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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>“No one expected a master class in debating from the President, but no one expected this nose dive,” said a senior White House advisor
>“Biden needs to drop out. No question about it,” one donor said, proposing an alternate ticket led by the governors of Maryland and Michigan.
>“Our only hope is that he bows out, we have a brokered convention, or dies,” another donor and Presidential advisor said. “Otherwise we are fucking dead.”
>Pleas from within the Democratic party reflect a major turn in the campaign that may see an open convention in August to select a new candidate for November.
>A source close to the White House has disclosed to Politico that tomorrow morning the President may make a statement on resolving concerns over his candidacy.
It's too late now. The time for Biden to step down was last Spring before he announced his reelection. Now the DNC is fucking committed. They've sunk $200 million into the campaign to reelect Biden and torpedoed any potential alternative.
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if he doesn't step down himself, he may actually get the 25th Amendment.
all that needs to happen is Obama/Clintons convincing a couple Dem Senators to vote yes with the Republicans and he's out

Open convention will get Kamala selected imo. Doesn't matter who runs now.
I’m not usually a conspiratard but this absolute panic over the debate is way too coordinated. feels prearranged like they were setting Biden up to take the fall and replace him, or maybe he was in on it because his brain has turned to goop
>going down 1 step
Plot Twist: Melania endorses Biden hahahahah



are we really going to get a major sexy lady like Kamala as our POTUS that is great
My prediction is that Biden steps down as president period. Kamala is elevated to president.
She argues that she inherits the delegates from the primary, avoiding the chaos of having to fight out a primary among dems. fait accompli
That'd be just as much of a disaster though
a) Kamala is *unbelievably* unpopular and
b) Changing candidates from the incumbent president, six weeks out from the convention would be a PR disaster. An incumbent president hasn't lost or been replaced by their party's convention in this country since Franklin Pierce in 1856.
It can be argued right now that Kamala's popularity is only a point above Joe's is because of her attachment to Joe, and that the sentiment isn't baked in as she isn't as public as him and that it could be recovered.
Yes, we all know. The real question who the fuck can replace him? They got nobody.
>Kamala is *unbelievably* unpopular
So is Trump in the cities and inner suburbs. He still clinched the nomination.
>An incumbent president hasn't lost or been replaced by their party's convention in this country since Franklin Pierce in 1856.
A president hasnt run for another non-consecutive term for a hundred years either, at this point, anything is on the table.
I think Trump vs Kamala is more fair than Trump vs Biden at this point.
CNN was going to have complete control over how the debate was aired and disseminated, but got btfo by lawyers.
Its incredible how many news outlets are rushing to cement the narrative the right has been saying for years: biden isnt competant enough to run again.
they wanted newsom but that makes it too easy for trump to beat up on

i follow politics pretty closely and I really cant see a replacement that can win.
Do you remember four years ago when Kamala debated Pence? Pence wiped the floor with her. Kamala is a fucking idiot and cannot withstand scrutiny, even by friendly media. She is dumber than dogshit and completely inept.
Kamala was unpopular long before becoming part of Biden's ticket. Nobody liked her in 2016, nobody liked in her 2020.
>the governors of Maryland and Michigan
ah so they want an actual DC patsy, and full blown pyscho-eyed glownigger who runs FBI entrapment ops

this is telling
Dick in Ass Kamala ohhhh yeaaahhh
>but no one expected this nose dive
huh? I predicted this months ago. I didnt even think they would do a debate. How could insiders and advisors not see it?
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I hate her, but...
"Otherwise we are fucking dead" audible kek
Kamala’s rating in the Dem primary of 2020 was at 2% likeability. Not vote totals, likeability. Among Democrats. Think that over again. 2% likeability rating amongst Democrats-only. She’s not the one.
Biden can still win with the math. He just need 3 percent white votes to win swing states.

Reminder that this narrative of calls from Dems for Biden to drop out is theater to give people the sense that it's still a fair election. Biden will remain as the candidate because whoever is actually running the country (probably Obama) is happy that Biden is a mere actor who's happy to fill that role while someone else does all the work.
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4 am talking points. So tiresome.
> this is a big fucking deal
>brain has turned to goop

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>CNN headline is literally "We are fucked"

How low can you get?
Nobody liked Biden either before the deep state settled on him to get rid of the Bernie threat.
People have memory-holed that after Tulsi absolutely gutted her in the debate, Cum-Allah dropped out even before her home state of Califagula had its primary.

