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It’s truly Joever this time
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>We are fucked
>they just figured it out?
That’s a pretty funny way of saying Trump will become president again
The idea that.
Serious question: how could anyone not know he was mentally fucked before now? I guess the curtain is up on just how bad he is but surely they had to have been aware? Did they really think he was gonna pull a Rudy and be the sick kid to save the day?
The idea...
Do people really want Kamala as their first female president and Mike Johnson as the VP? We're fucked
Kamala will get steamrolled.
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Apocalyptic assraping for Biden today.
And I say this as someone who was going to autovote for this dinosaur because the other one is old too, but also a jewish liar.
Gonna vote for Kennedy and just watch the collapse next year. It was nice knowing you all, don't forget that they will shut down this site soon and start prepping.
what are the odds of Obongo running again?
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Destiny is losing his shit and is saying that Biden lost just because Trump is a better rhetorician and that is what the people only care about while Bidet was trying to hate to take on too many arguments.

I'm just in this to see lefties cry, to be honest.
Wtf seriously? Biden may be having some difficulties keeping up in debate but he's clearly a better president. Democrat officials need to chill out. This debate made Trump look like a bully toddler.
No doubt she'd get destroyed in an actual race but in the off chance that Biden steps down, she's taking over until the next election.
They've called him an infantile bully since 2016, it's nothing new.
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Biden lost because he is literally, medically mentally handicapped. This is not an insult to the man, I don't think I'll be better at 81. But his mind is fried yet he clings to power like a lich.
Trump could have just stood there and sing the skibbidy toilet song butt naked and still come out ahead.
I don't get why people get so fucking entrenched in their team/guy. I can admit Trump is a fucking retard that speaks like a fifth grader, why can't they admit Biden is mentally unfit?

Also did the media/democratic party truly think they'd get away with just gaslighting that Biden is fine??
They knew it, they just thought they could use enough adderall to hide it for 90 minutes. His own VP mocked his cognitive ability in the 2020 primary debates. The media has always called it a "stutter."
damn reddit is straight up on lockdown. every thread about the debate says "2000 comments" but show zero comments

The Jews are loyal and honest people. They'd never do that.
qrd, was it really that bad? sry i was fucking pussy and didn't watch. thx in advance.
Quick, gaslight all your lefty friends that he just had a cold. Don't let them swap him out for some other literally who. He's a literally assured victory for Trump.
He didn't last 90 seconds. I thought he'd come out sharp and then fade away but he came out stuttering and by 20 minutes he was barely coherent. He seemed to get a little boost towards the end but then came his closing statement which was just embarrassing.
If you've watched his speeches, then its about on par with them. Everyone was expecting him to be full of aderrall like he was during the State of the Union.
Yes. I'm still voting Biden but he came off as senile several times.
I'd be very surprised if Biden doesn't step down.
> Hasie Kunt

You know it's bad if even Hasie is calling bullshit on everything.
>Biden mumbles in an old man voice
>Trump lies and rants
Repeat for 90 minutes
Dementia is supposed to be worse the later in the day it gets. They should have held the debates first thing in the morning.
You're kidding right? Even CNN is saying this was a complete disaster for Biden.
He didn't get his nap on Air Force One on the way down.
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B-Biden bros.... I don't feel so good
They're either going to kick him to the curb or come up with some elaborate story about a flu or covid that he was suffering from.
Lol, I knew it.
Exactly this... but it's much worse and dark than that because it's for show everything... and we end up with labs and nukes.
Some anon called this back on the 12th. Pepperidge Farms remembers.
It was so funny looking at his face
>What the hell is going on
> This is what Long Covid looks like

Could be...
I know right, the part where Trump didn't even start a war plus lost like zero land in war he was funding... well fuck! lol
Will the average American accept a last minute swap like that?
Ignoring dem fanatics.

It kinda happened here once and it was a massive L
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You could say he was a toddler bully
it was pretty bad
Biden said Trump had sex with a pornstar and has the morals of an alley cat. Then Trump avoided basically every question and Biden looked confused the whole time
thx so it was nothing out of the ordinary. maybe it was shocking to normalfags but everybody here already knows what's up.
What the fuck is their plan? It’s too late to replace him on the ticket even IF he agreed to step aside
Oddly, our job is now to meme Joe Biden into staying in the election.
She will make even fewer decisions than biden does.
It'll hurt democrats, but not as much as you think. Nobody is really voting for Biden, everyone is just voting against Trump. Those that actually wanted Biden only saw him as a way to return things back to normal. That clearly hasn't happened during his presidency. Democrats could have ran a retarded kid and they'd have the same polling numbers that Biden has.
>we hebben een seerus probleem
Fuck off Pajeet poo
Immediately after the debate they already have said Biden has “a cold.”
break out the rakes, boys
Once a ruling party notices that even the most brainwashed of the masses are noticing something. They rush to over correct it.
They're not going to get Biden to step down, they made their bed and have to lay in it. They're ridin' with Biden. Best case scenario for the Dems is he wins the election. And then announces he's going to step down a year into his term.
Well considering trump made age main part and dens go with younger guy they can say trump is too old
I mean, accept it or not, if they actually do somehow replace him and on the Ballots across the nation it's
>Trump vs _______
then they have no choice but to choose Trump or that person.

