back, and i hear, you know who we are, and you will be gone.

I start fighting. Every time I would hear voice, I had verses with me and would repeat Gods word. Would calm down after that.

Had a paralyis couple of nights after that where a demon chased me through a castle, horns everywhere on the walls of it. Hear Lords prayer somehow, someone prayed for me. Could feel presence of evil on my bed, and i heared if you sleep here I will come again.

I freak out, i leave the house. I go to sleep with in a tent with Bible, having Word next the me all the time. I wake up first night, look at the beach and i think to myself, what a beautiful view. I hear the voice telling me look at this disgusting creation of your Creator.

It goes on.
you don't have a burning white orb doing that for you?
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Still more Aryan than you mutt. Atleast my clan fought and stayed in Scotland while yours ran or were conquered by Cromwell. Kek. The yank thinks he’s completely white. Also ya ignorant wee prick yer boaby size is shown Celts owned the largest empire for eons before it was sabotaged by psychological warfare because those who used this is form could not defeat my ancestors with raw might and moral as it was in those days. Absolute gold gave me a laugh anon heavy love a kebob fae time tae time funny tae my great grandfather is Fath-Ali Shah Qajar supposedly doing my family tree so far I have gotten back quite a bit. Remember Celts is a broad term across many races. Hence the world tree motif.
>no way m8 Captcha: 4ppnk kek
they wait until I fall asleep then immediately wake me up and I'll see something in my room
sleep deprivation
I watched a couple podcasts, very entertaining and thought provoking. Psalm 23 is very powerful, I've heard plenty of NDE accounts that verify the power of reciting it torments demons.
meditate and build a energy shield around you, look up the monroe institute and the gateway tapes. They talk about creating an energy shield to protect yourself from these types of energies
>Your brain on Christcuckry
>Christcuckry, not even once
There have to be more than a couple schizos browsing /po/ right now. What happens if you tell your voices they are energy parasites?
Tell us more friend.

I'm glad you were delivered from torment. I hope it stayed that way.
>Sleep paralysis guy here.
Sleep paralysis guy since 2005 here
that's just your sick mind playing tricks on you. Everything you heard was created in your mind, there are no outside voices. I hope you get better.
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Honestly cousin AVOID! government sweeties. Weights; No alcohol unless it’s a celebration; Cannabis (After total brain development); plenty water and sleep. I wish you luck anon. Hail, Hail!
I get this too.
There's nothing actually there.
The sleep deprivation is to try to break you.
What's the redpill on epilepsy ?
There is a strong confluence of schizophrenia and epilepsy

you channel qi by doing what wim hof calls "the wim hof method" or inner fire meditation
you supercharge your immune system with excess oxygen which causes it to produce adrenaline
you can then feel a buildup of qi in the solarplexus that can be channeled to the extremities to do whatever the fuck you want
i use it for keeping cool on hot days and warm on cold days but you can use it in conjunction with lifting and calisthenics to get impressive results

qi projection is the hiss a boxer or mma fighter makes just before they land a punch
forcing it into their hand and increasing their striking strength
it's a cultivatable resource and you can't keep denying it
possession maybe.
It's known that epilepsy is caused by excessive brain/nerve activity/noise.
going even further into this inner fire and extensive training can and will allow you to fight off common ailments like the cold or flu at a pace unseen by modern humans
i've used it once to fight off a pretty serious infection and came out completely unscathed
wim hof demonstrated his ability to focus his inner fire to kill a pathogen which was injected into him while being monitored by university doctors in a documentary i forget the name of
where is hell exactly
>Not only should this be impossible but, it suggests knowledge/memory can leap between people and possibly exist independently of people.

When you start browsing lists of inventions and get into known history of them you'll find out that shitloads of them if not even most were discovered by atleast 2 separate inventors, we just know about the one that got into patent office first or described it before the second one.

That's where ancient term of Akashic records come in, my personal opinion is that we are on a certain knowledge progress path and this knowledge is dropped on us through our most bright ones but it's never via only 1 person, like a bunch of seeds carried by the wind waiting for a perfect place to take roots.
don't believe me astrally project
Damn, nigger. Chill.
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I can summon demons. I have video "proof" if my abilities. My own brother was working for the dark side. My story is insane but true. I don't know if God is real, but I know demons are
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Correct brethren. Cousin forced me to do TaiChi before I could fight tae control my emotions and he beat me with a piece of sacred wood staff tae start conditioning; now I am ripped and can take a shit ton of damage. But aye this helps. I agree m8. Self discipline is the way forward. I truly wish all Men and Women luck in life in these hard times. I truly believe this is the Kali Yuga. Also dunno if use anons could help. Done EMDR therapy blacked out for 5 minutes was a lot longer female therapist was crying after what I said but I cannot remember what I said and she refused to tell me and they won’t give me my files too find out what was written down she quit her job and did not post my diagnosis for some reason. Fuck knows; she did wear a pride badge but after this event she stopped wearing them. Weird.
>Picrel tae ancestry history

