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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Would you be willing to die for protecting a woman?

>balaclava clad teens
im just so tired bros
"balaclava-clad teens"
What a retard. His girlfriend will probably spread her legs to the attackers now
Typical jeet post
>Hacked him to death
So did they make his neuro link explode or what?
He died defending what he cares about. Which is more than can be said for any of your street shitting race or the niggers that killed him. If every white was like him we wouldn't have Zog to worry about.
What was he doing in a (((shopping mall)))?
The list is getting long, but throw this on there
Cops need to go full genocide on criminals. They should fear getting blown apart by the cops.
Add it to the list
>balaclava clad teens
Random terrorists at the mall?

They unironically haven't realized that they too are waiting for someone else to save them instead of doing it themselves.
>Bobby Maher
>balaclava-clad teens
jewish fundraising is so brutal bros.
you're not wrong thoughever
More dead kikes please.
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fuck no
The saddest part is the girl will forever have a fetish for niggers now. Nothing turns women on more then violence and nothing gives women a greater “ick” then dying in a fight. She will forever associate whites with weak cucks that get killed and Blacks as the alpha chads that do the killing
>would I be willing to die?
>to protect a woman?
open borders related or just Amerinog related?
A child protecting a child
I see nothing evil in this
Just a damn shame it's going to go unpunished.
>the alpha chads that do the killing
Not according to every major war, lil Timmy with a raceplay fetish.
If it's MY girlfriend, wife, daughter, grandmother, mother or sister. Sure. Some, not all, of my aunts and nieces. A random women? I wouldn't even call the police.

The kid in OP is a little hero.
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What level of porno brain rot do you need to achieve this state degenerate?
bwahahaha, what point is she trying to make?
Yeah as if the hair wasn't a dead giveaway. His parents probably voted for this. What can you say?
We're calling them balaclava clad teens now?
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Why pretend to be a coon on the internet?
The list grows...
>balaclava clad teens
add it to the list
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>balaclava clad teens
This shit is getting ridiculous
Yid kid paying for the sins of his father. Ah well.
its not about sending a message, its about the money
Of course I would. He was a brave and good young man for protecting his girlfriend. If a terrible situation ever occurs I hope to have as much courage as he did
He's a asian. He hates white people
That wahmenz are safe because they don't have to fight the war. To the victor goes the spoils and she's staying in shape for whomever that is.
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So sex gets you this? Glad I don’t have it.

I know it probably goes without saying, but did we ever find out if these youfs were niggers or some other shade of shitskin, pol?

Where are their pictures? Where are their identities? You disappoint me, pol. 2016 pol would’ve had all this info up the moment it happened.
I have a feeling the father is a cuck and won't go punisher.
Add it to the list.
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Race status of attacker?
>Dominique Antonio Richard Harris
That does sound white European, right?
It's usually white people who are hacking other people to pieces, correct?
>Kia Boys
>Brazen duo
>Party goers
>Young boys
>College kids
>Lego Heads
>Dog owners
>SUV Drivers
>Crazed Man
>Young father
>Scooter rider
>Gentle giants
>Church goers
>Little Rascals
>Rowdy guests
>Church helper
>Total Stranger
>Massive Goon
>Naked women
>Jobless losers
>Gifted athletes
>Postal workers
>Family Friends
>Enraged Driver
>Raging woman
>Adult Customer
>Teen Squatters
>Gang members
>Trouble makers
>Spring breakers
>Amazon worker
>Bus passengers
>Aspiring rappers
>Hide and seeker
>Subway dancers
>Street performer
>House inspector
>California Father
>Shadowy figures
>Irate Moviegoers
>Would-be thieves
>Repeat offenders
>Heartless thieves
>Lifelong criminals
>Funeral mourners
>Unhinged patients
>Restaurant patron
>Larger aggressors
>Unhinged stranger
>Gifted school boys
>Shirtless attackers
>Shirtless strangers
>Masked assailants
>Would-be muggers
>Lunchtime rowdies
>Cold-hearted teens
>Persons of interest
>Classroom rowdies
>Squatting Suspects
>Wendy’s customers
>Belligerent stranger
>Former NFL players
>McDonalds Whacko
>Black Friday crowds
>High school student
>Community activists
>Knife Wielding Sicko
>Troubled young men
>Urban demographics
>Spring break partiers
>Scholarship recipient
>Casual cigarette killer
>Neighborhood bullies
>Misogynistic maniacs
>Knife Wielding Maniac
>Balaclava Clad Creeps
>Fringe Political Candidate
>Boy holding gardening tool
>Purple Shoe Wearing Bandit
>Gifted and Talented Students
>Youths from deprived suburbs
>Hitman, 16
>Man Who Pointed Gun at an Officer
>Military guys
>Ski mask-clad teens <--- you are here
>He died defending what he cares about.
women don't care about men, women care that ou make them feel good that's all.