I can't imagine HOW they'd replace Biden other than they make him "voluntarily" step down for Khamala to be president for a month or two or something.
Also >>472414100. "Nobody is really voting for Biden, everyone is just voting against Trump"
This is what my supervisor says as well. We are supposed to be getting new memes tomorrow afternoon. Stay tuned, comrades.
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I started turfing for jews the moment the liberal left, far right and muslims all put their hands together to join forces against the jews. At least they pay is good.
Kamala would pick a VP
Remember, if this wasn't a planned loss we'd be in MAXIMUM OVER SHILL on this board and in general.
Yeah, they can try doing that, but he can refuse and if he doesn't Jill might do it on his behalf, but even if they go through with it: What then? The primaries are essentially over. They cannot present a candidate that has even their own voter's approval. Republicans will have a field day on anyone other than biden, saying that candidate is illegitimate. And who could set up a campaign at this short notice? Harris is too disliked to take over. Newsom could take over, but he is at this point not considered a presidential candidate. His campaign would need to establish that he could actually do it on top of convincing voters that he is worthy of their vote.

It is not looking good, but if they want to change horses this late in, they need to do it now. Every week matters now.
>they can say trump is too old

Maybe. I don't know how many people that is going to pursuade though, especially after Dems just spent 4 years telling us a senile man was fit for the job.

The better play seems to be to run someone who is somewhat normal. Its going to be tough though. They had 4 years to find a replacement and couldn't. Honestly, this race shouldn't even be close with all of Trump's baggage.
fake outrage.

are you telling me these people didn't realize biden was retarded before today?
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And by the way
I think the point is the sitting president always runs. Some have died in office besides assassinations. So it’s hard. I think there also maybe some law where the DNC for a once can’t just do whatever they want. I think he has some constitutional right to run again. It won’t be hard to get rid of him tho if they have to.
Joe bows out gracefully due to his long political career and wants to spend quality time with family.
Democrats hail Joe Biden the greatest president of all time.
Disposable Kamala steps in to take the election loss.
Trump wins a year in office before white pro Russia extremist JFKs Trump on national television.
Adam Shift has proof of Russian collusion.
it would be hilarious if they fumble their coup
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You were right!!!
Every population has a sizeable portion of people that don't even know who the president is and most voters are just one step above that. When your reality is filtered through a very selective lens you can believe just about anything, this is why Biden kept bringing up the Charlotteville thing because in a sea of retards some will always be willing to lap it up
What makes you think Biden's handlers are going to step down ? They are just going to cancel the election now.
His state of the union was a fucking dumpster fire.
He was just crack addict on speed and coke
Just coup factions forming.
I'm shocked. Tomorrow the White House doctor will resign because he screwed up the stimulant cocktail.
Any juicy clips from the debate?
Matt Taibbi is talking to some old drunk political guy on X and they're pointing out the script. Everyone is talking to "important" dem officials who are scared. No one's admitting that THEY saw him being weak or giving a shit about the voters or how the primary was shut down. It's the party leaders who matter, not the voters.

They think it was a setup. They faked it as long as they could and now they're putting him down and feigning surprise.
Resign up for a tour of duty in Gaza perhaps.
a reminder
the last Catholic dupe that got into office by a suspicious election was named Kennedy
they got rid of him too
QRD? what happened
The play now is to remove Harris. The election has become just as much about the VP as it is the president, Harris must go.
He had been a regard since the 70s. He is like a super retard now.
Kamala will pick a Jew to be her VP, then she'll resign.
just watch first 15 or so minutes. Biden was completely crushed. Biden sometimes managed to return some but he couldn't make up what was done in the beginning
Big Donald jehu gonna run wild
They wouldn't change Biden. If they do, they're saying Trump was right about him.
They put him out there like this precisely because he is mentally fucked. I wouldn't be surprised if they induced some delirium in his cocktail as well to insure he fucks up.

The "we're considering replacing Biden because of this" is all charade to make people think there's indeed still "democracy" in the country. He won't be replaced because he does his job well (pretending he's calling the shots while it's actually Obama).
about 80% of what Biden said didn't make sense.

He talked about a Fentanyl machine, a dog that was very well trained and could do amazing things and called Trump to a golf match
Is it weird that I'm actually feeling bad for Biden?

Everyone knows. The media and leftoids LOVE to intentionally say blatantly false stuff and get people to agree with it. It's how they exercise power and loyalty-test people. They loved every minute of pretending Biden was brilliant and strong.
>shadowy polticial figures can just ask the president to stop being president in this representative democracy because they don't like him
>this is ok and normal
Its fucking crazy to me how things that were unthinkable ten years ago are now just blurted out. Clown world cuts both ways.
Biden literally dogwalked over Trump. Trump couldn't answer 1 question and kept pivoting to his insane border rhetoric. He couldn't even out one liner Biden. "Morals of an Alley Cat" - how will Trump recover.
have to pick anyone that doesn't act like an impotent old faggot and that knows what they're talking about
yeah, i think this gives them their opportunity to change things. if they didn't want this to happen they could have delayed the debate, or switched the candidate before a debate. but here we are.

so what the fuck do (((they))) want?
>out. This debate made Trump look like a bully toddler.
To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden. ~
Border Patrol Union - NBPC on Twitter
They didn't care about inflation, military, social security. They only care about beating Trump. Those people goodt completely hoodwinked into voting for Biden due to their hate of Trump.

