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Salt Mining:>>472411428
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>Dems, CNN and shills right now
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It's so joever
It doesn't matter they will rig the shit again just watch 100 million votes for Biderp the Living Skeleton
>the stutter meme again
This is why women shouldn't be allowed to vote
Bidens lips dont move when he talks.
They unironically need to bring back Bernie. He'll outlaw Zionism
these are so good keep em coming
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Has he ever been so humbled?
33% of the country is in cope mode
I like this part: https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1806498159377477797
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Ayo where da fuck da facts be at nigga? Where da debate? This democracy yo
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alright chuds Biden just had a cold. He will BUILD. BETTER. BACK.
And then stop orange Hitler-lite.
Turn on CNN, this is the people voting the 33% defending senile Joe saying he has a stutter.
The stutter thing is such a misdirection. The problem is what he does manage to get out. It's not just a speech impediment. It's a cognitive disability.
>Lead pipes, gotta fix the lead pipes.
Biden's brain is stuck in the 60's.
It’s already been said a million times but Biden is in cognitive decline. Dems should have put someone else forward. They are so afraid of trump they would rather make fools of themselves with a demented candidate than put a riskier candidate forward. I don’t know why they want so badly to defeat trump because someone just as “dangerous” will inevitably replace him. I thought Biden would win before the debate but now I am not too sure. Honestly in 2020 I thought they would declare him unfit and put that monkey Indian woman in charge instead. Really surprised they still went with him.
Look of course Biden is a disaster but this is also a perfect example of jewish collective behavior in action. Look how every single major media outlet has quickly adapted to the same message. This is code red for them. Even Steve Lookner got the message and was unabashedly tearing Biden apart. This is 100% to do with them not trusting Biden on Israel.
Harry was probably at Camp David. Why isn't he sick?
It's emblematic of America that still keeps going with Biden and thinks everything fine, consider every other piece of policy being in the same dynamic too, it's fine bro, we're winning
Just a reminder that that's a cnn poll.

The post debate speech by trump is absolutely killing it

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>trannies on suicide watch
>err...more so than usual.
Biden talks so much life a soft boy. It’s disgusting.
Bernie "The Heart Attack Kid" Sanders? The Champagne Socialist Jew who writes rape fantasies and can't even stay vertical in the shower?

Sure thing, Schlomo.
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we, are so, fucking, BACK BAYBE!
Thread theme.
Wait, wait
is this legit???
just woke up. Can someone give link to the whole debate?
Texting my leftist buds and laughing. We’ve known this was going to happen for years.
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They just gonna switch him out, that's the plan, always has been
sir this is a wendy's
they set our boy up to fail tonight
Trump was hilarious: https://x.com/jasonrantz/status/1806499384332591578
Yes anon. this is 100% real
It just came out of nowhere
my water intake pipe is copper you dumb senile fuck
Discount Eric Clapton once blocked me for calling him out when he was e-begging to post on Twitter.
That was historically bad. Biden seemed to be barely holding it together, with his body language suggesting he was on the verge of nodding off or suffering from some kind of brain malfunction. His eyes darting around like a madman, his mouth hanging open, and his tendency to go off on tangents about unrelated topics made for a rather pitiful display.

His constant drawing of blanks, tired and disheveled demeanor, and incoherent ramblings about funding black schools when asked about the environment were concerning to say the least. Biden's body language with his bug-eyed glances and gape-mouthed expressions, is unequivocally reminiscent of a dementia patient

