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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Leaked audio can be revealed of a rant Adam Bandt delivered to Greens supporters that the party leader admitted could cost him 'a few friends'.

>A judge has labelled Bruce Lehrmann as a 'man of modest means' after the former staffer was hit with a $2million legal bill in the wake of his failed defamation trial.

>Queensland Police establish emergency declaration after industrial fire in Kingston, Logan
>Former prime ministers Tony Abbott and John Howard are among a list of prominent Australians to be formally sanctioned by the Kremlin, following their efforts to lobby the federal government to divert frozen Russian assets to the rebuilding of Ukraine.
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>Major pharmacy chains reject vape laws, signalling franchisees shouldn't sell vaping products
Fuck yourself
- Adam Bandt raped me when I was underage.
- Bruce raped me last week, I couldn't stop him. He may return today, so scared.
- Queensland Police cover up for rapes every day, and participate in them.

Today's theme kids? Rape.

Morning cunts. I checked my wagie calendar, apparently it's Friday. I think this is a special day for wagie's, and sometimes they 'clock off' early to have some drinks. Stupid cunts. They deserve to be ripped of by Shekelberg.
I had a dream about my OneItIs at Uni. Haven't spoken to her since Uni. What's with that? Weird. She doesn't even like me, kek. Bet she's jabbed as well, the tard.
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wtf i bumped ur thread twice fuck you
You specified posting non archive links. That was a jab at me.
>tfw your power goes out overnight and you get an IP permanently band in 2012.
>You specified posting non archive links. That was a jab at me.
I don't think it is malicious mate.
zoomers are terrified and confused by archive links
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My boomer neighbour is still blowing up my phone. Because she wants me to drive HER car to pick up HER vaccinated sister from the hospital after she was admitted for the 5th time.

I'm just not gonna answer.
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where can i get a berry flavour vape?
fuck mint fuck fake tobacco
Maybe, considering how things are here these days it's not worth giving people the benefit of the doubt
This whole Lehrmann fiasco is such bullshit that even the normies around me are starting to notice. Actual statement I overheard:
>"Balance of probabilities?? What the fuck does that even mean? Can they use this 'balance of probabilities' thing to get me on a red light ticket??"
>Can they use this 'balance of probabilities' thing to get me on a red light ticket??"
They're based on red-light cameras catching them though. No cameras caught Bruce raping anyone
Because normal blokes have a strong altruistic desire to impregnate clapped-out roasties. I'd ban all IVF, it offends God.
>"The donor travelled to my town in rural Victoria from Perth unannounced and contacted me to ask if he could stay with us," she said.
>The man claimed he was being "stalked" and "harassed" by gangs and said they were "threatening" to sexually abuse Maria's five-year-old son.
quit vaping once and for all
it's stupid
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Hey floof.
Is it possible to switch between signed and unsigned decimal in this linux calculator?
Good morning sirs! Another stabful day in the Stabstralian stabadise!

I'm thinking about living a life without a mobile phone and removing my personal email. A simple landline phone for calling the fire rescue (not bothering ambos or police because they are always busy and underpaid). I haven't used social media ever since that Facebook scandal a decade ago. Any thoughts?
My boomer arse neighbour finally gave up and drove her own lazy arse self. Fucking worse case scenario the bitch could get a free taxi voucher from the hospital but disturbing me is more convenient.

I'm off to get padlocks for my gates so people can't knock on my door.
Also lmaoing @ lyf of this disgusting roastie raising a bastard of a drug-addicted schizo.
Talking about poor lyf choices...
It's kind of amazing how they fast track some dumbass bill about vaping. Idek what the fuck it's about, but they are all clapping like seals at how good it is. I can only assume a whole bunch of lobby dollars were squeezing them to get this done. Vaping. Who gives a fuck?
I note Dr Chant said something, and he is big in big homo. So have to think it's something to ensure the cancer bux keep flowing. I also begin to suspect nicotine has positive properties, like Ivermectin, that they'd prefer we didn't know. Nicotine, not the cigarette cancer stick. Cunts, all of them.
It's all about money. The Government makes a lot of it from tobacco tax and lobbying.

Vapes offered a cheap alternative.
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Who do this stupid bitches think goes to sperm donor clinics?
i cant stop getting the munchies
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>I'm off to get padlocks for my gates so people can't knock on my door.
Don't forget to remove it when pajeet has to deliver your ebay or amazon purchase because the cunt will just throw it over the fence.
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>I'm off to get padlocks for my gates so people can't knock on my door.
Thanks Roy
I just get shit delivered to my workplace.

