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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>472373284

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Qassam Brigades target a Zionist troop carrier with an “Al-Yassin 105” shell in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, east of #Gaza City.
>Al-Quds Brigades: We detonated a ground IED on a Zionist military vehicle during its incursion east of Shujaiya neighborhood in Gaza City.
>Al-Aqsa Brigades: We shelled the Zionist forces stationed west of Rafah with rockets and heavy mortar shells.
>#Urgent Al-Quds Brigades - #Jenin Battalion: We declare our full responsibility for the pre-prepared ambush operation of high-explosive (conspiracy) devices in the forces’ supply line and near the point of operations of the occupation soldiers, within the framework of the Battle of Bas #Jenin 2.

https://youtu.be/WH21UUjy0vc (embed)

https://youtu.be/D-VuGnShYDk (embed)
https://youtu.be/lOcpCu3AH_E (embed)
https://youtu.be/WsY6oEVF9uY (embed)
https://youtu.be/gCNeDWCI0vo (embed)






>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs (embed)
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
https://youtu.be/nHT-SjIM0tA (embed)
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
https://youtu.be/OgKVRtUczRg (embed)
Bump so the bots don’t kill it
Bampu, based Syrian baker.
Thanks bro
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>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

#YEMEN - Tufan 1 gunboat - specifications and scenes showing for the first time the Tufan 1 test on a naval target
New 6/21/24


Al-Aqsa Brigades:

We shelled the Zionist forces stationed west of Rafah with rockets and heavy mortar shells.
New 6/27/24

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

We continue to bombard the Zionist enemy forces stationed in the so-called “Netzarim corridor” with rockets..
New 6/27/24


This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting "Israeli" army surveillance equipment at Birket Risha site at the southern Lebanese border.
New 6/25/24


Al-Quds Brigades:

Detonating “Zilzal” ground IED on a Zionist military vehicle on Baghdad Street in Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.
New 6/27/24

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Footage of the joint operation launched by the Yemeni armed forces and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted a vital site in our occupied city of Ashdod, and an important site in our occupied city of Haifa.
New 6/12/24

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/JgPHrU0g 6/26/24
https://pastebin.com/LZPHbLrV 6/23/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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>News / Clips

Settlers forcefully occupied and stole a house belonging to the Palestinian Al-Khalidi family with Israeli army protection in the Old City of Jerusalem. While the family still inside !!
New 6/27/24

Yemeni Armed Forces:

“We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
New 6/26/24
A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of #AlQuds.

The fire spread near an occupation army camp and area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied #AlQuds, according to local sources.
New 6/25/24

A large fire has broken out near an Israeli army camp east of occupied Al-Quds (Jerusalem).
New 6/25/24

Yemenis are something else man

They celebrated Eid Ghadir on the israeli “Galaxy Leader” ship.
New 6/24/24

A video from a humble tunnel on 22-06-2024

(Al-Mujahideen brigades)
New 6/24/24

From Gaza for you
New 6/23/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity"
Idk what miga tards are celebrating. The kikes still own them. Such is life I guess
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips


>>>/wsg/5536018 (Dead)


Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?
https://files.catbox.moe/vl6v2l.mp4 (embed)

Twitter link
https://twitter.com/BIG__Brother7/status/1768368568196882703 (embed)
https://twitter.com/BIG__Brother7/status/1768368572185669715 (embed)

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
>>468522229 (Dead)
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 (embed) 6/21/24
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
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enjoy the fresh khubuz
I just don't pay attention to the US internal political scene anymore
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since the thread is very slow right now, I'd like to take this time to post A couple of posts about the Syrian Missile program, I'll also link the tele channel I'll be posting from
Trump will destroy Palestine if he wins
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>The Syrian missile program:

>Syria began building a missile program at the end of the sixties, with the beginning of the establishment of military scientific research centers to manufacture, develop, and modify major and strategic weapons. The missile capabilities of the Syrian Arab Republic are considered top secret, and much of what is published about them is within the estimates of military studies centers or intelligence reports and personal analyses. The noticeable growth of the Syrian program began after the October War, and it became larger and more sophisticated at the end of the seventies. We will review the most prominent missiles that Syria revealed, which were shrouded in strict secrecy, but it later announced some experiments with the aim of delivering deterrent messages. The reasons for the war on Syria were multiple. But the most notable of them is the continued rapid and terrible development in the missile program and other programs on which scientific research is working. Despite the harsh war, the program or the missile arsenal were not harmed, and Syria continued to excel not in the region but in the world, according to the Global Fire website.
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>With the establishment of the resistance axis, which included Syria - Iran - Hezbollah - and some Palestinian factions, there became two sections in Syria, a section independent of everyone, affiliated with the Ministry of Defense and national security facilities, and a special section for the army, and at the end of the seventies and the beginning of the eighties, cooperation began. The joint Syrian-Korean comprehensive agreement at all levels, especially the military related to weapons of mass destruction and missiles. One of the most prominent results of cooperation with North Korea is the Rodong-1 missile, which is twice the range of the Golan missile and has not appeared to date in Syria and is manufactured in Pakistan and Iran under the name - Shahab 3 / Pakistan - Ghauri
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>During the July 2006 war, Hezbollah revealed Syrian missiles that were not known before, namely M-302 missiles (there are two versions of them, according to Israeli reports on the analysis of the missiles seized on the weapons ship Klos, which was sent to the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, and these Syrian missiles have a range of 100 km and 180 km.
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>M-220 missiles with a range of 70 km and a version with a range of 35 km with an anti-personnel charge caused the largest number of deaths at the Haifa train station - 2006
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>During the year 2012, the Army’s missile force revealed some missiles that were not known before, such as the Maysaloun missiles. It is said that there are more than 3 copies within the Maysaloon family:

>The first version has a range of: 130 km
>The second version has a range of: 250 km
>The third version with a range: 600-500 km
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>The Tishreen missile, or as the enemy calls it the M600, as there are more than one copy of it

>The first version has a range of: 250 km
>The second version has a range of: 500 km
Eh, true. I'm so disgusted by "humanity". I think a world reset would be best.
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>Golan missiles

>Golan- 1 with range | 600 - 800 km

>Golan - 2 range | 800 - 1200 km
the world feels so fake and gay nowadays
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>Syrian-made Tochka missiles
>After the arrival of the Soviet Tochka missiles, Syria manufactured Toshka copies with an advanced range of 160 km and another copy with a range of 250 km. Intelligence reports said that Syria provided North Korea with Toshka missiles after the return of the immortal leader Hafez al-Assad from an official visit to Korea.
والله، ما كنت أعرف، مش من فراغ اللي عملوه الغرب
من خوفهن
الله يحي سوريا وشعبها
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>After the victory of the Iranian Revolution and the establishment of comprehensive relations between the Syrian Arab Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran at all levels, Iran sent to Syria a group of a few who formed the first cell of the Iranian missile force. At their head were the martyr Hassan Tehrani, Major General Ali Bilali, and other friends. This was followed by Sending Syria everything Iran needs during the war imposed on it