She’s literally a dressmaker’s dummy. The true DEI VP.
>too late now
all the speculation and /pol/ threads aren't going to make it occur,
doesn't matter anyway because the global economy totally collapses prior to September.
none of us are making it to November 2024
>if he doesn't step down himself, he may actually get the 25th Amendment.
She won't do it. We'll be stuck and the security risk to America will be too high to overlook.
VP needs to initiate...Section 4
There are requirements to be put on the ballot. There's no way a replacement could be implemented this close to election and meet them in every state. It's Joever.
>here's no way a replacement could be implemented this close to election and meet them in every state.
True, Ship has sailed.
Kamala is eligible.
Yeah, but nobody wants her.
They need to quit shitting in the bed and just call Hillary to be #2, send KJP packing immediately, fire some randos that suck, and tell Harris to take that dream legal or media or ambassador position. Simple as.
Ballot would say Biden
bread and political circus
You get a guy that talks about the people and the people disregard him like old discarded tuna.
Why do you people hate yourselves so much?
What is so bad about RFK that you subject yourselves to the corporate puppets?
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>Weekend at Biden's
i would vote Democrat if they nominate the final boss The Rock
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Nah, you fuckin shitlibs, niggers, globalists/communists/jews/marxists, I DON'T want biden to be replaced. You won't be able to replace him without the catastrophic ego hit anyway that you've been desperately avoiding since you ran him, got him installed and have defended. Now you're just making excuses to try and reduce the ego bruise from him and by extension YOU

I want him to stay
I hope he is suffering in all levels of being, daily
I hope he is being reprimanded and belittled for being such a disaster
I want all of you faggots who voted for him to suffer and continue to suffer daily under what he has caused, what YOU have caused
I want you all to have no other recourse than to commit mass sudoku out of fear of facing up to how wrong and manipulated you willingly are
I want you to have to try and rig this moron and his moron vp into a 2nd term despite it being so obvious and de-fortified that you'll feel like your being forced to put your collective dicks into a bear trap with the administration's gun to your heads while having to pay for expensive gas, being evicted due to lack of rent, taking out new credit lines to buy a gallon of milk and being mugged and rapped by haitian, muslim and venezualen illegals

Fuck you. biden stays until the end.
Things are hard sure. I'm fine. My family is fine. My friends are fine. You deserve the hell and you are NOT fine. Die in this pain suckers.
Name your favourite shabbos goy
Wow is that real?
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fuck kikes
It's too late for him to back out in some states, they would effectively be giving them up to trump without a fight.
Joe has to stay in. I doubt he will debate again tho
Not the win anyone might think. Everyone except her knows that she was a fuck doll/baby machine.
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was there a debate tonight?

Jesus. They don't have strong names, unless they bring Hilary + Obama (as ridiculous as this would be) I can't see the Dems having a chance.
This. And no oldfag would disagree. It's a script. Every libtard outlet is on the same page. They intentionally emphasized his "7 days at Camp David," the timing of the Hunter trial is no coincidence ("Well his son was always trouble" -- normies now), the Obama gentle guidance with the back of his hand.
This board is down the drain believing this anything but a glowop. Whether they run a new candidate or project Trump as the inevitable "evil" candidate to instigate and elevate Civil War movie tier skirmishes who knows. This was the fakest debate in American history.
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Fake news, look at him go
>none of us are making it to November 2024
Slight exaggeration, but the October 28 tsunami will be pretty devastating.
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The voting trap and left/right paradime is a litmus test to intelligence and the sign of being an NPC or not. A majority of Americans seem to fail this test, and now kikes laugh. Biden is probably extremely intelligent but is putting on a front and secretly laughing at the dumb mind of the average American goy, while he does what his jewish maters tell him to do.
>Biden is probably extremely intelligent
The guy playing him, you mean.
Fun fact, dubya and jeb! are descended from Franklin pierce
This. You can't just "swap out" a candidate that donors have spent millions of dollars buying influence with 130 days to go before Election Day. And even if they did, Newsom sure as fuck doesn't want to be caught holding the bag because it'll destroy his political career, and even the DNC isn't retarded enough to put Hillary up again. Their only other option is Kamala. And she'd get slaughtered even worse than Biden would.
All this talk about swapping out will amount to nothing. They're stuck with him.
All the legacy media running the same script. it is really joever for him
>You're a bad Palestinian my dad and I were dying of laughter during the whole debate but that one really got us
reminder newsom is on his second fucking recall in as big of a liberal cesspool you can get
he has even less of a chance than biden
Jill, I've got 8 inches of man meat waiting for you when you decide to leave that loser for a real stud.
Honestly I love kamala reason being I have never seen or heard a human be the verbal equivalent of a pizza cutter
Goes round in round in circles, trys to have an edge but never gets to a fucking point