Here you are my aryan brother
All you need to know is Joe Biden is celebrating at a local Waffle House right now
X isn't even a Wendy's. It's like the lunch counter at an abandoned K-Mart.
few things i loved from Trump this debate
1.Ukraine, he made a powerful statement about saving remaining Ukraine lives cause that war is unwinnable short of a huge conflict with dead american solderis
2. Making it abundantly clear that the felon title they put onto trump was a dirty tactic they did just to smear his name and was corrupt to do to a political opponent
3. he almost exonerated the Jan 6 people, certainly made a comparison to the rioters which did way more damage in a single riot than the jan 6 people did just fucking around in the capitol, he couldve condemned them and he didn't go close to that in this debate
Hands up those who thought the dog shit smeared on a flaming playing card won the debate?
>half the people put their hands up
Hands up those who thought Trump won the debate?
>the other half put their hands up
Democracy is really alive and well here, we'll be right back
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hes not fit for the tunderdome
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>captcha D420
holy leaf making based thread
>women niggers and soiboys raising for Biden
Imagine my shock.
In all fairness, half of those people probably thought Trump was the dog shit smeared playing card.
Biden at 1 hp
Biden dark red smash bros
Biden at half a heart
Biden out of mana
Biden need health where priest
Biden need a tag out let that cameltoe bitch take a swing
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I hate to say it but Clot Adams got it right:
His whole staff are DEI and believe their own bullshit about
>injecting bleach
and praising
>Nazis with Swastikas on their torches coming out of the forest
whatever the fuck that means. Only fucking idiots believe that bullshit and there aren't enough idiots to get JoePaedo elected.
Which is all Biden managed to get out before he started drooling on himself.
Honestly, debates are useless.
Even Trump fumbled so hard against Hillary 8 years ago. People were saying Hillary won all 3 times. Trump still won in the end.
People are idiots. By the time November comes they'll all would have forgotten these debates already.
All the Biden team and biased news media needs to do is lay low.
I've noticed there is absolutely no news about presidental elections these past month.
In the previous elections you'd get bombarded with these news TWO years before the election. Now there's nothing. It's clearly to protect Biden. The less news on him, the better for him.
I don't know if it's CNN muting the mics but I like that he did shout over Biden and just let him bury his own grave.
kek, old man forgot the script
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Sad! Jill Biden Leading Dementia Joe Off the Debate Stage After Getting Thumped by Trump

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>Trump lies about abortions 'after birth' during Biden debate.

where exactly was the fucking lie? are we just gonna pretend that Virginia governor didn't openly say what we all heard him say? We also gonna pretend genocide Joe hasn't threatened me with F22s on at least three separate occasions?
CNN.com you fag
look at them demonizing CNN for having the honest discussion of whether or not they should trade Biden for a better candidate, those discussions on CNN and the mildly better debate hosting this year did so much for their moderate status and yet the left is gonna hold their feet to the fire for finally speaking some truth to their base
Van Jones already tying himself to the Kamala tree
>soft paywall
pRedditors on suicide watch
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Trump @ Joe. "America says , you're fired"
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>Things that happened never actually happened....

Donald, is that you?
He just struggling to get into an SUV a week ago https://en.as.com/videos/president-biden-struggles-with-suv-entry-raising-questions-about-his-health-again-v/
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...at least Joe's wife was there, fren.

Where was "Melanie" tonight? Fucking her Secret Service buck?
Trump generated iconic moments in those debates and Hillary seemed out of touch…
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He's being red pilled in real time LMAO
Joy Reid put her Trump wig back on
>Politico: Democrats consider the unthinkable, It's time for Biden to go
It's fucking over Bidenbros.
Meanwhile in real life
>Joe Biden gets baby-carried by the secret service, gets lost in the entrance, falls off the podium's stairs, dual wields a phial of ichor to keep himself alive, shit himself onto the lectern and turns to Trump and says "awesefeneaweseimsorry"
Kek , Calvin's new scum
It's obvious that the jews want Trump to win reelection. Israel has never been so scared under Biden's presidency. The kikes want all you goys to give up your lives defending pissrael
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The fuck is this nigga saying.
He looked genuinely terrified over being accused of being a republican
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>Trump generated iconic moments in those debates and Hillary seemed out of touch