>A picture of a group of Iranian officers who graduated from Damascus with their Syrian professors in the 1980s to begin developing and manufacturing the Iranian missile program.
>JUST IN: In a shocking admission last week, the zionist entity's representative announced to the United Nations Human Rights Council the killing of 150 settler colonizers and the wounding of 15,000 others as a result of Hezbollah's attacks in support of the people of Gaza and their resistance since October 7.
>The video was posted by the "israeli" Consul General in Dubai and the statement was delivered in Arabic.
>This is a drastic increase from the previously acknowledged toll of about 30 killed, and 40 soldiers wounded.
>Despite the enemy's best attempts at concealing the losses it suffers at the hands of the resistance, this admission highlights the extent of their losses, reaffirming what the resistance has already told us.
It happens every time frens, when an empoire wanes and starts falling appart it generally still holds onto a semblance of power and is only proerly dethroned in a large war.
I believe we'll see that within a decade or two.
The disillusione bro, the majority of humans are fucking greedy corrupt fucks and the kikes are just a a million times amplified at it. Every corrupt government, corporations jeopardizes millions for gain. As long as they are good and the ones close to them they'll destroy the word
Based Lebanese, based houthis.
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ولله يا خويي لسا في كتير
>Settlers website

>Syria is the greatest danger to us

>Why Syria?
>Because Syria is the backbone of the entire resistance front, everything comes from it and through it.

>Although our leadership tried to obscure the relations between the Syrians and the Palestinian factions, they did not succeed.

>We will come back and write
A resistance front has arisen before Israel that embraces countries, factions, factions and parties, and the leadership must wake up with us, because in my opinion we sleep standing up.
لما بشوف هون انو كل الحكي ايران و ايران و بكونو نسيانيننا بفكرة اننا مجرد proxy او هيك شي
ما بخفي عليك شوي بنزعج لول
بس كمان بتذكر انو نحنا ما نحاول نكون متل كل عمرنا بلد افعال و ليس اقوال
لكن هذا لا يعني انو ما ننشر افعالنا امام الناس
بحاول ما انشر كتير لأن هلأ الضو عليكون, و ما بدي بين انو butthurt
او انو بين انو ما حاول سلط الضو زيادة علينا
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Many Thanks For The Bread Fren.

yeah thanks baker.
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>Pictures from about three years ago of Ali Bilali, one of the leaders of the Iranian missile force, from inside the tunnels of the Syrian Arab Army. Ali Bilali is one of the Iranian soldiers who was sent to Syria in the 1980s to receive their training in one of the training classes. This brigade in the last picture is one of the Syrian-made and developed missiles
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Ah, bro because of this conflict. I've tipped my toes into the fucking political sphere again. I'm fucking disgusted again of it. A small price to pay for my Palestinian brothers. But it's not easy not to feel dispare. Not just for the Palestinians, but for Hondurans to bro. Mutts made sure this country will be unstable for at least another century.
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we might in taiwan
either way the social decadence brought about by the US is really affecting every facet of our lives, I just hope we get through the storm safely; without the need for any form of religious extremism
>the majority of humans are fucking greedy corrupt fucks
the west has given power to the easily corruptible nature of humanity, which is why you'd still see many people still emigrating to it, be it legally or not
>Every corrupt government, corporations jeopardizes millions for gain. As long as they are good and the ones close to them they'll destroy the word
true, we've reached unprecedented levels
No crazy heat wave expected in northern Israel in July, but hot enough to burn nicely in a war...
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>Some time ago, the brotherly Libyan army conducted a successful test to launch Scud missiles from its warehouses with the help of Syrian experts. A photo of the test
personal note: idk which faction they're talking about tbdesu :p
enjoy the comfy bread
Sent straight to hell. TKD
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>The Syrian missile forces possess all versions of Iskander missiles, most notably the Russian army’s version
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>Maneuvers of the Syrian Army's missile force in 2012
it's a video so I'll just post the tele link, can't afford to upload the mp4 since it'll take some time kek
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The kike lover is still better than the demented donkey, but that's not saying much.
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>The Syrian missile force is the largest and strongest in the Middle East and the first in the Arab world.
that was, and I believe it still is, A fact
>This is what's known about the Syrian missile program, and the program is still mysterious, whether in terms of types or quantities, and its construction and development is still ongoing.
this point is important, since imo, I wouldn't rule out the fact that we have hypersonics, but since our R&D is very secretive in nature, we'll never know until the time is right (which is a good thing)
I could have gotten into politics (still can) but I've always seen it has dirty and runned by evil faggots. Because of the Palestinian cause I have been adding pressure here. People are fucking vile, I should just drop the subject
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>An Iranian documentary film produced by the Revolutionary Guard under the title “Payback OfThe Debt” talks about the beginning of the establishment of the Iranian missile project in the 1980s with the help of the Syrian Arab Army.

>The documentary shows the general in the Iranian missile forces, Ali Bilali, making a recent visit to the Syrian 155th Missile Brigade in Qutayfah in the Damascus countryside.

>General Bilali recalls his studies in the Syrian Brigade as a young student and his graduation from its ranks with the specialty of Scud missile engine engineering with his teachers who were Syrian officers.

>The documentary talks about the immortal leader Hafez al-Assad giving the green light to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to transfer missile manufacturing technology and engines to Iran, which has developed over time to reach today one of the most important missile manufacturing centers in the world.
afaik it's being translated into arabic, I'll check later
>"The truth is that in the coming years it's going to be very bad in Gaza. Very bad... We're gonna continue the war with all our might, without considering those who live next to the terrorists... To the countries of the world who try to lecture us about morality we need to say a simple truth - if you love them so much, take them with you... Bring ships, load them up and take them with you... South Africa should take the residents of Jabalya..."
>Member of Knesset from the coalition, Zvi Sukkot of the Jewish Power party, go on a Nazi-esque genocidal rant during his speech at the "Gaza March" in Sderot in back in May.
>The event organizer, unhinged settler leader Daniela Weiss, just came under sanctions by Canada today.
The subject of how vile and evil people are. Kikes have been amplifying corruption here (which was really bad before) even more. They literally have faggots working in every major political party here. This wasn't a thing till recently
بيناتنا، كل المنطقة مفروض تكون سوريا العظمى
ٱنشالله شي يوم
المهم طلعتوا من عشرية النار والحرب الكونية
ٱنشالله بعمري أسافر لدمشق شي يوم
I wish I could figth that kike
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>I could have gotten into politics (still can) but I've always seen it has dirty and runned by evil faggots
politicians are dirty everywhere you go, that being said if you see yourself making change in the political scene, def go for it
I'm an advocate for attempting to change the world no matter how small of an effect a person might have, dying while doing what's right beats a thousand lives lived in the agony of inaction and discontent
I'm personally pondering the idea of joining the ssnp, but I still need to think about it
I'll get out of my mindset bro, I'm just in a dark place at the moment. So much death in Palestine and recent shit idk that was happening here. Which really pisses me off. I hope you are good tho
Considering how Israel is expanding, a decade or two may be too late for the Palestinians. America at this point only exists as an economic zone to carry out the interests of an elite, civil disobedience could also be an option.
Taiwan could be the final nail in the coffin, the reaction to China's triumph would make no one consider America a reliable partner.
Mutts need an unstable South America, it is the birthplace of their empire.
Just as the angl*s did to the Irish.

Yeah, western decadence and corruption of values knows no bounds.
Do remember though, this is how the Roman Empire crashed in the end. Seeing as that's what the US styles themselves after, it does give a glimmer of hope.

