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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Those mods are gonna be up till 4am
they get twice their normal pay for overtime hours
It's over for Palestine Joe.

Why do monkeys have interest in American politics? Don't you have to goto work or you just steal tourist purse to feed yourself in favela or whatever that shithole is called?
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So who do they replace biden with bros
>and don't say katamala olive or what ever her name is
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>fact checked for certain demographics
Kek. If you don't vote for Joe Biden, you ain't black.
>Favela monkey
Well that doesn't sound too bad, what's the normal rate?
KEK Jeff Jewbitch gonna have a stroke
You love to see it
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100% bonus for 0 is 0.
more like up for the next two weeks
They do it for free? Surely you can't be serious.
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He receives NO remuneration for services provided.
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someone tweet him a pic of biden riding a bicycle i think that kike forgot something
CIA causing spooky neo nazi violence to happen nonstop for the next 5 months in 3, 2, 1...
I am sudennly feeling the intense urge to shoot "black hole suns"???
Zero times zero is still zero. This debate also proves that humans past 75 are useless
More nonsense huh? Don’t they get Americans are literally/unironically cooked
post more seething please
>When it was needed for certain demographics
What did he mean by this?
RFKJ (good outcome)
Mike Obama (bad outcome (more likely))
looks like Zion Don will win. the democrats only brought biden in because they literally had no one else
Trump was already president and active duty enlistment fell 40%
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Fuck I have classes in 5 hours but I just can't got to sleep right now kek¨

MAGA 2024!
They have to slow the speech and have a ball bounce along the closed captioning for Diabeetus Americans and african Americans.
That was who could beat blimpf in 2020. Democrats always win when they run a “cool Johnny Blue dog” democrat. Then stack activists into every appointed position.
reddit mods....
You guys'll be fine windmills repel the air loom waves.
FDR drug us into WW2 in his second term
I don't think it will work, it's just what I'd expect them to try now.
No way that's real lol. Some people are way too invested in theatrics when they can just form their own opinion by seeing how things are and comparing it to how it was 5 years ago
> fact chlecking needed for... certain demographics
How do niggers not realize they're being shit on by "their guys"? Thats so disrespectful lol.
His 3rd term*
Why would you NOT have interest in American politics dude? WTF.
CIA niggers literally burnt Americans out with there social experiments… there is no more fucks to give we have already peaked in how depraved things could be
and they do it for free?
their social experiments*
Yeah, mistype lol
The point stands. He was a late-term wartime president.
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KEK they will vote for Biden just because Biden isn't Trump
Hillary is another option I could see.
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They'll be up 'til dawn
At a rate of $0.00 twice the amount would be $0.00
>starting a war in your non consecutive 2nd term you probably couldn’t finish
Even if Trump is a super zionist, he is objectively, it’s not something that fits Donald Trump
He's voting Trump.
aids clapton
Please post more lefty twitter and reddit salt.
It's officially Joever.

Even Democrats can see it. Wow.
But that would mean... they do it... for free!?
Based on what you stupid nigger?
1 FF and all the trumptards will be rushing to the recruitment centers

I mean, look how they let Pearl Harbor happen.

Why? We don't even know about your politics...what the fuck goes over there? Why are you people so irrelevant to the world. Genuine question.

What happens over there besides once a year when women comes out on street wearing thongs and twerking and niggers steal from tourists. What else happens in Brazil? You got ass fucked by Germany so bad 4 chin has a permanent poster about it
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This faggot is an absolute faggot. I hope he dies of faggot related complications.
Why is it all of a sudden okay to notice Biden's gaffs? I guess they're actually gonna swap him then? Right before the convention too.
> 1 FF and all the trumptards will be rushing to the recruitment centers
No they won’t and 90% of Americans couldn’t pass a MEPs physical
I still remember 2016 when the mods on /r/politics just went full scorched Earth and nuked every thread, deleting anything remotely critical of Hillary.
> Pearl Harbor
Morbid obesity didn’t exist and the USA was a solid 80% European Christian with a very youthful age structure and we were in the midst of a recovery from the great depression
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Look up hos daughter, Katie. What an absolutely qt
Because the whole culture revolves around degeneracy and drugs. Fuck Brazil.
>hating yourself
No, there's something called free will.
Also NOTHING will stop me from keep talking about American politics.