In you go!
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>liberal brother calls halfway through
>in complete shock as to how bad biden sounded
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I woke up an hour ago, basically walking on the DNC machine in emergency mode. What the FUCK did I miss?
Trump is on crime stats now
Trump’s best non-primary performance.
Biden is being tagged out.
You just witnessed a coup
Funny that
Worst outcome. Anyone who is sentient and not Hillary Clinton would wipe the floor with Trump
This was a high point for Biden, your brother is out of touch.
This country won't survive another election where there is a spike of votes in the middle of the night, skewing wildly towards the previously losing campaign, that gives one candidate just enough to win. I don't care whether those are real votes or made up one's. Our citizens are nowhere near emotionally and cognitively mature enough to deal with that.
Biden was basically a stuttering, drooling old man... and Trump lied every time he opened his mouth.
About what we all expected.
If being a convicted felon won't stop MIGA supporters from voting Zion Don then why would dementia aids prevent true American patriots from voting for Biden?
newsom is going through his second recall and his state is in freefall and a prime example of failed democrat policies. they should absolutely run him.
What happened around May?
Lmao 33% of people are complete fucking retards
Aids Clapton is my favorite /pol eceleb
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You know why they can't replace him?
Because then Kamala the ghost will have to step up and is a double whammy.

She'll fucked up even worst and second Hillary Clinton will not allow it.
They're stuck with this mummy
It won't.
Still voting for Biden.
The report that he was too retarded to stand trial.
Preplanned switch out of the dentist puppet in chief for someone else




Kikes kiking kikes.
Dementia will do that to you
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We need an emergency candidate, someone who can step in and lead America away from the brink. Someone who is beloved across both aisles, and with a proven record. We need HER.
Gotta admit... that's fucking true.
Q is fucking real.
Any entertaining livestreams digging in the salt mines?
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Honestly, he won.

Yes - he had a little senior moment- but senior citizens have wisdom. Joe knows how to run the country and he says he will tax the billionaires 24%.

Trump is just lying and lying. Trump does seem to have a lot of energy but it is malicious and dirty, slimy energy. Joe's a real guy from Scranton with a stutter and he's got my vote for sure!!! I'd rather have a real guy who is super smart but gets nervous and loses his train of thought than a sleazy slimy traitor.
t. californian
It's too late to replace Biden, the VC nigress has the best chance but she's nowhere as popular as the grandpa.
It's no surprise that even Democrats are criticizing his performance. His lackluster showing has only further fueled the debate about his mental and physical fitness for office. Maybe you could brush off the dementia accusations as GOP propaganda. But tonight it was on full display for anyone honest.

Wtf was that rambling about funding historically black colleges when he was supposed to talk about climate change? That was so fucking retarded.

Meanwhile, Trump, while far from perfect, appeared more composed and energized in comparison.
lets not let the left fool us into lowering our energy and drive for victory by thinking we already won, til election day we need to fight like we're sure Biden could win
Sad thing is, it doesn't even matter. Jews will win and they will continue to suck the world dry squatting at the heart of the United Shits of Niggeria.
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Trun0s Carter speech is fkin gold

Falling up stairs laughing my ass off


>captcha DANG. Cant take screenshot due to security dangers wtf
It's not too late to switch him out for big mike, Newsome, or Whitmer or even Hillary, soneone like that, maybe Harris will be the VP
Sure thing, Brucie.
Go pick up another slab of tinnies for me while you're at the bottleo, right mate?
BREAKING: The Financial Times reports a Democratic party insider saying, following Biden debate performance, 'there is a higher level of panic than I have ever seen or thought possible'.
It’s amazing to me that people can’t see how cartoonishly bad the Democratic Party is at the moment… literally everything they run goes to shit and they can’t stop screeching at each other for not being progressive enough. Woke politics killed itself but not before they try to kill everyone else
>democrats throw Biden under the bus to get him to drop out
>33% of brain dead democrats still think he won
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Why are all the news stations I don’t like agreeing with me!?!? WHAT IS GOING ON!?!
She doesn’t have to be popular. Just conscious and aware of her surroundings
That's a WW3 candidate. She crazy.
Damn you glow hard nigger
Nigga have you seen the issues polls? Everyone knows we're on the wrong track, it's just they've convinced a third of the country that Orange Man Bad.
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Imagine the black brown and boobies pushback if they pass over kamala for someone else.
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Discuss Biden shitting his pants:
https://youtu.be/-v-8wJkmwBY?t=4575 [Open]
>People were saying Hillary won all 3 times.
Yeah anon, liberals sniff their own farts usually and insist their side ALWAYS won- tonight's clearly been a disaster for them if they can't even pretend there were positives
>Trumps after speech

