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Previous >>472343123

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Qassam Brigades target a Zionist troop carrier with an “Al-Yassin 105” shell in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of #Gaza City.
>Al-Quds Brigades: We detonated a ground IED on a Zionist military vehicle during its incursion east of Shujaiya neighborhood in Gaza City.
>Al-Aqsa Brigades: We shelled the Zionist forces stationed west of Rafah with rockets and heavy mortar shells.
>#Urgent Al-Quds Brigades - #Jenin Battalion: We declare our full responsibility for the pre-prepared ambush operation of high-explosive (conspiracy) devices in the forces’ supply line and near the point of operations of the occupation soldiers, within the framework of the Battle of Bas #Jenin 2.








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

#YEMEN - Tufan 1 gunboat - specifications and scenes showing for the first time the Tufan 1 test on a naval target
New 6/21/24


Al-Aqsa Brigades:

We shelled the Zionist forces stationed west of Rafah with rockets and heavy mortar shells.
New 6/27/24

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

We continue to bombard the Zionist enemy forces stationed in the so-called “Netzarim corridor” with rockets..
New 6/27/24


This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting "Israeli" army surveillance equipment at Birket Risha site at the southern Lebanese border.
New 6/25/24


Al-Quds Brigades:

Detonating “Zilzal” ground IED on a Zionist military vehicle on Baghdad Street in Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.
New 6/27/24

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Footage of the joint operation launched by the Yemeni armed forces and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted a vital site in our occupied city of Ashdod, and an important site in our occupied city of Haifa.
New 6/12/24

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/JgPHrU0g 6/26/24
https://pastebin.com/LZPHbLrV 6/23/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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>News / Clips

Settlers forcefully occupied and stole a house belonging to the Palestinian Al-Khalidi family with Israeli army protection in the Old City of Jerusalem. While the family still inside !!
New 6/27/24

Yemeni Armed Forces:

“We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
New 6/26/24

A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of #AlQuds.

The fire spread near an occupation army camp and area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied #AlQuds, according to local sources.
New 6/25/24

A large fire has broken out near an Israeli army camp east of occupied Al-Quds (Jerusalem).
New 6/25/24

Yemenis are something else man

They celebrated Eid Ghadir on the israeli “Galaxy Leader” ship.
New 6/24/24

A video from a humble tunnel on 22-06-2024

(Al-Mujahideen brigades)
New 6/24/24

From Gaza for you
New 6/23/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity"
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips




Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
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Rules based order Bros....
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Well John knows.

In other words.

It's over for Shalom
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The western hegemony is collapsing in real time and the powers that be have fucked us out of our last chance to go down at the diplomatic table all over their insistence on worshipping a bunch of inbred dick butchers.
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i wanna swing a muslim babys head into a brickwall...
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Am I wrong/too cynical in thinking that leftwing anti-zionist Jews like pic related (And that one Yid that’s always on Napolitano’s show) are insincere in their opposition towards Israel’s actions and just want to reframe the conflict to being about “white colonialists genociding the natives again”, as opposed to an example of Jews showing their true colours towards goyim of any race yet again?

Correct. They all hate any sign of white resistance to white genocide too. And they get their talking points from the CIA.

Max Blumenthal is CIA 100%, just like his daddy who was a CIA bigwig and orchestrated the overthrow of Libya, with a little help from Max.

Also, that faggot in your picture, his father seems to be Prince Harry's MK Ultra mind-controller/handler.
I think it's fairly clear there are anti-zionist jews, but the powerful of them have equally destabilizing tendencies that just happen to go against zionist end goals.
Yes. Jews like varoufakis are trying to blame Europeans for the conflict lmfao.
Also, TKD means TKD. It doesn’t mean PKD.
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good afternoon frens and also TKD
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just checked
/chil/ has no threads, KEK
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just like liberal muslims exist in the west and not in muslim countries
anti zionist jews exist just not israel and they definitely dont hold any power to be given any attention so you can think whatever they are just big nothing burgers just like libtarded muslims
>basically picrel
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good afternoon fren and also TKD, and I will say this I don't mind /chil/ but I think the lebanon war will not happen for a least a couple of months from now fren, but then again I could be wrong fren
its never happening fren and i'll be first to tell you this but israel isnt just scared of hezbollah armed strenghts but of the iranian response to it because hezbollah is as good as an iranian ministary
BREAKING | Israel's cabinet decides to:
Expand settlements in the West Bank and legalize 5 settlement outposts classified as illegal.