Some of it is probably genuine panic, all biting their nails hoping to god they can get that turd across the finish line only to watch him explode. Now they're in melt down mode and it's not fake. It may be a "PLAN B" of sorts but the concern is real.
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Well...some of them also try and sell their rap mix tapes before a night of rape
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That's why they'll go to an existential crisis to obfuscate the election fraud.
Most likely manufactured event: war. Second most likely: terror attack.
Then when they steal the election they'll say that the voters didn't trust Trump in a crisis and that they decided to "keep the adults in the room."
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>DNC forces Biden to step down
>Biden becomes Trumps VP
Imagine the redemption arc.
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>sunk $200 million
Chump change. Recall that Obama's reelection campaign was over a billion at the same point of election year. Let that sink in, they are abandoning Joe I guarantee it.
Kamala was bounced out of the first round of her primary. There are several candidates more viable than her that would get smoked by trump.
I'm in Cali. Newsom will be your president one day. He is extremely slimey, in a very Nixon, "Oh he's just too good at this" kind of way. I don't like it anymore than you do.
You sauced AND you archived. OP is not a faggot
no refunds
They'll pull some dumb trick last second that will get their most dedicated thralls back onboard. I don't think it will work though. Too many people have left them already. They've made up their minds, the economy was the linchpin for the briben's fraudulent presidency.
>So is Trump in the cities and inner suburbs.
You underestimate how incredibly awful Kamala is, even before Biden deliberately saddled her with the border. She dropped out of the 2020 primary before the first votes were cast, because she was polling to come in 4th or 5th in her own state.
Biden picked her as VP because she makes it impossible to force him into retirement, which I think was the 2020 plan
Primaries are voted on by people who vote for primaries (very few people), with the idea that after the primary the candidate has time to gain popularity/notoriety with the general public. There is no time for that now so pushing kamala who already has notoriety would make more sense than any other primary candidate other than michelle, or bernie (he's old though), because the public at least knows her.
All the "2016 is back!" posters are part of the same organized campaign. Remember they want white people to get back in line and join the military again. Not only is Trump likely to win the election, he will probably win a number of social victories as well as president. Enough to let everyone forget our recent past, because normies have mayfly memories.
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Not going to happen.
If that’s the case then surely they would have staged something sooner. I think the problem is that they KNEW he was completely crippled mentally but thought they could coast until after his possible reelection for him to stand down and let the unqualified bitch take over. No amount of drug cocktails can hide the fact that he is a feeble old man. Just let him spend his last years resting in a chair you sick fucks
This is the most realistic take I've seen of the outcome sadly.
Biden was relatively popular as the VP of obama, he polled well and had some amount of headspace from the silly 'Uncle Joe' memes of the obama era. There is a reason the democrats threw him out to beat bernie, and its because he was the only core democrat left that people actually liked at the time.

I sincerely doubt biden gets replaced now simply because no one exists who can replace him.
It's time for a fucking grass roots non-establishment candidate to rise like a phoenix. We have the power of the internet, this can spread like wildfire just as we saw with the Arab Spring in 2011. Americans need to stop acting defeated and start acting revolutionary. Millennials and Zoomers have the power, we just need to coordinate like our Arab brothers did
They thought the adrenochrome and meth cocktail would perk him up. Obviously they forgot about diminishing returns.

If I understand correctly, it is possible for the candidate to be switched out during the convention.

The delegates are not compelled to vote for the candidate that won the primary.
She has notoriety as being a diva whore retard. She has spoken in public as the VP several times. She is the border czar. Her own assistants very publicly feuded with her. She is a dead end. I hope they follow your advice
Newsome doesnt have a political career. He get pushed because he is pelosi's nephew and a governor in a blue supermajority state with a very suspect election process and has still faced an election recall.
I’m voting for Biden. Why?