so the jeet is 100% right
No, but I would certainly kill some niggers for mine
Maher is an Irish name you cunts. Bill Maher is half-Irish, that's where he gets his name from unfortunately, not the Jew side.
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>Hacked him to death
This is why you have guns.
One for personal protection and 2 to take down a tyrannical government.
\Stop using fists start capping asses.
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here is a photo of one of the teens
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Only my mother and she's dead.
She passed out and stopped breathing in the middle of the night, back in June 2015.
I found her the next morning and I have waited for death ever since.
Don't hold your breath.
No criminals no paychecks.
White men are such spineless feckless cuck faggots for not getting revenge on any and all niggers and shitskins and juice in minecraft in WY after this.

This is why white girls are race mixing at unprecedented rates btw. They know white ‘men’ are useless low T pussies
>Lunchtime rowdies
Will always be peak lmao
Sorry for your loss anon
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shouldn't have used the F word
>Died for teen girlfriend
Have guns just in case Balaclava-clad teens come, just like my great grandpa always said.
>do anything that goes against the states or some corrupt and compromised "judge's" (read the people who butter their bread with bribes; that ultimately and invariable it leads back to the UN and those that maintain the status quo) agenda
No, the whole fucking community needs to band together to lynch these niggers and their families, and then kill whoever from "the government" that tries to stop or "prosecute" them.

This ends when criminals know that their actions won't be a drawn out legal process (that they'll use to escape and jump ship to another state or country) or a slap on the wrist with a commuted jail time.
When niggers of all skin colors and creeds see their fellow spiritual brethren swinging from trees and lamppost, or their remains in gibbets in the town square, they'll fucking think twice about being a nigger.
Oh so they were nigger faggot too.
Well then, the state will obvious not send them to prison, and instead will give them and award or something (it is their month, after all).

Just fucking blast these teen niggers away when their enroute to their school.
>Kia boys
>Party goers
>Urban youth
>Porch pirates
>Church goers
>Young fathers
>Honda drivers
>Jobless losers
>Gifted athletes
>Gang members
>Trouble makers
>Cannibal Gangs
>Bus passengers
>Aspiring rappers
>Subway dancers
>Repeat offenders
>Lifelong criminals
>Masked assailants
>Persons of interest
>Lunchtime rowdies
>Restaurant patrons
>Unhinged strangers
>Former NFL players
>Unruly young adults
>Unhappy customers
>Community activists
>Black Friday crowds
>Troubled young men
>Spring break partiers
>Neighborhood bullies
>High school students
>Scholarship recipients
>antisemitic lunatics
>Rock wielding maniacs
>cannabis-smoking teenager
>Balaclava clad teens <--- you are here

We need to do like they do in Singapore. Surround them and beat the living fuck out of them with sticks, to the point where they don't die but they live the rest of their life crippled as fuck.
Wtf? This is even going on in Wyoming now?
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NOOOOO I have to live another 60 years consuming goyslop and watching tranime. Then I'll have lived a life fulfilled.
I just don't get that. They're not gonna run away after stabbing or shooting you. Girlfrinds next unless stabbing or shooting you was their goal. If they're mugging your girl, unless you plan on shooting first, blocking the shot isn't stopping the robbery. Idiots watch too many movies!!