I am a below average looking male with no friends the only time people knock on my door is when they want to cunt fuck my resources and happiness.
actions have consequences chuds
Did the son inherit the schitzophrenia?
God, I hope so. It would serve her right for bringing a kid into a terrible economy with no father
Every one on here likes to talk about saving the white race but the last thing we need is another dickhead street urchin, regardless of what skin color they are
I never answer my door
Use python, octave, scilab, haskell (ghc), jypiter instead
I'm working in assembler.
Learning/using assembler is the easiest part, you also have to learn C and Python, that's bare minimum
I'd add some functional language like Haskell into the mix (or ocaml)
I'm trans and my life matters
I already know C and Pascal (among others). I'm a bit rusty on HLA so I'm just doing revision before hitting Advent Of Code at the end of the year. Doing the AOC tasks in assembler is always a fun challenge.
I've made the commitment to rid myself of window$ and have moved to Linux. It's been a bit of a learning curve but I'm getting there.
Don't talk to the fur fag
Filtered by glowzart.
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It do be like that. The real question though is who loves it like that?
idk what you're trying to do but the standard way to flip a number back and forth is to multiple it by -1.
>. I'm a bit rusty on HLA s
at&t syntax is the way to go
The 99% of asm usage boils down to inline asm in gcc & some start up / platform specific code for various SoC / MCU.
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So im a north queenslander with mixed goldfield chinese,murri and white heritage.
i did my dna tests because lack of recording and it turns out there was slavery in Queensland not just blackbirding but actual chattel slavery by the CHINESE i wouldnt exist without it happening but here is a few points i have came up with doing the run around.
Lockhart river mobs used to get boner pills before ww2 from the japanese sea captains that employed them.
The palmer river mobs were as violent and cannibalistic as the so called "colonial lies" said they were.
The aboriginal part of my family and the chinese part intertwined because the aboriginal part GAVE his 13 year old daughter to the chinaman for a handful of opium ash.
Shoalwater bay was taken from the murris after dobbing in a member of parliament for exporting parrots out of there and as a big fuck your mother on top the reason for the exlusion from the area was for "Bird protection".
most importantly native title claims do nothing to help the full blood mobs all they do is reserve resource rich areas from developing tourism industries so that when the mining masters want to break the hills under the rainforests or eat into the tablelands there is no one there to protest places of unmatched beauty being destroy because no one gets to know of their existence.
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Try GNOME Calculator aka "gcalc", it should have "programming mode" and should allow you to convert / display various data types / notations / etc
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signed vs unsigned
Michael Gennaccaro (Reservoir United) is a poofter faggot greasy dago wog
fuck off back to italy ya poofter wog
Strong first post
Do you feel better after venting your feelings?
Went for a sales job interview and they like me but its like 50 hours a week. ROPE FUEL. is there any job that wont make me want to kill myself. this world is a nightmare
Learn to weld
Learn to code
That's all well and good. Now check it with the calculator.
Thus, you have found my conundrum.
Are you complaining about the government bringing more "food" into the cuntry (after everything collapses and cannibalism becomes socially acceptable)?
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>Now check it with the calculator.
> install gcalc
> enable programming mode,
> enjoy
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Shit's fucked.
>2000: AU$490Billion in existence
>March 2024: AU$3000.69Billion in existence
>$100 in 2000 = $612.39 in March2024
>$10.14/hr in 2000 = $62.10/hr today (minimum wage)
>$46 247 in 2000 = $283 210 today (median yearly income) || $74495.20 actual median income
Median home prices | salaries | price to salary ratio in 2024
>Sydney: $1,145,931 | $55,854 | 20.52
>Melbourne: $783,261 | $54,088 | 14.48
>Brisbane: $827,822 | $53,643 | 15.43
>Adelaide: $747,732 | $52,767 | 14.17
>Perth: $721,278 | $58,591 | 12.31
>Hobart: $648,074 | $50,130 | 12.92
>National: $779,817 | $54,890 | 14.21
according to the 2021 census data
>5 568 878 women of breeding or potential breeding age (under 35)
>75% total population is White
>best case scenario 4.2 million White females in Australia capable of having children now or in the future
>Importing 1 million shitskins a year.
>50% are female according to immigration data
>In 4 years, under the best case scenario with no account for the mRNA infertility there will be more breeding age shitskin women in Australia than White
>Still surrounded by 4Billion more shitskins who'd love to come live here
Oh dear...
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rolling for bum pox
Thank God. It's not a lockdown.
She is talking about vaccinated women's infertility.
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for real? Is it happening?
Sounds good, halfway there myself.
Unvaxxed sperm new bitcoin. I'm afraid I will have to insist on the old-fashioned way, for any zoomette's who wish to purchase my services. No refunds.
Opening 6 infertility clinics across Victoria. Yes, it's a way of saying "oops".
Can I assume it's an announcement about a huge waste of money on some bullshit that Victoria can't afford?
Health mistress is saying that she will teach girls about contraception and the debilitating side-effects associated with interruption of menstruation.
Also, one of the presenters said that some women were feeling guilt and shame about abortion. So she will make sure to normalise murdering babies.
Worst Korea is offering AU$100K per kid to fix their population decline. I'm just sad my baby making days are finished but hopefully my kids will get in on Australia's version.
whats the time date on the fb post rel
No idea. I just saved it from here.
So a bunch of pointless worthless women's bullshit that will cost Victoria billions and play well with Labor cucks and globohomo
>A secretly recorded meeting of executives from some of the state’s biggest hospital networks has revealed the sense of crisis felt inside the system as they face their greatest financial shock in 30 years.
I can't stand how all these retarded cunts have this fake media trained way of speaking and deflecting, especially fem stairman
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what r we drinking, lads?
Kill yourself
They said a budget of 9 billion will be used for support 4000 women annually. I wasn't paying full attention, so not sure if this is $9B annually or over a few years. That's like $21M per woman, so maybe annually.
That money includes wages, rent, purchase of equipment etc. Once the public serpents have taken their cut there will be fuck all left.
And you know how many public serpents (at the highest pay scale) it takes to run anything.
>ctrl F "trump" : 0 results
>ctrl F "biden" : 0 results
>ctrl F "america" : 0 results
>ctrl F "yank" : 0 results
>ctrl F "seppo" : 0 results
This is the only thread on the board that hasn't mentioned us yet. So here's the mention. Goodnight ausfags.
Last I heard, it was a minimum of $10,000 a pop at the Monash uni for a fertilised egg. That's per attempt, not per success. Some roasties getting off the cock carousel a little too late have several tries before giving up or succeeding. It's a good business.
>GAVE his 13 year old daughter to the chinaman for a handful of opium ash.
Should that be opium hash? Without knowing how much a "handful" is, and being unfamiliar with historical opium hash prices, I can't say whether that was a good deal or not.
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>GAVE his 13 year old daughter to the chinaman for a handful of opium ash.
Sounds like something the flat earth arse bandit would do.
All this shit to give holes who should have had a kid 20 years earlier a 10% chance of having one now
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Wars should be fought exclusively between childless women over 30 and all people over 55
>getting on in life
>the kids are grown
>the grand kids are well on the way
>go out in a blaze of glory dropping napalm on the gooks and chinks
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Spent the day throwing up and shitting myself so I can have the perfect body figure for when I get laid this weekend.
not based and not ugly bastard pilled
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non-White migration into White lands in the primary jewish survival strategy.
I spend my day eating and drinking and making merry because I have sex with my wife any time I feel like it.
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/Pol/ catalogue is a trainwreck. I might have to go outside and touch grass for the rest of the day. Dumb seppo cunts think they're getting a change of people in charge.
Make a brit/pol/