Because this is clown world. Who in their right mind would vote for Trump?…

Listen, there’s a lot of gullible people out there that still think they have some semblance of freedom. Yeah this place isn’t as bad as Russia or China in some aspects but it’s obvious that the people (mostly sociopaths) pulling the strings have successfully usurped the principles this country was founded on. It’s all fake. There’s a ruling oligarchy that consist mostly of Easter European Jews…there’s plenty of white people that are also embedded in the corruption, they don’t get a pass. But the point is the whole system is corrupted and you can’t unfuck it or hope for some based leader to pull us out of it. Anyone that actually wanted to stand up to the ruling class would get Epsteined/boeinged. If you vote Trump and he wins..,That will create a scenario where young men…specifically white and traditionally-minded men will see that at the “ok” to join the military. These people will potentially be sent to their deaths for the benefit of the ruling class without knowing any better…don’t get me wrong, they are dumb but they would otherwise be your ally. Vote Biden, keep the clown show going to protect your gullible comrades. It’s not theirs fault they’re stupid.
Kamala was selected as VP for one thing only: Insurance that Biden wouldn't be revenge impeached. But now they are stuck with her since Biden went down hill faster than they anticipated. LOL
yeah she totally creeps me out. Would be like having a real life sex doll that can actually get pregnant but hated you in the deepest way possible.
This was all scripted. They've all been subtly dropping the narrative "He just HAS to do well in this debate or it's over for Biden!" It's just another jew trick, don't fall for it.
How do they get Biden out without just handing it to Kamala who is even less likely to win at this point?

What a clusterfuck that could have been easily avoided by Biden just fucking not running again. I don't understand why he'd even want to, nor why the party would let him. Just what a fucking clown show.

How do you get Biden to stop his campaign / go to an open convention without resigning the Presidency? (if he's too out of it to run then he's too out of it to be President in the meantime)

And how do you then get Kamala (possibly President Kamala) to not run in an open convention / claim the nomination is hers automatically?

They'd need to have some SERIOUS dirt on Kamala to get her to just quietly step aside for someone electable.
This sudden alarm about Biden’s performance is all part of the theatre.

And with the past eight years in politics, it should be obvious that nothing is out of the question anymore and any previous precedent means nothing.

I think the reason the DNC wanted this debate in June, rather than September-October like they always are, is so they have time to replace him
>The unthinkable
They're sofa king out of touch.
she absolutely will if Obama tells her to do it
>Biden steps down
>Kamala chosen as candidate
>Biden steps down
>Kamala not chosen as candidate
>civil war within the party, loses
If Kamala refuses to just be caretaker president sure, but perhaps there's something that can convince her to do that. Maybe they can demonstrate she's just too disliked and has literally no path to victory, and should just claim the easy first-female-president win and retire quietly.
>setting biden to fall
Is that why the voice doesn't match the lips? Volume up.
Unfathomable they even let it get this bad
>>Kamala chosen as candidate
It doesn't work like that
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President Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
It has a nice ring to it doesn't it.
ya and so will his head when mossad throws a .308 at his head.
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Screencap this:

Biden will never step down.

This post will age like the finest wine.
25th amendment requires 2/3s majority. Republicans will just say "lol, nah, you shit the bed, now go lay in it"

25th btw was added just in case trump won 2020.

>Biden steps down.
>Kamala chosen.
>Ballot deadline expired.
>Kamala can't be on CNN because not on ballot, per their rules.
>Trump debates RFK or monologues for 90 minutes.
>Biden chooses Hillary as VP
>Democrats rig the election and "win"
>Biden added to Clinton Kill List
>It's Her Turn
Arab Spring was backed by the Obama administration. Grass-roots my ass. GTFO with that bluepilled nonsense.
>Biden chooses Hillary as VP.
>Replaces unlikeable brown woman with unlikable pale woman.
Yeah, that's going to go real well with all minorities.
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jesus how is he not dead from that fall?