>Space; you go into space. Planets are the realms.
I am imagining the voices with bulging muscles ripping the duct tape off. They also now have bull horns so they can be even louder
>three-legged head
The hell? Isn't that the symbolism present on the Isle of Mann's flag, minus the head?
I don't know anything about schizophrenia, so don't know if this is a dumb question or not, but are the temperment of their voices tied to their feelings at all? Like if one of his patients was paranoid, and the doc tells him his voices are energy parasites, could that just be stressing him out (because he is paranoid) and making his voices sound angry to him?
Sheldrake isn't deboonked, he's been dismissed by the mainstream like everyone else worth listening to.
I told myself Im going to fight this, and declared war with these demonic beings.

At this point, I ask God to give me a sign am I crazy or shoud i go to war for Him. Was walking at night alone, and looking at the sea. I ask God, God if you are real, let me see a cat randomly now. I know its random. but first thing i thought was a cat. The street was dead. literaly no sound or a sight of anyone.

I say to God, im going to count from 10, if you dont give me something im going home. I Count, nothing, start walking home- I hear the voice telling me turn your head, I turn my head i see a cat in front of me.

There were a lot of signs when I asked, God always delivered.

As I grew in Faith and the Word, voices became more silent. I just spend a lot of time trying to be near the Word

I hear no voices now, and i sleep well. After I grew in Word and faith, i would hear we would wait for you, threats and so on. But I knew what is it

I am conviced every single mental disorder, especially shizos are under influence of demonic entities. Just try praying or exposing Gods word in front of these people and see their reaction.

What was interesting to me, as I started reaching out and searching for Jesus, it got disgusting, even though i was perfectly healthy, physcially and mentally.
Anon? I don't understand. How did the funny Taoism people put qi inside the mice?
I dunno they can move shit around my room I think there is something really there
At least you're not a Campbell
T. MacKinnon of Skye
Post it then
someone used it on my sprained wrist when i was a kid
the heat coming from their hands was absolutely fucking ridiculous
i've been told that's benevolent Qi
Pretty much.
i'm not smart enough to tell you that big man
all i can tell you is that you can do it yourself
just start with the wim hof method
do as many pushups as you can make a note
do the wim hof breathing technique or tummo and then go do more pushups
i absolutely fucking guarantee you will hit a 50% better PB
you are giving yourself a massive hit of natural adrenaline
Look how kikes are attacking even one of their own that seeks God and spreads the word of truth, synagogue of Satan hivemind, glowniggers, kikes, all hear the voice of Satan and obey at once, they hate God, they hate Christ, they hate you and they don't want you to win, they don't want you to be saved, they don't want you to be free.
i'm not doxxing myself but saying my family has been here for at least 1000 years should narrow it down for you significantly
That's the very definition of deboonked. If he were wrong in his theories they would be disproven, but they can't empirically rebut his theory so they just deboonk it instead. Debunking is a mainstream to operation ridicule without substance or just say it's wrong and hope nobody looks too far into it.
>Also look at how patents and breakthroughs happen historically, it's almost always a few minds around the world coming to a conclusion almost at the same time.

Yes, finally someone seeing same pattern I did.
that's what deboonked means, and why we mock the term, anon. It's like "fact checking". Basically, the ministry of troofs says that this is not true and you shouldn't pay attention to it.

poltergeists are rare if they exist, anon. Most people have never experienced one, I think.
I never have, anyway.
Do you like gay sex?
sorry for all the replies
but to call this taoism is to do a disservice to the control all of us should have of our own bodies
we've simply forgotten how to use these mechanisms
beat me to it.
We are not a hivemind.
We are local maxima in a consciousness field.
And knowledge is not common property. It is not property at all, period.
Intellectual property is the state or other sufficiently powerful organization picking favorites by preventing other people from doing with their own property and selves as they wish (and as they are free to do so).
>pharmaceutical companies are not giant fake and gay grifts
>pointless hair splitting
you win, anon
this consciousness field is the price reason many anons focusing and doing one thing is dangerous
like it or not the effort of all those lenses focusing on a particular outcome is far more likely to make it happen than not regardless of how unlikely the given desired scenario is
Based Knower