biden's getting replaced, probably with big mike. screenshot this. announcement will be at the chicago dnc, probably earlier though.
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it's her turn, anon.
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They're gonna be too tired for that. They will go to bed early and we will have a champagne shit posting party
>Which is totally understandable.
>Somehow not being able to do your job well doesn't matter because he's 80+
People aren't ageist enough.
I don't know what you guys are celebrating. Doesn't matter who wins kikes still own the US
>the /r/democrats reddit moderators deleted this post
reddit sucks so bad, you cant post anything except groupthink
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Bro comments are invisible even in conservative subreddits

what the fuck??'

Why would the admins of an internet page do this?
I get the limitations and understand how it won't work, but I genuinely think the jews might be choosing Trump as a Hail-Mary play
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celebrating chaos like always
That's a troon.
>biden's getting replaced, probably with big mike

Why wouldn't they have replaced him sooner, then they could have gotten an optical boost over Trump in the debate.
Wtf is that last tweet even supposed to mean?
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Might want to double check your math, playa
Why would a hawk get that close?
Left wingers perpetually live in candy land in their heads, every so often they cant escape reality
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Quit ruining the fun ya fuckin fag
this guy is such a fucking donkey show
not only that, it's a kike tranny
Daniel Defense fire sale in 48 hours lmao
>certain demographics
Add it to the list, lads
yea wow Netanyahu is saved Israel is greater they control the… Grand Ole Party
Hahaha beat off hoe fr
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We are seeing levels of cope we never thought possible!
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Like of 270,000,000 adults aged 15 plus only 5% are ideally fit for military service and 84% are entirely unfit one way or the other lol
that's fucking disgusting your testosterone is literally negative fix yourself before it's too late
>it's already too late for anon
>Kia boys
>Party goers
>Porch pirates
>Church goers
>Cruel carers
>Pool enjoyers
>Young fathers
>Honda drivers
>Cat Shelterers
>Jobless losers
>Gifted athletes
>Gang members
>Trouble makers
>Bus passengers
>Aspiring rappers
>Subway dancers
>Repeat offenders
>Lifelong criminals
>Masked assailants
>Persons of interest
>Lunchtime rowdies
>Restaurant patrons
>Unhappy customers
>Former NFL players
>Unruly young adults
>Community activists
>Black Friday crowds
>Troubled young men
>Spring break partiers
>Neighborhood bullies
>High school students
>Scholarship recipients
>Unhinged Strangers
>Dinnertime Burglars
>Airline Door Openers
>Purse-Snatching Bullies
>Balaclava-Clad Creeps
>High Calorie Humans
>Electromagnetic Storms
>Drill Rapper
>New Type of Parent
>Certain Demographics <—— you are here
Because he still wants to be president and they needed to establish more opposition to him within the party. Note that there aren't any great alternatives to Biden within the Democratic party, otherwise the process would be much smoother.
That first tweet is more embarrassing than any other. They've tried so hard for so long to pretend Joe is some cool, brilliant leader and not a fucking disaster.
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>For the certain demographics
He means niggers.
Democrats are the real racists with all their nigger pandering and failing to follow through and their policies that lead to more niggers being locked up and more nigger crime in niggervilles
>every streamer saying Biden shat the bed
>every analyst and news saying Biden needs to be gone
>reports of dems seriously talking
damn Biden might actually get replaced.