is he actually a clone?
Here is my prediction. Come August at the DNC, the democrat party is going to reveal to the world that your vote in the primary for biden meant absolutely nothing, just like with sanders. Reveal to everyone that it's just a corporation that chooses one side of the coin.
No refunds.
The was the plan. They want him to step down. They are acting shocked. This is everything they set up on purpose. You think they didn’t know this would happen and you think the media all of sudden criticizes their savior? Come in Peter Pan, grow up. This was the DNC plan all along. They will announce Gavin or Michelle before July.
He is a tyrannical puppet and you want him to live his life in peace? You are the problem. These people made examples of, they all bow down to central banks, they are all complicit.
She's talking
*smug face*
August 22nd
>Two more months.
>Trust the plan.
>Vote blue no matter who.
Kamala will be the candidate. VP Newsome probably.
Jokes on you my rice farm isn't going anywhere. I have enough land to feed the next 50 generations of my family. Suck it mutt.
Biden could be in a coma, and I'd still vote for him. I would go that far to fuck over Israel.
Get out of here with your cheap fakes Karen (Black Lesbian) Jean-Pierre will show you
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you don't get jack shit you fucking faggot braindead loser
Anon this is just western elites fucking finally getting fucked tbf Trump will lead us to more wars sadly at the current rate it's basically idiots running the west to the 3rd World War the 100s of millions of dead will not be worth the price paid
>Biden tripped off the ballot
The battle for the soul of America comes down to arguing about golf, alley cats, porn stars, and someone making a sharting noise. fitting
At this point, now he kinda HAS to step down, as the media just turned on him, which just destroyed any optics they had to leverage the election. If he doesn't step down or they pull the 25th, the Dems lose.
They'll use Kamala because they know the election is lost and she has to do this for them. Nobody else will-- not Michelle Obama, not Newsom, not Hillary.
yes the fact they let this happen is a clear momentum shift towards trump as the next zog puppet
A bulldog looking nigger
Absolutely disgusting. I would not. Seriously.
Except now they know they're 100% losing. Sunken costs mean nothing if staying the course means 100% losing. At least with Newsom they have a shot.
If he refuses, and as the election draws nearer, I can totally see some desperate Heeb white house aide pushing him down some stairs.
If Biden dies by falling before election, please remember me.
this all seems completely organic
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Uh why should he step down when he did so well?
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what a fucking retard.

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>anonymous sources say
retard, EVEN CNN were saying he is done. they will never have another debate again. he's finished.
>isn't going anywhere
hope you have enough small arms because they're coming for (You)
This is pretty wild that left media won't fully lie for a leftist anymore.
I guess all that cope finally hit the cognitive dissonance pain threshold.
They can't. Both are Californians, a shared cali ticket would invalidate them from running in California. And dems can't win without California.
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I'm thinking we're back.
If you wanna smash Kamala promise her a job.
Literally everyone expected this. What the hell are they even talking about.
Michelle Obama can still be rolled out.
Big Mike would be under intense scrutiny, but the gambit might pay off when they have nothing to lose as the alternative.
It was inevitable. They've been propping up this fucking corpse for 4 fucking years now.
>no one expected this nose dive
anybody who has been watching news realized this was coming

brain dead walking corpse
God imagine this timeline.
Imagine Hillary losing for the third time.

Holy shit imagine Hillary running with evidence her husband is a pedophile openly circulating on national television.
That was a CIA color revolution
Awwwwwwww shit, it's Hillary time. The Democrats are dumb enough they might just do it.
It depends how high the step is.
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>probably Obama
It's jews.
Actually you need them more than ever. Twist the knife in the wound while it's still fresh.
The vid of him tentatively getting down literally a couple of steps aided by TWO ppl isn't anything new for those who live in the real world and in terms of optics it's puts Democrats in a very negative light regardless of who they go with.
The only thing worse than keeping Biden on the ballot is replacing himbc that'd be an admission of wrongdoing towards American voters
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>EVEN CNN says
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I mean he is vietnamese, I think they are experts at defending their land with small arms.
Im not following much US politics but whats wrong with democrats to keep pushing a senile dude as candidate? Dont they have someone else?
Its not a hard job, you just need to read whatever the military and kikes hand you, but without drooling and spacing out
>ya and so will his head when mossad throws a .308 at his head.
Ooooof. But true.
Who to replace him with. Has to be mainstream dem, can't be a total tool and also has to be somewhat likeable. Harris? Micheal O?
He must remain there it wakes up millions of people to the jeeeee yeeeee yuuuuuwwwww
The dude dick-rides Israel like no one I've ever seen, so he's as compromised as anyone else.

