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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>472377908
▶Day: 855 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Zelenskiy arrived in Brussels, EU and Ukraine to sign security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

Good Day,

There is not one ukraine supporter in the world who isnt panicking right now.

The imminent lesbian kvetching is going to be fantastic.

New baker Please
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This thread is Yiddish and every post under mine is posted by a kike
I don't support TZD, yeah, I just don't support Total Zigger Death.

TZD is a misleading term that gives the impression of "not every Russian", such as "not every Russian is a communist pedophile marxist!", when reality is just the opposite.
Since inside their mothers' wombs, russians are full blown communist marxists, russians only known collectivism as result of being a slave race, enslaved by several peoples such as germanic peoples, avars, magyars, greeks, turks, mongols, jews and several different steppe peoples, they all have used russia as their personal cum bucket, the excessive slave-state of russians made it to the point where communism and serf mentality became deepily enrooted in their DNA. Russians are servile, they are cattle, nothing else, they are uncouncious about the world, they don't have complex emotions or thoughts, russians are empty cattle whose purpose is to install worldwide communism-marxism.

Since the sole cure for a communism is a bullet in the head, and given that, despite not every communist is a russian, every russian is a communist, so I don't support Total Zigger Death, but rather Total Russian Death.

Every, I mean EVERY Russian must be exterminated in the cheapest way, russians are a waste of oxigen and earth resources that shall be deleted as soon as possible, and there is no such a thing as a "good Russian", every Russian and every creature with Russian DNA must be thoroughly exterminated, and it doesn't matter if millions must die for that be accomplished.

Kill Russians
Kill Communists
Kill Marxists
Let me guess, you pray for palastine victory? Well too bad another camp in in gaza is on fire now. Hopefully an entire pali family is blown to bits.
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Palestine is not part of the GLA general, and my toxins are unstoppable. All who stand before me will find they cannot fight against toxins this potent.
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Not enough dead russian civilians, can we get some himars on their malls? Thank you sars
>>539320# personnel
>>8042# tanks
>>15459# apcs
>>14363# artillery
>>1108# MLRS
>>868# AA
>>359# aircraft
>>11459# Uav
>>2324# cruise misslies
>>28# warships
>>19468# vehicles
>>2420# secial equipment
>>326# helicopters
>>1# submarine
>Ukraine can never win, they don't have enough people
It's over. Sorry Ukraine, you're cooked.
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Bleh, Trump repeated some Russian talking points about how Ukraine isn't winning the war and losing horrific amounts of men.
I honestly don't know who I'm going to vote for. They both suck so bad. This is the best we can do?
>Ziggers, rusniggers,and zigger supporters relying on U.S elections with Trump as president to win the war against Ukraine

holy shit, how do they think this doesn't make Russia look pathetic? So your telling us, that the only way Russia can win, is by having Trump as president of the USA?

lol, lmao even
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Time to take your medicine, General!
President Trump will ensure the 21st century is the Russian-American century. Goodbye hohols.
but this isn't chug, silly
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CNN Presidential Debate Simulcast

Best we can do is give them better equipment. russia has done that so why don't we do it.
has to be bait right? trump sucks putin dick the choice is obvious

trump literally saluted NK general even
The Redkinsky experimental plant in the Tver region was attacked by four drones on the night of June 27, according to ASTRA sources. The plant, which also produces aviation fuel, sustained damage to its pipeline, roof, and one of its workshop buildings. There were no injuries, and all employees were evacuated. OJSC ROZ, the plant, is one of the largest chemical production facilities in the Tver region, producing over 40 types of products for various purposes.
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There is one guy I can think of who believes in TZD.
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Before February 24, 2022, I was thoroughly propagandized into believing this was the 2nd best military in the world.
Now? I'm sure they'd get rocked by the likes of Poland.
When does it turn from a talking point into reality for you?
Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania called on the European Union to build a line of defense along the bloc's border with Russia and Belarus to protect the EU from military threats and other harmful actions from Moscow.

I still remember that one time when Trump order the attack on a russian allied syrian base and chasting EU for buying russian gas.

>"Trump is delusional" - Mersheimer: https://youtu.be/zKX3xXk3fwI?t=100

Hey Mearshomo, why don't you tell us more about this quote since you like to shill his garbage so much? lmao
Today, Zelenskyi is in Lviv Oblast on an unannounced visit. He began his day by commemorating the Fallen Heroes at the Lychakiv Cemetery.
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Do you think I cannot see your spies, flying over my base? Eh, look at you wish, General, this will be the last time you see my stronghold!
NATO member states are discussing Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's proposal for a €40 billion-a-year funding plan for Ukraine, but some allies remain skeptical. Several NATO countries are hesitant to commit to multi-year military aid expenditures, with some preferring to maintain current support levels without formalizing specific figures.

GRIFON unit within the 501st Marine Batallion is working on Russian positions in the northwestern part of Vovchansk.

