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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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THAT was considered a highlight by them?
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I hope Mark Hamill has another roadside accident that fucks him up even harder this time.
Cuck Skywalker is such an enormous faggot.
when you live long enough to see your heroes be zeroes...what a shame.
Me. Every insult is an accusation against Me.

One officer cannot save this nation.
You The People were given a Mandate to Train The Militia.
>Trained Militia, being NECESSARY...
>mark hamill
I thought Lefties didn't like ad hominem attacks. George Floyd was a liar and a convicted felon too. Probably a rapist too.
You're all talk Hamil. You never even finished jedi school!
Maybe if you wanted the guy to be influential don’t humiliate him when you bring him back to reprise his role! Lol stupid jews
>I thought Lefties didn't like ad hominem attacks
It's literally all they have
One abandoned granddaughter doesn't make you a bad guy either. Mark knows that personally.
being a felon doesn't disqualify you from being president, and the other two are practically prerequisites
jesus fucking christ please end this hell
I called him Cuck Skywalker just for you pal. Fuck that clown.
lol Dems are done
>one off night
Lol he has to say adjudicated because he'd get sued if he said convicted
i wonder how many kids he's fucked for him to tow the line so hard
CNN in full cope mode
>guy who was photographed smoking other people's dirty cigarette butts off the sidewalk just a couple years before his Disney deal casting judgement on anybody
He's such a faggot, he probably does it for free.
Trying really hard to balance damage control with not just lying about it. Typical deflecting to other topics.
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I am glad I side with the Sith.
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The faggot is still coping.
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Can this faggot die already? No, really, what the fuck, who the fuck needs him around anymore? Who benefits from his continued existence? Fucking no one?
The trends speak for themselves
You either die a jedi or live long enough to see yourself become an ewok
Never forget Mark Hamil tried to bully his son's girlfriend into an abortion
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One off night strings together to make one off weeks, which turn into one off months which turns to one off years
What a gigantic fucking faggot.
Because a conviction would require evidence and a legitimate burden of proof, something they can't produce for a fake allegation. Civil court is such a lower bar than criminal court.
Remember when Mark Hamill fellated a wrinkled alien for sustenance?
I'm glad this is the type of this Puke Cumguzzler will be remembered for after voluntarily bombing the only character that ever made him famous
Biden shitted himself at 5 hour 17 minutes and 31 seconds, look 5 second earlier of that in this video
You can see his facial expression changing and hear the noise of when he shits himself in the microphone
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Thoroughly debunked lol

(This is the swill they’re feeding people on Reddit)
may the cope be with you
Cartoon voice actor said what?
Fatrick is losing his pig brain right now on X.
Democrats can just make shit up and then convince themselves it's real
Did he miss the memo that the MSM machine was done going to bat for Biden or something?
an overclocked pentium is still a pentium.
They're going to nominate Michelle. It's been obvious for quite a while.
She's been fundraising and giving speeches for the past 2 years.
Who is he, err, she fundraising for if not Biden?
Odd that.
I can hear Josh's voice
NO stalker Child it is you would will answer the phone poll.
Did we beat panama?
we ARE panama
Unimaginable levels of mental coping he's doing. Personally I'm wondering who is running the White House since Joe Biden is factually mentally challenged.
Gas Mark Hamil

Only the most clueless White liberals are still supporting Biden.

These are the 'true believers' who haven't got the updated Jewish memo - Trump is Israel's man.
>slurps green milk of a space titty, wipes off haggard beard.
Take me seriously.
>No one will remember
Joe Biden won't remember tonight that's for sure. Trump's team should reject any more debates based in humane treatment for the elder abuse Biden is under. There will not be more debates, Trump has to campaign on tonight 24/7.
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Libtards are fucking unhinged
Excited to vote a rapist felon into office to be honest.
Yup. Classic predictive programming.
They've been keeping her in the news at just the right time. Planting the seed.
It's all so tiresome and stupid.
When will people wake up?
>Trump lie
I hear this a lot, and with such exasperation that it should be easy to identify and provide evidence. To reduce the scope, what did Trump say tonight that was false?
>adjudicated rapist

I'm sorry, is Trump registered as a sex offender somewhere? No. O well.
What does he mean "that's not how tariffs work?" I didn't watch this dog and pony show, but I'm always amused by that sort of thing.
honestly i hope he's in prison when it happens
would make it that much more insane
I watched the CNN postgame and they did this all night.
>He just kept lying and lying!