Yeah. His stance on Israel makes it clear we're going to be drawn into a conflict there again. Thing is, the US no longer has any credibility at this point; no one is going to trust us again because even at the best of times our promises last for only one administration. There simply is no credibility left for making deals or political maneuvering. The options that remain are all ugly.
Even if it is coordinated, what the fuck is the point? This doesn't help them at all. Biden is just too old to hide it anymore. What can the liberal media do? Everyone saw it. They can't come out and deny it any longer. They're fucked.
Generally if an incumbent president wants to run for re-election, the party doesn't stand in the way. It's been over four decades since anyone seriously tried to primary a sitting president, and without looking, I don't know when was the last time that succeeded, probably over a century ago.
they got like 5 months, nothing to worry about biden bros
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neopolitan ice cream mmm
Claudia de la Cruz can win
If Kamala got elected she would unironically be assassinated in office. They would have her too many hard pills to force the public to swallow and as bad as it sounds the country just isn't ready to take that from a black woman
>anybody who has been watching news realized this was coming
And they still got vaxed
>It's too late now.
you know, i am not genius, my iq is like 100, but i would think that to make to a position of someone running the country or his staff you would have to be very capable and smart... but these people are clearly retards, even a complete idiot would tell you bidden running second time was a HORRIBLE idea, even hillary would be a better pick
it really all is just birth lottery and luck isn't it? be born into the correct rich and connected family and you can get an influential position in the gov despite being incompetent..
burgers went from a meritocracy to idiocray in few centuries... i think ww3 might not be a bad idea anymore as weak men create hard times, so now we need the hard times to create good men who create good times again
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Looked it up. 1884 was the last time a sitting president was not re-nominated by their party. And in that case, the president was a VP who became president due to the death of the elected president. So dumping a sitting, elected president is something that just doesn't happen.
>Newsom sure as fuck doesn't want to be caught holding the bag
Yeah fucking this. Why would he blow his load now against Zion Don? He'd much rather take his chances against Doug Burgum or whomever in 4 years.
dems have been so caught up in being cordial that they've willingly denied how bad biden is. with this appearance, those denials have become too burdensome to bear. if this is 12d chess, dems seem to think their chances of winning with biden are approaching zero, so instead of certain defeat, they can approach something like a stalemate by going with some other candidate. ultimately, the party leaders could probably care less if trump wins, they just need to save face and look like they're putting up a fight. if they are true biden believers, my fear is their never taking accountability for supporting him if he ends up defeated.
big mike has never had any sort of real career so no successes or failure to speak of. the only thing he'd run on is that he's not trump and that's already the strategy with biden. what would the big mike strategy be? he's not biden nor trump?
>Biden did the debate and looked horrible
>This is somehow part of the conspiracy
There is no winning with you faggots
Kamala is hated in her own district. They dont call her "heels up harris" for nothing either. Look up willy brown. Kamala spent more time under his desk than working. She's just as bad as diaper joe. Complete word salad. She goes up and throws out what she thinks is executive dialogue and it's nothing but fake winging it bullshit. The left is fucked. It's clear they have been covering this up since well before 2020. Joe has been an idiot for since obama times. Who's really running the country? Who did the gain of function covid scam that has killed and injured millions. This is all on the left, all of it.
>but no one expected this nose dive
this is why you dumb motherfuckers need to stay on your side of the ocean
>$200 million
they print that in lunch time
>actually let Trump win
>pull the life support for the economy.
>OMG it was orange man that made you homeless and hungry.
>There's no way a replacement could be implemented this close to election and meet them in every state. It's Joever.

They'll say he has covid or push him down the stairs. Top fucking kek, this is going to be better than 2016.