Political strategists are going to view the last 8 years as the end of negative campaigns against opponents because it does so much long term damage.
Biden on the visit:

>huh? Really? Come on man
>that bad huh?
>alrighty then pal
>Mike Johnson as the VP
That's not how it works. The vice-presidency can be vacant, and the president can appoint a new one. Nixon (pbuh) appointed a replacement to Agnew.
They ended it right after I posted.

LBJ did not run for a second term. He was extremely unpopular. He just went home to die in ignominy.
Sure, remove your first ever black, vagina having vice president, because the old white man fucked up. That will play well. They have painted themselves into a 4D corner.
I believe that decision still needs tacit approval from Congress which in the past would have basically been hand-waved as appointed judges typically were.
>Is it weird that I'm actually feeling bad for Biden?
No. What the dems are doing is abuse of the elderly.
They fell for their own propaganda
well, guess what
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Its just bad, how did we get to this point.
He can’t. There’s a two term limit.
How the hell does that work? He's already won the primary and would have his name on the ballots in most states.
Man democracy is such a shitty system of political organization for anything beyond at most a few hundred people
Bidens numbers are crashing on betting sites. Are they going snuff him literally?
They'll replace Biden in August with Newsom, unless Joe goes fully loney toons and doesn't vacate
Shalom, kike shill.
This. Everyone wants the sheboon gone, but you get niggers rioting over it.
interdrasting... we don't have this here (that's why we have Lula again)
DNC needs to officially crown him as the candidate during their conference in August.
Weren't they saying that Obama having to usher Shabbos Joe offstage last week was "a deep fake"?
Man, I can't stand Destiny, but if it's to see him seethe and cry I think I can manage one stream. That level of cope is pathetic even for him.
They don't *need* to do that. That was their main argument for keeping the money they scammed from Sanders voters in 2016. Effectively they can nominate whoever they like. That was also the idea with the superdelegate system. They select their candidate and the public gets a show primary. That system only broke down once when Hillary was defeated by Obama in 2008
>Serious question: how could anyone not know he was mentally fucked before now?
more serious question: who actually thinks biden is running anything or allowed anywhere close to the levers of actual power?
I think that dems electing Kamala as the first female president would fucking devastate them, they’ve put so much into making white women the ultimate vote-blue-no-matter-who base and them having their first female president be a nonwhite woman would absolutely fucking wreck them and demoralize and discourage a huge amount of their voter base from engaging in anything political for at least a decade, would be like what Bernie did to the chapocels.
Having completed the setup to ruin the country forever.
>Hart-Celler Act

I wonder if people at the time suspected he was in on the assassination? Remember that wink as he was being sworn in, right there next to Jackie in her blood-stained suit?
No this is going to be rectified at the convention. I expect news stories about how the convention has all these powers (it does) but never uses, but democrats will protect democracy never before done but really just an everyday patch fix. That is the Dems way out if this, the only legal one. If you think the heads of all the state dnc and the federal dnc won't backroom this you are crazy.
However them doing this is the accerleration we all want since it will piss off everyone everywhere.
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>Is it weird that I'm actually feeling bad for Biden?
It's ok to have a conscience, just remember what they all did. Never forgetti, never forgibbum.
i warned these fucking morons that bernie should have won
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>be dem prez
>have rough debate night
>democrats ready to throw you into the brazen bull and replace you immediately

jews are fucking ruthless holy shit LOL
They are unironically too busy doing it on reddit where they normally don't have to.
Biden's election chances tanking over the course of a few hours because of the debate. He has dementia/alzheimers second term Reagan levels. Obamas will be taking over the DNC soon after Biden gracefully steps down due to undisclosed illness. This whole debate was to set the stage. Why do you think the first debate traditionally happens in September but this came three months early
It actually is Joever. He actually is Bidone
>clearly a better president
can i have some of the drugs you're on?
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How bad was it?
I didn't watch any of it and just got back online
Right. Its like he hasn't been a walking corpse for four years.
Democrats are trying to get Biden to step down, guess.
Biden was (almost) as bad 4 years ago as he is today. It's just back then the media had 4 years spreading nonstop, psychotic anti-Trump propaganda. People were so brainwashed into thinking he'd declare himself dictator that they were willing to play dumb about Biden's dementia. So much time has passed that the brainwashing has warn off, and they're going to be (somewhat) honest with themselves now.
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Nothing is fucked. Obama did terrible against Romney and Obama won easily.
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Joe Biden performed just like he does in front of any mic for the last 4 years. Anyone who listens to him knows that, and everyone who defended him knows that.

The liberal news media had already decided to throw him under the bus. They had all the anchors prepped to act in front of the camera and go "I can't believe this, this is news to me, I never noticed he was such a wreck!" even though they have been reporting on his interviews for years now.

They did this because they knew people were watching and it was the perfect time to decapitate him. It's the duplicitous backstabbing behavior that liberals have that you see on twitter all of the time whenever someone is cancelled, but this time used against Biden. At this point they are used to immediately excommunicating former allies for what they perceive as a "public" liberal sentiment shift.