Wyoming < 1% nigger but you tell me about a 2-on-1 spur-of-the-moment murder and I'm still betting my life savings on it being niggers.
I know, the girl should be killed for getting a mans life lost.
>If every white was like him we wouldn't have Zog to worry about.
Because we would be dead. He's DEAD, dummy.

>He died defending what he cares about.
He should have killed to defend what he cares about instead. But he died. What did he do wrong? He was unarmed, for one. He relaxed, for another. And he never learned how to defend himself, for a third. And finally, he decided to die for pussy, instead of for a higher ideal. Dying for the mother of his children would be one thing, but nope this was just his "girlfriend," a degenerate, modern concept. Women aren't meant to be your friends, or your fuck buddies either.

If you're going to die, it better be for a worthy cause, and that cause isn't simping for pussy. But better yet, don't die at all. Fight back and WIN by any means necessary. First step is to prepare and never, ever relax.
He’s Irish, not Jewish. His killers were white, not black. He died like a man, his attackers were weak pussies that held him down 2 on 1. He was easily more brave than the sad faggots on /pol/.
Around balaclava clad teens, keep space inbetween.
Based also keeping the list
No, the dumb enforcers of the state shouldn't be allowed to do anything because they are also just thugs with a badge.
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I don't know if you've noooooticed fren but this shithole is barely anything more than a fucking constant demoralisation hive now. Very little of value still here bar some funny memes and the occasional real thread. They hit this place hard for a reason....
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I genuinely feel sorry for you straight men.

Women will never love you, or provide you any happiness, yet you're still willing to die for them while they date brown men after your death

I genuinely pity you.
Only my mother.
Fuck no.
I don't know if you've noooooticed fren but this shithole is barely anything more than a fucking constant demoralisation hive now. Very little of value still here bar some funny memes and the occasional real thread. They hit this place hard for a reason....
If every white was like him they'd be DEAD!
>its not about sending a message, its about the money
In dire need of a Zelensky/Joker meme
First off, this attackers were probably since variety of niggers. Second, the bitch probably fucked them afterwards. Third, if you're going to fight you need to be strong and fit. This guy wasn't.
Fuck, I wouldn't even defend my wife and kids. I can make more of them, I can't make more of me. Self preservation above ALL else.
He’s right
Stfu retard
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>Dominique Antonio Richard Harris
you can only choose one
In Sweden it’s easy to get called a rapist because you didn’t pull out floats enough or wore a condom

Sweden means nothing
Maybe in some other country but never in America hahahaha. Here I would mind my own business and assume the cunt deserved it. The niggers could behead some white whore and I would lose no sleep over it at all. If the pigs showed up I would tell them I saw nothing and to go get REAL jobs and encourage them to all apply at McDonald's.
>Be dead!
Your brain on nigger dick
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Oh, right, you "din du nuffin" right?
You raped some white girl but in your opinion you "din du nuffin".
Fuck you nigger scum, you people gang rape kids.
You do not belong in civilized society, get the fuck back to africa where you belong, amongst the animals like you.
You are the Jews bioweapons unleashed upon Europe to destroy everything that is kind and good in the world.
But one day you'll reckoning will come.
And we'll be hanging you coons from the trees.
My sides are in orbit looking at your pic but I can't tell which order the images go in lol
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Aww dam i was thinking about wyoming as an alternative to eastern europe/certain parts of latam to be in a place with no gays and niggers with my remote job
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Christ be with you
disgusting, im so tired of it
>bwahahaha, what point is she trying to make?
Ukrainians are in great shape and can run to another country, so 'Ukrainians' win.
Girls like malls and burgers like food.
add it to the list
based bong
>jew dies
i'm okay with this
Sometimes it's the only location with a decent specific store. I had to go to one last year for the Pottery Barn and it was wild. So crowded but that it felt like going back in time.
I wanted to buy expensive plates though so I put up with it just that once.
go get stomped on by an elephant
wow, you are incredibly autistic,
like all fucking chileans who can simulate english's comprehension
>be fruity niggers
>have some zesty action in a chemical toilet
>kike asks if he can join the action
>kill the kike to keep him from telling all about the butt sex
it's funny how gay niggers kill other gay niggers/people to keep the silence
same quality as commies
lol so they were just walking around a mall in robber masks and no one cared