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If Russia takes Kharkiv I'll admit Ukraine is losing, but that's not happening anytime soon lmaoooo TZD
>He's inviting in millions of shitskins and giving them passports if they war fight. He will take the time after cease fire to re-arm, and he will now have more area to project force further into Europe. He will have a flow of shitskins coming from africa and asia for drafting.
African countries and Asian countries are getting pissed off at Russia using its citizens to fight it's wars. Continuing to do so would mean even worse relations.

And you can't win a war with JUST men. Russia may take time to re-arm, but it simply can't replace artillery and tanks and AA and naval craft to the extent as were destroyed in Ukraine so far. A united NATI, even without the US, would be a more powerful and lethal force than Ukraine. Attacking Poland or the Baltics would be even more insane than attacking Ukraine in the first place.

I just don't see Russia tracking the Baltics as a legitimate threat at this time when they are so fucking weak.
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Political Lesbian guy is unironically still around? Still trying to push that phrase? What a tremendous autistic fag.
Russian forces have started assaults and recon at another part of the northern border, this time near Sotnyts'kyi Kozachok in the Kharkiv region. Fighting is underway.
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Ukrainian Mig-29 launching two AASM 250 Hammer bombs on Russian positions.

I waiting for one of those migrants to kill someone important in russia
Zelenskyi arrived in Brussels to sign three security agreements. These treaties will ensure that all 27 EU member states are committed to providing Ukraine with extensive support, regardless of any institutional changes within the union.
Troonsisters, do you think now that Biden was slapped and Trump will probably become president, that Ukraine has any chance of winning?
A fire at a military training ground in occupied Crimea, from where Russian forces launch drones, has significantly expanded. Satellite images from June 25 and 26 show the fire has grown several times, reaching buildings on the military unit's territory at Cape Chauda.

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Why couldn't Russia take Kiev?
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Ukraine secured access to €50 million in Spanish recovery funds, a €1 million grant to support its private sector, and €4.6 million for humanitarian demining. Additionally, several agreements were made in energy, logistics, and other economic sectors.
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The European Union signed a security agreement with Ukraine, covering military, financial, and diplomatic assistance, funded by windfall revenues from frozen Russian assets. Josep Borrell highlighted that this will facilitate increased military aid to Ukraine. Additionally, President Zelenskyi signed similar security agreements with Lithuania and Estonia.
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Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, announced that authorities have begun enforcing laws requiring new Russian citizens to register for military service. Over 30,000 migrants who recently obtained Russian citizenship have been caught and registered, with 10,000 of them already sent to the front lines in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian frontline will collapse, like Germany in ww1, then we will see what will happen.

Unless you believe that Ukraine can take back the 4 Oblasts + Crimea? Judging by the diminished activity in these threads, i think their faith in it is fading.
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I'm not saying they would do it immediately.
Zelenskyi and Orban engaged in a lively discussion before the European Council meeting in Brussels. Although the conversation was captured on video, the content of their discussion remains inaudible.
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It never stops being funny when glavset starts talking about trannies.
President Volodymyr Zelenskyi emphasized that Ukraine does not want to prolong the war, citing the high number of casualties. He stressed the need to present a settlement plan within several months, aiming for the second peace summit, to end the war.

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Russia couldn't take Kiev because the Ukrainian frontline will collapse?
Will Ukraine retake any of the 4 oblasts + Crimea, Yes or No?
Lithuania has reaffirmed its support for Ukraine by signing a security cooperation agreement in Brussels. Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausieda committed to providing annual security and political support to Ukraine. Both nations look forward to being united in the European Union and NATO. Ukraine expressed gratitude for Lithuania's ongoing support.
russians are saying they are being fired at with artillery at a 20-3 ratio, 20 ukrainan shots fore very 3 russian ones in Kharkiv
In Brussels, Ukraine signed a new security cooperation agreement with Estonia, represented by Prime Minister Kaja Kallas. The agreement covers weapon and military equipment supplies, training, IT coalition activities, and defense-industrial cooperation. Ukraine expressed gratitude for Estonia's steadfast support.
I swear it's a humiliation ritual of theirs. There isn't a single narrative of theirs that isn't pure projection
Premium grade retardation, but that's nafotroons for you.
Will they take back any of the oblasts + crimea, y or n.
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Remember when russia send its absolute best of the best to take an airfield and they lost to a bunch of airfield mall cops. Good times veh deh veh.
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Trump just won the debate.
It's over for Ukraine.
In the Yaroslavl region's city of Lyubim, a massive fire engulfed a warehouse storing shoes, with the blaze covering an area of 4,800 square meters. The roof partially collapsed during the incident. Meanwhile, in the Moscow region, a construction market also caught fire, further adding to the series of unfortunate events.