t. Schizo Oracle
Note Marzinsky is not personally very religious and observed similar phenomena in Muslim subjects, he suggests entities hate Muslims because they are actually more likely to take them seriously. So belief in God seems to be the primary driver, not what branch
Discredited nonsense never any voices and the myth of mental illness heavy phd writer everything youbare posting is puhcezbikk Jewish freemasonic satanic lies my shit it's in video games for eternity why are these paid anti christ smart talmudic simps and apes discredited communist Soviet style brain is the kind anti neuroscience psycho lying and attacking truth tell me why 100k max o. a beach saw Fatima
Is the larp reich really so much scarier than eternal enslavement to the jewish global ponzi scheme and cartel paradigm, anon?
I apologize for my pedantry.
Just thought it might be interesting to someone, but now I gotta get going.
yeap, and that is why some people are hellbent on controlling media, academia and basically anything that could influence your (and yours) mind
(besides the concrete actions and lifestyle changes taken ofc)
sky = jew
ski = not jew
I'll add that I have an aunt with treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Her voices tend to be kind and caring (she calls them angels). They even encourage her to go to church, which she does and she loves it. I've also heard it said that schizophrenics outside the West tend to have positive spiritual experiences like my aunt. If people like this exist, OP's conclusion is doubly bullshit.
You're right of course, I'm just so used to reading people overuse -oonking and -ooming that I completely missed correct usage of it.
It's a well known phenomena anon. Look up Multiple Discovery
make sense
so if Saturn is hell what is Jupiter? Heaven? Or is that Uranus or Neptune
I don't hate the way you framed or described it, anon. Framing it as disagreement when it's merely an expansion of the same idea is a fumble.
I've heard this a few times I'm my life
those voices are never telling you to help, do good, or feel good about yourself.
only so evil, hurt, destroy and attack your mental health
funny coincidence.
Kek very based very nice
So demons? Wow almost like everything those old religious white guys said was true…
somebody get my ass an exorcist
The voices told me you're a faggot, which I have since verified but had no way of knowing at the time
Edge Of The Sword, Satan Nigger.
>>4723 58905
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Psychic influence is very real. Which is why therapist is able to quiet the demons using his thoughts alone. Don't underestimate the power your thoughts have on subtle, ethieric and physical layers of reality. There exists forces beyond our conscious awareness and understanding. This is also why pornography is very dangerous, because not only are you using images to stimulate thought, but you're also spilling your seed upon the soil which collectively results in cascading shifts in the physical material world. It's why the world is so degenerate now. Pornography has been a massive catalyst in summoning demons.
>also sleep paralysis is demon activity.
I had this a couple times as a kid. Life around me around me has always been chaos.
>As a schizo hearing voices all the time i can enter church and love Jesus without a problem.
Then you should know there's a difference between symptoms and psychosis. The symptoms, hearing voices, are simply a nuisance. Since I leaned to mitigate them through diet it's the equivalent of a radio on in the kitchen then walking up stairs to the bedroom at the other side of the house. The floor and walls dampen the sound so much you actually have to stop and try listening to make it out. Psychosis on the other hand is a totally different beast and it's congruent with reports of demonic experiences and attacks.

It's not all bad though, the creativity, impressions, and intuition is tops. Also, I'm practicing Catholic
After voices stop, I notices strange demonic activity around me. I could sense it, at the time I was attacked/tempted i could see it. Saw it in sleep paralysis too.

First one was a strange black figure, with strange eyes. Other was a black figure with rope, he was a lot stronger. When he attacked me, he lifted me in the air and tried to choke me. Evil one looks like a picture from tempation of Jesus.

Also, had cases where they tried to present themselves as light angles. Just a spark of light talking. Tried to get me to sin, recognized what is it.

They are powerful being, but its meme to Gods power. Literal meme. I cannot explain how powerful God is, a human cannot understand it.

If you're saved, you're no longer schizo. You can't be both. God's Holy Spirit doesn't dwell in the same soul as demons.
so positive thoughts = positive life = less demons
I'm not an expert but you might be able to diy.
There are herbs you can burn and rituals you can perform, bible verses you can read, etc. Depending on the strength of your belief and will, vs your fear, and the persistence of the entity.
>Don't underestimate the power your thoughts have on subtle, ethieric and physical layers of reality.