Apply the Israeli law in areas administratively controlled by the Palestinian Authority.

Withdraw executive powers from the Palestinian Authority in areas east of Bethlehem and southeast of Jerusalem.
https://t.me/QudsNen/111420 6/27/24
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>harrass the palestinian population
>it resists
>"palestinian teror !!!!!!!!"
israeli math, wallahi its getting too tiresome
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pissrael is losing the war against the resistance fren and I think when the kikes snap out of their fantasy bubble they will realize that they have to drag zog america into the war or lose their shit hole state
Did Israel ever completely pacify the Gaza Strip? Why start shit in Lebanon?

Is.. is Netanyahu retarded?
nah lol they actually just re-invaded shuja'iyya
sometimes i see lefties call him the jewish hitler or the modern hitler but like god damn he might actually do his same mistake and kill himself in a bunker

Wait, who said Israel can delegate and strip power to the Palestinian govt? I thought the whole point of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah was that they held authority (like their FUCKING NAME SUGGESTS)
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rubbing my dick through my shorts looking at dead muslim babies...
whos gonna tell him?
no fren the PNA (plaestinian national authority) is a mere puppet that was made during the oslo accords to satisfy to self needs of arafat and abbas its as independent as the US senate from AIPAC
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the pa is nothing more than controlled opposition fren, the resistance should take them out because they are just like the bitch sissi for egypt
Yeah it figures that the only difference between Jews in regards to whites is that one side wants to continue using us as their golem, and the other wants to exterminate us.
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a coup d'etat would be nice but in noway do palestinian militant groups have enough armored vehicles and power to do it since it requires alot more than just ambushing forces or guirella battles
though i've been hearing in major improviment to the armed strenght of the PIJ which resulted in the Jenin ambush so god knows what the future holds
Security activity for the resistance fighters, filled with pride and dignity, continues at the military points around the city of #Nablus
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/245028 6/27/24
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but the Israelis can't just do that according to the oslo accords and intl law, right? Can't the fat fuck picrel send cops after the settlers to protect palestinians or somethin?
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the chinese are trolling douyin israeli embassy account
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Xi should let em on /pol/
>intl law
you are a newfag arent you? and no that fat fuck cant do shit i hope he drops dead and most of his forces are just israeli soldiers
dude at this point the PNA internal security force is just another IDF unit
>Yeah it figures that the only difference between Jews in regards to whites is that one side wants to continue using us as their golem, and the other wants to exterminate us.

No, both sides want to destroy us bro. That's why Mate and Blumenthal will lash out at any sign of white resistance or tribalism.
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Where did Netenyahu come from politically? Is there a good documentary on this?
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Is that really A Kitler in your picrel?
i've heared that most chinese are actually extremely anti israel cause they just hate the US dunno how true that is but it seems pretty true
that plus they can relate to Palestinians.
Japan raped them hard back then.
tru tru would love it if xi actually would do something but i guess his hands are tied
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his ideology is as far as i know Far right zionism
wrong reply to>>472377092
i'm a fucking retard ke
mfw american backed goverment sitting in its allies backyard
could literally mean taiwan or israel. based china
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>you are a newfag arent you?
lmao im not, i actually did not know that the PA has zero authority, i thought they had some sort of legitimacy and would actually do at least something for palestinians but i guess i was wrong

>tru tru would love it if xi actually would do something but i guess his hands are tied

actually I heard Hamas requested Chinese and Russian peacekeepers (under UN authority) to guide in aid trucks and provide military field hospitals et cetera
Got more of these? They should make a comedy group doing this shit as a skit.
nah the PA is treacherous group, which is why West bank spillover even happend but the PIJ will win, not before hamas though, but it will win.
>actually I heard Hamas requested Chinese and Russian peacekeepers (under UN authority) to guide in aid trucks and provide military field hospitals et cetera
didnt hear anything of the likes so i cant comment on it can you cite anything?
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Basically China signals that they are willing to do so, I heard about Hamas wanting them Russia and Turkey to be peacekeepers in a Telegram channel two months ago, but I can't find it rn fren
Cats are apparently Hamas

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Footage of the joint operation with the Yemeni Armed Forces targeting our occupied city Haifa.
https://x.com/warfareanalysis/status/1806393050467275076 6/27/24
https://files.catbox.moe/2if8sk.mp4 6/27/24
Fuck Israel, seriously
New quote from Lieberman today
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good afternoon fren and also TKD
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good afternoon fren and also TKD
Funny how optimistic Jews are. Chinese people are literally stabbing kikes on the streets.
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good afternoon fren and tkd
Is West Bank finally revolting?