Very much not typical weather, June has been somewhat cooler than May.
Then again, generally the peak is near late August/early September.

Politics has always been a den of serpents, no wonder jews excel at it.

They're actual nazis, no difference.

They can't hold onto any territory, even the west bank is starting to resemble Gaza in the early 2000s.

Anyhow, I gotta go, I'll check back later.
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>بيناتنا، كل المنطقة مفروض تكون سوريا العظمى
لا انا بقول الفكرة علنا لول
>المهم طلعتوا من عشرية النار والحرب الكونية
اي انشالله, الحرب كلها أدت للي ما نشوفو اليوم
>ٱنشالله بعمري أسافر لدمشق شي يوم
انشالله بصحلك تمشي بشوارعا القديمة و تاكلك كرواسانة من القيمرية
>the roofed market next to Al-Ummayad Mosque
اول مرة بروح عل شام بحياتي وقتا لول, من شي 3 سنين
I understand exactly how you feel, add to that the pressures of everyday life, and shit gets to you deeply
I hope so, governments still try to get close to the US, goes to show how infiltrated they are
Being of corrupt tendency is a requirement for the political caste of any country. Now, we all know how the situation works in Latin America, a politician who makes a lot of noise does not last long (here in Chile they ruin his reputation), in Central America I suppose it can be with even worse reprisals. If you have the means to make a political career while protecting yourself with security and guards, go for it.
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additional pics can be found with each post's link
I'm off to make yerba mate
my family has already gotten death threat in the past because we don't tolerate corruption. I'd probably be in for a few months before x banker (probably traitor diaspora), corporation or politician would have me killed.
Lmao ahhh yes excellent muh boyzzzz
Ik bro, but I discovered new things I wish I didn't know.
I wasn't even taking my personal life into account. I wish I could do more for palestinians and the people here.
>I hope so, governments still try to get close to the US, goes to show how infiltrated they are
In fact, there is no benefit to be gained by allying with the current United States, or rather, the losses do not outweigh the gains.
Pic related, at least in Chile it looks like we will continue to have a U.S. presence.
>They can't hold onto any territory, even the west bank is starting to resemble Gaza in the early 2000s.
Well, we know how that story ends.
>Anyhow, I gotta go, I'll check back later
See you later, fren.
Russia and chinese schematics
The cradle the Bedouin idf mercs it's about 300 dead there
That is the risk of practicing politics in countries like ours, where the quest for power is on a par with the nature of corruption.
>If I had two bullets to kill the worst of my enemies and a traitor, I would shoot the traitor twice.- Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, For My Legionaries
palestinians are nasty little things. they do not belong on earth. if god existed he never wouldve made palestinians
>Gaza has taught me that a lot of people who claim to be human rights activists are only active when it applies to people of a specific background or ethnicity.
>It’s not war. It’s genocide.
>Don’t stop talking about Gaza.
True, but people have been kept stupid here sadly. The Honduran mostly isn't bad. But lack of education and being so poor doesn't help.
what do palestinians even do? they contribute nothing constructive to the world. like woooow. you can dig a primitive tunnel to go kill and kidnap thai farmers. im sooo impressed
>what do palestinians even do
inb4 palestinians have the most wheelchair accessible cities on earth
Faggot you forgot to stiwch your ip
nobody cares about shit skins, lol
Jordan Peterson is in another one of his mental breakdowns.
This guy should be taken by all other psychologists as a cautionary tale, the consequences of antidepressant addiction.
Interesting choice to use the Theotokos in the banner.
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>the consequences of antidepressant addiction.
and jewish cum
oh boy, do I have something for you
Based spic Fuentes
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Very based. This is my favorite genre of /Levant/ Chads. Christ is King.
Yes, being versed in the JQ but having to constantly deny it so many times must have also played a role in his mental health.
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bless you, fren
I can see that, it also might've led him to taking the easy way out and siding with kikes
it probably didn't help that his daughter whored herself out, he had to obtain cognitive dissonance to keep what remained of his sanity
The daughter thing must have really taken a toll on him. After all, Peterson's career is all about being a moralist, and if he failed with his daughter.....
>taking the easy way out and siding with kikes
Yes, taking the side of the people for whom the decadence he fights exists. Peterson's mind must be a curious map..
>Peterson's mind must be a curious map..
well, he is a human, after all, and a broken one
man the thread do be kinda slow I ain't feelin it's aura where be dat rizz
wtf did I just type
>Almost 40% of the first world now embraces “antisemitic tropes.”
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Please post more. God Bless.
Also a Canadian
I mean, yeah, when the shoe fits…
>If Israel were to start a nuclear war, I predict that the last of them will be hunted down, the last sample in "sperm banks" will be destroyed.
>Their memory will be erased from history, Damnatio memoriae. There will be nothing left of them, for the rest of time.
>Not recommended.
will try later, fren
I'll see if I'll take pictures of Saint Mary Church of the Holy Belt when I go there, picrel
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>Not recommended.
VERY recommended
you sandniggers are like rats.
you would use everything
Another one
>Israel has more nukes than Iran
>That won't matter when Israel doesn't exist anymore because it's a nuked out husk.
>Iran already gave Hezbollah nukes.
It's over for your Red demons.
You WILL be destroyed forever this time.
Do you think this is possible?
It would be curious to see, even with all the SAMSON OPTION larp, they simply do not have the means to unleash mutual destruction.
> they simply do not have the means to unleash mutual destruction.
they might be able to contaminate the levant and the surrounding areas, idk though
they're very vile, so I wouldn't put anything beyond them
>if we can't have the land then YOU CAN'T AS WELL FILTHY GOYIM
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>"When some men fail to accomplish what they desire to do they exclaim angrily, "May the whole world perish!" This repulsive emotion is the pinnacle of envy, whose implication is "If I cannot have something, no one can have anything, no one is to be anything!""- Friedrich Nietzsche, The Dawn.
I can imagine them doing something so vile, even with all their foolish prophecies disproved, to bid farewell to the world with one last act of evil.
This is the reason why Judaism is one of the most magnificent religions in the world, not in a good way, but because it's the religion that got the slave morality as a means of survival, they fight for power with the morals of a slave.
may humanity survive whatever evil they have in store for the future, and let their existence be a lesson on how corrupt man can get
what's with what I've heard about him praising jews?
>page 9
ish ova
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>A joint Russian-Syrian patrol on combat duty ousted the intruder - US MQ-9 Reaper drone - from the airspace of the Syrian Arab Republic.