That said, the reality that we all inhabit is a collective hallucination shared across all sentient beings. Our thoughts and perceptions result in the world we experience through the senses. This is why laws of physics state that an atom cannot exist without first being perceived. That's because we manifest atoms from thought on a very deep, primordial level far beyond our innate evolutionary capacity to understand.
hello I am a schizo demon
we just wanna have fun, please stop persecuting us
Swendborg was a high functioning schizophrenic himself who began listening to the voices. They essentially preached a new gospel to him. Test EVERYTHING of Swedenborg
>Verification not required.
uh uh sure and it's not like a christian psychologist (who by definition believes in things that don't exist and talks to something that doesn't exist) would lie about any of this. What noooooooo.
>Mental bluetooth
Funny I have a friend who worded it the exact same way.
Weed for all it's faults (making people lazy or potentially activating a schitzo) can have positive effects. A lot of times when people have a "bad trip" they'll talk about how they get anxiety about something they've been putting off or doing wrong. I know for me I've had some bad trips that made reconsider how I act at work by not being such an asshole and one time I got an immense fear of dying that basically made me stop acting like a depressed emo bitch by showing me I didn't actually want to die.
the most desirable state being delta
>psych talks bullshit
Whoa, wow
You are a faggot. Please learn to put in some effort to better yourself and your atrocious way of communicating. You retard, you absolute ghoul.
Dr.Phil pheno, worked with a guy he had it turns out they where related.
How does diet affect your hallucinations
>be atheist retard
>believe in whole host of things that don't exist in material reality
>try to trash talk theist for doing the same thing
retard faggot
They can enter psyche via various ways, attack it, manipulate via inserted voices or images. Also, in some cases, posses a host and use his body, although this is very rare.

They usually work as a group, altough they can operate as one.

Their attacks on ones who are not aware of spiritiual world are devistating, and they can manipulate in different ways. Their intelligence is far superior to ours.

To the ones protected by God, non of this applies.
the gut bacteria ecosystem has almost unthinkable influence over our mind
look at this guy's X
I don't think I can take him serious.
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If I've never experienced anything paranomal in my life except for a spooky dookie encounter, does that mean that ghosts/demons don't care about me or fear me?
yeah i would recommend making an angelic servitor to regularly scoop de goop, scoopity poop, scoop de whoop de poop. shoopity goop. sort of like astral anti-virus software.
He probably post here kek this might be his bread
>for no reason at all
you kicked my dog you demon shit
i will hunt you for all eternity
if I had to guess, they are influencing you in other ways,I'd say the most common type of demonic influence is some low level thought patterns or ideas that your consciousness picks up.
why be all spooky and Hollywood when it can just subtly influence you into thinking the way it wants you to?
yes intrusive thoughts, but not the overly obvious violent ones.
jerry would fuck you up fren
>Their attacks on ones who are not aware of spiritiual world are devistating,

Yes. People who are not aware to the subtle underlying nature of reality are particularly prone to negative energy and 'possessions'. I see 'demonic entities' numerous times in sleep paralysis. As a child, i'd see many of them in a sober state. It's all very real. The more inclined you are to accept that this is all very real, is the more control you have over your life; and ultimately your destiny. I've lived my whole life staying out of trouble, because I know there are guardian angels casting their protection on me. There is always that 'gut feeling' that warns you when there is something you absolutely must avoid. Listen to it. Those are helpful entities that you've been connected to at a time before birth. They look over you, and help to ensure that you can navigate this dualistic, material reality.
schizophrenia is not some kind of superpower, fuck this dumb thread, you want to see schizos up close then just visit a psychiatric ward, it's just a bunch of sick people spouting foolishness and it ain't pretty.
listen to the melody of the planets to figure out what they represent:
They hide their will into physical materia via magic for average man to consume so they have acess if they want. For example, supstance abuse, degenerate sex magic, basically every destrucive stuff. If one consumes it, they can acess to some degree, because will of theirs is hidden into these things, so one falls under their will

Also, if one gives himself to the will of evil, he becames possible vicim.

You can imagine it like a field, whos name is obedience. It belong either to God or evil one. If one listens to evil will and obeys it, His obedience field belongs to evil.
I used to watch and read about this stuff a lot. But, it's a bad thing cause showing interest can attract them apparently so it's a weird situation of wanting to acquire knowledge and at the same time attracting unwanted attention because of it.
I've always been very negative and pessimistic, almost my whole life. It's hard for me to imagine something putting thoughts into my mind that would've been there already without any influence. I'd imagine them taking it up a notch.
I've always found stuff like this interesting but 99% of "proof" is anecdotes that cannot be verified in any way, shape, or form. Even the so-called "studies" on the topics, as few as they are, tend to have made up their mind before even beginning and so cannot be fully trusted. I'm the kind of guy that needs hard empirical truths. I will believe anything and always give stuff the benefit of the doubt and a fair shot (or three). I've changed my perspective and beliefs who knows how many times, but only when I was sure the next step was logical and consistent. That's why I have trouble *really* getting into stuff like this, it's just so wishy-washy.
>You are a faggot. Please learn to put in some effort to better yourself and your atrocious way of communicating. You retard, you absolute ghoul.
christfaggots never stop sucking cock.
Doesn't just affect it, it can cure it if you get it early. A Nobel Price winner and his buddies in the 50's discovered the cause of schizophrenia and treatment. It's just buried because like everything else there's no money in not prescribing drugs and treating it using food.