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k5pqecWvO58 [Open]
Cause it's a setup
Goddamn. Obama left office almost eight years ago, and you're still posting this dead meme.
Let it go, please.
“I think we did well”
Joe went to Waffle House
Hit a sore spot, did I, Moshe? Go pick up your own grog you alcoholic wanker.
Biden on his out of estus flasks
Biden's shield durability low
Biden out of repair hammers
Biden debuffed by enemy mage spells
Biden pulling aggro in a DPS role
Biden vigor stat level 1
Biden strength stat level 1
Biden dex stat level 1
Biden stamina stat level 1
Biden intelligence stat level 1
Biden faith stat level 1
Biden luck stat level 1
Biden charisma stat level 1
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>Honestly, he won.
Honestly, you've vaxxed.
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All joking aside we can't let Trump have the nuclear codes
Shit I would too
I don't want either of 'em to have them, honestly.
This. 2016 was different. Trump had the zingers and looked better than Hillary but there was a ton of spin in Hillary's favor, and she wasn't someone who was obviously lacking in mental faculties staring into space with their mouth wide open and rambling about unrelated nonsense. You could reasonably frame Hillary as winning the debate. In 2020 they tried to claim Biden won the debate because Trump interrupted too much

This time they're not even trying to make Biden look good and are flat out admitting he performed poorly.
Was it though?
Bidens lips dont move when he talks.
Why would they do this if they were planning to throw it?
Trump towards Dana white. You should start a "migrant fight league"

Trump states he will send them the hell back home
>oh shit, he knows
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Why the fuck is “both” an option on CNN’s “who would you vote for” poll lmao
it’s not real. the real number would be like 7%. i refuse to believe there’s more than 5 digits of people that think biden won
>Summon Hillary demon with 9999 hit points and crazy spells
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Big News!
BREAKING: Major Democratic donor and Biden supporter says it is 'time for the president to end his campaign' and that his debate performance was 'the worst performance in history' -- Politico

It's actually over Bidenbros. We're out.
>Trump had the zingers
Yeah, and when those "zingers" turned into campaign chants and promises he never fulfilled?

I'm not giving Trump four more years to pardon jew criminals and nigger rappers while selling us wholesale to NK and Israel.
First time I've ever said this but...body double
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How is he feeling right now?
You're kidding, right?
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>He is the most voted for president in history.
>The economy is great.
>Biden is one of the best presidients of our lifetime
They didn't actually believe any of this shit, did they?
Maybe there was a delay or lag between video and audio, but yes, a powerful faction of globalists are setting up a switch and forcing Biden to step down
secret service agent sweating MOABs, he knows what happens at these places
i just gotta keep posting these great screencaps. it's always a great night when i have 50 new screenshots on my desktop and i will post them for years
Rewind like 3 minutes
>She doesn’t have to be popular. Just conscious and aware of her surroundings
What the fuck are you talking about? What's the point of replacing him with someone who has no chance?
Dems are truly fucked
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>33% of mutts are unironically mentally handicapped
it's going to be michelle obama and they'll install her like they did biden. the writing is on the wall.
Trump is going hard on pedos atm