Jenin is in the West Bank and yes. Jenin Brigade controls it.
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has been for a while fren
Documentary on them.
Yemen : Four American-British airstrikes on the Al-Dhahra area in the Mawiyah district of Taiz Governorate.
https://x.com/warfareanalysis/status/1806470796313068008 6/27/24
No friends, they have small amount of FIGHTING men there fighting but its not a real intifada or revolt nowhere near that yet imo. Glad they fighting for their right to exist. It needs to escalate to the point that like half the population of men is in open revolt and is fighting. Im not sure how they endured the indignity of it all.
When its not your home.
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I almost think that by the end of the century, most Jews will straight up live in India considering how much the two species of parasite have been courting each other recently.
Gentiles demand a planet of our own.

It's a done deal.

The world will never forgive jews. We will never consent to a world where jews can live, having deprived Palestinian people and families their right of being here.
We will never consent to a world where jews escape consequences they so greatly deserve and have earned.
They can throw away all pathetic notions of collective amnesia of a billion people (like Men in Black or some Fantastic Beast-esque forgetful juice falling over NY), they can even throw away hopes of brainwashing, censorship shit on YT, Twitter, etc.

That's not how history works. It's not how it ever worked.

The *entire* tree, down to the last damn stump, will be cut off.

They've signed their own extinction warrant.

The people who will do it make jews look primitive and obsolete and absolutely helpless to stop it, even given access to all these institutions and weapons.

I don't think anyone understands how good a jew-free world looks. They can't imagine it.
NATURALLY, with different people making decisions, things will be SO different and so much better.

The horrid nature of jews is 100X more horrific than the pure gentile mind can fathom. The only thing that stopped white people from genociding them full-stop in Europe is because they COULDN'T fathom such a nasty race--the egregious rumors must be false on account of how WEIRD and grotesque and cruel they are! their bizarre nature worked FOR them because it made the public easy to gaslight. "Be SO weird and disgusting, nobody will believe your victims if they try to tell!" White people stopped them ALWAYS before they could gain enough power to go far enough, to reveal their true nature. But we've seen a glimpse of what a jew does when wrongly given trust to hold positions in institutions.
We see the tunnels and other fucking weird behavior to know that they are different from humanity--strange.

The jew-run institutions that allowed the worst genocide in history are a dismal failure.
I enjoy her fear.
>tfw you go full jew retard and put ALL your eggs in your plan that gentiles will go "ooh, squirrel" and forget about what you did, 5 months after the war ends, or even 100 years after the war ends.

no one's cooling down even a hundred years later. get ready to be a felon race on the run from prosecution of the most grotesque crimes against humanity for the rest of your existence.

jews survive on a diet of hubris and SPRAYING very slick walls with an immense machine gun of bullshit.

the jews plan is basically like closing your eyes and flooring it through a red light.

gambling away millions trying to "gain it all back" because you refuse to take a loss of $5.

it's easy to see how this gene puddle produced nigger yahoo. "i'm not going to NOT do criminal things...I enjoy them too much and am too much of a nigger to control impulses. I'm simply going to put all my energy into believing I'll simple evade the police or win some kind of a shootout."

keep running and waiting for the other shoe to drop.

you're done. and eternal hell awaits you ever after.

no rational kike can justify what they've done or hide behind pathetic attempt at lies. but these guys are top nigger tier, so none of them are rational.

you're a failed race, and you're done. you've had 1334 chances with VERY patient people, and spat on every single one of them. no more chances.

her anxiety is delicious.
jews will be gone, and we will enter into a world where heroes exist and miracles can happen.

the real kind that make you wonder how such a perfect person can show up exactly at the right time.