I’ve been out of internet range for the last month, did I miss anything good?
Y'all ozzies watch the presidential debate? There was some extremely comfy Biden infirmity kino. His brain is now as smooth as a bowling lane. Reddit and the mainstream media have been melting the fuck down for hours. There are probably ausfag media outlets trying to spin it as we speak.
I just can't anymore lad. The ONLY thing you lads talk about is a nonce.
>There are growing calls for Joe Biden to pull out of the US Presidential contest after an abysmal performance in the first head-to-head debate with Donald Trump.

>The President’s performance was full of mumbles, odd tangents and hard to follow answers. Many commentators have said Mr Trump didn’t kick the debate out of the park but the fact Mr Biden was unable to capitalise on his rival’s weak spots has some of the party “in shock” it’s been claimed.

>One pundit said there is now “panic” in the Democratic Party. A former party senator has said Mr Biden is a “good notable man” but it was time for him to “step aside”.
You wouldn't condemn a seedling for not flowering
you'd water it
Like Steve Stifler said
>We don't quit at half time ma'am, you don't score until you score
Did trump really say "my retribution is going to be success"?

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In other news, WTF is going on adelaide cunts?

make a brit/pol/
I haven't given up. I still think there's good for thoughtful and spirited discussions about the state of Britain. But any time I try to roll the ball, it is abruptly stopped by samefag and bait-takers. Who cares if he's a nonce? If he's really a nonce, he'll be in a cell soon, as noncery is illegal in Britain if you're white. And if he's not a nonce, then you've all been feeding a very low effort troll for 18 hours a day for years.

You've been in brit/pol/ for a while, so I'm sure you remember my 2020-era Argie behind an ancap flag larping as a Brit larp. That one took lots of skill and finesse to win the (You)s. Now you're just giving them out like candy.

Try to do your part. One thread every day, try to go the whole thread without mentioning nonces or the goblin. If we all do it, we can win back are brit/pol/
blah blah blah make a new
Yeah he was a tad corny, but he absolutely dominated the format in a way they didn't expect. If you go back and watch it, you'll see that they would give Biden the last word on every subject before switching to the next subject, but every time, Trump gave the rebuttal to the previous topic before moving on to the one at hand. This turned Biden into a total clusterfuck who was constantly trying to argue multiple points at a time while failing to answer the current question. He walked into a totally rigged game and came out victorious without ever preparing for it.
I don't care if i go blind i don't need to see the price tag anyway
Niggers. But also poofters.
Fentanyl Problem:
Machine price proposed by democrats is being overcharged, there is chemical detection methods and x-ray detection methods which can be easily built for quite a low price.
Dog price proposed by republicans is being overcharged.
Money is being skimmed off the top by both republicans who charge for dogs and democrats who ask for machines.
Both Trump and Biden want to keep senior social security, both parties like getting benefits.
Both Trump and Biden have methods which keep the election system running in their favor.
Cost of living will go up for all Americans as political skimming problem is not addressed.