Famn nigga, talk all you want. Was curious and now I'm happy our circus of politics can give your life some meaning. Sad
>Kamala trying to pretend everything’s okay.
The bots are still working hard.
>gonna be up till 4am

Well yeah, that's when the spare ballots arrive.
>doesn't include Super Predators
best thing for dems to do is to lose the election then come super strong in 2028. republicans are all betting on trump and have no replacement after, making them vulnerable to a Bush/Obama situation
It's her turn this time. She paid her dues having sex with men at the orgies. She's due.
Kek. Libs in shambles. DNC fucked them over. They deserve it.
I’ll add it
That was the first one, they're in reverse order. Such was his anticipation for the debate
"Poor Joe is losing his voice" really isn't a very effective slogan to spam.
Nice smooth balls bro
>You need to stream propaganda over Trump the entire debate time and only against Trump for this to be a fair election!
damn Trump remains in 2015 mode kek
How do you people not feel bad for biden at this point? That was just livestreamed elder abuse. That was a one sided beatdown. Trump mopped the floor with that poor man.
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Yeah, but with who? Kamala is deeply unpopular but they HAVE TO go with her. She's legally next in line. Her entire job is to be the backup President. If they go with anyone else, they are admitting she's an incompetent DEI hire. It would be a slap in the face to every woman, every black, and especially every black woman Democrat.
Meaty, suckable. Would maybe even give playful bite
>Facebook market operators
>porch monkey individuals
>I saw him go that way, officer
It's all they've got. It's just pitiful.
lmao based, you can sleep in class, until then enjoy the leftoid salt.
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Because it was on national television. They were denying reality hard before and claiming it was “cheap fakes”, but that is no longer an option.
Trump concern trolling is peak magnifique
>and have no replacement after
Meh, there are a few decent ones. Whether you like her or not, Nikki Haley (for example) would have won this election in a landslide against any Democrat. The Dems have bent far to the left of the American public; unless they have a dramatic internal reckoning the only way to win elections will be by preying on Trump being Trump rather than a generic moderate Republican.
>Look up hos daughter, Katie. What an absolutely qt

She is an obvious jewess, you cooomer.
The dude fucking showered with his daughter and forced a shitty "vaccine" on us. He deserves this as his legacy.
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Its Jover.
Btw, biden hardly blinked, ever. His face was stuck in the "I just witnessed my dog get hit by a car and then proceed to have his ghost then hit by a ghost car" mode.

Biden should have never debated, that was a massacre lol.
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There is no replacement. It's too close to the election and no one wants to jump into this hot mess. Also Biden is still in control of his own delegates because they rigged the primaries for him like retards.
Basically, they all get what they deserve. Going to be some fun watching from here bros.
So $0.00 x 2?
>Glowie seething so hard
Tell your boss he got fucked hard lmao. I’m early voting btw.
>live fact check
>for certain demographics
Aww. That's nice. They're helping.
>super predators vs illegal aliens
Christ Trump better call in the colonial marines
looks like Tiny Tim lol wtf is that
The entire chosing of a running mate is retarded. The person getting the second most votes by the electoral college should be vice president.
Aneurysm or TIA?
Elon needs to get his head out his ass and deal with the bot problem on his site.
Its such a shame that the webcomic maker Awkward Zombie is this fucking golems daughter. Shes great but her dad is a fucking schitzo who does literally nothing but sperg out on twitter all day.
His daughter is a funny webcomic maker AND a spaceship engineer.
>whoever wins the tax payers lose
Is she a democrat?
is she???
It was so bad that there is no cope or sugarcoating. Their hail Mary is finding another candidate, otherwise it is unironically Joever
You aren’t wrong
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Na its a girl and just very autistic webcomic and spacepart engineer.
Ne'er-do-wells, rabble rousers, whippersnappers, scallywags
Not sure she usually doesn't post about that kind of stuff. I suppose seeing her dad on twitter all day would make her want to not become like that.
Do people here really not know Katie?
I thought that was the reason people post her dad all the time
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>that chat
Biden looked like an asthmatic that hasn't slept in 2 days.
Except she’s not black though. She’s an “Indian American” who became black.
Probably tried to attack it, birds are stupid
Thats weird al, you're not tricking me
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I don't care about any of this
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poor birb
I went to reddit earlier and the comments were disabled on all the debate threads due to a """technical glitch"""
Read: Humans are literally not allowed to post while the bloat the place up with shitloads of bots.
I’ve never heard of the comic so I don’t know the content
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How have none of you heard of Awkward Zombie?