And never said what he lied about.
>Classic predictive programming

Herp derp I am smart
Fucking KEK
Be careful what you wish for boys
Find it really strange that Fox News has a "Michelle Obama" tag.
Weird right? Haha.
This is the kind of denial you get when you realize the cheese has fallen off the cracker for a loved one.
>it was just one time
No. It was just the first time you could not deny it.
You clearly aren't.
motherfucker you've been alive since the 70s in what fucking world is he the most successful pres in your lifetime
fucking brainwashed into catchphrases
He doesnt get memos, he sucks biden cock for free.
This faggot clearly sold his soul for Disneybucks and whatever sick perversion he’s into. He’s not Jesus, he’s a fucking idiot actor who starred in the most overrated and overplayed shit in the universe
I haven't had the stomach to keep up with USAxican political theater the last couple of years. Does Trump still have the cognitive ability to be a capable leader? My coworker was saying Trump keeps rambling on about an IQ test he took where he has to remember the sequence "person, woman, man, camera, tv" like a complete fucking imbecile. And I know Biden has been a senile fucking lunatic for at least 6 years, now.

Is the Chinese century upon us? Is that a good thing? I'm sick of incompetence (i.e. the consequences of kike hostile takeover) in western governments. Are BRICS really that bad?
bitch couldn't even keep it in his pants after he murdered his own dad
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lol. lmao even.
You love to see it.
Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru would be ashamed.
I think the "juice" that people presume Big Mike has is basically 50 very loud nigger lesbians. She isnt a viable candidate. White women arent going to vote for her in the numbers they need. The nigger/lesbian vote isnt enough.
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>read this tweet
>cant find luke skywalker ho anymore
fuck, you ruined him for me
I'm convinced mark hamil is on the epstein client list.
Yeah as a fuck slot.
Speed would kill that nigger instantly lol
I wonder if any of Hamil’s co-stars ever commented that he was a fucking moron
Mark KWABil
At least we’re not hearing from that faggot Sulu anymore. Mercifully I have forgotten his name.
Jesus fucking Christ this dude sold out so fucking hard in 2018. I wonder if he saw himself now he would react with the visceral horror he did watching TLJ
>only show he acted in gets recked by left wingers
>still simps for them
>luxury BMW
>an used E46
>Whore of Babylon
First Trans-Woman President, so WoKe So PrOgEsSiVe. Only bigots, sexists, racists wouldn't vote for BBC in the white house, again.
Go back to sleep, anon.
Your "intuitive news gathering" is absolute shit.
Hamil was the main protagonist in one of the most famous blockbusters of all time and got overshadowed by the antagonist and some side characters. That’s gotta suck hard.
Harrison Ford hates him, but he's weird too.
Harrison Ford probably mutters that every day to himself.
Alright mate, mom says it's my turn to be on the hivemind. Go to bed or something.
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Faggots All-Of-Them...
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12.5% likes on Hamill's post
The next debates will actually be better for Trump, AND this nigga is going to have strokes from taking the vax. Dude is fucked.
I'm keeping my expectations low because the country has been about class warfare for the last 50 years between women using homosexuals as their blunt stick and men using Indian H-1b hires as theirs, but both are just out to create a new royalty based on the church of college credentials.

No, it's not a Star Wars prophecy. So sorry that I can't think of Mark Hamill as anything but a mediocre actor who hasn't quite realized that the younger generations wants him to die so they can fight over the table-scraps that are still set aside for him. He's just a piece of Disney owned copyright now. Didn't Daisy Ridley make it clear that he was not allowed on the set of the next movie?
the orange rapist will win
do you like every post you see?
It’s mostly just bots
even our media claims he was lying but never saying about what. its the same shit as 8 years ago
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>last tweet
i really hope he creates a marvel heros reaction to that debate
pic related
not how it works
you can save the galaxy, kill your father, almost commit wincest, be an overall spoilt brat but you drink the cockroach milk ONE time and...

by the way has anyone nooticed how luke drinks the alien cockroach milk? that was definitely not done to endear plebs to the idea of eating ze bugs, was it?
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>Kike Hamcunt post
Kill yourself niggerkike
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nomen est omen
chinks are seething rn because they own the bidens
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i forgot how youthful trump used to look

in this debate he was shrunken and shrivelled
Can't tell if banned, range banned or shadow banned.
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I'm just sitting here basking in the mixture of cope, fear, loathing, taking all of it in.
Ngl it's pretty good.
I think he's on Ozempic
Correct. Thank you.
Why can't Mark Hamill shut the fuck up? Why is he incapable of that.