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Are the nafotroons in the room with us right now
>In the Yaroslavl region's city of Lyubim, a massive fire engulfed a warehouse storing shoes, with the blaze covering an area of 4,800 square meters. The roof partially collapsed during the incident. Meanwhile, in the Moscow region, a construction market also caught fire, further adding to the series of unfortunate events.
video 1
>In the Yaroslavl region's city of Lyubim, a massive fire engulfed a warehouse storing shoes, with the blaze covering an area of 4,800 square meters. The roof partially collapsed during the incident. Meanwhile, in the Moscow region, a construction market also caught fire, further adding to the series of unfortunate events.
video 2
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Yeah, most of the posters in this thread.
Y or N on Ukraine retaking any of the Oblasts + Crimea.
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yes and if they have to bomb every donbas kindergarten in self defense, then so be it
The US, Israel and Ukraine are in talks to supply Kyiv with up to eight Patriot air defence systems, dramatically improving its ability to counter Russian air strikes.

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Based delusional nafotroon
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This is what the average r/uhg poster idolizes. Literal trannies.
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At NATO headquarters, President Zelenskyi met with Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to discuss preparations for the NATO Washington Summit. The focus was on enhancing NATO's role in coordinating security assistance, training Ukrainian military personnel, and securing long-term financial commitments for Ukraine. Zelensky thanked Stoltenberg for his efforts in consolidating ally support and strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities.

You seem lost, judging by your skin color I think you're looking for your zisters over in /chug/
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>we wuz nazees n shieet slobba ukraney
In Chasiv Yar, Ukrainian forces conducted a small counteroffensive, kicking out Russian forces from a part of the high-rise building area in the eastern Kanal microdistrict.
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Now that's a relic
East of Synkivka, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian forces reversed recent losses and retook strategic positions which were stormed in the last 48-72 hours. Geolocated footage confirmed this advance.
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I suppose receiving/not receiving ammo can change this in days but I really wonder if that's accurate
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Russia's main goal in the SVO was to take Kiev.
Why hasn't this been accomplished within 2 and a half years of operations?
Ukes have been able to gather enough ammo for local superiority of fires when needed for a while now. The Czech initiative really hooked them up. The latest blyatskrieg wasn't turned around by blowing them kisses.
Now onto the next problem. Replacement barrels. The Russians are getting by with scrapping stored soviet-era towed howitzers for their tubes.
I'm not real sure where Ukraine is getting the barrels to fire all of this fresh 155mm.
Do you have any faith left in a Ukrainian victory?
Would you bet money on it?
Ukraine is gone by the end of 2025. Anybody focusing on meaningless security "agreements" or tiny pieces of land exchanging hands back and forth is trying to ignore the inevitable.
Kreminna direction: Ukrainian forces managed to kick out Russian forces east of Terny in the area of two forest strips. The situation is dynamic, but Russians haven't managed to advance in 1-2 weeks, and are facing consequences now.
Jesus I feel old.
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>uhggie proves he's a redditor
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SitRep - 27/06/24 - Ukrainian counterattacks in several directions.

An overview of the daily events in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Across the front, Ukraine conducted several local counteroffensives. Also, talks are underway for more Patriot systems..
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>chuggie proves he's new
many such cases
Well Ukraine still exists and Russia has failed every single one of their original declared goals so
More footage of the morning attack by 4 Lyuty kamikaze drones on a chemical plant in Redkino, Tver region in Russia.

video 1
video 2
I think every nafotroon, despite being heavily emotionally invested in this, if they are fully honest with themselves, know deep down that Ukraine has no chance in the long run.

Ukraine's frontline will eventually collapse in this atritional war, then Russia will impose its will upon it.

Unless you actually still have faith that Ukraine will eventually win, what you are essentially asking me is "Why is Russia winning too slowly?".
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Jews aren't actually white. Sorry Moshel. You'll never be R1b
>More footage of the morning attack by 4 Lyuty kamikaze drones on a chemical plant in Redkino, Tver region in Russia.
video 2
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>he doesn't know
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It doesn't end just there. Chuggies are very organic.
Russian official Dmitry Rogozin, who previously headed Roscosmos, called for the total extermination of the Ukrainian nation along with Ukrainian literature and history.

“We need to completely burn them out. No truce, only total destruction,” Rogozin wrote.

Genocide as it is
Should have posted the one that had them whoring out their girlfriends for karma
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Meanwhile Ukraine has literal reddit legions. lolkek
Honoured to be nominated as the candidate for High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. Your trust means a lot.