>Apparently, in order not to repeat the fate of the MQ-1C, the Reaper hastily retreated.
>Last night, an explosion was heard in the Deir ez-Zor countryside near the city of Al-Busayrah, and this morning pictures were spread of the wreckage of a drone. According to the pictures, it is most likely an American MQ-1C drone, and it was most likely shot down by Syrian air defenses.
>may humanity survive whatever evil they have in store for the future, and let their existence be a lesson on how corrupt man can get
I have the impression that they are placing the pieces on the board in such a way that none will fall without knocking down the others. Even the idea that mankind will one day initiate a space age seems unattainable. Even in the torah in Jeremiah you can see how they constantly present themselves as victims, being a victim is a central part of Judaism.
If humanity survives, who knows what kind of fairytale monster they will be remembered as.
>what's with what I've heard about him praising jews?
He does so by acknowledging their achievement, which also happens to be their worst ideas.
Judaism is a moral subversion, Jewish rules and laws consist in reacting to the ways of others. You can see how to this day Jews are still kvetching about Babylon, Persia, Rome, etc. They are driven by resentment, and envy (reflected in usury, and Jewish power fantasies of inheriting the wealth of the nations). The most curious thing is that this moral of slaves they get power from them, they grow powerful, but at the expense of others.
Now, according to Nietzsche, master morality is to be master of oneself but always in service toward mankind. An individual who puts his vitality into the betterment of himself and others. After all, a master can be judged by the work of his apprentices.
Lol they would destroy it if it were a statues of Muhammed or Allah too.
>I have the impression that they are placing the pieces on the board in such a way that none will fall without knocking down the others.
> Even the idea that mankind will one day initiate a space age seems unattainable.
it would be if non-subverted nations took the mantle and spearheaded space fairing
>being a victim is a central part of Judaism.
>You can see how to this day Jews are still kvetching about Babylon, Persia, Rome, etc. They are driven by resentment, and envy
you can also see that in their tradition of having their enemies cursed for eternity, I don't recall what it was called
>He does so by acknowledging their achievement, which also happens to be their worst ideas.
I don't think I understood this part
>Now, according to Nietzsche, master morality is to be master of oneself but always in service toward mankind. An individual who puts his vitality into the betterment of himself and others. After all, a master can be judged by the work of his apprentices.
which appears to directly contradict the jewish slave morality, no ?
Bump and TKD my fren
>it would be if non-subverted nations took the mantle and spearheaded space fairing
Yep, China seems to be leading the way in space exploration.
>you can also see that in their tradition of having their enemies cursed for eternity, I don't recall what it was called
I know they believe that anyone who attacks them is doomed forever, I have seen them use this as a means of intimidation in debates.
>I don't think I understood this part
Judaism, although presented as a tribal religion, is actually universalistic. The idea that one can convert to a religion was very revolutionary at the time and came about with Mazdeism, Buddhism and Judaism, before that the concept of conversion was unknown.
Judaism was born of a tribal and noble religion, but to cope with their existence as the losers of the Levant, they developed a new moral type, slave morality. Nietzsche congratulates them for having created something new, but criticizes them for having created an inversion of all that is good and right.
>which appears to directly contradict the jewish slave morality, no ?
Yep, Judaism is an extremely destructive ideology, not only for them, but also for those who come into contact with them. Judaism brings nothing good to humanity, only resentment.
>but to cope with their existence as the losers of the Levant, they developed a new moral type,
was that one of the main reasons christ came and established the new covenant?
> Nietzsche congratulates them for having created something new, but criticizes them for having created an inversion of all that is good and right.
ah I see
it never sat right with me that I agreed with his views (mainly the ubermensch which is basically the establishment of morality and good without the need for an outside authority from what I understood) while he praised the jews
thanks for clarifying
>Judaism brings nothing good to humanity, only resentment.
true, and funnily enough it's always mutual, goes to confirm this
>extremely destructive ideology, not only for them, but also for those who come into contact with them.
Good morning chads
Thank you Syrian baker
الله وسوريا وبشار
bidenov you post here as well
enjoy da bread
gm خويي
where is the burkan missile my fren He cause a lot of damage
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already delivered to the hizb and is being used to rape terrorists up north
>was that one of the main reasons christ came and established the new covenant?
Curiously, forgiveness (as opposed to resentment) is a master quality.
Nietzsche went so far as to refer to Jesus as a person of masterful morals, but whose followers, unfortunately, did not live up to the ideal.
> good without the need for an outside authority from what I understood
An authority, to which you have to aspire, but it is born of yourself.
Basically it's... imagine the highest ideal and version of yourself, and take it as the authority to which you should aspire.
>true, and funnily enough it's always mutual, goes to confirm this
And no matter the group of people, always the same negative reaction.
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1) Israel = colonial satellite state for the crown/rothschild bankers. read the first Balfour Declaration

2) W. Churchill wrote a propaganda article titled "Zionism vs Bolshevism" to manufacture consent for the creation of Israel with distinctions between "good zionist" jews vs "bad communist" jews

3) Hamas was created by Israel to counter the PLO which had leftist tendencies

4) Israel laundered money to Hamas through the Palestinian Authority

5) Israeli intel was given information about oct 7 attack from egypt and isreal did nothing

6) “if you take out saddam hussein that there would be positive reverbations in the region” -Netanyahu

7) no rapes happened at the rave near a concentration camp

8) recent events will be used for Netanyahu's re-re-re-election

9) 20th century history of the middle east is just colonialism. the partition of India and Pakistan was courtesy of the crown. and the u.s. was there right away to influence Pakistan

10) Operation Ajax

11) CIA helped Saddam Hussein gain power. Reigle report. Kamasiyah weapons bunker. the U.S. sold weapons to both sides of the Iraq / Iran War in the 80s, on top of Iran Contra Scandal

12) Operation Cyclone

13) 9/11 was an inside job

14) mcmahon-hussein correspondence

15) U.S. armed and funded the "rebels" who became ISIS. first beheading video that came out was straight up fake as fuck

16) ask yourself why Netanyahu incited Yitzhak Rabin's assassination

17) Hannibal Directive kills civilians

18) Apollo Affair

19) Isreal supported ISIS

20) CIA involved in “truce diplomacy” between Israel and Hamas

21) Israel found out Hamas finances in 2018 and did nothing

22) Zionists poisoned Palestinian wells in 1948

23) USS Liberty

24) https://www.reddit.com/r/list_palestine/comments/l43xgk/megalist_israels_crimes_controversies_full/?rdt=46704
>Curiously, forgiveness (as opposed to resentment) is a master quality.
>Nietzsche went so far as to refer to Jesus as a person of masterful morals, but whose followers, unfortunately, did not live up to the ideal.
>An authority, to which you have to aspire, but it is born of yourself.
>Basically it's... imagine the highest ideal and version of yourself, and take it as the authority to which you should aspire.
I see
again, thank you for clarifying
Based Syria After all the back stab from the arab "brothers" Syria still helping and sacrificing to the Arab cause
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it really feels good being on the just side of history, no matter the flaws this side has, or the results.
It's, for me, one of the biggest example of why people like marcus aurelius would choose virtue over any form of pleasure
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Arabs be like "we gassed the children we are so noble and honorable, but israel is le bad for bombing terrorists after they attack them unprovoked" without a shred of irony or awareness
>Curiously, forgiveness (as opposed to resentment) is a master quality.