I wonder if any democrats will ask themselves why all of the anchors they know are suddenly flipping on biden support overnight, but I doubt they will.
we get new flowcharts tomorrow, "live in interesting times" eh?
Don't liberal white women hate white people though.
It would be fun to see them have to waste the "First Female President" card on this situation.
I honestly don't think it was quite as bad as people are claiming. Biden came off pretty senile, but there were decent answers sometimes buried behind what he was struggling to say. He apparently also had a cold, which could explain why he sounded even more garbage than usual. I'd say this whole debate just made me sad that everyone in the US has to now choose between these guys. They're both so fucking bad.
I agree but who are they replacing Biden with all their candidates are dumpster fires
>He apparently also had a cold, which could explain why he sounded even more garbage than usual
Surely that's not just a cover story
I bet the jews made movies suck so we'd have to watch their election theater
I mean, it could be. I'm just relaying what I've heard. He did sound substantially worse than the last time I listened to him, which was 6 months or a year ago
Kek. You really pissed the agents off with this one
They know how fucked he is.
That is how he is controlled. Biden is a literal puppet.
The drugs he gets pumped up with are no longer effective. That is the nature of dementia. Eventually nothing works to alleviate its symptoms. He will die from the dementia soon. Dementia usually lasts 5 years
Biden knocked it out of the park tonight. He was a warrior poet. I actually wept at the beauty.
Your Cheeto has expired. Tick tock.
>They're both so fucking bad

This is cope and I probably genuinely hate you and think you're bad for America, but you're right that Biden came off senile and still didn't get crushed.

Him being senile was the worst part. He stumbled over responses in the beginning but caught his footing towards the middle. Trump lost some steam in the middle and gained a little back at the end.

I'm a little surprised at the Democrat faithful's reaction. Did they honestly not know Biden is demented? Like, at all? Unless they were believing their own lies, I don't understand the reaction.
Democrats just aren't going to win this one, W goes to Trump who then issues a draft. Multiple hotspots around the world in need of peace and democracy
No loyalty whatsoever. It’s really quite sickening. Glad my side doesn’t have that problem.
>Serious question: how could anyone not know he was mentally fucked before now? I guess the curtain is up on just how bad he is but surely they had to have been aware? Did they really think he was gonna pull a Rudy and be the sick kid to save the day?
Just as biden's competency was gas-lighting theater, this supposed hand-wringing about replacing him is theater too.
It was decided to let Trump take the white house, probably some kind of deal was cut.
The rest is just acted out to make it look as if outcomes are decided by the election process (which is a total sham).
I guess Trump is designated to be wartime president
They had the debate early so they have time to replace Biden, install literally anyone else, and then in the next debate that person will seem like a fucking God compared to Biden
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This was the entire point of the debate.
To put this retard up against Trump, show his fans he's a broken old retard, and get his replacement in as fast as possible.
Remember they also just dumped that dumb nigger that pulled the fire alarm at the Capitol because he's anti-Israel.
They clearly want a pro-Israel liberal. Clinton-like.
>how could anyone not know he was mentally fucked before now?
Willful ignorance and trump derangement syndrom.
The only way you could NOT see how fucked he was, or i have even heard people try and argue "well trump is jsut as bad." is are really fucking quiet tonight. Anyone with eyes and even an ounce of honesty knew biden was not fucking cognative tonight, nor has he been for over 4 years. Tonight was just finally the conclustion of the emperors new cloths, some one finally said it, he was naked, they could nto hide the fact he was and always was, cognitively on par with a fucking bowl of mashed potatoes.
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You're still watching a movie. How people can be this stupid? Isn't it obvious already? They're making fun of you.
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Yeah it was a colorized George Romero movie, but worse.
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First Biden has to release his delegates. He can't be directly usurped (unless literally killed, I would only be slightly surprised if he suddenly dies of "unknown causes").

MSNBC is promoting Newsom right now. The average American doesn't know who Newsom is at all. Similarly Kamala is being given some spotlight.

I believe it's possible that if anyone is going to replace Biden, that means that Biden is giving up control, if that is the case he could just as easily step down as president immediately and allow Kamala to take charge and she leads from there.
Biden would be the second US president to resign from office, and it would also mean that any chances of a split primary for democrats would be avoided because it could be argued that Kamala inherited the delegates. As opposing this sentiment and demanding a primary vote would make democrats look even weaker and in more of a clusterfuck stepping down and promoting Kamala to president immediately would act as a fait accompli to Kamala taking the ticket that couldn't be fought against by other dems.
I think they’re scared that Kamala will get in before the election and pull her own job, super sketchy.
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that is stupid tho, who are they going to pull out of their ass in 5 months?
>Remember they also just dumped that dumb nigger that pulled the fire alarm at the Capitol because he's anti-Israel.
What's the basic gestalt on this?
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not surprising they got this prostitute on nowadays
Would somebody like Kamala be able to draft people, though?
Stealing elections have consequences
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That's what's so funny. The kikes are so bad at planning they didn't think this through.
Their MAIN party(R is a sub-party) is absolutely taken hostage now by anti-jew/anti-israel people.
Turns out bombing the middle east for 40 years and having the Democrat party claim to be anti-war is a bad idea if you wanna use the Democrat party later to go to war in the middle east.
1D chess.
Yes because it would be funny
are you kidding me? I was dying half the time because Biden couldn't finish sentences, was saying random shit, and flat out just stop talking mid sentence.
Hubris. It's 2016 all over again. Democrats live in a bubble huffing their own farts.
Jamal is anti-Israel. He got primary'd.
I think most people will be relieved for a swap. It might actually get some Dems more eager to vote.