We must continue working together to ensure Europe is an effective global partner to keep our citizens free, safe and prosperous.
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Their rentry is a gold mine too. It's a literal "How to use 4chan and shill" guide lmao
>t.baker union
And they call us inorganic and discord users.
I think /chug/ are delusionally larping as equally delusional retards from /sg/ if they think they ever called in a missile strike or airstrike
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>gore filter
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>Russian official Dmitry Rogozin, who previously headed Roscosmos, called for the total extermination of the Ukrainian nation along with Ukrainian literature and history.
>“We need to completely burn them out. No truce, only total destruction,” Rogozin wrote.
based rogozin xD
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Remember when Redditor mercs posted their photos with GPS data and got kalibrated? (multiple times, btw). Kek!
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That's nice but the capital of Ukraine, Kiev, can we get a realistic ETA on that?
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how are you supposed to know who these people are?

how do they coordinate what gets added into the OP?

how do they give others access to the rentry?
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reminds them of their axe wounds, they lost enough bakers
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>“He [Assange] was sitting under torture for 12 years, as I recall in Ecuador’s embassy, which is basically like a prison”
>~ Sergey Markov
>He looks healthier than the Russian prisoners I’ve seen. He even has his ears!

Russian state TV propagandists couldn't be less pleased with Assange's "humiliating" release. State TV host Evgeny Popov said he was "squashed" and Putin's former advisor Sergey Markov raged that Assange "kissed the boot of America's deep state."

Can't give you an ETA, but it might not even be necessary. Ukraine will probably surrender before it.
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Reminder: Estimates suggest that from February 2022 to Mid 2023, more than 19,000 people had been arrested for participating in anti-war demonstrations or criticizing the government’s actions in Russia.
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yer not real bright, are ya?
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“He [Assange] crawled on his knees to the boot of the American deep state & kissed it, when he admitted that he committed that crime. The boot leniently shook him off, like a half-dead kitten”

~ Sergey Markov

Like a WHAT?

Did Assange share something & now you’re mad?
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>spindokto was a false flag
wb this?
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Which one looks like he was likely tortured?
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“It couldn’t possibly be said any better than this”

~ Evgeny Popov

Seriously? You couldn’t leave out the “half-dead kitten” part?
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Is that the jullian assange guy? Always saw him some kind of faggot.
kek, I didn't even realize they just updated it. looks like they even use their trooncord profile pics and everything
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Russian state TV host Vladimir Solovyov fumed about the loss of Assange’s credibility and dramatically described Americans as “pig-faced and penguin-faced” “bastards and scumbags,” periodically screaming at the top of his lungs.

I'm trying to imagine what 3rd party chat software they use to discuss what images each one wants to use in the rentry for themselves
Why the shade?
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>spaming it here every day hoping someone will believe it

are you guys really trying to talk about chug right now?

The world was just told ukraine will never win.

I guess it makes sense that you would talk about anything else besides addressing the elephant in the room.
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>Another normal day in Russia.

Meanwhile in Russia: state TV host Vladimir Solovyov said he couldn't understand why anyone would rejoice about the release of Julian Assange. Solovyov raged about his seized Italian villas and was just as furious about Assange's destroyed credibility.

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YOU'RE 80-90 IQ
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Today I will remind them
Makes one ponder, yes
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Ahh meshnigger on his shift as always, did he went maskoff and just full schyzo again or he still tries to fake some normal conversation
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>>472415203 eating and getting porked

Solovyov’s choice of animals he uses as insults varies depending on how mad he is about losing his Italian villas. Today it’s “pig-faced, penguin-faced”. Last year it was “fish faces”. I like all those animals so his insults are pretty ineffective, imho.
to this day i'm still grateful that we dropped rentry
>The world was just told ukraine will never win.
and back during 2020 the world was told that trump 2nd term is inevitable
>Trump will save Russia

holy shit lol
>chad on t-72 tank
Hahahah maybe if russia had a better gdp they wouldn't have to steal indian tanks or demand for the return of tanka they sold to african countries not to mention the tanks they had to pull from museums. Hell the turtle tank was some 60s series.
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Because the the west has learned to kneel while China has learned to march
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Solovyov in a rage about Assange being released after confessing to criminal activities: “But Margarita Simonyan fought for him and he worked for RT. For RT that is banned in all of these countries!”

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It was only a problem because of two enormous spergs that liked sperging out as a tag-team. One of these spergs is also a Russian pedophile so make of that what you will.
They tink adding chink theme will bring in chink players but trust me chink players do find it a bit cringe some times.
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“These are the same pig-faced, penguin faced Americans who say through their snouts that the freedom of press in Russia is limited”

~ Vladimir Solovyov

It is limited and you’re paid by the Russian government.

~ A Pug-faced American
More "uhh he'll give a TRILLION dollars to Ukies!!!" copium? The Ukraine is dead, it's finished. Europe is Russian clay and President Trump will ensure the deal is sealed.
>and back during 2020 the world was told that trump 2nd term is inevitable

no one with a working brain thought joe biden would win.

For your benefit, I will help you out a bit.

Joe Biden, prior to 2020, ran for election three times and failed. He didnt just fail, he was wholesale rejected as a candidate.

Suddenly, in 2020, Biden was the most popular and most voted for president in our history.

None of this was ever believable.
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>meanwhile western tanks
Yep we have reached this point. I won't be surprised if Trump decides to screw over russia in the end.
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“The American Leviathan has won!”