Generally, societies where honesty and integrity are heralded as a highest forms of virtue will outlast societies where material gain = status. Purely because they're able to foster a high trust society. Forgiveness plays into this, since its an acknowledgement to let go of the past for a better future. Low trust people/societies will throw this away as something to exploit and to leverage against.
You are welcome, fren
>hezbollah has nukes
would be funny but no.
>israel has more nukes
most of them are not missles, they're the kind that are dropped by aircraft. also maintenance is an issue.
Didn't happen
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god morgen - thanks for the bread, its needed as im hungover like crazy

thanks, gm & you made me consider refilling my yerba supply, i’ve been almost exclusively drinking carbonated or shit coffee for my caffeination recently

related side note - do you got club mate (yerba red bull) in syria? germans brought it here and it bangs with or without vodka

knowing local politics and having observed diaspora community political (in)scheming, i cant say your already universal dissapointment isnt applicable kek

syrianon is right on always keeping your head and heart onwards, and thats enough before i get my own caffeine & nicotine brekkie going

TKD frens, going by the increasing amount of normie women unprompted and casually telling me TKD (irl and not on IG stories), chileanon might be right about a post-TKD world
kikes and their golem be like:
>we funded this niggers and faked/supplied the moderate rebels with gas so we could blame al assad for gassing his own people for no fucking reason cuz if you gas your people you win
without a shred of irony or awareness
>you made me consider refilling my yerba supply
hell yea
>i’ve been almost exclusively drinking carbonated or shit coffee for my caffeination recently
unironically get syrian brands of coffee or tea if you can kek
>club mate (yerba red bull)
now that's new
no, we do drink mate with araq or redbull sometimes if we want, but yerba mate comes on its own
>normie women unprompted and casually telling me TKD
nature is healing
Are you a chink? You seem very slavish.
>the government known for insane brutality and possessing chemical weapons totally absolutely did not gas that rebel controlled area, it was da jooz smuggling shells from shells surgically implanted in wild horses and removed when they wandered into rebel territory, assad is a gud boy he dindu nuffin
No wonder Jews BTFO you at every single occassion, after all you can't confront your enemy if you can't even confront reality.
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cope harded nigger
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Whoops, sorry frens.
I just woke up in the middle of the night, was groggy, and when I looked for chip it was dead. So when I went to find the new thread, it wasn't coming up either. Either my browser fucked up, or somehow had a typo in the search terms
> (I searched 3 times, but apparently used the same text all times.)
> Don't create threads with the lights off, when your keyboard lights are broken and you're groggy
I got your back against the wall buddy
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Didn't help that I somehow accidentally activated Werk Tyme by hitting something. So, my screen was all types of fucked up hit
> Sorry again frens
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gm (or evening ig)
dw about it
I'm off now, cya later
I'm not 53. I'm just a random burger that woke up in the middle of the night
if a girl rejects you for your height
just remind her that the average houthi chad is 5 feet and 3 inches tall
ah, archiveanon
either way hope you sort your sleep and health
take care
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Thanks, Enjoy your day fren
>muslim IQ
you are like retarded jews
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Jews are pussies....
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>June 14
Absolute state of sandniggers
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>what's a buildup?
Stupid, just rush in like the rustsians did with no preparations, it'll go well.
I don't believe in god I just like the way the jihad flag looks
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Why are so many IDF killing themselves, if (((they're))) "winning" ?
> Why are so many israeli's fleeing their "ancestral" lands?
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A worrying trend a drop in public confidence in the IDF's ability to defeat Hezbollah...
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28% of the home stealer kikes are NEVER going to return to shitrael
> Only less than half of these kikels will ever consider returning to shitrael due to it going down the shitter, and would only decide to return if there was a clear solution to long lasting peace

It's such a shame that the most jewish of jews, the ultrajewsm all refuse to defend shitrael, and would rather that it die and collapse, than for them to risk there lives,. As there will always be the next country to subvert, and there's no need to risk their own lives to protect land which has always been foretold to be temporary,
> The Curse of the 80yo Jewish State.... precipitated by yahoo and fatty gvir
91% to 67%
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Falsely claiming that the Hamas gigachads would want to touch a jewess, whom unironically lusts for arabs- to the point that female IDF guards are banned from going near arab prisoners due to all the sex
> AP deboonks the Hamas rapes... but new evidence proves that IDF LOVES to rape Palestinians, especially young teens
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why can't Paris Hilton live genuinely, she is old enough.
She has to delete shit, probably got a call to shut it down. Her sister is married to a Rothschild and her family has ties to zios and kikes
bear in mind that about 70 percent of israelis are basically retarded
post more sexy racedom. can someone post an ai slop image of a jew boy being paraded around like a dog by an arabess qt
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I'm shocked that she posted it, being in the rothschild family. Just like that unhinged british actor that's a "conspiracy theorist" The guy that used to always play the stud in movies, despite being funny looking.
All the deletes are good, since it causes normies to notice. To notice how much power the kikes have, like when they got the black president of harvard fired.
Benedict Cucumber?
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You muzzy are losing to us pervert kikes in our 20s?

too bad lol
Russell Brand. Took a while to remember his name, since I was never a fan
> Well.. with the help of joogle,
I want to make a pool of used Arab thongs like swim in it like scrooge mcduck
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I wanna make them high on DiEthylEthel, before beheading them
sucks to be zogged
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ok as long as I get all the used underwear
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>Saraya Al-Quds
>We took control of a zionist reconnaissance drone while it was carrying out intelligence missions in the skies east of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.

>We bombarded with a barrage of regular 60-caliber mortar shells the soldiers and vehicles of the zionist enemy penetrating the land of Qandil in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

>Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
>Al-Qassam Brigades target a zionist “Merkava 4” tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

>Al-Qassam Brigades bombard enemy forces positioned in the "Netzarim" axis with a Rajoom rocket barrage.
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Yes sir , get your niggermonkey microcock faggotretard libsbagoowagon nearby
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More Saraya al quds
>This morning, we blew up a zionist military vehicle with a ground bomb and engaged in fierce clashes from point-blank range with enemy infantry forces, inflicting among their ranks dead and wounded in Tallet al-Muntar and its surroundings, east of Shuja'iyya.
>We bombarded with a barrage of mortar shells the soldiers and vehicles of the zionist enemy penetrating the Shuja'iyya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.
>We destroyed a zionist military vehicle by detonating a ground bomb which we had planted in advance on Baghdad Street, around the Tunisian cemetery.
> The UKMTO reports an attack 150 nautical miles northwest of Hodeidah, Yemen.
>The captain reported that 5 missiles landed near the ship.
do you believe any of this
Afternoon bros, are the two more imminent weeks up yet. I wonder how zog collectively selling out Biden affects the timeline.
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>>meaning while sitting all day on your phone,
>>"protecting your country by a waste of time"
>>Cant even cross a border to cry the rest of my life about people that otherway you wouldnt even met, if it was the IDF, for the matchmaking between you and your bodies
>>Really just shows how 100years or 20years is almost nothing compared teven to just 500years or 1000years, crazy to think that 200,000years were in the paste, and even millions and millions and time has no start, yet we are there...
>>life is meaningless... enjoy it where you can, understand that we are like fish, as a leaf , falling out of the tree , just to degrade and decay and die
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>>Us smelly racemixed kikes gonna beat hammaaas everyday, even that we are the same people that didnt care in the last 40s
>>Even tho random people that reached their 19s, even in 1980, being sent to some random rapefugee camp , in the west bank , just beating off random muzzie shitniggers for no reasons
>>also side facts I dont hate arabs, I actually like arabs tribulism and deep belief in roots and close family even with the cost of random family gangs and deadbeat shitskin monkey like tribe fighting ....
>>us nosed kikes yids are only guests here in israel ,,, what we do is trying to get United States Dollars,,, which is all a part of the programs just like Dubai, or Korea or Japan, Singapore... to improve quality of life aboard (for many valid or not reasons)
>>us kikes barely have hospitals functioning , I am supprised we have running water in israel , alltho its a chemical swiming pool, like its something that need to be kept I mean its not the 1900s a lot was developed, even of chlorinization of water is okay but I dont care. just toxic shit from unverified chinese chemical sources
>ohhh nooo you made a complex opionion nanndd youu provided general ideas for you believes, and reasons of action
>>you are so mentally ill you must be communicating with the walls or something
so who is winning this war anyway?
post more about how you will dominate us (sexually), Arab
>uwedgyvejdhewdh efheiwduewdn eo0dediejidiwhudhednws edieywjsjdbc dcxd
>>w3wijsiwijdwkodebhbc hcbrgbfejdhbed wiswiju3hduwisjwkswbdjwkdhbeidjebdkencjhbweibcewdnkjwef ewidjoqwkdowihdkwnjdnwdiwjdijwndn ewdoijwodjownd edoiwjdow weoidjwokjdij
just use chatgpt to translate my autism
I'm not participating in your racedom role play nigger
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Behold, the mighty iron cope, the defender of pissrael, so powerful, so strong, it gets destroyed by a fly.
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yeah , this is why hamas was beaten yet, they are allowing those brothels inside the gaza masques, and unwra places ,
>they dont even want the hostages back, because the supply is so high, and demand is so low
sexually dominate jews to liberate balestine. make us serve your big Arab cock
While you were watching the debate...