It's called orthomolecular medicine (correct molecule medicine). Anyway the thing about schizophrenics is we're adrenaline sensitive in that we either produce too much of it or metabolize it too slowly, either way the effect is the same. Adrenaline is toxic to the heart so the body converts it to adrenochrome to protect the heart., Adrenochrome is then converted to Adrenalutin (psychoactive). Adrenochrome / Adrenolutin are toxic to the brain. Schizophrenia starts off acute (comes and goes ) in your teens (me it was 19 first time had symptoms) but as Adrenochrome / Adrenolutin are toxix to the brain it causes structural damage to the brain if it persists in high levels for years and becomes chronic (daily symptoms), you're passed the point of a cure and can only mitigate your condition now going forward. Vitamin B / Niacin helps the body metabolize adrenaline. Also have to do elimination diet (no sugar etc). There's a few other things but you get the gist.

Point is (((they))) know and there's even conspiracies theories about why they ply us with drugs beyond just profit motives
this thread is not just about schizophrenic people but more about what can be learned about our meta-reality from their experiences.
>can't argue
>sodomite projection
don't repent,kikejeet.
Thats why Adam and his world died, because He listened to the will of the evil, so the ownership over Adam was stolen to satan, which means death.

The way these evil creatures operate is hard to grasp sometimes. The way they attack and manipulates humans is tragic.

Christ truly is Savior. And His Will will forever be freedom for humans.
It's not "wishy-washy", it's obfuscated.
Start nooticing the symbolism in everything, the coincidences, etc. We're living in something like a combination of the matrix and the truman show.
This is probably what the allegory of the cave is /really/ about.
Hello my friend. My mother has schizophrenia. We have her secretly on zyprexa everyday on her coffee. What steps did you take to manage your gut microbiome? Any sources I can look to?
ah, that being said, if you're comfortable with the world as you understand it, you might be better off not pursuing the obscure.
Watch all this doctors videos
I've had schizophrenia for decades. Bro's, the afterlife is real, and people that are already there are driving us insane in some sort of stupid mind game they play between themselves, with us being like a toy meat robot to play with.
They are relentless and torturous.
And they can also literally hurt our body with real pain. Most people think its a demonic attack, when in reality it is just people who crossed over to the afterlife first.
They told me it is almost exactly like this side of life with an extra touch of being able to manipulate people on our side, share telepathic thoughts, dreams and sometimes even emotions.
There is no heaven or hell, only another dimension almost identical to this side of life. Some people think it is limbo and that they can do whatever they want until the 'get into heaven'. Religion has really messed with the afterlife, so many people reject the dimension/afterlife for what it is. Natural, and anyone is allowed to enter it.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is king. He makes kikes and atheists alike seethe and quiver. He loves you all, despite most of you being unrepentant faggots.
Woke up one morning to paralysis and feeling an invisible chain around my neck and hands trying to choke me. I can tell you that I stopped playing a warlock in WoW after that.
I've read this before. Nice bot post.
Yeah sure it's obfuscated, but when most people who are trying to tell me about it have a 4th grade reading level and are severe narcissists, they don't exactly make it sound sane. I've had 2 precognitive dreams that happened within 72 hours of the event they were showing. One saved my life because I was wary of the situation due to the dream and recognized what was happening and what was about to happen, I would have died otherwise. When I was about 4 my mother said I told her about an "Uncle Knock" of hers that I talked to "while I was in the box" and that he was from Russia, Pennsylvania. One of her uncles was a Russian immigrant who had moved to Pennsylvania and due the circumstances of my birth I spent over 100 days in the hospital, most in an insulated and climate controlled incubator so I could finish physically developing. She had never told me about this and never discussed it with anybody, yet I knew somehow.

I'm open to this shit, I just need real data, something real, something verifiable, not vagueposting.
Can confirm, I've been tortured by people in the afterlife countless times. Its horrible not being able to stop it and not being able to fight back.
When I talked about black magic and demon magic hidden into physical materia that influence human behavior, its basically a twist/ mockery demon model of Gods creation/influence via Word.

Repent and turn to Christ.
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