white people are lambs to the slaughter. you are completely defenseless.
This is why always carry a weapon on you. Since minors can't get guns, a knife or decent blunt weapon should be enough. Gun is definitely must have as an adult.
wtf are there niggers in wyoming now? is literally nowhere safe anymore? i thought wyoming was 99.9% white with .1% injuns????????
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To be a...
I appreciate the sentiment but this was a fourteen year old at the mall with his GF.
In Wyoming. He probably didn't even know we are at war.
Even the red cross follow a "me > we > they" priority. You can't help anyone if you're dead.
Post pandemic world, masks are normalized by the powers that be.
Are they referring to niggers?
Thanks for keeping score.
>casual cigarette man
Always are
Okay but wheres the pics & videos you fucking faggot op?
Blood debt

A police interview with Harris after his arrest revealed he and Plunkett had wanted to fight Maher weeks before the Sunday incident.

Roughly two weeks ago, during spring break, Harris and Plunkett went into a porta-potty together at a public park in Evansville and Maher, who was also at the park, called them “freaks” afterward, according to the affidavit.

Plunkett in his interview with the police said they went in together because it was cold outside.

Harris and Plunkett had wanted to fight Maher since the incident at the park, according to the affidavit. The affidavit notes an incident where the pair asked Maher’s girlfriend and another of Maher’s friends where Maher was or where he lived.
>>Gifted athletes
>>Postal workers
>>Family Friends
>>Enraged Driver
>>Raging woman
>>Adult Customer
>>Teen Squatters
>>Gang members
>>Trouble makers
>>Spring breakers
>>Amazon worker
>>Bus passengers
>>Aspiring rappers
>>Hide and seeker
>>Subway dancers
>>Street performer
>>House inspector
>>California Father
>>Shadowy figures
>>Irate Moviegoers
>>Would-be thieves
>>Repeat offenders
>>Heartless thieves
>>Lifelong criminals
>>Funeral mourners
>>Unhinged patients
>>Restaurant patron
>>Larger aggressors
>>Unhinged stranger
>>Gifted school boys
>>Shirtless attackers
>>Shirtless strangers
>>Masked assailants
>>Would-be muggers
>>Lunchtime rowdies
>>Cold-hearted teens
>>Persons of interest
>>Classroom rowdies
>>Squatting Suspects
>>Wendy’s customers
>>Belligerent stranger
>>Former NFL players
>>McDonalds Whacko
>>Black Friday crowds
>>High school student
>>Community activists
>>Knife Wielding Sicko
>>Troubled young men
>>Urban demographics
>>Spring break partiers
>>Scholarship recipient
>>Casual cigarette killer
>>Neighborhood bullies
>>Misogynistic maniacs
>>Knife Wielding Maniac
>>Balaclava Clad Creeps
>>Fringe Political Candidate
>>Boy holding gardening tool
>>Purple Shoe Wearing Bandit
>>Gifted and Talented Students
>>Youths from deprived suburbs
>>Hitman, 16
>>Man Who Pointed Gun at an Officer
>>Military guys
>>Ski mask-clad teens <--- you are here

601 characters to go and then you'll have to post twice to show the full list.
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Such a good goy
In an ideal world where said woman also has a tail? Of course.
>Dominique Antonio Richard Harris, 15, could face life in prison after pleading not guilty to conspiracy to commit murder charges on Wednesday for his alleged role in the murder of Bobby Maher in April at the Eastridge Mall, in Casper, the Cowboy State Daily reports.