Star Wars is okay tho.
Wizards too... Wing Commander.
This isnt reddit or twatter. If you are banned for shit posting on /sp/ergs, you will know it.
Isn’t it obvious that he is being facetious and saying that obviously sleepy joe couldn’t possibles be on speed given his shit performance.
Looks about right.
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Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]
5. School shootings are glowop [ Sandyhook laugh ]
6. Fungus and Parasitepill [ q4agf7.pdf ]
7. Mememagick [ chaos magic, Egregore ]
8. Cancer and AIDS have cure
9. God gene [ VMAT2, Signature in the Cell, spw5nmUrpWA ]
10. Pharmakeia, Stem cell [ Foreskin in cosmetics, Finkelstein: human DNA in hotdog, HEK293: fetus cells in vaccine and products like Pepsi (tumorigenic) ]
11. Meat is incredibly important for your diet, avoid seed oil and corn syrup poison [ Dr. Chris Knobbe - Diseases of Civilization ]
12. Hunter bidens Finger Lakes tattoo [ Silent hill, Oz, Mormon origin, pedo symbol, missing people, military bunkers, anomalies research buoy, Ghislaine Maxwell submersible: tunnel to canada ]
13. CERN ritual and tunnel ceremony
14. Encryption | Hardware backdoor [ IntelME, AMD PSP, ARM Trustzone, rsabd.py, NSA SELinux, iOS pegasus ]
15. Antarctica [ Fitbit leak, Antarctic treaty, Admiral Byrd, 15th century map, /x/32364917 ]
16. Moon [ Lost footage, 1962 laser beam, Nixon phone call, AMERICAN MOON(2007), lux ]
17. Psionic [ Gateway, RV, AP, CIA-RDP96, Edward Riordan 2017 ]
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>legislatively successful
oh wow with facts and logic!
Enjoy prison, stlaker.
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Does this guy live off of his daughter's webcomic money or something? His job used to be waiting around on Donald Trump's Twitter page hitting refresh so he could be the first to leave a mean reply to his tweets, but Trump hasn't posted on Twitter in almost 4 years. That's a long time to keep hitting F5.
Why exactly are you posting twitter screenshots from Mark "ashtray looter" Hamill?

Captcha: PS4W
oh don't feels sad, we old and old stuff that just works is still worth keeping. if you don't feel like upgrading that's totally fine my dude.
as to not make you feel sad:
an overclocked AMD FX is still a AMD FX .
Didn't he try to kill his daughter?
the cope is hilarious, they know trump's gonna win and there's nothing they can do about it
Look, I liked Mark in the original Star Wars, but he is a massive faggot that needs to get slapped hard.

Reminder that star wars has always been for faggot beta white boy nerds
Just becasue something is a plan doesn't mean the plan is not retarded.
Kek. Hamill didn't even write that pathetic damage control tweet ofc, his handlers did, but it's funny to see him squirm and be ridiculed into oblivion
Biden himself did that too. Every answer was basically prefaced with "nuh-uh" with no further elaboration.

>no one will remember presidential shitslinging delivered to the entire world, the real story is boring nyt poll shit.
This is sour grapes if I've ever seen it. Biden looked awful and there's just no hiding it.
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For some reason he has deleted this tweet
why is everyone such a sperg on the intertnet
>Sup fuckface
This an old man who thinks swearing is funny like a teenager
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>they know trump's gonna win and there's nothing they can do about it
corp media talking heads, D.C. establishment swamp was telegraphing and openly expressing this a few months ago when all of the Lawfare cases against Trump imploded.
also this spring, several U.S. Supreme Court cases which were potential blows as bad as the Roe v. Wade overturn last year, had oral argument and they are bringing out the rulings tomorrow.
They're really in freakout mode, the 'Orange Man Bad' campaign which began in 2016 simply won't kill the maga spirit of the people themselves.
it's regular American citizens who actually support Trump that they hate, and want 'disappeared'
except it's not going to happen, kek
only Biden can step aside, where did this dumbass idea originate that the sitting president can be removed by his party, kek, lot of niggers posting
>where did this dumbass idea originate that the sitting president can be removed by his party, kek
The 25th amendment, section 4. It's not the party exactly but it's close enough that laymen would conflate them. Even if this weren't a highly politicized time Biden 100% meets the criteria for removal due to inability to discharge duties and responsibilities of the presidency. This is far from the first time the possibility of Biden getting section 4'd has come up. It's just it's never been more obvious than now and everyone knows it.
Based noticer
He's one of those sad faggots who do it for free.
Star Wars is overrated and he’s a moron but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s by far the best joker.
This can't be real.
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This asshole needs to fuck off and just stick to doing voice acting.
that was a wild dream jeff had last night. joe hasn't been running in the past 10 years.
>You clearly aren't.
Look in the mirror, lmfao! Deeeerp.
Diaper joe has been this way since at least when he was vp. You're too stupid to see that your media branch, the msm and the dnc have been using joever beard for the oval office. Who's been running the country? Deerp.