In any case I did not know Jeff is her dad. That's kind of cringe but not her fault.
what the fuck he's still alive
the redditor is right, Trump spent 60% of his debate time lying and spewing non sequiturs. Even for the most basic shit he will lie, dude won't even admit he slept with some old hag pornstar lmao.
He said he didn't, she said he didn't. Both under oath on multiple occasions. There's literally no evidence anything happened other than Michael Cohens dumbass cutting her a check.
>i'm glad you brought that up joe
>Cause you beat medicare to death
How are Dems only realizing now that Biden doesn't have the energy needed to be POTUS 4,5 more years? Either they're chronically aloof or this was a controlled demolition of his campaign.
in second though trudeau is ok
because joe is the meatbag by which all the obama goons can coalesce around to push the levers of power.
CNN was fair this time around in the debate between biden and trump, only because they were scared of backing up biden when they didnt know if he'd be verbally viable and risk looking like they're covering for an imbecile.

CNN usually cups the balls and swallows the load of any left leaning candidates but they knew he was going to fuck up so badly that it would make it apparent to the world they're biased if they helped biden in ANY way.

Think about that. Biden is SUCH a bad candidate that even CNN was like "no thanks". LMAO
>she said he didn't.
no source presented
>evidence anything happened other than Michael Cohens dumbass cutting her a check.
yeah I suppose Trump is paying pornstars to help him do his accounting amirite
You post for free, KEK
They were extorting Trump before he lost in 2016 but he ended up not losing. According to the people who just convicted Trump he didn’t sleep with her. Cohen had Trump cut him a check in October 2016 or him and stormy would float the fake story right after the “pussy tapes”.
Dark Brandon is the cringiest astroturf meme. It makes Le God Emperor look like gold.
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after trump it's tucker for 8 years lmao
nimrata randhawa is not going to bring out the conservative american vote.
>According to the people who just convicted Trump he didn’t sleep with her

k lol
Is this an edit what does this even mean

Yeah I noticed that too but some of the anti trump threads had visible comments kek what transparent nonsense, can’t have the echo box not echo
Give up dude. After tonight's "debate" Trump could literally get convicted for rape and still win. Biden is done.
Either they do it for free and they're complete idiots, or they're getting paid by someone and thus the board is impartial and completely unethical. Either way mods are absolutely fucked up.
non arguments and non sequiturs. thanks for proving my initial post in the thread
You could have those classes for free if you vote Joe.
Unless you're smart.
Than you could be grateful those less fortunate than you to have an equal playing field.
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>Kek. Libs in shambles. DNC fucked them over. They deserve it.

it means jack shit

PTG is no less pathetic

you are human garbage, christcuck, no better than the libs

even fucking worse.... a retard
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Hahahahahaa hahahahah
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>Team Beta
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Even the Aussies think Joe fucked up
Yes. I'm sure Trump will usher in a new era of White Boy Supremacy with his 5 years in office.
I implore you to vote for whoever you thunk is right. It's obvious Trump was meant to win this election.
Have fun with your shabbos goy president
I forget Kamala's backstory, is she not native born US citizen?
The only way she could become the president if that's the case is as the VP filling that role - but I wouldn't put it passed someone to try stretching and bending the rules to let a non-native citizen run.
you forgot your memeflag, arshdeep.
SkyNews is owned by Fox
i believe she was an anchor baby to non-citizens, and was raised in canada before moving to the US to suck dick all the way to the top.
>fact checking
Is that newspeak for "defensive lying"?
newsspeak for defensive lying by omission- yeah
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Fox was saying Joe won at like 1pm today, fuck them.
>where it was needed for certain demographics
Kekaroo. See you on /pol/ dumbass. Reddit is not your friend
Good. Trump is nice to Indian men. I have told everyone in my community to back him
KEK Clapton shidding and farding
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>Please post more lefty twitter and reddit salt.
The live feed of TYT watching the debate.
Get banned nazi troll. That's what you get for talking shit about papa Biden your one and only leader.
There will be no replacements and we will not fall for rightoid false flag tactics.
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This one represents what they looked like through most of it (when they weren't crying about fact checking and making excuses for Biden).
Yes. It was planned.
They knew he couldn’t beat trump so they had this all ready to go
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From an hour earlier lol
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>did you forget me?
>ESL bots
It was surprising to see that they couldn’t even fake it. These are the people that said “masks bad… masks good” within a few weeks and “fiery but mostly peaceful protests” and even they couldn’t pretend Biden was fine kek
yeah the salt mining for next 48 hours gonna be delicious
I hope he offs himself, I'd never stop laughing
>Forgot memeflag
Why would i?
> Kekaroo
Don’t ever write this again
Wtf is this gay furry comic supposed to even mean?
for real lmao
I remember when the DNC rigged the primary against Bernie and a redditor went on a huge rant where he expressed how much he hated blacks for voting for the lady who called them super predators instead of the guy who marched for their civil rights.
Cute but they gun isn't loaded
Double plus free? Holy shit that's a fortune. Some rich Jew is going to be shelling out.
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spooky ghost!
I would pay money to be a spectator of their discord and group chats
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>Is this an edit
Trump is a fucking boomer train wreck and this guy thinks poling 50/50 (lol nice try) is a win