You niggas think everyone always has a plan. Theyre not smarter than you bro, theyre fucking morons, all of them.
vods where?
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>BREAKING: Major Democratic donor and Biden supporter says it is 'time for the president to end his campaign' and that his debate performance was 'the worst performance in history' -- Politico
>It's actually over Bidenbros. We're out.
I know a guy who'd love to step in and replace Biden.
He looks like he's about to eat a dump truck full of shit mixed with pea gravel.
Only way to make joememtum is to cover it up
>selling us wholesale to NK
Go to bed Biden, it's late and you've had a long day.
There's only one man who can stop Cheetoh Benito in 2024. Especially without the covid scapegoat.
>Maybe there was a delay or lag between video and audio,
Delay only in that specific moment.
This is cope
>It's obvious that the jews want Trump to win reelection
>So obvious that they're shutting down reddit to stop criticism of Biden
lol the random 1pbtids of pure kike shill panic is the best
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N-no refunds, pol-chan!
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>hard on pedos atm
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Great, I'm sure Putin isn't reading that.
How fucking retarded can this world actually get?
>I seriously have to stop asking that....
>Major Democratic donor
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Seriously, who at the CNN brain-trust thought to add "both" as a fucking option. My God.
Can you short this market?
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The ones behind the scenes are smarter than me and I score 97 Percentile on IQ tests, and they have military grade AI compared to my nerfed free AI. They certainly have a plan and have simulated all these scenarios numerous times
I'm with the 2% who want to watch the world burn
you can't consider both of them? why shouldn't it be an option?
These morons on CNN just got the memo that there is no replacement plan. They are doubling down on Riding with Biden.
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Why does that guy always sound like a bot programmed by the DNC? I've never seen a single original thought come out of him.
Yea their viewing party sample in Detroit was 50% Biden won
The torches thing was a reference to Charlottesville.

I got the reference to that, and the anti-semitic slogan was "The Jew will not replace us". Someone there must use pol a lot, because outside of this place, no one would get the reference.

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no idea, i don't gamble
Because you can't vote for both, therefore... it's something not even possible to consider.
>On the list of people who forgot about 2016
>The Proven Fraudster
Facing off against, The Screeching Halt. Kek
>concerned about pardoning jew criminals he's never met
>not about being able to afford groceries again
lol glowkike
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The salt is just pouring in, can't even stop it
but you can consider both of them. You can't vote for both but you can consider both
I can afford my groceries. Sorry you're a broke bitch.
Agenda 2030 would fall behind schedule and as you can see, we're all ran by really old people.
You're not considering "I will vote for both people." You're considering "I might vote for person A, or I might vote for person B". AKA, that's the "Undecided / I'm still not sure" option.
Then say "undecided," FFS.
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Something funny about this image, but I don't know what.
So no more money for Israel? Really?
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Seriously, this guy restates the most basic talking points in the most basic way with 0 input. How is he a thing? He's the most NPC person I've ever seen.
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This is false, fact check rates your F22 comment as false. He said F15s
You’re Canadian. Eat a dick. Enjoy your jeet invasion
>convince everyone I'm some sort of new dual gender double person who gets two votes
>vote for both candidates
Try to stop me.
And defend pissrael we shall, so long as it is MAGA.
Guys, it was Trump Only, Biden Only, Neither, and Both. It opens the potentiality for people to debate between the two candidates. No one genuinely will do that, but it is an out for Democrats to give a non-definitive Joe answer without crossing over into MAGA country. A Biden backer would still rather die than publicly admit they would ever vote for Trump.
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Trump moves at a mile a minute
He’s referring to little Africa aka the Midwest. Michigan got caught with lead pipes not that long ago. Niggers still get free money for it to this day.
>the idea that...
Trump dodged like half of the questions and still came out on top just because Biden can't even form a sentence. At one point Biden said something that wasn't even a sentence or relevant at all to the question and Trump responded "I don't know what he just said. I don't think he knows either."
His brain burst and Dana Lash had to save him
>long time Trudeau supporter here
>saying he i was owes billions of dollars for having sex with a prostitute
>thinking this paints trump in a bad light and not the current system
what the fuck
>our voters will vote against American democracy
what the fuck does that even mean
Biden being shit doesn't mean Trump isn't. I'm not voting for Trump regardless.