Now you need to take a deeper look at event 201 in 2019, when the practiced a full blow corona virus pandemic, you fucking chukle head idiot. Remember fauci promising trump a pandemic, right after event 201? Remember that ukraine had 50 plus bvio weapons labs that developed gain of function weapons? Deeeeerp.

You dumb.

Glad to see its joever. Glad to see your side set the precedent that an ex president cannot use immunity.
>THAT was considered a highlight by them?
They're wildly stupid. Yes.
>joe hasn't been running in the past 10 years.
joe hasn't been in the past 10 years
Watched a few minutes of it and Biden was incoherent. I literally couldn't figure out what he was trying to say. "Trump was telling Ukraine was telling Trump do whatever you want. So that's what Trump did." What does that even FUCKING MEAN??? Can't they at least get better script writers for Biden. This is just fucking elderly abuse.
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JESUS and I thought De Niro was Unhinged.
social media is responsible for a lot of bat but i am grateful that it exposed the carefully curated image of celebrities to be in reality just as stupid uneducated and moronic as the average idiot... hell they are even dumber than average because no one corrects celeb cunts and they are just surrounded by yes men.
did you not see him racing through his intro at the beginning not taking a breath or pause between words at all? thats a stimulant peak if I've ever seen one.
he mellowed out after and coasted down into functional the rest of the night
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No matter who "won" the debate, the American people lost. It's not like we had an actual choice anyway, but this election theme is vote for the candidate who lies incoherently, or the one who lies coherently.
Your new talking points are gay.
The fuck. I dont care about lies, obfuscation or other bullshit propaganda moves. Just what is going on in this person's head?
his is one of the most retarded things I've seen about this situation, second best only after Ukrainian MOD account quoting One Piece.This one is yet to be topped.
i thought the proper term was "justice influenced individual"?
i guess it only matters to use the proper term when its a crackhead nigger that raped and murdered a woman
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When Kevin Conroy (the goddamn Batman) died, Mark Hamill (the Joker) has become bold and unruly.

We miss you Kevin.

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>Just what is going on in this person's head?
they're playing with toys in their minds.
What cope
I'm glad Star Wars is dead
Get a load of this dyke.
Turbo kike
he's still the best joker.
The Cope is strong
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>Literally Who? has an opinion on social media.
Big if true!
The people are seriously demented. I don't understand why they all have these sensational, cartoonish ideas about politics and war. Comparing the Ukraine war with Marvel and cheer it on like a sports game and people like this Jeff faggot.
>one off night
holy shit. this guy used to be my hero
>Remember when Mark Hamill fellated a wrinkled alien for sustenance?
i never watched episode 9. is that what happened??
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>mfw Bidens wife went on stage saying"Now everyone clap and congratulate Joe on answering all the questions"
>t. Hongcouver gook
Didn't this guy have a serious accident with a bit of facial reconstruction surgery and brain damage suspected? LOOL
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Reddit went into a full sperg panic and shut down all posting for like an hour last night. Then a bunch came here to fag around while coping and seething. Fuxking kek
>brot can't read
>good night NC!
He ended the night by saying this to everyone in GA. Lmao his supporters are in absolute denial.
No, the new Panamanians beat the old Panamanians
Brothers in Christ, what the FUCK am I looking at here?
he can still get sued because the jury found him not guilty of rape.
Does that make Joe Biden Owen Hart?

>. period.
Luke Skywaller sure turned out to be a massive faggot.
I hate "Will you shut up man" for the exact same reason I hate Biden's stupid smug fake smile he puts on to deflect the sense of weakness as he's being told harsh truths that he proceeds to say with a straight face are lies.
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>adjudicated rapist
seriously wtf does this mean?
Manchurian candidate was the highlight for me.

I bet no news ever covers that little mention.
They humiliated both of these senile dinosaurs. It’s crazy to think 2016 was 8 years ago. Who would have thought your hero’s brains could turn to mush in such a short amount of time.