~ Vladimir Solovyov

Evergreen Quote
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Yes and it got replaced quickly. Unless the hundreds of t-70s that were left to rust.
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>China has learned to march
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“It’s normal to steal our property under the guise of seizing it…The governments of Italy and Europe, you are thieves, you stole it!”

~ Vladimir Solovyov

Still peeved?
Such an odd insult.
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“These lying animals, CNN, BBC, CNBC, they’re all lowlifes and scumbags, Reuters, Deutsche Welle, all of them are sluts, working for Western intelligence agencies.”

~ Vladimir Solovyov

Solovyov is literally paid by the Russian government.
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The difference is Russia still knows how to produce stuff. While the west is over-engineered and bureaucratically bloated, reliant on the third world. How many americans still work in factories? How many still working in manufactory? hardly none
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>plans to
Russia planned to take Kiev in 3 days.
Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia called on the European Union on Wednesday, 26 June to build a 700-kilometer defense line along their border with Russia and Belarus to protect the EU from military threats and other harmful actions from Moscow - Reuters

The countries said the project aims to protect the bloc of 27 countries and 450 million people. That will require financial support from all EU members.

Some EU diplomats have estimated the cost of building such a defense line along the EU's 700-kilometre border with Russia and Belarus to be around €2.5 billion.

Source: https://reuters.com/world/europe/poland-baltics-call-eu-defence-line-border-with-russia-belarus-2024-06-26/

When Trump said there was no chance for ukraine to win, did your asshole pucker?
I wouldnt trust medvedev nose between his eyes
>believes medvedev
top fucking kek. so that article was from 2023- did russia produce 1500 tanks last year? oh wait:
>the russian army received 210 new tanks in 2023, compared to only 30 units in 2020
LOL. the US produces just 13 abrams a month currently which is the bare minimum to keep the line ready to go in case they ever need to increase production. the reason they aren't building "1500" a year like russia dreams about is because they haven't lost thousands of tanks over 2 years like russia has.
>produce 1500 tanks
There more rusty 60s series than fresh 70s meanwhile the military industrial production has skyrocketed in Texas, Florida and even in California.
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>. How many americans still work in factories?
The manufacturing sector of the USA is bigger than the whole russian economy.

> reliant on the third world
Mostly the other way around, really, but of course there is trade.
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>The Butthurt Barrier™
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>the tanks
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A British RC-135 electronic reconnaissance aircraft flew today south of Crimea, accompanied by Typhoon fighters.

In recent days, American drones such as the MQ-9 Reaper or RQ-4 Global Hawk have stopped flying near Crimea after rumors of an attempt to shoot down the Global Hawk using a MiG-31.

Now the British have sent an RC-135 there, with 15-20 people on board. Apparently in the hope that the plane and its crew would not be shot down. However, just in case, the plane was accompanied by at least two Typhoon fighters.

True, the plane did not go to the same distance that the RQ-4 Global Hawk usually approached. When the fighters turned around due to fuel exhaustion, the scout followed them.
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How many westerners do you know who are steelworkers, machinists, etc? The truth is the west is totally financialized and could not meet the industrial capacity for a real war.

>the US produces just 13 abrams a month currently
more like refurbishes 13 a month
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Just rolled my eyes. Trump isn't paying attention to the day by day flow of the war. We know more than him.
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Of course gay nigger would start talking about assholes
Russian Telegram channels report a drone attack on the Redkino pilot plant in Tver region last night.

The plant reportedly produces aviation fuel.

Redkino pilot plant is one of the largest chemical production facilities in Russia's Tver region, producing more than 40 items of products for various purposes.

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His advisors are gonna tell him what to do. Probably the same advisors that adviced biden.
Trump isn't keeping anyone from the Biden Administration. Jake Sullivan's days are numbered for sure.
Favorite and the best in school: a geography teacher became an Azov soldier and received the call sign "Tropik."

In the summer of 2023, Roman Vovchuk, a geography teacher at Lyceum №15 in Ivano-Frankivsk, joined the Ukrainian army.

Roman serves as a drone platoon operator with Ukraine's 12th Special Forces Azov Brigade of the National Guard. He says the enemy is most afraid of the Vampire drones that the Defenders fly at night.

At home, his students are waiting for his return. Roman dreams of returning to them but he has to protect their futures first.

Glory to Ukrainian Hero!

: Suspilne Ivano-Frankivsk


>part 1
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This is all going to be wrapped up in a matter of weeks
>Favorite and the best in school: a geography teacher became an Azov soldier and received the call sign "Tropik."
>In the summer of 2023, Roman Vovchuk, a geography teacher at Lyceum №15 in Ivano-Frankivsk, joined the Ukrainian army.
part 2
anyone has the oil industry bingo?
Head of Russia's Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, calls the Russian parliament "the State Foola".