Biden promises to move towards policies which will move towards peace.
Biden is more proficient in understanding people.
Biden wants to leave Donald Trump's wall open to bring in more immigrants
Biden wants to employ more black people
Biden wants to address equity problems
Biden wants to leave borders open
Biden wants abortion issues handled by doctors and states, not federal government because it's a complicated issue

Trump promises to implement ineffective policies which will cause a civil war.
Trump will fire the entire the military.
Trump will cut-throat everyone who sees that he's done a mistake.
Trump wants every other country on planet earth to pay him money.
Trump wants to put black people in debt with Black universities
Trump wants more tax cuts for his rich business mates
Trump will support his rich 'business' mates over solving environmental green problems an example is an oil pipeline but Trump pretends to support the environment
Trump wants to underhandedly kill black people and will celebrate cops killing those people like what happened with George Floyd and will use events to justify cruel treatment
Trump wants mass deportations
Wow, video is already private. That's surprising.

If Donald Trump becomes president, America is likely to have a civil war.
If Biden remains president, America is likely to have a civil war.

Strange times we live in, Putin's terms are terms of somebody who wants to continue a war in Ukraine regardless of whether a peace agreement is reached.
America is less likely to have a civil war under Biden.
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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!
>Spent the day throwing up
So you're on the Lady Di diet then?
>literal gene-editing within 30 years
people will look like you anyway lol
I wanna fuck Tara from Penrith
So lads. You can put some shit in your head that makes you have an IQ of like 300, do you do it? It's coming within our lifetime, apparently. Personally I think no good comes from any of this, but all the normie shitnuckles will instantly go for it, and to them I'll be a like a drooling retard.
When I say no good comes from this, I mean it looks like some sort of Faustian deal. Imagine, for example, the government threatens to remove the thing in your head for whatever reason. Draft, Digital ID, booster, saying nigger, whatever. People will comply with it all, because going from 300 - 110 (or whatever) will be unbearable, and they'll simply kill themselves.
So idk. I see the temptation though. I'm often exasperated at my own retardation, and I'm not even stupid. 300 IQ sounds kino. Or maybe you just kill yourself at 300 IQ because The Horror The Horror.
If they want, the aussie government can click their fingers and get laws changed almost overnight.
Especially when they're seething mad that they are missing out on tax profits from their own people buying shit from overseas.
>is there any job that wont make me want to kill myself
Yes. Get qualified in the thing you enjoy doing, and then get paid to do it.
>go to dog park
>meet new White man
>shake hands
>chat a bit about dogs
>he starts complaining about the government
>complaining about youth crime
>says we need the castle law
>open carry
>clearly hates 'em
>believes in voting
>believes in voting for Pauline
so close. maybe there is hope when you don't live near the cities.
This country is a fucking joke. Had numerous interactions with local kids telling them to stop smashing shit. They know the cops aren't coming to stop them and they know the cops won't do anything. You've got free reign as an under 18 in Australia to commit virtually any crime you want.

And of course, if you're a law abiding citizen and do LITERALLY ANYTHING about it, you'll get charged.


Btw, heads up for literally anyone: if it's a Friday night and you don't live in the CBD it's free reign to do as much damage to society as you want. Graffiti, smash things, smash cars, break windows, pull out plants. Cops can't and won't respond. They don't have the resources.
Filtered nearly 20 IDs just opening the door, troons mad again?
And now all these 1pbtid spam posts
aus/pol/ is one of the worst threads on 4chan.
>tfw no regular little group of anons with similar values to chat to these days
Had a dream I was fighting my father and woke up punching the mattress
>BREAKING: Bruce Lehrman is poor, hahaha
The press really are deranged
>people will look like you
yay, more skin walking jews to be empty husks for the demons.
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watch Gattaca and then realise that the people who reject the transhumanism are actually the people you want to be.
lol this meme is so fucking stupid.

You don't need to buy merch, lol. You expect free shit? Come off it.

Patreon is independent media.

yes, he is biased, well done.