and you call yourself the politics board - Shame on you all for not watching the real debate.
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Well fuck.....
>some sort of new dual gender double person
You mean "Dissociative Identity Disorder?"
I'd believe it.
Least retarded leaf.
Sorry, but I can only have one raspy voice in a public debate.
>implying joe remembers anything that happened after 1990
>Oh noes! He's participating in an active discussion about something that just happened!
What about it, kike?
Trump is un-intimidated by Mileikowsky. I would expect him to demand an end to the war, but expect him to say it's for your own benefit and you are getting a tremendous deal.
Now try having 3 children and a wife and having to afford them NEET. When you're spending $300 a week when you spent $200 you'll think different.
What's worse is they pay him to do this.
Bitch, nobody's voting for Brainworms McStrokie.
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Scattered unconfirmed reports Trump won so hard it literally broke reddit.
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Biden won't be on the ballot. You will be voting for which preplanned puppet has been decided in back rooms by rich globalist bankers awhile back to switch out for Biden soon enough
>he doesn't have his kids mowing lawns
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Goodnight John Joe Bidet
All faggot niggers and r*dditors on suicide pact watch
I hope all democrats commit mass ritual satanic suicide with fucking bombs, rope, and nearby sharp objects.
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its fucking joever
Harry Sisson is not an actual human being. Harry Sisson is an AI chatbot.
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>David axelrod
>Now try having 3 children and a wife and having to afford them NEET.
Sorry. Successful faggot here. Sorry you wasted your life with a succubus and three kids who will put you in a home someday.
Sucks to be you, breeder!
Finally a reputable, trustworthy news source
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I cant' wait to see this guys tweets under Trumps posts in the future Reeing about everything

>caring about young time traveling brian stelters opinion
LOL. They are doomed then. Look at her trip to the border. Look at anything she has done. She is only aware of herself. That is all.
>and by the way...
I like your cut of honk.
He should have given the context of Flint, MI. Some of the shit he said was correct, but not everyone knows the context.
The torch-carrier "Nazis" was a reference to Charlottesville, but not everyone knows that context either.

He sounded weak, as far as his voice goes. Trump sounded his best, and was witty as well.
>about to play an encore of the debate
Aight I’m tuning out now. Goodnight bros. This was one of my funnest political nights since 2016
>Biden 33, Trump 67, margin of error 33%
>it's another the simpsons did it episode
who can stop them
No, I'll vote for the Congressional and local candidates. My state is never going to be red so it doesn't actually matter who I vote for president.
When are train wrecks NOT entertaining?
So it's confirmed they'll replace Biden but people obviously know now that a braindead boomer has been responsible more or less for how terrible the last nearly 4 years have been
Anyone notice all the MIGA posting is absent. They can't even pretend Biden is the better candidate are licking their wounds right now. I predict they'll be back on this board in a couple days.
>Gay Marriage not mentioned even once
Fucking idiots.
>4chan fag lying on the internet
A tale as old as time.
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>Implying the torch carrying Nazis in Charlottesville weren't federal glow agents
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CNN is broadcasting a encore performance of the debate? Surely Cooper is joking.
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Democrats on suicide watch
Ooo! Struck a nerve, did I?
Is your loose pussy wife being fucked by a big black buck yet, Cuckmaster?
When is the last day to register to be on the ballot? Each state is different.
I can’t stand the cnn crew talking in bad faith after the debate about the topics.

>it’s a lie about late term abortions
No it’s not!
>trump lied about the Paris accord!
No he didn’t
>trump lied about illegal immigrant committing crimes “statistically there is no evidence”.
>yes there is and the very act is a crime in itself.
>trump lied about being the best president!
Hi this is a presidential debate! Did you expect him to agree with Biden? lol really?

Hearing them drone on about Biden being factual and correct while biden was barely coherent and drifting out of consciousness is appalling! Weekend at Bernie’s type but in real life sad.

The panel of CNN people know Biden’s cognitive decline because they have a press pass for the whitehouse meaning they knew this was an issue years ago and faked the funk until it became obvious to everyone at the most advantageous time so they can swap him out with a well liked but clearly stupid replacement “maybe newsom”

It’s clear as day he’s not running anything and the Democratic Party was using him as a puppet to push their agendas. The most pathetic aspect is it’s the same party who wants to pretend they are moral authorities on everything.
holy fucking shit!
>You see they're evil geniuses , I'm a nice genius I'll just make Chyna pay ( for better American lives)
>implying youre a summerfag that doesnt know shit about fuck
>The coin flip! The coin flip! Remember, Biden still won the coin flip!!
>lead pipes are a real debate issue he should have spent time expanding on
>"Jill... I'm hungry."
>"Well get you whatever you want, honey. Where do you wanna go?"