>BREAKING | Israel's cabinet decides to:
>Expand settlements in the West Bank and legalize 5 settlement outposts classified as illegal.

>Apply the Israeli law in areas administratively controlled by the Palestinian Authority.

>Withdraw executive powers from the Palestinian Authority in areas east of Bethlehem and southeast of Jerusalem.

>בוא נשים את הסוללה כל כך קרוב למחסום , זה בטוח יעצוא את הטילים, כי הישובים חצי מטר משם
>no usa goverment contactor want to sell surveillance tools to Israel because it get leaked to NSO, and then resold , and too many "so called highly certified under, high clearance in some deadbeat israeli goverment office gonna abuse it when they want to",,,,,, aiiiioooooo the Israeli innovation we can make all of those tools, while we barely have universities functioning ,,,,
>>nooo we need those tools, we will give you 500,000$ for you help create a branch of the tools

>>be 20years ago, be someone with mediocare education , be considered a genius in mathmethics , and development of bombs (still lack 40 years in reality when you compare to weapons / tech from SAAB , or some random german[ironic i know] manufactour that does so much better than)
>>give relocate, US goverment poker tokens, and relocate like 10billions to them to relocate some mathemthics used in ICBMs or other things that cause high presisiion, [while in air, and on ground]

we nosed kikes are so power , we cant even put 10inch of strong metals on some deadbeat licensed cars we manufactoure here, leaving a small hole for "air", and a simple fire cause 10people to die in the tank/נמר"הنمور الأحرار
gonna backfired when those blue eyed babies(from the hostages rapes) gonna be leaders of hamas 20years,,,
bet they gonna reeducated , trying to teach them the ways of islam...

lol what us Jews thinking, that we are fighting the vikings, and they gonna leave their ways just because of racemixing ?

Imagine the child growing in gaza, by some high ranking hamas officials , trying to make the child a hamasniq , later they see jews as themselves and give up they ways

okay this is just a random event I found funny if it would become reality in the future
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>forgot to ad the image
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>>5 feet
Jewish Feet World Wide Power
>>3 inch
Because of cirmuckisiszion , benis mutdalution
Calling it.

This'll surely kick off the intifada.
It'll be supressed more readily and brutally due to lack of tunnels or armaments and fortified positions unlike Gaza.

Spin this as a win, annex west bank claiming a need for a "security buffer" in a simiar rhetoric to Gaza earlier in the war. Claim victory, and agree to a ceasefire mediated by the US.
How would Jordan and Iran react to that?
Pretty much they care about other things in their life,
other than getting cooking gas ieds , and get their own lifes ruined while making bombs acheieve so little
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do you have any idea how much shit americans soliders can get into , if they post something like this so publically ?
Putting all the bullshit aside, you admit that hamas won't be destroyed and will continue existing for years? And is this belief shared by other israelis?
Mmmh there is some likely hood they will survive.

There is also a likely hood , every person in gaza, will know an israeli, which gonna make them not dehumanising Israeli-Jews/ Israeli-Arabs / Israeli-Bedooium

also a likely hood that not much gonna change,
but something has to happen, because each family in gaza is like 10kids, for 3-2parents (males who marry few woman) [Lol how are you not gonna have so many children turn into medium rare ash bricks ?]
Knowing israelis is exactly what makes them hateful.
Glad to know that even israelis admit the idf lost the war.
I dont think theyll care (or thought out) how Jordan and Iran reacts, the Israelis want a solution *now* and theyre desperate.

Grabbing onto the West Bank, then 'ceasing' hostilities in Gaza while engaging hostage negotiations during a ceasefire. They dont leave empty handed,
While re-arming and resupplying as quickly as possible for the upcoming (?) conflict in Lebanon while the West Bank is under boot. Breaking the ceasefire during this time and US has a loose excuse to get involved.

US will cow to Israel's "need for security" as justification for the land grab. And It'll be permanent if the conflict were to hypothetically end now.
But its far too hot and its a runaway train.

Jordan is a powder keg ready to go off any moment.
Remembering also that Syria will join the war "at a time of its choosing"
Which will be pivotal logistical corridor, bringing Iraq and Iran, even Afghans begging to get into the fray, and it'll likely be through this corridor.

Get popcorn. This is the part of the movie where the guy grabs a hostage on the edge of a building and does a bargaining dialogue.
In the short term sure, but I honestly think Palestinians will end up similarly to the Native Americans, in that Arabs will exist but Jews will outnumber them not only in Israel but probably in the whole Middle East.
Judaism is going to be the next great meme and ideology, similarly to how Islam was once and Christianity was once. But it will take several centuries to get to it. Nobody except Jews really has their shit together. Muslims are decadent and stupid, and Christians are cucked and have a low birth rate. So Jews are going to win in the long term.
How do you kill a rabbi? Put a bomb on a baby's dick that explodes when sucked.
I believed even before oct7 that we are doomed
I want to interview this kike
Literally wtf are you on about
Are you drunk?
palestinians are bad people. bye bye palestinians
Arabs are locked away in these small villages, and they have some power left in the Jenin area. But almost the whole West Bank region is an Israeli region, and Arabs have been losing land day in a small way every few weeks for 50 years straight. In those 50 years only one large-ish Arab neighborhood has been build while hundreds of Jewish neighborhoods have been built. To the point that if you go visit you can drive and drive and never even see Arabs anymore most of the time.
So shouldn't you be doing something about it? Like leaving the country?
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So I'm not search banned anymore on twitter when I check my account on one of those site checkers. It says I have no account. Even though I can post like and retweet. Nobody has retweeted or liked my posts recently even tho posting and replying a lot.
New form of censorship by Elon?
With my amount of cope I gonna do nothing
I am not currently drunk but I am very horny and perverted, all the time. There is two Israelis here
New videos of IOF getting murdered.
He releases the uncensored versions on his twitter.
Retarded but honest jew.
israel just posted a recruitement ad for phalangists in lebanon
this is the biggest nothing burger in my life
Still don't understand why they don't fire on the medivacs. why show these scum any mercy?
do you think your Christians and Druze wouldn't take a chance to ally with Israel?
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Is this you, buddy?
You look fabulous btw.
his parents would have done better in north africa / morroco
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I want to be shrunk and swallowed alive by an Arabess qt. Like a Jewish chicken nugget
yeh, especially modern morocco with their lgbt king.
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Brian Mast should go back to Israel to make new friends with his brothers.