They lobotomized him because they feared he might remember the 70's and 80's.
this guy looks like he was the one fucking the twink in the capitol building
>wtf does this mean?
it's real in Mark's mind
Manmade horrors beyond comprehension.
How do we create a system where to speak publicly Jews are required to have a license?
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>I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence, and I don’t think he knows what he said either.
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What a faggot
omfg you can actually hear the shart
Wtf, I thought he's dead
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Hamill, please. Just stop.
I watched it and I don't know.

Trump wants to implement tariffs on foreign goods to "bring money to america," (could mean anything) biden wants zero tariffs but had trouble saying tariffs always cost consumers a lot. (He stutters and is old)

Both are potentially right about tariffs at the very least so I assume the twitter poster is just a retard.

Maybe trump (who himself often rambled) made a technical mistake? Idk biden looked so clueless that trump could have been singing nursery rhymes and it would have looked competent.
Trump had the right idea to tariffs but it's extremely easy to get your way with it.
Boeing managed to do it to Bombardier and the latter doesn't even compete against them. 300% tariff. That one in particular made me dislike Boeing even before 737s started deconstructing in mid air.
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>kill your chinese granddaughter
Ah so that's why he loves biden. They share the classic bond of trying and failing to have an unwanted grandchild murdered.
This makes it sound like low expectations for Biden, how was this wrong?

Its easy to understand. Its their job. They exist to literally help people cope in times like this. Hes just there to give you an excuse to embrace cognitive dissidence.
This guy is the lowest IQ paid shill posibly of all time. Check out his Tiktok live shows, it's frustrating.
2016 meme magic is back
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>I'm just sitting here basking in the mixture of cope, fear, loathing, taking all of it in.
It's some of that old 2016 energy. Gotta enjoy it when you have a chance.
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fucking kek the late zoomers and early gen alphas are actually funny as fuck, even if they're human-nigger hybrid nu-golems.
AI can write shit like this now
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kek what a bitch
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this bitch was SEETHING on msnbc from 11 PM to 3 AM
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Like a true Zoomer, he's doing the bare minimum to get his shill money.
coping hard
Trump said he'd slap a 10% trade tariff on shit from China and that it wouldn't cause prices to go up for the consumer.
>the cuck eyes with the smug outlook on life
eps 4-6 were kino, and I'm not a space fantasy guy. though I like Firefly, which is way more leftist than Star Wars was. oh well. I am genuinely surprised people dont like episode 4 or 5. the pacing on 6 was slow, I give it that.

hamil though is a fucking faggot loser
Still don't understand why JFK isn't in the talks.
He’s saying that Biden was a fucking nightmare so there’s no way he was drugged up
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>(((Hamill))) attacking Zion Don
>ur legislation sucked
>ur also literally a criminal
yeah so ad hominem! poltard cant read as per
Trump won. America won. It is ALWAYS morally correct to murder communists.
Because he can't talk, and it would take him longer then the time given to respond.

voting trump
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if you're expecting those shit eating faggots to be morally consistent you're in for a bad time.

they don't give the slightest fuck about hypocrisy, facts, logic or good faith. they care about WINNING - it is perhaps their greatest strength.

the jew has created a formidable coalition of retards and faggots
No. The Obamas are smart. They will keep hosting dinners with $50,000 tables.They’re done with political office
Lol you people are so fucking stupid. Biden is NOT GOING ANYWHERE. You're stuck. You've going to lose a landslide to Trump. You could've handed the reins to RFK 6 months ago but a bunch of political hacks wanted to keep earning a paycheck for one more year.

You're fucked. That tranny nigger Michael isn't coming to save you
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i like this meme

>Maegan Chen, a former partner of Nathan Hamill (Mark Hamill's son), alleged that both Nathan and Mark pressured her to terminate her pregnancy.
>Chen claims that Mark Hamill told her she "shouldn't bring a child into the world that nobody wants".
>According to Chen, Mark's wife Marilou arranged a medical appointment in London under the guise of a checkup, but it was actually for an abortion consultation.
>Chen initially took abortion pills under pressure but later discovered the abortion had failed and the baby was still alive.
>Despite continued pressure from the Hamill family, Chen ultimately decided to keep the baby.
>Chen gave birth to a daughter named Autumn in October 2016.
They keep saying it was 6 million too.

They worked well during his term.
They have to choose Kamela. lol. They are trapped.
It's toe not tow faggot.

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