the strong people of this world can no longer neglect their duties to rid the world of evil, and its evil institutions.
The death of a Palestinian who is 0 years old will have more meaning, beauty, significance and impact than any 24, 50, whatever year old jew.
We should tell all the anti abortion Catholics that have been silent so far. I know a few.
Joos deserve poos
it's crazy to think he's almost 90 years old...apparently his father lived to be like 108 or something
here is yesterday's combat after action report frens

Axis of Resistance Summary:
June 26, 2024
Al-Aqsa Flood's Harvest of Good Tidings

Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades
Bombed soldiers & vehicles on the axes of advance with mortar barrage

National Resistance Brigades
Targeted advancing soldiers & vehicles with mortars near Al-Najma roundabout

Al-Qassam Brigades
Bombarded south-advancing forces with mortars

National Resistance Brigades
Confronted advancing forces

Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades
Bombarded enemy position with 107mm rocket barrage + mortars

Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades
Bombarded advancing army vehicles with mortars
Bombarded advancing army vehicles with mortars again

Al-Aqsa Martyrs' + National Resistance Brigades
Bombed "Zikim" military base with short-range rocket salvo

Mujahideen Brigades
Targeted "Third Eye" settlement in the southern “Gaza envelope” with rocket barrage

Islamic Resistance in Iraq
Drone-attacked vital target in"Eilat" near the southern border
Saraya Al-Quds Brigades
Targeted occupation forces in Zawata bypass: fighters withdrew safely + confirmed enemy casualties

Saraya Al-Quds Brigades
Confronted occupation forces storming Jenin with heavy bullet barrages
All our battalions confronted forces invading Jenin & the camp outskirts with heavy barrages of bullets

Al-Aqsa Martyrs: Cheetahs of the Brigades
Uncovered enemy special force while confronting invading forces, engaging in violent clashes in Jenin & its camp

Al-Asifah Forces
Confronted forces invading Jenin & its camp with bullets + explosives

Islamic Resistance in Iraq + Yemeni Armed Forces
Targeted the "israeli" ship (MSC Manzanillo) in the Port of Haifa with drones

Targeted buildings of soldiers in “Metula” settlement: directly hit, igniting fire, dead & wounded
Targeted building of soldiers in
“Even Menachem” settlement: direct hit
Targeted building of soldiers in “Avivim” settlement: direct hits

Targeted Al-Assi site with rockets: direct hit
Targeted surveillance equipment around the Birkat Risha site: direct hit, destroyed

Targeted the Zebdine site with artillery: direct hit
https://t.me/PraxisRedacted/19856 6/27/24
Digits and abbas gets killed
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good evening fren and also TKD
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I will add the combat after action report to the
▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/CF34mjBH 6/27/24

in the next thread I bake frens
Whoa, buddy....

> the word "whoa" is going to save you. you'll "embarrass" and gaslight your enemies into thinking hitting you back and winning is like, totally lame.

cry about it, jew

lame. obsolete.

your enemies are stronger, smarter, better looking, infinitely more moral.
all alone. donefore.

don't nobody want you, don't nobody need you.
how dare you call me a kike. Im just telling you to calm down and not to end up doing something stupid. Dont wanna read another article about /pol/ schizo going rampart

you're a kike and a fed.
and it's not my words indicate any particular action...they're just hurtful to kikes such as you.

jews are going to die. I don't see how you just don't accept that as a fact of reality. you think TKD would actually happen without a single jew getting hurt in real time?

it's really no more appalling than jews thinking they can murder Palestinians and be incorporated back into the fold.

it's real shit. you'll witness even REALER shit, if you're lucky.

TKD will be no less (in fact significantly MORESO) sophisticated and legit...nothing like a schizo rampage.

just wait for the other shoe to drop. because you're not getting out of it.
you deserve NOTHING, least of all a "pass"...race who has had a thousand passes.

if you're not a kike, nothing to worry about so smile at my words, fren.
evil will not go unpunished.
Good evening bro
What did he mean by this?
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the re entries info and clips have been updated
I'm just trying to spread a little joy on /chip/
>BREAKING: Israel has announced the expansion of Israeli law to all areas of the West Bank, effectively annexing the entirety of Palestine & dismantling the Palestinian Authority
>Apply the Israeli law in areas administratively controlled by the Palestinian Authority.
So, the Palestinians living there will get to vote?
So what happens to West Bank Palestinains? Don't they get to vote in Knesset elections then?
I didn't realize it had already been posted.
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that's alright fren
>>BREAKING: Israel has announced the expansion of Israeli law to all areas of the West Bank, effectively annexing the entirety of Palestine & dismantling the Palestinian Authority
>So, the Palestinians living there will get to vote?

