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And now, with the full complicities of the MSM/Social media narrative control complex, the focal point of all your hate and anger is going to be removed and a period of time will elapse before a new focal point will emerge. That period of time will be used to diffuse your efforts to sow discord and preempt the new DNC nominee. Al those "Fuck Joe Biden" flags will come down, now, no longer being useful from a campaign standpoint. Your ability to message and attack the left has been diffused by 75% or more. Congratulations, you've been played.
>Do not let this happen. Adjust your messaging now and get out in front of this.
Jews you can kill bit post gay jews
American politics is fake and gay. Soon all glowniggers will hang in the streets.
I noticed the left wing griftosphere and media wigging out wanting him to be replaced and the rw qultists celebrating, but what I witnessd in the 'debate' was one feeble man trying to stay on point within the set parameters and the crybully pathological liar, (thus he didn't answer a single question except via projection).
I'm a registered Independent thinking of voting for Biden based on all that I've witnessed.
Have a good day.
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Evening rabbi.
I'm sorry you schizotypal personalities fall so easily down rabbit holes, but the paranoia is always going to have a negative impact on your health.
If this is still a free country, why attack me for voting differently? I don't do things out of spite, I just speak plainly. But then, I'm not part of any culture war. This is why the number of Independents are growing.
Calm down for your own sake.
Pax tecum
as opposed to not making joe biden look like a senile retard?

>oh no now democrats are gonna do X you should have just let biden do his thing
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>>oh no now democrats are gonna do X you should have just let biden do his thing

No, retard, we're merely telling you the game has changed. Adjust accordingly.
gavin newsome is the guy
This post is some deep, deep cope.

>tfw you said remove the tattoo and they heard tits
If Society ever breaks down you will be liquidated simply because you have a European car in your driveway.
Wow. Still voting Trump
I don't know what you mean, I drive a Dodge.
I just changed the oil pan and I'm topping off the fluids in the master cylinder and transaxle this weekend, but it hasn't broken down on me once except when the heat killed my battery. I just got a replacement.
Yes. Don't fight the culture war. Ignore the damage being done to your children. Fight the class war. Come back to your desolated family life after.
The game didn't change unless they plan to 25th amendment the retard. They will not be convincing a 50yr career politician to give up the campaign unless he's physically locked out.
They'll pillow his ass in the middle of the night if need be.
Of course, it was always their plan.
Trump has said just as much himself.
Remember months back when during a rally Trump claimed he'd be running against (an) Obama in the 2024 election & the shrill leftist media screamed cognitive decline?
Well, just as OP states, it seems like Trump knew exactly what he was talking about.
For all the post-debate posturing by Newsom, what are the chances that it was Big Mike who they always had lined up to replace Biden?
Ah, what old times in that photo. Obama, his boyfriend, and big Mike watching a slam dunk contest. The envy in the photo is epic.
Is that Michelle?
>Congratulations, you've been played.
imagine thinking 4chang has been played by anyone lol
>registering as anything
LOL what's it like being over 40
In my state, if you choose 'no party' they send you a card with IND on it.
That’s treason
Is that big Mike on bottom right?
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they're couping joe for not playing along with netanyahu enough. he was supposed to play ball with his kike masters but he's a little too flighty
You're saying you'd prefer one battlefield over the other?
>I just changed the oil pan
Yes, because someone else tightened the bolts above torque and the gasket failed. Since the structural integrity was compromised, rather than tapping the old pan flat, I got an OEM replacement pan and gasket, used permatex black on the pan side and copper on the top. The dust cover on the transmission is a bitch to move out of the way but I can't afford a mechanic.
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>let's remove an elected president because he can't beat the other candidate who is a threat to our democracy
Leftist logic ladies and gentlemen
The primary doesn't determine the candidate. The voting at the convention does and they can change their votes if they want to.

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