Harris, who is being tried as an adult, admitted to police that he held down Harris to help his alleged co-conspirator, Jarreth Plunkett, 15, stab him, according to court records.

dominique antonio. lol.
a balaclava is a robber mask not a medical mask
if there's a mall anywhere near you you're not safe. you need to be at least 30 minute drive from a small city

>> buh but muh job and muh trunk payment

if you're dead those things are useless annyway
Mr. Cruel had children? Never knew.
The fact that the father of this dead kid hasn’t murdered his killers and their families tells you everything you need to know
Alright, I'll bite:

1. There is literally NO proof that the attackers were black.
2. We don't have all the facts. It sounds like a mugging gone wrong.
3. 96% of white murders are done by white people
4. White people kill black people just as often as black people kill white people
5. Violent crime is the result of systemic poverty from generational theft and robbery.

Instead of having a constructive discussion, you're fixating on old tribal racism/bias. Let's check the facts before rushing judgement.
No it's for skiing, keeps your face warm
Based. Better back off next time, lil Timmy.
This the era of the black man now.
When you think about it, the nation only exists to serve the interests of men. We're basically all mimicking what best worked for Europe after the transition to the Middle Ages and Renaissance. It was mostly men who worked skilled positions and war, but in that something about military service became warped.

In that you have this gross inverse of the beliefs of Plato, the nature of half the species reveals itself. I don't hate them but unironically, things like the Ukraine war really aren't their problem. They can simple exist in a stateless since, because someone will always be there to wipe their asses for them in the sense of organizing trade and industry. Someone will always welcome women, especially attractive women and whites are probably the only people globally who aren't ugly in some way as a rule (even though many or most males are nerds or spergs in some way, myself included).

Just hole fuck bros is/was the realization of this not totally mind blowing to you? Half the species has a different genetic and social strategy, and exist at your total expense. All the LARPs about heroism are like this dead, commodified thing that has been rendered cheap. Your violence in life as some lowly infantry grunt or warrior LARP types are worth less than shit and our society is controlled by porn addict bean counters or very old, senile men who married their children into jewish bean counter families.

and is literally associated only with robbers you dumb fuck

they were in a mall, not skiing
>Dominique Antonio Richard Harris

Guess. Just guess.
No clue. I carry a niggerblaster so I dont have to die.
That boy was cute
If you get baited by this you are a dumb gorilla nigger faggot retard like the clown who posted it
>Dominique Antonio Richard Harris
From a distance I thought that picture was going to be the girlfriend. I was all prepared to make fun of the hypothetical boyfriend for dying to defend this ugly girl.
Kid should've had a gun on him.
Adrenaline and low impulse control. They must also be fundamentally retarded or thought to be cornered.
Even if he is black, that doesn't disprove the other points. But I don't see that he's black.
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"LiTerally no proof" FBI statistics would assume that there is a 50% likelihood of the offender being a nigger. time to go dilate faggot
I mean if they have the mind of a dog and they bite they are either put down or locked up forever.
Niggers come in all differing skin colors, creeds, shapes and sizes; they just predominantly skew towards the certain demographics that the widespread generational social engineering and debasement campaigns worked best on due to their lack of prefrontal evolutionary development or sex based deficiencies.
The more you know.
Outlander Out!
>The hostilities started after the victim asked the other two teenagers if they were "homosexual freaks"
lel, /lgbt/ strikes back.
His girlfriend called him to say that the two boys he bullied were there, and giving her the ick. He went down to confront them. They stole a knife out of a shop and stabbed him.
>chopped up by two teens in a mall
Teens = niggers in newspeak
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>Women will never love you
No faggot ever truly feels love, that's what makes them so feminine.
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>niggers come in all colors, but 99% of them are brown
A useless statement.
IDF payroll
Yes, but there is a growing trend of more non-blacks becoming and being niggers than blacks right now (as they had reached a saturation point years ago).
Niggerdom is primarily a state of mind, and affliction of spirit.
And it has only spread worldwide the past two decades with the advent of the internet and all those big tech glowniggers running IIA operations and trying to control the cultural zeitgeist through targeted algorithms.