Dunno if he's ever said he's not a journalist, seriously at least

Become's the left's Murdoch? what does that even mean.
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are they ever not?
fucking sick of this country, one of the few reasons im saving up and planning to leave, my work toolbox was stolen recently, shit cost me almost $2000, police couldn't do shit even though my home has cctv, im sick of the high taxes the slave mentality , the vaxxies, the constant gas lighting from the govt

the pollice harrasing me because i work instead of going after monkey lebos and chinks importing coke by the tonne

fuck australia, im out bois ...
There are other sites I've even seen the pedo try and infest it but he sticks out like a dumb cunt and gets ignored.
they are lying or its scam level marketing
pedophile cunt
you dont have insurance?
Vapes will kill all the zoomers and it will be glorious
Pedophile cunt having a huge whinge
>Filtered nearly 20 IDs just opening the door, troons mad again?
>And now all these 1pbtid spam posts
>There are other sites I've even seen the pedo try and infest it but he sticks out like a dumb cunt and gets ignored.
>pedophile cunt
And you have the audacity to complain about anyone else's posts.
Jesus fucking Christ.
You can write nigger in your code you know, anon. The n word is OK.
Whats a place like this worth?
Pedophile cunt still having a whinge
No, i wanted to save a little, my premiums are already high for my work ute and my fuel and health insurance never stops going up, yes i have private health insurance since our healthcare system is 3rd world

its rough i should be middle class and comfortable but i'm broke, barely even have enough savings,

planning to liquidate everything in a year or two, then get the fuck outta this country and it's stress

young lads are fucked im 35 and already losing it
No because no one gives a fuck about two senile kike nigger lovers vying for who loves kikes and niggers more. President is not in charge. No one cares.
I bought a new Vape and it refused to open. It's fully locked. I haven't vaped for a couple of weeks. You know what? I'm sticking with it. I'm tired of it all.
What's up sugar tits? Daddy's here.
he will win the appeal in the High court and will be a wealthy man. he might even be able to sue Justice Lee.
the ones who whinge the most never post a single thing worth discussing
i don't know how young white men are surviving on $30 an hour, guys you really don't know how
fucked the situation really is, life is miserable here
Please fuck off MIGA retard. No one cares what the jew gargling trump says in a staged event. Now shoo
Ask about jews
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Dumb pedo cunts thinking they're making a difference in the world
You could of at least tried to act like your not from reddit, must have been painfull for you to type nigger and kike.
maybe next time, was fun talking about shooting home invaders and the ethics of it. i'm sure i'll be seeing him again.
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>fuck fake tobacco
so pretty much what vaping is
Any update on the toilet block for rent?
>he will win the appeal in the High court and will be a wealthy man. he might even be able to sue Justice Lee.
whatever, I just meant: think of the mind that thought there was a news story in an off-hand remark from the judge in a case nobody gives a fuck about
And think of being too tone-deaf to realise that most of the readers are also "of modest means"
Imagine caring so much about Bruce Lehrman than you want to do a victory lap like that
Fucking 100% this. Why work in this country? Criminals are more protected. God help you if you tried to defend your ute or property.
>Dr Collins was the highest-paid silk with a daily rate of $11,000, his junior counsel Tim Senior charged $4000 per day
not bad for 6 hours work on the day
It also explains why so many brain dead retards exist.
Dumbass women getting paranoid schizophrenic donors for their IVF.
Absolutely hilarious. I guess they think the best of the best men actually utilize a jack off centre.
Not the literal worst society has to offer and their only hope of procreation.
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My kitchen benchtop has arrived. I will install it, the cabinet doors and the cabinet cover boards tomorrow. Carpet goes in on the 15th/16th of next month and then I can finally move in. I've completely renovated this place myself. Every single surface has been repainted.
>the last thing we need is another dickhead street urchin, regardless of what skin color they are
okay Herschel very cool
I had the balls to make the thread, seeing as nobody else does.
4chan will inevitably get dragged into this which makes us all targets, we all remember how we were treated after Christchurch.
In many ways it's less about the incident and more about us covering our arses
Just made some curry lads, Pataks special sauce. It's like being a student again. No goyslop for me, I don't want to give pajeets their delivery money.
Why didn't you post about it in this thread?
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Reposting from his thread seeing as its about to die.

Who was he /pol/?
Apparently he dressed up as tarrant and walked around a member of parliments office with a knife until he was arrested.

Australian media is doing overtime to shut it down, threatening to arrest anyone who publishes anything about the man, the incident or the manifesto the man apparently handed out.

This obviously walks a very fine line, because it has not been determined whether it was a failed terror attack, or a stunt. And whether news journalism qualifies as promotion. Australian state media refused to publish this image but that's their policy but the law, mainstream private media published this image but few details, foreign media was far more frank, and increasingly Australians rely on foreign press as Australian publications are heavily censored.

I'm obliged to say that I don't promote or condone anything, and simply want to know what actually happened, as I'm sure most members of the public do and will.
just bumped it
this thread has aids anyway
no longer archive krew..you are the archive aholes.
>Mr Crakanthorp said in a statement after Patten’s court appearance: “Thank you to everyone who has reached out at this troubling time.

>“My staff and I are all safe and unharmed.

>“I thank NSW Police for their prompt and effective response. I also want to thank the Newcastle Museum staff for their bravery and exceptional management of the situation.”