If they run Newsom though, the only thing that guy has going for him is looks. His home state of California hates his fucking guts, and everyone already knows California is run like a pair of clown shoes. I'm sure that'll come up in the lead up to election
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I hate that I know where this image is from
what website is that?
This is the plan. They’ve been plotting this the whole time. They are going to run Gavin or Michelle. And as much as you don’t like them, both of them are able to speak well and quick enough to go make the “anti-trump” vote a viable option. The dems are a lot of things, but they are not incompetent political operators. This has been the plan for months.
how the fuck are they even going to handle the problem?
>Serious question: how could anyone not know he was mentally fucked before now?
Good question
They'll just steal the swing states for her the same way they did for Biden. This isn't complex. This was theatre to justify Biden resignation and Harris presidency.

Fake and gay.
You can't get blood out of stone. Kamala's sentiment in polling is only a point above Biden: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/approval/kamala-harris/

That being said pushing Kamala is preferable to Gavin Newsom at this point, because more people know her. Biden campaign dollars won't be "lost" if she steps up, she has some notoriety.

Newsom is being propped up as a potentially 2028 candidate really. If 2028 turns into Newsom vs DeSantis, California vs Florida, it could get pretty wild, but I don't see them throwing him out as a dark horse now it just doesn't make sense.
They wanted to destroy the Christian Right, they had no other cares. Literally.
A lot of establishment Democrats have been living in complete denial the last three and a half years - even some politicians.
Trump won
Well? Go on?
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>Biden lost just because Trump is a better
i agree, that's how contests are won and lost
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I didn't know Die-Hardman was there
there are people that got vaxxed 5 times
can't wait to win millions when Biden get those midnight ballots
90 million+ votes baby!
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They know having to back Joe Biden through the election is going to destroy their reputations with the normies. Not to mention having to make excuses for why Joe lost so bigly. Some leftists are losers, some leftists are suckers, but the MSM are both.
looks more like a civil war-era train robber. gotta say...
>Crazy how cognitive decline just comes out of nowhere. He was soo coherent and lively just four years ago.
lol what the fuck he hid in a covid bunker all 2020
Gonna be real...I want to know who is actually in charge of the country. I think after tonight, a more people are going to be asking themselves that.
I'ts Killary time? Put me in the screecap, please.

They live in a world of delusion they think Ukraine is winning right now
Your candidate shits themselves live on stage at 5:17:30
if they haven't been asking that for the past two years, they're never gonna ask it.
I assume they've either decided they want him to fail and to go with Trump after all, or some higher ups in the Dem party were so instant on Biden that they had to do this to prove to everyone that he can't run and will never beat Trump.
fucking keke, like tf is this shit kekekeke
>how could anyone not know he was mentally fucked before now?
and what people should be asking is who the fuck has been running the country for the last several years.
there's no fucking way all of Wall St's CEOs, company presidents, and boards of directors would have let someone so obviously inept anywhere near the levers of actual power.
who has actually been making the decisions for the last several years???
that's what people should be asking, rather than gloating about Biden's obvious cognitive problems.
Its all a charade. Trump’s part of it
They knew. They just hoped they could hide it better. Living in a permanent state of denial is a left wing thing.
We need the MACHINES
It's time.

To give Russia more uranium in exchange for completely unrelated donations to the Clinton Foundation as Kushner's lease of worthless office space to Muslims is completely unrelated to Trump's arms deals which were never mentioned during the uniparty sponsored debate for some reason.
Fwiw i happened to check the presidential odds on sportsbet just prior to the debate. Within 15 minutes...

>trump 1.63 to 1.57
>biden 2.23 to 3.20
>newsome 23 to 15
>big mike 23 to 18

Taylor swift still 500/1 though
Yeah the simplest idea could be right. They will choose a new nominee. And maybe this is thing some fags have been pestering about. This is getting interesting, right now only the most moronic and radical people could ever support biden, but what about killary.
We The People gave ourselves a Mandate to stay competent in Arrests and Combat if needed. This would cover a multitude of Officer flaws, if we were so dumb as to continue to elect in fear, which we do now because we don't believe we can sustain our Rights.

>well trained militia,"Necessary" to a free state...
That's a mandate to You, not your State, or the Federal.

Train the MIlitia. Seek Jesus.
Or Cry.
If you don't watch Fox News/Newsmax or right-leaning vids/streams, you have likely never seen Biden's mental fuck-ups.
>Hildawg losing ground anyway
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they don't need to have a campaign, they don't even want one. They want "generic politician man" vs Trump. All he has to do is exist and be coherent and their side will vote for him, because they're voting against Trump and nothing else. Biden is just so ungodly bad they can't vote for him, so they'll abstain entirely.