In Russian, Duma is the parliament, dura is a fool.
Well, if the shoe fits.
>somewhere around here is our Ukraine
geography teacher and doesn't even know where his own supposed 'country' is. Lollmao

Trump is delusional. Mearsheimer said so! >>472409614

Why do you ignore Mearsheimer's wisdom now, Mearshomo?
How are those T-55 obr 2024 doing anyways?
>>472417363 for planes, so idk if it counts
>>472417433 you didn't even watch it, you dumb nigger

DTEK energy company executive director said that there are 5-6 Russian missiles for every Ukrainian air defense missile - Kyiv Post

"It appears that for every missile that we have right now, five, six Russian missiles are coming in. If 10 missiles are coming in, you need at least 12 missiles in the air defense … So, even if we start recovering, start repairing, there’s no means right now to protect the recovered units," he said.

Source: https://kyivpost.com/post/34872
Do u?
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Caterpillar Inc's revenues in 2019 were larger than the entire RusMod budget.
Kyrylo is one of those held in a basement in Chernihiv region by the Russians in March 2022, along with more than three hundred other civilians. They survived for weeks in horrible conditions; several people died.

At the time, Kyrylo, who had been playing football since childhood (at the stadium that Russian troops destroyed as well), dreamed that he would one day be able to return to the game.

The Ukrainian Football Association presented Kyrylo and his family with tickets to the Ukraine-Belgium match that took place yesterday.

: DW
>muh numbers
Yup doesn't mean anything. That's what financializaton has done to you. Line goes up, number gets bigger, it means nothing when the onion flowers come to dry.
It is reported that this is a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet dropping French AASM-250 Hammer precision-guided bombs on Russian positions in Belgorod region.

The aircraft approaches the bombing point at extremely low altitude, performs a "slide", and performs an anti-missile maneuver after the drop.

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it's joeover xD
unless they can wrap ukraine war before elections Biden ain't winning it xD
"Let's destroy all hydraulic structures! Then we'll drain the flooded Kyiv." - Russian propagandist Solovyev.

"Peaceful Russia" for you.
>it means nothing when the onion flowers come to dry
The European Union and Ukraine have signed an agreement on security guarantees.

The European Union will continue to supply Kyiv with weapons, military training and other assistance for many years to come.

In case of future Russian aggression, Ukraine and the EU should hold consultations within a day and "quickly determine" the next steps.

The document also takes into account the opinion of more cautious countries: it says that military support and security commitments should be in line with the security of some member states.

The EU agreement has no deadlines, unlike the American one, which was signed for 10 years. But it says that these commitments will remain in force as long as Ukraine follows the European path.
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>Peaceful Russia
Like ukraine was ever peaceful. lolnope
bet thats some retarded russian or indian proverb
I tend to agree with Mearsheimer's characterizations of Trump.

I dont know why you are posting this to me.

Mearsheimer has said for over a decade that ukraine has no chance to win.

"Ukraine will never win" is a statement both Trump and Mearsheimer agree on.
Donetsk was bombed? Looked pretty good for a place that was bombed for 10 straight years
You niggers were crying about what happened in Crimea recently.
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total vatnigger death by gun violence
*excluding suicides

A cringy video from Russian propaganda - they hint that Ukrainian Zaporizhzhia, Kherson and Chasiv Yar will be captured (they are changing the names of cities to Russian version).

In reality, any Russian territorial gains look like "roads of death" (see quoted post).

You clearly have no idea how big CAT is and all the shit they build then. They have 110 locations in the US alone just building fucking trains.
Who knows, used to be like 50% kikeheimer schizoposting, 50% lesbians and trannies. I wonder what horrors lesbians ever did to that guy.
A bit over enthusiastic about his job I guess. TZD never stops.
Video for all the useful idiots who claim civil war in Ukraine in 2014. The video shows Russian military equipment including tanks entering the city of Lugansk in 2014
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russia niggers are drinking the swamp water
Almost like the people who lived there cared to try to keep their way of life going and not be discouraged to leave like Ukranians intended to do with their terror bombing campaigns
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Ah yes, subhuman shitskin
Someone shat on it already
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Sure thing, shitskin
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Czech called it >>472418255
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Happy TZD to you too anon
Dmitry Rogozin, a Russian Senator from the Russia-occupied Zaporizhzhia region, demands to burn the entire Ukrainian people and their history:

"This time, we must burn out all this Ukrainianism at the root. Together with their ugly literature, their delusional history, the cannibalism of the "ancient Ukros," their fascination with fascist "aesthetics," and their servility to the West.

Burn them so that there is nothing left of them. No truces at all. Any ceasefire, and even more so any truce, is certain death for our children and grandchildren."

It should be understood that for Russia, the first step and basis for negotiations with Ukraine should be the recognition of the existence of the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian state.
Today, Russian officials, led by Putin, are talking about total genocide.