No they don't get to vote. This is the big moment, they just grabbed the land.

Notice they did it right when the Presidential debate started.

Ethnic cleansing is next on the agenda frens.
They've been planning all this for decades, and it's why they let Oct 7 happen.
It's fucking hilarious watching Trump blaming Biden for his fuck ups
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Biden sucking kike cock right now, let's see how much trump sucks
Trump insulting Palestinians and sucking kike cock. Color me surprised
I don't think so, they will probably live under effective and "legal" occupation, or else they believe that at that time they can be displaced even more.
Thaks fren
>They've been planning all this for decades, and it's why they let Oct 7 happen.
They can't throw them to Europe without alienating the right they are trying to win, not to neighboring countries that are unwilling to help them with ethnic cleansing.
>JUST IN: Former President Trump says President Biden has "become like a Palestinian" but "a weak one."
>They can't throw them to Europe without alienating the right they are trying to win, not to neighboring countries that are unwilling to help them with ethnic cleansing.

Spain alone has already said they'll take 2 million or some shit. The Jews own the US so there's another few million, easy.

Jewish terrorist rabbi Meir Kahane, who founded the Jewish Defense League, was the big visionary for this ethnic cleansing project.

Ben Gvir and Smotrich are proud Kahanists, as are most/all of the entire religious zionist/settler movement.

I'm not saying I support this massive ethnic cleansing/genocide, but this is what the plan is. You already know the kikes are total sociopaths based on Gaza the past 9 months, right?
I just saw in a few minutes ago. He is like Palestinians but a weak one

Yahu has these two puppets right where he wants them, before the Lebanon war starts and before Yahu speaks to Congress later next month.

Luckily it looks like Iran will step in hard and fast if/when Israel tries genociding West Bank/Lebanon, but we've seen Iran somewhat just watch as Gaza was destroyed.
Kek, holy shit Biden just roasted Trump.
Iran now basically knows for a fact that they can shut down the Persian Gulf/Strait of Hormuz and the US Navy can't do shit about it.

Houthis proved this for a fact.

And Iran giving the Houthis those high grade hypersonic missile parts (to assemble in Yemen) shows that Iran knows what's coming and how they're going to protect Lebanon, the West Bank, and Gaza.

But Israel will just try to kill everybody in those places first, and then try to wait out the war under US protection, and then re-build and claim all that land.

Arab Israelis are also on the menu for ethnic cleansing. And Israel will try to do all this shit all at once, from the air mostly.
That actually does sound pretty fucking major. Even if it's just speeding up a process that was already happening.
the human race is really quite astounding, for the fact jewish people can even get away with their incredibly simpleton tricks on social institutions.
all it takes to break you is a little gremlin berating you, gaslighting, misplaced trust for the kike faggots?

their schemes all scream lack of intelligence.

and also, this is what you get for decades of lack of work and preparations and putting shit off. the last minute, when you really need it, you won't have it.

like, optimize your opportunities/resources (like family, network), let alone your country's resources.
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pissrael is nothing more than cowards, simple as fren
The cringe... I'm literally dying for the negrolatry of these two.
>Spain alone has already said they'll take 2 million or some shit.
There is a law that claims that in case Spain recognizes the Palestinian case as genocide they gain the right to refugee status in Spain... but there has been no plan for an immigration of that scale.
This is what seems most likely, that they will move to outright genocide. I really hope Iran acts quickly.
tfw no qt brown gf to yell at you till you fuck her
I'm tired frens and I need some sleep and I will talk to you tomorrow, later frens
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baker needed
>baker needed
baker needed
>baker needed

Later baker, thanks
jews must realize how futile they are. they won't even extract the pain they hope to.
fucking pathetic. but that's what you get when you're a 5'4 uncoordinated weakling with a high pitched voice, larping as a warrior.
wouldn't this mean war with jordan
>BREAKING: Britain just forced the Criminal Court not to issue arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant on charges of war crimes, by challenging the jurisdiction of the court in a "friend of the court" memorandum.
>The “rules based order” of the west sees the court as a tool to wage war against nations they don’t like.
Only Biden can save Palestine

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