Make no mistake, the best course of action for Trump to win is to go against Joe Biden.
It's the jews, always has been. And it will still be the jews if trump wins.
that was the whole point
I dunno, they do a good job of hiding him or trotting him out for sound bites. This was 2 hours of him looking and acting like he's genuinely retarded on stage. Even CNN said "whoever told us that his cognitive abilities are great has lied to us". I don't know what is more terrifying
>Unelected forever Washington globohomo runs our government totally independent of the presidency
>Joe Biden is actually in charge
>we never knew until tonight
>literally so energetic and bright before this debate
>we never saw this coming
>he was lecturing at ivy league colleges daily without a single mistake
>their side will vote
Yeah, but they'll stuff ballots and use rigged machines WAY more.

You're not getting away from this truth, if you aren't competent in keeping Jurisdiction, you're pissing in the wind.
You may never use it, but if you have to rely on others to keep peace and order, even Machiavelli knew that would end up badly for the people.
Wrong, it's you.
Seriously, until you can say,
>It's my fault
You're pissing in the wind and crying. >>472421858
always a fucking leaf
Biden is by far the worst since Carter
Exactly. Dude's a terminal prick with a fucked up family but his presidency is the world's best documented case of elder abuse.
Go back to /ptg/ you dumb schizokike
it's libs
they're always right about everything and always the smartest
when they are they have a complete meltdown to figure out how they as the smartest people alive could have fucked up
>Serious question: how could anyone not know he was mentally fucked before now?

They knew, they thought they could just gaslight everyone to just not believe their lying eyes and ears because right up until about an hour ago pretty much every major news outlet was screaming that he was fine and everyone is just being mean and ableist.
>”””senior””” Democrat officials
No senior Democrat official has ever given inside information to John King of all people.
Replacing Bidet literally a week ago would've been far too late.
Reminder that if you don't vote Trump, you will be killed by RWDS. Your vote is public, it has your address and name. You will be systematically hunted down.
>No, you can't just understand what every politcal mind in history has said and apply it
Which political mind said be unable to stop criminals?
Which politcal movement DIDN'T want Jurisdiction?
Go on, fag, tell me about how this is glowing, because you're incapable of considering you've been lied to your whole life.

The argument is clear, the mandate to stay trained was from You to You.
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With Canadians i'm never sure if they are trolling or just that stupid.
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The Biden campaign is actively working with him (public knowledge via his canvassing efforts). If Biden goes, so too does his inroad to the Democratic machine. Without an inroad, he’s building a coalition of leftists for…nothing.
Can someone photoshop the Third Impact into the window for me?
>Did they honestly not know Biden is demented
Democratic mouthpieces have been on perma-cope for years and have perfected a hive cognitive dissonance on the matter. Somehow they know / don't know about his condition at the same time.
When told Biden looked a little slow on camera last week, one of those dumbfucks on "The View" immediately responded with "but his mind is still sharp." Also last week another mouth actually floated the idea that any film of Biden looking out-of-it is just doctored or AI 'd.
Tonight was probably just too much for them; after all, no one has seen this much unedited live-action Joe since he took office.
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>Your candidate shits themselves live on stage at 5:17:30
And by the smell of it, you just took a shit in your own mouth.
>He apparently also had a cold
He had "cold" even before being elected, and it gone only worse with time.
Face it, anon, he has dementia and one they stop pumping him with tons of drugs and holding his hands over everything, he will become a vegetable. Demons in Hell marking his missing attendance every day for 4+ years already.
they did, they need public pressure to make it look like they are desperate. They have been planning to replace Biden/Harris with Clinton/Newsome at the Democratic National Convention in August.
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literally covid positive dems
superspreading and killing grandma
oh how the shoe is on the other foot
The one lying the most at the CNN table was homo, and he lies because he has no spirit of truth left, every bit was burned into some stranger's asshole in a public bathroom.
>how could anyone not know he was mentally fucked before now?
You seriously gotta understand this is what the left always does.

This is PRECISELY why we've been in this mess for 8 years. I need you to realize this: in 2016 Trump was a moderate candidate, but he was a relative outsider compared to the embedded establishment (not that he hadn't been around playing lobbyist, by his own admission). The left didn't want him getting in at all, but it absolutely cannot moderate itself. So they thought "let's just demolish his image the way we always do". And they didn't realize how resistant Trump was to that shit. So they stepped it up, and- repeat, repeat, repeat, ad nauseum. And endless cycle of them upping the rhetoric of how evil, nazi, fascist, hitler, brown baby eater, going to put all muslims in jail, etc etc etc. The left always makes insane hysterical lies, but the problem is they created so many they started bouncing around their own echo chamber, their own media rooms, filtering back up and magnified until it started reaching literal critical mass. The left literally DROVE ITSELF INSANE WITH FEAR from its own bog-standard rhetoric campaign. It ushered in a generation of people who were so terrified of the Monster Trump they had created in their imagination, whilst simultaneously lying to themself that there was NO WAY he could ever actually win, and ignoring the massive, MASSIVE swath of popularity he had with Americans of multiple demographics in 2016 (not just rurals), that when he actually won- psychotic break. Psychotic fucking break, and that's been the reason for 8 years of absolute lunacy, disconnect from reality is so harsh- you saw them literally crying the day after the election, didn't you? That wasn't just a fringe. The left concocted a plan that backfired so badly it triggered a wave of mass hysteria and psychotic divorce from reality in nearly half the voting public.