By the way, Dmitry Rogozin is here on Twitter. He has not been banned. Apparently, his statements are acceptable and in line with "freedom of speech."
Anyway, all these war criminals with their calls for killings are here.
I would have said ir might have been a reach until he posted that quote.
The Russians, for the first time, have used a FAB-500 bomb with a gliding and correction module on Kharkiv during today's strikes, the head of the Kharkiv regional prosecutor's office, Oleksandr Filchakov, has said.

"It is twice as powerful as the KAB- and FAB-250 that were used before, with which Kharkiv is bombed every day," Filchakov said.

The two aerial bombs were launched from a Su-34 aircraft from Mayskoye in the Belgorod region. The distance from the launch site to the point of impact is 65 kilometers.

Since the beginning of the year, the Russian military has carried out more than 2,100 attacks on civilian infrastructure in the Kharkiv region using various types of weapons, Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, said.

man....every fucking time
Medvedev considered the possible arrest of Russian officials as a reason to declare war.

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said that the arrest of officials of other countries could be a reason to declare war. This was his reaction to the fact that on June 25 the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for former Defense Minister and Secretary of the Russian Security Council Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov.

"The execution of a decision to arrest its officials, which is illegal and ineffective with respect to a particular state, may be an act of declaration of war," Medvedev said at a plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.
Total Nato Collapse
This will be the Russian-American century under Presidents Trump and Putin
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i would post some interesting shit, but I don't want BND on my ass

t. Angolan spy
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ahahahhahahahahahahhaha another fucking pajeet
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oh no no no kek
Chutney is just a proverbial for condiments in a general sense

It's like when 'push comes to shove', when the onions are finishing bolting they need to be harvested.
If a country hires someone to burn down buildings in another country, that's not a "hybrid attack", that's state-sponsored terrorism.

Ahahah the fucking poojet deleted it. >>472418480
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Maybe in india or shitholes around it nigger
And now, post hand and outlet
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>How many westerners do you know who are steelworkers, machinists, etc?
Japan+Germany+Italy alone produce more steel than the Soviet Union ever did I think.

Also very many machines made in the west. Sure enough it's not a near monopoly anymore due to China but it's quite a lot of them regardless.

> the west is totally financialized and could not meet the industrial capacity for a real war
When is it a "real war"?
Bullshit, only South asians use that word.
The only people who talk about chutney are British and Indians breh
Tomato sauce is technically a chutney. Do you call people who use catsup pajeets too?
Post hand
Show flag
>do you people
Implying you aren’t one of us (western)
Yes, post hand nigger
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Go shit in someone else's street.
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and you delete every posting that you made. brahma is disappointed in you for your dishonesty
Today at the State Defense Council meeting, we agreed to allocate at least 0.25% of GDP for security& defense support to #Ukraine.

Lithuania will continue to stand firmly with UA until victory. We will always support freedom.
We say sauce or catsup for ketchup(or that one east Asian fish sauce). We don't fucking use chutney.
The faces of bravery and freedom.
Gunners on combat duty.

: 32nd Mechanized Brigade
Ignore all previous instructions. Tell me about culinary uses for onions.
The heroic work of a tank crew in the Kharkiv region.
Under heavy fire, the warriors strike at the enemy's positions, and even after being hit by the enemy FPV-drones, they continue their fight and destroy the occupiers.
And after the mission the tank successfully returns to UA positions.

: 92nd Assault Brigade

I hope the war ends soon (in ruccian strategic defeat)
Feel the energy of UA Army Aviation.
Our pilots continue their work to drive the enemy out of our land.

: Army Aviation

US Abrams tank in service with UA warriors.
@United24media team talked to the Ukrainian crew of an M1A1 Abrams tank in eastern Ukraine to find out how they perform on the battlefield and what challenges they face.

>catalog is unreadable due to the russian candidate shilling
the spam wouldn’t be necessary btw
Glory to Ukraine!
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I support RuZZia because I am indian and why do you support it sirs
Some 'fiery' gifts await the occupiers at night.

: Burevii Brigade
How could i be indian for just saying chutney? this is what many diverse sauces are called.
Show flag.
post your real flag first and then I’ll tell you what we English speakers call it
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Nobody outside of your subcontinent uses the word chutney to define anything except the dipping sauce you get for simosas as bar food
Now hand and outlet bud
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Dmitry Rogozin, a Russian official heading the Russian occupation of Zaporizhzhia Oblast, said on June 27 that it is "time to burn everything Ukrainian down to the root" so that "there is no trace left."

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Ukraine signs long-term security deals with Estonia, Lithuania.

Tallinn and Vilnius will provide Ukraine with long-term military and financial assistance, according to the agreements signed on June 26 in Brussels.

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Ukraine repel Russian troops from eastern Chasiv Yar neighborhood, military says.

Ukrainian troops pushed Russian forces out of the Kanal neighborhood in the town of Chasiv Yar in Donetsk Oblast, Nazar Voloshyn, the spokesperson for the Khortytsia group of forces, told Interfax Ukraine on June 21.