>Patten’s arrest comes just days after far-left terrorists firebombed a Jewish MP’s office in Melbourne and sprayed the windows with extremist slogans.
Do you control the chip? You control yourself, currently, presumably, would you give it up for the chance that you're smarter? Smarter meaning you can achieve more or conceive of more? People are such animals, it's almost cruel to let them imagine they could escape this state in this life
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I had the bayonetting vatniggers in the streets of sydney dream again anons
>Do you control the chip?
Doubtful, you probably won't even control your brain once it's chipped. Propaganda is enough to control most people's brains as it is.
Had a nightmare the entire country went to hell in a handbasket. Realised I was already awake.
Exactly anon, society as I see it for better or worse has been built on the many ways a mind can be controlled. Why make it any easier for them? Men will never be free until they are truly autonomous, collectivism only leads to generalisation and mediocrity
Can't post in my own thread anymore lest they argue I've bumped the forbidden post, which I in no way requested or condone.

But cunts, basically we've got to work out who this attacker was ourselves right now, because they're about to raid anyone associated with him and much like tarrant nobody will know if they've associated with him online or not.
If he's got your posts screen capped, they're going to say you incited him, which theoretically they could say about 7news but the reality is that none of us are granted the infamous implied right of free speech.

If he was a storm front users, they raid storm front. If he was a 4chan user, they raid all of us. Because that's what they did to 8c users after Christchurch

We're well past the point of justice here, the state and the elites will abduct and imprison whoever they feel they need to in order to regain control. The fire is very much burning after the Sydney knife attack on the church, they totally lost control of that community who in one night went straight to attacking specialist police units and who now they are forced to put a hundred men under 247 surveillance. The states grip is more fragile than your appreciate, and the states response to this will be far more forceful that you expect.

If you think you need to book it cunts, I'm telling you, now is the time to book it.
>nobody complimented my choice of bench top
Don't force it out of me, I hated the grey paint you had on the walls and didn't want to upset you by telling you that, but now I think I shall.
The grey paint is ugly. I also dislike marble finish. Thankyou.
looks good
white granite, classy like michael jackson/10
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, they name the cunt numerous times on the news last night, more so than they would for anyone else arrested in public. Still no idea what his beef with that particular MP is
>I also dislike marble finish.
The grey paint changes colour under different lights. I'm going to install bluetooth LEDs so that I can change the colour of my walls from grey to blue and to mauve.
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Check out the white skirting boards and door frames. All painted freehand. No tape.
It's ugly, and traditionally it's always been in the homes of rich bogan kind of people, who think spending thousands on marble means they've made it. Fake marble is trying to recreate the same vibes, realising that their target market are bogans and they've better off making a cheaper product that the bogan majority can afford.
>I'm going to install bluetooth LEDs so that I can change the colour of my walls from grey to blue and to mauve.

To what end?
>noooo not a heckin booogan
numale faggot
My own pleasure.
Baby feels threatened
>just lelbournite things(tm)
I spent over a month deciding on the bench top pattern. In the end I went with what I liked.
He asked my opinion, sorry you don't like it
>Xir cries about "bogans"
>Xir uses "vibes"
who cares what that homo thinks
Hahaha you're such a fucking baby.
Fuck your safe space
t. buck broken ledditor
The first archived link was literally leaked audio that doesn't play through the archived link
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>t. Buttblasted Bogan Italian

Mama mia!
>can you describe him?
>he was wearing a surgical face mask...
you're a sheltered little bitch anon, possibly asian.
You don't know shit you kiked faggot lol
>kiked faggot
..says the brainlet that cries about "bogans" because the jewish media told him to kek
oh the ironing
looks small but nice work anon. i need to do some plaster stuff and skirting stuff around mine.
Oh the jewish media told me to hate bogans? I don't hate them because they are trashy, self serving people who fuck each other over as much as they fuck each other? You don't know shit you kiked faggot
>Oh the jewish media told me to hate bogans?
continue seething at White Aussies and White Australian things you braindead cuck
>fuck each other over as much as they fuck each other?
you don't know any real bogans. drug addicts aren't bogans.
They are synonymous where I live, and I live in the country, don't fucking lie to me
So you base your own identity off what the Jews make up about white Australians? If bogan isn't trashy you seek to claim it as somekind of authentic title of being aussie? Lol grow up and be more, simply pathetic
Hows the job search going anons?
Come ww3 all the second rate soldiers are gonna be garrisons
>Bogans will fight them on the beaches
>In the hills and fields
>only after 11am tho
Isn't the content of the leak in text in the article?
calling bullshit on this
if you refer to a fucking counter top as "bogan" you are a snob that lives no where near druggies
"bogan" is used to insult White Aussies and ONLY White Aussies regardless of the vague definition
admit you've been psyop'd
...he's right you know
I know I am
Is ASIO hiring? I am a straight White Christian male, exactly what they need.
How could I fault such an impressive perception? You don't value white people, just your own kind of white people, you just wanna feel comfort in what you know. It's pathetic, comfort is for the psy-opped
so... tackle or foreplay?
job? you aren't living off a trust fund?
you sound like a terrorist
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Any dole bludgers here?