sorry for words words getting a little excited here
Anyone have a link to the debate. I missed it
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fuck off zigger
you niggers won't do shit
because jews handle all of the candidates and it doesnt even matter its all just jewish soap opera. thats why it didnt matter if it was trump or hillary, biden or trump. its all really just the same jews and its irrelevant which token goy they select to read the jewish announcements
RIP bud. o7
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>MSNBC is promoting Newsom right now. The average American doesn't know who Newsom is at all.
The average American hates California and once they get a good look at Newsom's Bateman ass amidst a backdrop of the chaos he's brought upon the state he's toast.
True but it’s bigger than that. Both were rambling seniors that looked like they shouldn’t even be allowed to drive a car let alone be president. Age limits incoming. Probably not just for president either. Liberals are still furious after RGB. Boomers will now be forcibly removed from politics.
They are retarded, which is why they supported him in the first place.
Wasn’t he unable as the JFK term counted as his first?
>The 1968 Democratic National Convention might have been brokered if New York Senator Robert F. Kennedy had not been assassinated. He won five of the primaries, including California, but too few delegates were then selected by primaries to determine the presidential nominee.
It's so clear what they are setting us up for. It's all right there in the open anyone should be able to see it
oops forgot name on
>Trump could have just stood there and sing the skibbidy toilet song butt naked and still come out ahead.
be careful what you wish for
The guy regularly says word salad sentences that make no sense and has trouble with stairs. He's not fit to run his own life, to say nothing of an entire country.
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One subtle thing I've noticed in the current paradigm is that lefties NEED groupthink, media personalities, celebrities, etc. to tell them their opinion. Not saying the right doesn't suffer from this to a degree, but not a fraction of what lefties do.

They often mock the right out of confusion because there are so few celebrities championing right wing causes. They can't comprehend the thought of someone observing reality and then forming their worldview on that. It must be handed to them from an authority. I don't say that in a mocking fashion either, but as my own observation.
>Dementia is supposed to be worse the later in the day it gets
Checks out. My grandfather is much easier to visit in the morning
They are auditioning before the jews for the role of dicksucker in chief. That's why Trump doesn't talk to the camera, he was talking to the jew moderators.
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I can't believe you all fell for that cheap fake of Joe Biden tonight.
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It's Joever.
They don't hate white "people", they hate white men. White women LOATHE nonwhite women. They only tolerate mass migration because 99% of those migrants are men.
Trump wins because he's running against 5 democrats?
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Duh, hence the underdog narrative they crafted for him.
Aren't they all "white queen slayyyy" and shit like that.
Sling Blade won his election after he couldn't even talk
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>'Biden' gets sacrificed; real or fake Biden, doesn't matter
>Blame goes to 'white extremists'
>Fake pro-Trump manifesto gets released
>'Hero' candidate steps up against evil Republicans
>So brave to face murderous opponents!
>'Anyone but Trump' again.

Not hard for me to imagine at all, especially if they do it maybe two months before the election, so that Kamala doesn't have time to fuck anything up for them.
its one of those little things, like when jewtubers refer to their own channel as "we" or "our"
>making white women the ultimate vote-blue-no-matter-who base
Interesting, I hadn't thought of what a diss this might be white women. OTOH the white women we're talking about are single as married white women drift right eventually. The biggest single issue for these voters is abortion and maybe they would be fine with a poc female prez as long as she delivered on abortion.
Beside Hillary got her chance and blew it.
CNN has clearly been hijacked by the Kremlin.
If it didn't matter then there is no reason to engage in lawfare and scream about muh 3000 felonies.
they way things are, and it's bad, my guess is Biden is actually in charge
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Opinion invalid or successful bait not sure.

Will call you guys when we need some zee/zers to commit some war crimes, probably surgery on underage children.
he was this almost 75% as bad in 2020 they were just able to hide it due to covid. they thought they could get away with it again
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>Beside Hillary got her chance and blew it.
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lol, but that's just destiny's entire schtick is to be the better rhetorician than his debate opponents.