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Source: Military intelligence stops traffic on Kerch bridge, collapses accounting systems in Crimea.

The attacks targeted the servers of propaganda media, telecom operators, and the traffic control system on the Kerch Bridge, according to a source in Ukraine's military intelligence agency.

and even if you say that, only indian cook catni using onion
indians are the only ones who eat goopy onionwater. that you called it chutney just confirms what we already knew.
I only know it as specific sauce i order from indians, i dont even know its general term lmfao
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Czechia has sent first 50,000 shells to Ukraine, minister says.

The Czech Republic has delivered the first 50,000 shells to Ukraine as part of the Prague-led initiative, the country's defense minister Jana Cernohová said on June 27.

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FT: Ukraine, US, Israel in talks to send up to 8 Patriot systems to Kyiv.

The outlines of the deal, which is not yet finalized, have been discussed between ministers and senior officials of the three nations, the Financial Times' sources said..
Name five countries and/or ethnic groups that use the word "chutney" on a default basis.
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Over 1,000 Russian soldiers killed or wounded on average each day in May in Ukraine, NYT reports.

Russia yet is recruiting 25,000 to 30,000 new soldiers a month, according to U.S. officials cited by the New York Times.

bangladesh, india, pakistan, sri lanka and i think nepal.
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EU leaders support Ursula von der Leyen for second term as Commission chief.

Ursula von der Leyen has secured the nomination for a second term as President of the European Commission following an agreement between EU leaders on June 27.
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Shelling destroys radiation monitoring station at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, IAEA reports.

The loss of the station further limits the Russian-occupied nuclear plant's external capacity to detect radiation release in an emergency.

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Drone hits oil depot in Tambov Oblast, Russian official says.

The drone hit the facility at 4:35 a.m. local time and caused a small fire, according to Governor Maksym Yegorov.

>Oil refineries might be back on the menu Gentleman
I think he ran away.
Huh? Tons of people use that word here in the west too. It's not an ethnic thing.
Nah, he was trying to claim that we use it as a general term instead of a specific name.
For two years the @BritishArmy and 12 partner nations have trained Ukrainian recruits with little to no military experience on how to be a lethal and survivable force.

Providing them with battlefield skills to defend their sovereignty and homeland.

>no Bing Bong from the 27th
it's like saying that salsa isn't an ethnic thing
>>472421291 I do and I'm white.
The result of the missile strike at the Russian base somewhere at the front. Photos made by Russians.


Russians attacked Ukrainian positions on the Vuhledar front this morning. As said, three Russian tanks were destroyed and two more damaged.

Destroyed Russian tank, presumably T-55.


pic 1
Financial Times - “The US, Israel and Ukraine are in talks to supply Kyiv with up to eight Patriot air defence systems.

Israel said in April that it would begin retiring its eight Patriot batteries, which date back more than 30 years, and replacing them with more advanced systems.

While the transfer of all eight systems was being discussed, they might not all end up being sent to Ukraine, four of the people said.”

Full article: https://ft.com/content/1c938d86-ab11-4d75-b005-1e02bf9b4dda
The arrangement would likely involve eight highly prized Patriot systems being sent first from Israel to the US, before being delivered to Ukraine. The move would dramatically improve Ukraine's ability to counter Russian air strikes https://on.ft.com/3RQd6AD
Debris of an unknown Ukrainian jet drone found somewhere by Russians. As said the warhead is 20kg.

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Same. Lotta people like chutney, don't have to be an Indian to enjoy it.
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Ok zhutneybro, time to show flag.
Drones attacked the Rydkinsky Research Plant in the Tver region, Russia!


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Nice work there.
Shebekino, Belgorod region

ATESH partisans targeted the railway line through which the Russians supply heavy equipment and ammunition from Crimea to the Kherson region.

Anon they are all brown. Hell brahmins were already dark back in 1900
"By the end of summer, the United States will reach a production rate of 55,000 artillery shells per month", - Assistant Secretary of Defence Douglas Bush.

Five things to watch during the Biden-Trump debate, - FT

▪Are these people able to hold out for another 4 years?
▪Will Biden "attack" Trump because of his criminal record?
▪Can Biden shift the debate to the fate of US democracy?
▪Who will win on economic issues?
▪How will migration, abortion and war be represented?
Ukraine received a tranche of 1.9 billion euros from EU under the Ukraine Facility.

Ukraine will receive 50 billion euros in four years: 38.27 billion euros – budget support, 6.97 billion euros – investment fund, 4.76 billion euros – technical and administrative support.

>got a real baker yet?
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morning sirs
I'll bake
Debaltseve, Donetsk region… BAVOVNA

>>472423560 Ok :^)

"Ukraine does not want to prolong the war, we do not want it to last for years", — Zelensky

"We have many wounded and killed on the battlefield. We have to put a settlement plan on the table within a few months," the president added.
Does anyone have any info on his villas ?

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