We live in a time where a candidate paying hush money to a pornstar is not even an issue for his supporters and the incumbent is so bad that he can’t even dent their support kek yeah “winning”
They didn't "fact check" him because he had alm the facts, like the thing about abortion up to birth we have videos of dozens of democrats celebrating that demonic shit.
Samus is wondering if Fox has a human-like penis or a dog dick. What's not to understand?
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Fucking kek.
Kek me too the levels of copium and frantic censorship would be hilarious
>We live in a time where a candidate paying hush money to a pornstar is not even an issue for his supporters
You mean like when Clinton fucked Monica Lewinsky in the ass? Fun yhow he wasn't dragged to court over that, almost like Trump paying a whore for her services is a nothingburger.
So when project 2025 hits will rule 34 be affected
I don't know that they'll 'replace' the Biden-Harris ticket probably not imo.
but the great thing about this is nothing but seethe and cope until the election.
I shower with my Dad too, and this changes nothing. Still voting for Joe!
These lefturds have proven themselves a species apart since the #Scamdemic and ensuing #Vaxocaust.. It broke their kayfabe and they're now they've normalised their schizophrenia.
>We live in a time where a candidate paying hush money to a pornstar is not even an issue for his supporters
So you think the people opposed to sexual promiscuity and degeneracy are going to instead vote Democrat? The party of sex-workers, tranny story time, open relationships, and butt sex?
Talk about not knowing your audience.
The Lewinsky scandal was HUGE at the time and the only reason it didn’t sink him was because the economy was doing well and Bob Dole wasn’t a viable opponent.
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We are so back. It's gonna be rockin' good
I didn’t say they’d vote Democrat just that they’d support a different nominee for the presidency.

We’re in a post-truth post-ethics world. The right doesn’t give a shit only when it “owns the libs” and the left’s ethics are upside down degeneracy.
>Free coffee
That’s still more than what they actually get
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>in their hugbox echo chamber
>still getting buttblasted
lol can't they just chant ORANGE MAN BAD over and over untill 2025?
I'm excited for the alley cat meme potential.

saw this fucker referred to as `aids clapton' by a witty anon recently, still chuckling.
The left will now shit on EVERYTHING the right loves, 24/7 for 4 more years
fuck jeff tiedrich but at least he seems like a pretty good dad. this pic made had me thinking of better days
>Biden sets the debate rules
>CNN hosts it
>everything set up for Trump to fail
>this happens
what a time to be alive.
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He’s a good dad because he put screens in his daughter’s room and filled it with consoomer plastic bric a brac filled with endocrine disrupters?