talk about a hypocrite
It's actually pretty amazing, isn't it?
I haven't seen anyone else mention this yet and it feels like some fucked up dream..... can someone verify for me that Joe was talking about women being raped by their fathers and brothers in this debate? He said that at some point right?
He also said women were raped by their sisters.
No way they can have him top Kamela. That would be a hard, very public backhand. They are fucked.
And Biden will STILL win the election.
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>And Biden will STILL win the election.
The votes have already been cast.
It's hubris. They put unnecessary humor on something to be discussed and ignore the negative because of snowflakes and muh safe space.
this was the intended goal. They have been wanting to replace Joe. Now they have a good enough reason to sell to the public.
Ironically, the debate convinced me to actually support Biden. Before they were just Jew puppet 1 and 2 to me, now I'm seriously Ridin' w/ Biden™.
Why are you spamming this comment in every thread faggot?
They're literally too late for this
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Was he Covid tested?
Is he a super spreader?
Imagine that, not one Democrat cares to ask those questions.
Fucking hypocrites.
My God man, ya got women raped by their inlaws in the shower. I'll bring back Roe vs. McCabe.
he looked reasonably okay during the sotu speech so people hoped its gonna be alright.
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When ben shapiro bibi's cock sucker endorses trump, you know the kikes are with him. Fuck kikes but i'm still votijg for trump due to his performance on illegal immigrants.
Jew support for Trump is going to moon. He has promised them everything, and he came through with that last time.
Think if it's not that close as last time, they can still rig the votes without causing a lot of people in the country to really question the integrity of elections from this point on? That would be the end of people's faith in democracy in the US. The Dems really care about democracy, but would they rig it that much to then guarantee that the US also becomes more autocratic?
everything is going according to plan
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Trump should of said. Well some say you raped your daughter in the shower
At least according to her diary
You even threw in jail the woman that let everyone know after your daughter left it
Like your son left the laptop
Biden should have never run for a second term in the first place. The problem is that now that he's in there, replacing him at the convention would be extremely damaging to the public perception of both the party and the nominee while nobody with a real shot is going to want to go for it and risk sinking their political future by being labeled as the elite's preferred candidate.
Does anyone have clips of this? I can't fucking believe that he would do that and it would not be THE talked about thing from the debate but I keep seeing people bring it up. What the fuck
Summer reaches to spring and to fall. I will be the mediator, says summer, I will uncover, I will defend. My sun will shine. But yet beneath the earth, yet beneath the earth, there is a rage. Eruptions, summer says, Why choose they me? Why do the tornadoes, the hurricanes choose me? I am summer. I bring smiles. I bring sunshine, I bring warmth. Yet there is a tumultuous rendering that is coming. I stand to protect spring but fall you are rebelling. Or is it that possibly the spirit of God will cause many to fall in fall? Then there is the earth that wishes to tremble, shake for the nations of the earth stand waiting. He is quiet, he shall not return. This God is too quiet. But My mercy endures forever. However there is an uncovering of great evil and I will start from the top. I have shaken the Democrats and will shake the Republicans even more. But remember when these tremors and when these tumultuous moments happen. Summer says, I will take it so that the fall can do its work in America.
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Serious answer, while the President of the United States holds a fair amount of unilateral authority, he is no king. The executive branch is functionally controlled by an administration of political appointees and career civil servants, that both follow the guidance of the executive cabinet and inherently moderate its directives.

These departments make it their business to address issues and provide non-political solutions to problems, and when needed seek approval and guidance from political appointees or the office of the President. Because the executive is fairly robust, even a mouth breathing idiot could be elected president and cause minimal damage as long as the administration in place is competent.

In theory the constitutional checks and balances should help with this as well, and it sort of has in a perverse way. For the past 30 years the legislative branch has been effectively incapable of passing any laws due to partisan gridlock, so no administration is able to get bold changes they may call for from the bully pulpit actually made into law.

Frankly, the President isn't all that important to domestic policy, his most important role lie within Foreign Policy. As long he doesn't royally fuck that up the bureaucracy can largely run the county for him. Even there he is supported by the State Department, Defense Department, and the different branches of the military, which are all mostly manned by civil servants without political aims (the Military entirely so on paper). When you ask who in charge it's a bit misleading, in this republic we are most governed by the institution of the presidency instead of any individual president

Or its the jews, I forget which
It's really funny
More gay ass unsourced Twitter faggotry. Why are cuckservatives so prone to always believe fake news?
>some guy on Twitter said it trust me
No JFK served more than half of his term so it didn't count against LBJ.
LBJ was expected to run for re-election in 1968, but he decided against it and explicitly declined to run.
CBS commentator called Biden "feeble-minded", editing didn't cover it up.
Part of the plan.
2 more weeks.
Insert Newsom.
it's ok to say it once their master CNN says it
Niggers hate Kamala because she jailed thousands of them
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Yep and you idiots will clap and cheer for him as he gives everything to Israel and pardons Jewish crooks again
>we’re winning!! MAGA!
They want Zion Don to win to placate you fags and get him to push endless support for Israel so that you guys will cheer and argue why it’s a good thing now that your Red Team is winning again. Do MIGAtards enjoy being predictable goyim useful idiots?
After nothing happened following the Great Riggening of 2020, does it matter?
Humorously, his approval rating went up after he said he wasn't running again. Went from 36% to 50% then back to a low of 35%.
The second amendment was not for naught
they knew but it wasn't important until now since this is election year and he just had a boomer moment in front of millions of people while trump acted smug and snarky.

Hardcore democrats won't budge but the more pragmatic centrists will.
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It is fucking absolutely over for Biden LOL
>Nixon (pbuh)
its an induced sense of indecision because they have nothing else anyway and they know it so they prefer to just look the other way. now it hit them like the train. just assumed stupidity
When Biden wins again it's going to be comedy gold watching you faggots cope and seethe
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Yayyy my fellow MAGAs!! More endless money for Israel! Suddenly I support Zionists and jewish crooks now! As long as Red Team wins! Still voting Trump. Money money for Israel to own the libtards! Shadilay, Kekistanis!
Only now you fags are nooticing you elected à retarded zombie kek
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>OTOH the white women we're talking about are single as married white women drift right eventually
It's stronger than that. Fertility rate and voting for trump correlates at .92 which is 85% of the variance.
>WAAHHHHHH anyone they disagrees is a JOOOOO
Why are you faggots like this? Biden is going to win, donald is a literal convict.

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