I have a health care card which expires July 6. (I have a job now fort he past year so I dont think I will get one reissued)

Just received my VicRoads bill so it's half price rego. But it isn't due until July 25. Should I pay it by July 6 when my health care card expires? Or is the price given to me good til July 25 regardless of my healthcare cared expires. They're not going to do a last second price change are they?
>How could I fault such an impressive perception?
plebbit sass/10
>You don't value white people, just your own kind of white people, you just wanna feel comfort in what you know
baseless accusation/10
try staying on topic next time numale
Whatever kiked fag
Has your centrelink claim been closed?
Nah ASIO only hires chinks and JEETs friend. I might of landed a gov job however so quite happy about that since I'm tired of private sector bullshit jobs.
>addressing my ridiclous post is deflection
fucking retard
>STILL crying
>STILL coping
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you poofs engage with your neighbours? I've been playing a game of hide and seek with mine for 4 years now.
she's pondering the aroma.
Generally no. There are a couple of older white guys I chat to sometimes, they are alright. Sometimes there are barely legal chicks who have booked on holiday, but I don't talk to women.
Actually thinking about it, I'm not all that sure how many of the apartments have anyone living in them. Don't see that many people. May be a whole bunch are just owned by chinks who cbf leasing to whitey.
imagine the smell of discharge, cunt snot, sweaty bruised vulva and engorged discarded tampons in the sheds after the 'game'
Bruce Lehrmann getting what he deserves.
congratz m8, looks good
thinking of renovating my home when i get back as well
Shouldn't have said that. Big Bruce will add you to the list. The rape list. Surrender your bussie, Bruce is in town.
>quit vaping once and for all
>it's stupid
I agree.
The amount of addiction is incredible.
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I want to move to Australia so badly. You guys have no idea how much it sucks in comparison to the US. Having visited Australia and living in the US
would you date a 33 year old? no kids. never married.
John Howard belongs in the fucking gallows
you can shoot home invaders in America, you can't here.
That article shows how much contempt they have for us.
Or, to put it in language understood in political circles on Sydney's North Shore:
That article shows the contempt the strong have for the weak.
How do I check? Tbh I was even surprised that my last concession card got sent to me as I had been working full-time for over 6 months at that point.

It's weird because I sometimes got sent a random Centrelink payment here and there. Eg those phone assistance payment for like $30, or cost of living assistance etc. it's been a while since ei saw one of those but hadn't received any actual newstart in nearly a year
What am I gonna shoot in Australia? A wallaby invader? There are zero black people there. In the US I need a gun because niggers and thieves run everywhere
>There are zero black people there
nobody tell him
How much does she use her phone?
He's so innocent
chinks are gonna chink
>A wallaby invader?
You need to go back ya fuckwit child
One of the first stories I heard in Australia, I was in a hostel, was a variant on the article. Apparently it's well known. Chink police can just come to Australia, and arrrest any Chinese national. Aussie law enforcement know all about it, but can't/won't do shit. The chinks can't arrest an Aussie citizen obviously. So I'm not sure why the Big Shock in the article.
Whatever. Bugs belong back in the hive anyway, they probably die if they stay too long. I hope anyway.
we have africans here. most of them are better than african americans who are part jewish from the slave trade days. but we do get sudanese that cause lots of problems and seem to have machetes for some reason. we also have abos as a problem in parts of WA and queensland and a lot of Northern Territory.
>There are zero black people there.
come here fat cunt, there are no niggers. Redbank Plains is nice and nigger free. bring your grandmother.
0. she never touched it once. not a fan of technology. not fat. white. blonde hair.
Been a fuck off busy day at work today, did I miss anything?
Retard mutt
i dated a 45 year old and i was underage....
your mom doesn't count
kill yourself skatepark pedo
You should be able to see if your claim is still open in mygov.
Good. Why is she single?
New danger dan just dropped

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>Why is she single?
i didn't ask that specifically. owns her own place, has since last couple of years. did own a place before that with an ex. she didn't give any obvious reasons as to why. maybe i will probe that further. she doesn't like dating apps and is an introvert. so that might have an impact.
Could be promising.
she is a bit older than i would like, but there are many other good reasons which i won't post here.
ill chop the hands off the next man who calls me a "skatepark pedo"
Skate paark pedo going off

So you haven't been inside her home yet? You don't know what it looks like (clean/messy)? Good area, bad area, etc.