btw is Brian Mast even Jewish? Or Goyim slave?
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The Beirut expulsion, I purely believe if was one of the deadbeat thinking of the mossad, and aggresive behavior that are known for.... oh we are going to do X Y Z and succeed

>shitskin being shitskins
Lol jews are desperate
I love how we take credit for it now. It is a beautiful explosion
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I think he is just pissed that some arabs blew up his legs. Took it personally.
Probs hispanic.
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ChatGPT is run by kikes
Why am I not surprised.

how does that nugget even move?
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it is run by them. See pic for proof.
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jewish black magic and AIDS
Arabs don't make anything at all
Europeans are stupider then Jews and also dying out
So of course AI is Jewish
I feel like all of this oct7th thing...

1. either truly the world just functioning, and everything goes by. (and they are event, and interactions between events, and small human factor)

I know right, everything that happens is slobby job mossad tier, I like how they name their units just like the IDF does , and pratically , every person that was high ranking קצין / נגד , with some bullshit fake clearance ( I call this person to put your name because I vaouch ) ... yeah point is , its very preddicable, you can go on Wikipedia / INSS conference ... (see which people get attached to place, near places where they are known offices of theirs / related people) ,,, x y z , search who was in the IDF / see who vaouch for who....

I bet you can catalog everyting , if not already done by the United States ,,, all mossad is , is getting some support from the United States, its like third party unit, they get some things in return. For some extra man power ,,, and people with access to people they also need...

its not that I am aggainst corruption, if you live in the middle of Tel Aviv . Hertsellia ... from some bullshit compay that take goverment money ... O K , fine to some degree I access....

they claim lies, and cross every red lines ...

all retards , and its sad

but the way they can suck my dick , everything I know is from books I can also cite if you really want
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anyone notice israhell has only put out just under 12 raid videos where they engage with actual soldiers since it began and the resistance puts them out every week?
It tracks with the general assumption, the israelies view this as their biggest opportunity rather than a country ending crisis. I guess all we know is it'll go just about as well as everything else they planned for since this started.
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so many of them get sniped while talking on their phone. they have 0 survival skills.
those new hasidic jew recruits probably have negative survival skills. best thing the IDF can do with them is set them on fire like the ancients celts did to pigs and let them loose.
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>all ai is jewsh

you know its funny sometimes I post here on gookmoot owned 4chan , in my teens I also really liked Infinity chan , that was owned by kikedwheels / hotwheels

alltho I did some shananigans here, related some things I found funny to do here ,

I actually know how to use a VPN here, even without a membership , which is ironic, considering I am one of the most proliffphic user, under falseflag, see 4000 posts of myself under United States Minor Islands


Totally not gonna get his uncles houses and family inside those houses blown up lol , and the 11pests (12year old kids because they have 102x birthrates . and too many vaccines against Cholera / hepatitis )

totally not gonna back fire, when they are outnumber, and have so little power in their hands ,,

not that they are facing a well organised place, because we are willing to fuck up PR and the economy in israel...

>pic related
>who am i to ask
>even my screen is a glowie

check my keyboard its hebrew, also written my first name here
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He died before suffering from dental issues
??? Explain
>Still don't understand why they don't fire on the medivacs
Humiliation ritual. They hold their punches and STILL bfto of the idf
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Americans soliders, can face a lot of back fire, even punished even demotion , (also lower pay I assume? as a result..)

In israel we out right let people post on social media, shitload of explusives .... even near bases where they store all of those bombs...

in israel there is around 500ton - 2000ton of explusives , around 100,000 -400,000 units of rounds/bombs/firing powers/ objects / event-causes(because it matters how you use it right ?)

it does happen in america , and I seen some deadbeat american soliders on tiktok , and they post online things they shouldnt , even if you post yourself eating, it being online, is something you can patch and create an image, for example if you post the kitchen,

you can create an event where, [okay 100-200 people in this image, ] likelyhood of around 4000 right now in this base? with giving some overestimation

but anyways, a lot of serious violences regarding goverment opsec / illegal clearance breah, does happen... and no one is taking actions with those human errors that happen...
(beside that chinese agent, that said nothing to no one in china, and got killed? or that was around 10?)

citing [[[[Spyfail: Foreign Spies, Moles, Saboteurs, and the Collapse of America’s Counterintelligence Hardcover – January 17, 2023]]]


If you are a muslim fuck you,

If you are a chirstian labnoni , I hope lebanon become chirstian fast!
>be me (24 M)

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>YOu are mentally ill hear voices shkiotzo
>"There is a cost for huge boobs"
>You think that JEwish haredi scholars are sane, collecting all of those rare extint Hebrew words from 4000 years , and use them in complex made up grammer, no one barely knows , or rarely truly understand ?
>modern hebrew sounds like arabic
found new friend for Brian Mast.
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More infiltration's inside Israel proper.
People that pretended to be tourists or people who live in Israel?
I feel so sorry for the car insurance ,
or nevermind insurance companies in israel are so outlaws n sheit , never give when they must by law

unless you have a family member inside the insurace company you are fucked ....

lucklily most people use foregin insurance companies that abide by other laws
>go into gaza
>"we will destroy hamas n sheit"
>fail to destroy hamas

now what?
>now what?
collect memories on destroyed houses using crazy interesting explusives, thats new that wasnt 300 years ago, n sheeit , just colllect memories , and cry after 10 years, how my best friend lost his legs, and another one died....

and ahhh cry about the youth of 10-20years, of how bad is it , and how we are better, and everything is being lead the wrong way
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landcrashing from mars
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Kind of related.
Bigot done got removed due to a letter campaign.
Same person was promoting Israel.
>Meet with Tommy Robison
>Lose job
Shes Iranian Canadian one of these Monarchist shit heads. So glad shes gone.
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Following a major boycott of this year's edition of SXSW – largely spearheaded by Irish acts – the showcase festival has revealed that "the US Army, and companies who engage in weapons manufacturing, will not be sponsors of SXSW 2025"

Man how did they beat the arab world and Iran. We need to put in more effort.
>go into Israel
>"we will destroy Israel n sheit"
>fail to destroy Israel
We are both stuck with each other
Kikes are definitely a daemon prince of chaos undivided, they represent all things wrong with humanity while mooching off of all the chaos gods.
They're the antithesis of Tzeentch. Jews have been the exact same for thousands of years, repeating the same cycle.
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>37,000 dead
>85,000 injured
>90% of Gaza destroyed
>No Internet, why literally no Palirats shitpost on their general and it's always full of Israelis
>Fully dependent on Israel for food and water
Just saying, even if we didn't manage to Final Solution the Palestinians this round, I am happy I am not them,
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based, your lore makes far more sense, time for a re-cook of that meme desu.. But what do we do with Tzeentch then?
Just make him glow green lmao
holy fuck, he literally represents the deepstate, genius xDDD
2 more weeks
Trust the plan
It's beautiful, friend. I hope to one day Beit Sahour and go to Mar Saba and visit both Shepherds' Field Parishes/Churches (Orthodox and Catholic). Stay safe, I will pray for you.
Israel really doesn't want to go to war with Hezbollah. They know it will be a disaster for Israel but they're going to do it anyway, even though behind the scenes they don't even want to.