To ignore the white nigger while living cozily away from a multicultural enclave or urban hellhole, is to be vigilant for snipes on the outskirts of your village, while you ignore your own townsfolk becoming irascible with rabies.
>he said just before being blasted by a train built in 1872
I'm sure she'll look back on that 14 year old boy fondly as she's embracing her future husband on her wedding night.
Good job, sport!
He died for what he believed in, that is a worthy death. Even if people who are irrelevant to his existence disagree over the internet because they are demoralized
I read the articles. There was no defense of any gf. It was three retarded wiggers who wanted to fight about absolutely nothing, and his girlfriend merely called him to let him know the faggots were at the mall.
Is this fake? Like what the fuck reality is this?
I seriously believe CERN fucked with the timeline in bad way
Maine is the whitest state with 96% white

Wyoming is only 90% white sorry shitskin
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These women are so horny and stupid. I hate that my generation was brainwashed into thinking they're anything more than sexy farm animals.

Highly doubt it was niggers unless they got bussed up for Section 8 from Denver.

My guess is either methed out injuns or ‘teen’ illegal spics. A lot more beaners in Wyoming these days as farm labor.
Not celibates btw fornicators a terrorist ideology
Of course. Jewess lives for the BBC
>Being in the vicinity of niggers deserve death
14 years old and more of a man than any of the people on this board will ever be
Lmao I had to look up balaclava to know what it is. I should have just known it meant black
Don't forget this version:

>balaclava-wearing creeps

Sorry for your loss fren. She watches over you with the lord <3
Has the cellphone footage been leaked?
This is why I like the Japanese idea of heaven where if you're killed doing something noble you're reborn in a medieval european world of magic and fantasy.
With a cheat power and a harem.
Hope this dude gets cool powers and cat girls with giant tatas in the next world.
He is more of a man than you'll ever be you disgusting poo jeet
Any video of his tight gf being raped by bbc?
he died doing what he loved
simping for a hole
This post perfectly explains why bongs are the best goyims
When nonwhites are getting genocided and want me to care im going to remember these kids they murdererd
He looks like a little twink and a faggot probably deserved it
Wasn't this kid gay? Honestly nice of the media to spin it that he was straight.
everything you typed out is a cope to get men to die for the state and moralfaggot ideals that indirectly benefit the state. Self-sacrifice is a false god.
Nothing actually. just an excuse to get validation from simpcucks on the internet by showing her tits.
The innocence of youth.
If he were twenty years older he would have pushed her ass down as he ran away because by then he'd have known bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.
Would she do the same?

99.99% of them wouldn't
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>balaclava clad teens
Not that new, we had balaclava clad-creeps.
I agree bro. despite the demoralization Comments. We need to be ready to die to defend what we think it’s important, Even others think it is not
I bet his gf enjoyed being spitroasted by those two young men afterwards
>dying over a hoe
0 rizz
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whenever I wonder if I would put myself in harms way to protect someone else, I always think that i'd be happier alive
their woman work out even during bombings. why cant our women work out
based Keeper-of-the-List
>if everyone fought we would all be dead
I would suppose people were saying this 40, 50, 70 years ago and now look where we are.
Going to be outnumbered which is in effect a social death, because nobody fought
We have steel batons. They’re called nigger beaters for a reason.
Please stay strong and live your life to the fullest anon! I'm sure it what she'd want for you
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No white kid ever reacts to being called faggots by stabbing someone.
reaffirming the notion that all race baiters are brown
not even beaners clap their hands like this
poojeets are dangerously close to kosher levels of niggerfaggotry
>balaclava clad teens
saar bloody basterd, no state die for me. bharatian bahanchood
fuckin based finland