Does she have tattoos, weird piercings?
small one. not some tatted BPD freak.
>weird piercings
>inside her home yet
not yet.
>Good area, bad area
i know where it is. very trustworthy place. no niggers.
Not just Howard, I could go on about The National Crimes Act 1917.
Original crime of Sabotage, penalty: Death.
But the jab has gone bad for them.
Save, buy or inherit your share of the nation's pie.
So many family lines are now cut off.
Jabbed will take violent revenge.
If/when she invites you over, have a look at if it's cleaned regularly (clean benches in kitchen, dishes in the sink, desktops and chest of drawers with no layer of dust, lifted carpet fibres from vacuuming, etc.) - a clean house means they're well adjusted and have routine motive, a person with mental problems usually doesn't much or at all. See if there are photos of friends, and especially family members around the house. It means she's good good relationships and is well adjusted. Lack of photos usually means poor relationships or trauma. Little things like that are a good way to profile someone without asking questions making them sensitive.

What's her dress sense like? Casual, formal, skirt and top, dress, pants/sorts, etc.?
> just the tip of tattoos
Cool, I love half-measures on degeneracy and whoredom.
Says the occasional furry.
>routine motivation
>doesn't clean much or at all
>It means she's got good relationships
good advice anon. already will be looking for things like that.
>What's her dress sense like?
i'd say more towards smart casual, matched colours well with jacket and top each time. i'm just worried about age.
he is a permanent furfaggot.
>Jabbed will take violent revenge.
I'll believe it when I see it.
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>dunno what his beef was
Newcastle is ground zero for ALP pedos. Probably something to do with that.
Not all of them, obviously.
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roll em lads
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We'll have to rely on those people who were heavily coerced. Those who took it willingly or shilled it will just convince themselves that it was an honest mistake by daddy government.
so far 0.000% have. 2 more cancer battles?
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lmao even
> I'm just worried about age

So are you in the discovery stage of sorts, you've started dating? You're assessing her as a long term prospect - 33 is not ideal, but it's not at the point where you don't bother if you're thinking marriage and kids. You may have to make things happen a bit faster, but if she's ticking a lot of the boxes then could be worth pursuing. Depends if she's got STDs or fertility issues, but you won't be able to find that out until further down the road.

What's the age gap between you and her? Are you older or younger? Same age?
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>In the family zone
Ask me where
>discovery stage of sorts,
> 33 is not ideal
exactly, but much better than some uni marxist retard.
>marriage and kids
my main consideration
> STDs
it will be a topic, i can show clean tests so she will have to as well.
>age gap
she is a little older than me. younger than friends who have babies.
>in the family zone
The denial of reality by someone close to me is incredible.
That won't last forever.
She was told for about (4?) years straight how bad I am for not supporting banning guns.
Given food and a liquid to give to me.
She threw them out and I saw it.
Still denying reality.
I don't know what you mean by 2 more cancer battles.
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As the age old homage; born in newcaslte, die in newcastle
We're looking at copycat offending, more, younger and increasingly juvenile incidents will follow. That's when the primary focus shifts to 4chan, as while nobody was really credible in inciting tarrant, we might be credible for inciting a fat 19 year old. The bar for "inciting" tends to fall as the bar for "terror attack" falls.

Maybe he saved a screen cap of your post, that's all it would take
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newy hasn't been the same since the uni jews emasculated it.
They cut down that which we erected in honour of the queen and the place has been getting gayer every day since.
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fuck off jew
Finding out how many exes/sexual partners she's had will be challenging to get an honest number of. There's the whole bit about number of partners and ability to pair bond with women, but it's not a hard rule, and you're probably never going to ever know that, even if she's being 'honest'. The big one will be fertility, something like endometriosis. Look for keyhole surgery scars around her abdomen if she's had treatment, or at least have a candid discussion about any existing problems. That's going to be the deal breaker, because that is the end game.

>she is a little older than me

So you're about 30, then (without giving too much away)? That's a pretty good gap if so. You're at least able to be on the same wavelength with interests, pop culture references, etc. It's good for longevity. The only real advice to give is to walk the path and find out for yourself if she's able to give you what you want and need, and it can turn into something permanent. Good luck.
My wife got it so she could travel to WA to visit her dying grandfather. He died 2 weeks before she got there, and yet she shows surprisingly little anger towards (((them))).
Women, eh?
Do you already have children?
It would be sad to have that chance lost.
The population will drop then rise again.
It would be nice to be part of it.
Nah, basically in no fit state to be raising children in our breeding years. And I reckon I'd have multiple murder charges if I had to allow my child to interact with society these days.
Where are you from anon?
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All you fuckers should get yourselves nice jewish princesses with good morals. Like this hot sheila.
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[spoiler] Cardiff [/spoiler]
Only 2 cars stolen from my driveway
You're definitely netnock.
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You smell of central coast
>You smell of central coast
Yes. The part you could never afford.
Good night
>threads dead
dont tell me you cunts are out "having fun" with "your friends"
This is the first thread to hit the bump limit in days
I'm on 30.7$ an hour but don't have to pay rent as accommodation is provided by the company in a serfdom like relationship. What makes you say that though

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