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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Better break federal law over this
lol, cope some more.
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this is because the oilers lost
if connor didn't choke in game 7, canadians would have dental care
>dental plan
You fucking retard re ready to torn everything good sand decent about this country just because you're mad that you're being left behind by the times.
Your regressive way of thinking is over.
You lost the culture war
It's cuz the provincial dental plan is better than the federal one. Why accept Trudeau's when your own is superior?
>provincial dental plan is better than the federal one
thats why every alberta hillbilly look like a fucking peasant from the 13th century who never heard of hygiene
>ban jews
>no more cavities
What did they mean by this?
The entire dental industry is a sham.

Literally just brush your teeth with baking soda and floss, and avoid sugary goyslop and drink lots of milk.
Just pay for your own fillings
She doesn't want broke niggers coming into Alberta for gibs.
niggas this is federal law. You are gonna pay into it whether you want it or not.
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Alberta is leaving confederation so why the fuck should we want to waste money paying for trannies in Toronto to get free root canals for their rotten maws?
We need to separate from this country
>Alberta is leaving confederation
nigga you gonna end up like louis riel
at the end of a rope
didn't you prairie niggers learn last time?
I don't even have a bank account anymore. Wifi is everywhere. Electricity is not monitored. Food is free if you know how to grow it.
she's the ultimate mommy I love her
>break federal law
lmao, that's not how Canada works
Alberta is based
Ontario niggers are faggots
Feds seethe and cope
Vote max

> Posted from my snowbird mansion
>Better break federal law over this

Our federal law is that the federal government has no jurisdiction over healthcare, which is under our constitution, 100% the purview of the provinces. Its the federal government who is breaking the federal laws.
The federal government has just enough jurisdiction over healthcare to be required to pay for it.
Of course, that doesn't look as wonderful come election time if all they do is fund the pre-existing public dental programs for kids and people on welfare. So that's why they went with the stupid cutting cheques to rebate private dental costs plan. That and they knew the progressive media would never call them out on it, and they were 100% right.
Good for Alberta if you cant find a job with dental benefits or take care of your teeth then you deserve mouth rot
When did Alberta become a whinier, cringier, more corrupt, incompetent, irritating Quebec?
it's socialism. how are the parasites gonna get their cut?
lol wtf is this from, that one bitch looks white and like "wtf is this shit"
remember at the same time they were talking about wexit they were yammering on and on about their uber patriotism
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I'm a time traveling veteran of the Dental Wars of 2029-2042 AMA
Universal Health Care leads to forced vaccinations and suicide pods
Alberta will be destroyed soon anyway. Too many people from ON and BC moved here and will vote the same way that destroyed their provinces.
We lost the culture war but won the legal one
those turban niggers can suck my chode and eat my asshole
You're such a sad person, I'm praying for you
Alberta is run by kikes
Danny goldsmith and the Conservative Party need to be disbanded
Alberta is a landlocked province, unless you join up with British Columbia or USA you are stranding yourself into the same corner as Ethiopia and Afghanistan. Geography matters. I'm learning French and aiming to move to Quebec because they have more sea access, farmlands, fresh lakes,, cultural identity and resistance to mass immigration, as well as connection to France, as well as to US through Louisiana.
We will join with the United States of America as the 51st (and also possibly 52nd) states, providing an infusion of White right-wing votes and guns.
You need that more than you need our bitumen and you know it.
Those were 85 IQ injun mutts. I will break your entire family tree in half, shitjeet.
You are a Jewish traitor
The rollout of the federal dental insurance program has been a fucking disaster. People being over charged, or just being strung along because we don't have the dentists to keep up with the volume.

Some of the dentist offices in toronto are backed up for the next 21 months now, because every jeet family of 15 has coverage for shit they probably don't need.
Then you should have a referendum on that, not for independence but to join USA, and you need to talk to USA about the electoral collage, seats in their Senate --- and to Canada about what portion of the national debt you are responsible for -- and about converting Canadian dollars to American. I actually think it might be best for everyone if Alberta were to join USA, you might get better price for your oil, better management of the oil wells -- and without competing with the Americans you might exploit the oil sands less, they might actually take in Alberta to reduce competition for that in the present time, and save oil sands (which is more taxing to extract) as an emergency stash for the future.

As for the rest of Canada, we get more of Canada sharing a border with the USA, which have more consumer choices, I'm guessing there won't be a hard border between Alberta and Canada, so we can just drive to Alberta or even take a bus there for American Walmart options -- even for something like shoes they have 3 to 4 times the options and they won't ship up here. Plus, American military bases, missile defence, jet planes, in the North of Alberta means Canada can spend even less on our military without worrying about Russia eating our North.
I've worked for Albertans and they look fine, granted it was one family business. I don't think they have hillbillies in Alberta.
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Yeah because pic related is such a great idea.
We require you to fart on a regular basis
We already have a dental plan; it's your shitty provinces that didn't. That fact you didn't know this shows how stupid you're. WTF. We also don't pax PST. Get fucked retard lol.
Fuck you
Cool story. Nobody cares.

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