Most of them on both sides are only there to grift and get corrupt with power, minus a few outliers. Thanks for voting for fir tyranny as well as mine and your own children's enslavement
Already he has missed the filing date in 6 states.

I don't know what will happen, but running for president is a years-long process. Sure there might be a new candidate, but he will be starting from 0mph with Trump at 60mph and 90% of the distance completed.
just admit you made an oopsie otherwise you just look retarded
Trump is hitting the ground running. His speech is live atm.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k5pqecWvO58 [Open]
Wtf I love Biden now!
Kek, I remember when known Lincoln project operatives were caught pretending to be tiki torch carrying khaki wearing racists pretending to support Governor Northam to get photos and frame the narrative that he is racist
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He's heading home.

Average American reading comprehension
that was Feb
think May might've been trial stuff, not sure
rather than gloating or weeping at Biden's performance, people should be asking themselves who the fuck has been running the country for the past several years.
if Biden's incompetence is so obvious to us plebes and unwashed masses now, it most certainly was apparent to corporate America's CEO's, executives, and boards of directors some time ago. there's no fucking way Biden would have been allowed anywhere near the levers of actual power. he's simply too dangerous to the stability corporate profits need to prosper.
so who the fuck has been running the country for the last several years is the question everyone should be asking themselves.
>empty callsign
I was told any aircraft carrying the President adopted the callsign Air Force One...
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Howdy :D
Reminder that the election doesn't matter.
They're gonna send you to die in WWIII no matter who wins.
>people should be asking themselves who the fuck has been running the country for the past several years.
it was always obvious that a mix of young DEI scum and old Kikes have been running the show
They control enough of the establishment and bureaucracy to ram through or pull off ust about anything, with or without prescident
Fuuuuuck this means we’re going to have a bird flu pandemix now.
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They're whisperin'
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>Fuuuuuck this means we’re going to have a bird flu pandemix now.
And a war!!
Fuckin lmao.
The five stages of leftoid grief.
> if you like fake hair dont run for politics ( the wind was 35 mph. Ridiculous)


Trump is on electric vehicles being sp heavy so we have obsolete infrastructure

Is a Baker preping a new bread
Fuckin saved
Will never happen. US meat catchers will meet the rifle behind every blade of grass.
bros when can I watch the video where she eats a face or whatever it was?
good Question
>bump limit
New thread here


They'll pull some false flag bullshit just like the other times.
>Vague statement appealing to unknown authority.
That's not tobacco you smoked, is it?
YouTube you dumb nigger.
Lol she wouldn’t have a fucking hope but it would be smarter to pivot to this cunt months from the election than stay on the sinking ship with demented Biden and retarded Kamala
He will be switched, been planned along time ago, you will see soon enough
>it was always obvious
to a large percentage of /pol/, yeah
but the average normie/npc still is under the impression biden was actually in charge of something significant.
and even the majority of /pol/ is thinking tonite's debate was something other than theatre, acting like we won something.
Dems have known for awhile Biden couldn't compete against Trump. tonite was a stage managed controlled demolition of the biden campaign.
I'd love a WFH job again tbhqhfamalam but not like this
Joe has a cranium like a chinaman.
They will, but that won't make anyone from late Gen x downwards want to die in WW3.
His normally sunken tough eyes looks cartoonishly big like his commander just screamed his name and he is trying to keep composure
New thread


>Dems have known for awhile Biden couldn't compete against Trump. tonite was a stage managed controlled demolition of the biden campaign.
agreed.... as others have said...kikes want Trump to destroy the ME
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>americas laughably outdated infrastructure is something he should expand on

He should’ve expanded on it kike.
Look Jack, I'm a democrat. But if they try to fix the failing 2020 rematch with the failing 2016 one, I'm writing in Kim Jong Un.
Other countries have all their ballots counted by the end of the day.
I would pat him on the shoulder sympathetically, drop some change in that cup, and say, "Nothing seems to be working out for you, is it Jerry."

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