Then his daughter turns into a “web comic artist” weirdo? Wow shocking turn of events.
nothing funnier than 'left wing tough guy' personas
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>CNN hosts kept cutting Biden off when he starts rambling so he won't look even more stupid
>all questions were basically tailored to make biden look good

Lost in a game that was rigged for him to win
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Sikhs are the good guys in this thing. Singh is king. Muslims are yesterday's news.
ice hockey players ref Petgrave
sharp shootahs ref Alabama party 360 shots fired 9 injured
>xqc of all people laughing about someone's speech patterns
I hope the bird is ok bros.
remember just a few days ago the white house was saying all those videos of joe biden looking lost were just AI
reddit is retarded. I don't know how websites work, but I assume ads pay money for every comment and click and interaction
so why would they "shut it down"
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redddit niggers are on sudoku watch
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I'm no fan of this, but let's be honest. Biden is a strong candidate for the reason that no other D could replace him. No one in their right mind thinks Newsom, Harris, or Sanders would be polling 50-50 with Trump right now. He is frail, but he's not destroying democracy. That's all I care about.
You know American politics GREATLY influence the majority of the rest of the world, right? You know fucking Chinks and Ruskies watch our politics with baited breath, right?
>grown man with pink hair
Not even disgusting, just embarrassing.
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They do it for freeeeee reeeee.
There not accepting CNN cheapfakes
La concierge sans dolares
How did the bird get blown up when he touched the space in between the blades?
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Jesus christ some of the faces this man made tonight are downright terrifying
5 stages of grief
Trump looked like a monkey the entire time. Both so decrepit.
Sampling theorem. You need to have a sample rate double of the object you're trying to record to see it properly. That's why you get aliasing like car wheels looking like they move backwards on videos all the time. The rotor just spins too fast for the camera to pick it up.
What the fuck kind of “gotcha” was that supposed to be? Of course he posts for free faggot
This changes nothing!
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Thank to canada for watching the young turks on our behalf
Umm, I'm not going (to the draft summons).
fucking lol
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Good one, you fuckin' ching chong retardnigger
Kamala is eligible to be President because you can't become VP if you aren't.
>the most potent kike online
>somehow manages to jew himself
This is certainly getting interesting.
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Finally something nice and comfy happening
So just like the last 20 years? Your terms are acceptable.
Raised by monkeys, found wandering by forestry workers
I can forsee a great number of liberals being shot in the streets this time around, the Rittenhouse verdict has sealed it in LAW.
It's unironically over for Liberals and Dems now. Americans may not see it due to being bombarded with propaganda but the rest of the world does.
they're not THAT retarded
{locked post}
>He is frail, but he's not destroying democracy
He is though, his entire existence in the position is basically a giant obvious message to everyone in the world that our elections are a joke and the powers that run our country would sooner force an ancient braindead retard on us who they can easily control than an average American citizen.
He's becoming a humiliation who nobody in the country thinks is competent or is personally willing to vouch for but somehow is our leader in spite of that. How could a country like that claim to be a democracy?


This nigga has been seething about trump for almost 10 years now holy shit
Stephen Spielberg changed his name?
‘fraid so
They are that retarded, but it doesn't matter. Biden will never step down. Fucking his party over is the best thing he'll ever do in his life and he won't even understand what he's done.
Cloud in top left corner of second panel
Why is Sky like Fox in Aus but its like the BBC over here?
Based, also hella gay.
kek kek kek kekaroo
Imagine being so mind broken by someone saying women will let you grab them by the puss if you have money and good looks you continue voting for a dementia patient.
Demniggas thought they could take on the jewjew cum guzzler supreme...

- In november there's gonna be a jail break...

kek. what a humble, practical opinion
Who is this little fag who gets edited on top of every image nowadays.
A swedetwink?
I think we just entered a new comfy epoch frens.
Thank you kind sir
Literally "Team Beta" bot posting. You can't make this shit up.


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You don't get it. Donald trump doesn't have the support of the right because they like his policies. Donald Trump is a tool being wielded against the establishment. The time for "Vote for the highest moral good" is out the window at the moment because smashing the power structure is currently more important than preserving it. Once the bludgeoning is dealt, then you can bring fresh faces like Vivek and others who will have a chance to stand on principle rather than have to do dirty work all the time.

The right thinks of Trump as a hammer to use against a nail, but the left can only think in power dynamics of oppressed vs oppressor. They can't comprehend abstract notions like voting for a person as a means to an end. Just like a nigger can't contemplate what it would be like if he didn't eat breakfast. To them, you must be in lockstep with the leader and love them to be able to vote for them.

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