holy shit, everyone is tired of niggers
>become heir of yakub ointment
I wish I had more friends like you
Why aren't you wearing body armor daily?
More like Bananacraver
"Romantic love" is a fake feminized concept, one fags definitely don't feel while trying to "poz" little kids. It's not something I worry about.
that's not what he said at all you disingenuous kike

also, we have been outnumbered by every single shit colored population since the dawn of time, yet they live in fear and eternal butthurt about what we've done to them. you need to be fired
Glowniggers are MAD biden bombed, huh? What's it feel like to only be able to keep 1 thread on the board NIGGERS?
You're posting a rom-com and pretending it's reality. These twink sitcoms are actually pretty common on tik tok now. It's not real, sweatheart.
Kys you fucking brownoid scum
Poor guy.


Inshallah Mach alahu
Their names are Dominique and Jarreth….
That goblin bastard
Moms TikTok

it's very hard to find photos of the two attackers. which means of course that they are niggers (to the surprise of no one)
This is what happens when teenagers can't buy guns.
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Chimeras confirmed. Kill on sight.
I died protecting a female fren of mine...I got better
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Imagine if the kid were an Israeli and the attackers Palestinians. The payment for the kid's life would go like:
2 attackers + 20~200 Palestinians lives.
i dont even think they have those in wyoming
did you get accosted by the mall's mandatory israeli kiosk employee trying to sell you salt from the dead sea for $80/gram?

if not, you have not yet had the pleasure of the full jewnited states shopping mall experience
Walking in a nigger infested area without a gun is asking for it
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Lol what would happen if someone bought 4chan and just immediately locked any post that was created at a military base?
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>balaclava-clad teens
is it on the list?

i'm not even checking to confirm they are black, it's just a gut feeling at this point
>nigger menace
>our/guy Colin Flaherty (RIP)

The clip at the following link is a now-famous letter written to author & radio host Colin Flaherty by a high power attorney describing the nigger menance after his term serving as a "public defender". A must-watch and excellent for redpilling normies.

Colin Flaherty (RIP) wrote such best-sellers as "Don't Make The Black Kids Angry" and "White Girl Bleed A Lot"

The Greatest Letter Ever Written To Colin Flaherty
Someone needs to van these bitches and drive them to the front.
It's pretty normal to see black people in balaclava's in shoddy areas now openly. No fear or nothing, just in case they get the feels to rob or their trying to hide from opps
How does one clad themselves with Greek dessert pastries? Is there photos?
tough luck that weak broccoli faggot turned into minced meat toast
>What can you say?
Thanks, Jews!
Trying to have a childhood.
Shalom, kike. Stop prescribing jewish behaviors to nonjews
Yoh should never die for a whore.
this exactly id die for someone i loved , ez choice the rest of these comments are SUS
She'll be rooting his mates within days.
You win this thread. Good work to our dalit friend
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>balaclava clad teens
Say that stupid shit online one more time and triads and cartels will be dismembering you alive.


One more time for clarity, can everyone stop and pay attention. Back of the class stop smoking.

Who was it?


Class dismissed, no hw for next week. Reading the Bible or Torah does not fall under hw is still mandatory.
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Actually the only appropriate case: rescue your virgin maiden HS sweetheart. Had he won, he would forever be a lion in her eyes, battle tested and honorable. Also its not how you die, but how you live. The boy figured it out quick so the devil sent his worst and they won this time. RIP young man, you had harder balls than any man who would belittle you or your actions in death.

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