Why are Jewish people the worst antisemites?
From the state of Israel that claims to represent them to these people and their organizations.
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".

Hopefully some good gay drama over the Gaza issue on Sunday during the NYC fag parade. Because no other parade could ever be more Jewish otherwise.

We could see gay zionists and gay pro-palestinians fist fighting.
#BREAKING: Hezbollah says it will target Indian embassies in Middle East if India continues supplying weapons to Israel.
>#BREAKING: Hezbollah says it will target Indian embassies in Middle East if India continues supplying weapons to Israel.
new kino in the Shujaia area after kikes returned there Rumors talkk about a big ambush
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Just like their troops.
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>We could see gay zionists and gay pro-palestinians fist fighting
Hopefully there's clips online afterwards. Not unlike along the lines of bum fights, or even Trump's proposed "Migrant Fights
Maybe trannie fights, or fag fights. I think the VHS tapes could sell well, just like with Bum Fights
what's with the guy with a tail
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>The UK intervenes in the International Criminal Court case against Israel
>The UK, leveraging its status as a "special friend of the court," has requested the ICC review its jurisdiction over "Israeli citizens." This move, reported by Yedioth Ahronoth, delays the ICC's decision on issuing arrest warrants for Israeli leaders accused of war crimes.
>In May, ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan sought arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant for crimes against humanity in Gaza. The UK's request, submitted on June 10, postpones this decision by several weeks.
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>Labour will not recognise Palestine
>Labour leader Keir Starmer says he will not recognise Palestine as a State, further infuriating what was remaining of the Party’s left wing base.
>During his bid to become British Prime Minister, Keir Starmer has said there is “no risk” that he would recognise the State of Palestine if he wins the upcoming election. The Labour Party hopeful is currently under investigation for potential complicity in war crimes, after a legal campaign was mounted against him over comments such as stating Israel had “the right” to starve Palestinians.
“Christian Zionism is a very significant force. It goes back way before Jewish Zionism. It was an elite phenomenon. Lord Balfour, Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman read the Bible every morning. It says there, "God promised the land to the Jews." That's in the powerful states. There was already plenty of support. In fact, Britain as the mandatory authority facilitated the development of the Jewish national institutions.”-Chomsky, 2015 On Palestine.
A discussion on the effectiveness of Boycotts and protests and condemning israeli violence. Condemnation that contribute nothing “they know it, and they are doing it anyway”. Along with subliminal demoralizing propaganda in the form of armed resistance is futile. Yet i argue it is precisely this condemnation of violence with ironic distancing that allowed it to persist for decades repeatedly "mowing the lawn". A new line of flight is needed to break the deadlock.
Avi Shlaim, Judith Butler, and Edward Said belong the tradition of Judeo-Christian morality, emphasizing compassion, humanity, and equality regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. Appealing to Lacan’s concept of the "Big Other" as seen in social media, they are being evil would somebody do something.
A paradigm shift is needed to the expansionist master morality, which emphasises the benefit of cruelty. Real change only began after the events of October 7, showing the ineffectiveness of decades-long peace talks. Muslims, contrary to the portrayal of seeking pity, desire unapologetic dominance. Islam is often misunderstood as a religion of peace when it actually promotes the submission of the weak to the strong. Sylvia Plath captures this dynamic with her line, "Every girl adores a Fascist."
Many priests from the churches of Fuheis, sons of missionary cuckolds who eat pork and drink arak while speaking of Marxism-Leninism, have become common and exposed with Hattar.
Those who claim atheism should rejoice in the crucifixion of a Jew who claimed his mother was a virgin to be eaten by dogs before they start discussing dialectics. Who wasn't beaten as a child remains a child.
Islam spread by beheading and raping Mulk alyameen a status quo forced against the will of the haters. They are a people who dislike boring peace, just as others dislike war. They harness the energy of Thanatos and Libido and ask for death to be granted life. A desire machine that achieves deterrestrialization and redraws borders. Only the Viking charles mantel from Western Europe and Vlad Dracula the impaler from Eastern Europe stopped their advance.
The man most comparable to Prophet Muhammad of Khaybar is Genghis Khan. As he raised a generation of warriors who expanded rapidly. Focusing solely on the sword, neglecting knowledge, lead to the rapid collapse of his empire.
“Yet I will try the last. Before my body, I throw my warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff, And damn'd be him that first cries, 'Hold, enough!'”
rome spread rapidly too and focused on both war AND knowledge
Fuck Haaretz's paywall. They're the only good news outlet there.

'Make No Mistake, Israel's Coup Is Alive and Kicking': A Stunning Warning by Supreme Court Justice Anat Baron. Anat Baron. "Under the radar, a series of steps are eroding democracy. I view this as nothing less than an existential danger."16 hours ago

What's the significance, if any, of the Israeli Supreme Court ruling Haredi Jews are subject to conscription?

bookmark archive.is my nigga. Paste url there and free haaretz subscription bruh.

Analysis | Netanyahu Is Waging Three Wars of Attrition: Against Hamas, Hezbollah and the Israeli People

The Israeli prime minister wants his people to remain in a fog of uncertainty, making them even more reliant on their dysfunctional government ■ An all-out war with Hezbollah seems less likely than it did just a few days ago – but that doesn't mean hostilities are over ■ The IDF is getting used to the new routine of fighting at fluctuating levels of intensity
Amos Harel
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It's amazing how much they truly believe their own false propaganda. Arabs don't attack shit for no reason. It's always for retaliation to something, like getting attacked first. They don't realize that they stop attacking Arabs, and then started treating them well,, that there wouldn't be more attacks anymore
Post full pic, I'm curious on the context

While you were typing that, I started wondering if these security meeting summaries are scripted and fake as a means of psychological warfare against Hezbollah/Iran.

Because Israel has a whole plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza, West Bank, South Lebanon, and even Arab Israel.

Security meeting summaries like this make the kikes seem more straightforward and sincere and conflicted and pro-peace agreement.
>While you were typing that, I started wondering if these security meeting summaries are scripted and fake as a means of psychological warfare against Hezbollah/Iran.

Like, every kike at that security meeting knows that Hezbollah isn't going to agree to a peace deal with Israel that forsakes Gaza and requires Hezbollah to retreat 5-10 kms from the Israeli border.

And yet this security meeting summary makes it look like they were really earnestly pursuing such an agreement with Hezbollah, and that it was possible/probable.

That's all BS.
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>Arabs don't attack shit for no reason.
Your gaslighting doesn't work anyone anymore Mahmoud
Imagine being spiritually guided by inbred goat herders

Nobody needs the deranged schizophrenic ram kings of a 7th century arabic warlord and pedophile

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