Now, what's really got to be eating at the dumdums on the left is the fact that this idiot has been this way since the obama era. The left cooked up the covid ala gain of function attack to get trump out of office. Event 201 in 2019 talked about a corona virus causing a pandemic. Right after that practice session, fauci promised that there would be a pandemic under Trump. The left owns this. The left also set the precedent that ex presidents can be sue and brought up on charges and no immunity. Trump is famous for his boomerangs. Now it's time for retribution. You really must also think about who is using the left's media arm, the msm to push the agendas and cover ups. Diaper joe has been this way since the obama era. Who has been running the country?
The deadline to get on the ballet in all states have passed.
They either are getting a massive write-in campaign or they have to go with Biden.
There is no "stepping down".
>DNC isn't retarded enough to put Hillary up again.
think again. Now, you must ask, diaper joe has been this way since the obummer era. The left and their media branch, the sms has been carrying the left's water for a long time. That's very clear. The left created the gain of function covid- event 201 in 2019 talked to it, they killed and injured millions to get trump out of power and set up the steal for 2020. Anyone who trusts the media is an idiot. Cnn seemed canned on the joever attack too.
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the kike media is shilling against pedo joe, that's how you know the kikes are picking zion don to try and get white men to die for israel, sign tapping intensifies
sage and /thread
Kamala is on the ballot everywhere, she will replace him.
>Sex with a pornstar
Imagine that's your best insult.
>Yeah well
>Y-y-you had sex with a PORNSTAR!
As the VP.
I guess it would depend on the state.
>trump mews
>biden stumbles off camera
we have weird elections
That was a western intelligence operation and sandniggers are not my brothers. You are brown
Nobody gives a shit about anything but the cost of living at this point. The age of propaganda IS FUCKING OVER.
its joever
If you replace Biden the Dems are going to lose anyways since it would look like they are completely incompetent
If Biden releases his delegates, they get to vote state by state for each candidate up for nomination at the convention, excluding delegates that have already voted for another candidate. The delegates released that voted for Biden will select the new Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates.
That's not how it works.
You have to apply to get your name on the presidential election ballet in each state, before the deadline.
Not to be the nominee of a party.
>This was all scripted. They've all been subtly dropping the narrative "He just HAS to do well in this debate or it's over for Biden!"

Exactly.. cnn was very canned on the comments that he failed and has to get replaced.. blah blah. Diaper joe has been this way long before 2020. People need to ask how he has been covered up for so long and why you all are so fucking dumb that you just noticed it now?

Next you have to ask event 201 in 2019 was a pandemic practice exercise. Right afterwards, fauci promised a pandemic under trump. The left has been manufacturing bio weapons in ukraine, that is an admitted fact. 40 plus labs. Wow, rub two brain cells together left tards, maybe you'll start to get the fact that you have been useful idiots for a while.
>the governors of Maryland
just another Obamaite.
>Trump will lead us to more wars sadly
You dumb
I wish
I'm listening to the debate, holy shit the Biden is vitriolic. I can't believe Trump is so calm.
So what is your base's involvement in this?
Why bother waiting?
Bidet could have just not run for reelection a few months ago and let the dnc pick whoever.
It would be too late if the debate happened deeper into the campaign like they normally do. But neither of the parties has even formally nominated their candidate yet, the democrats could still pull off a victory as long as they don't replace him with someone massively unpopular like Hillary. Replacing the guy primary voters chose with someone voters didn't get a say in would be a bad look but dementia man is probably an even worse look. And it's not like the republican side doesn't have bad PR, "convicted felon" is going to put a lot of people off even if it's based on nonsense.
>“No one expected a master class in debating from the President, but no one expected this nose dive,”
Did they miss the last 4 years and the previous debate with Trump? That's why democracy doesn't work. Everyone has the recollection of a goldfish.
It's been elder abuse for three years now, actually disgusting to watch and I have always hated his guts.
>Nothing ever really happens
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>Biden is vitriolic
>y-you had sex with a porn star
he should have replied "I'd rather have sex with a porn star than make out with my granddaughter"
That is for a normal primary, that has already happened. For the purposes of the election, the party nominates the candidate, not the people. Under party rules, an open convention would allow delegates released by Biden (those who have not voted again) will select the new candidates. These are the internal party rules and have nothing to do with state primaries, those elections are over.
>the kikes are picking zion don
is this the Gab meme?

nobody gives a fuck about the wars anymore, and this is just as bad as the
>'muh draft'
>'muh wwIII'
topic threads.

Global economy is going to completely and irrevocably permanently collapse prior to November 2024, none of us are making it to the election.
Surely no one will accept Killary or Willie Brown's Whore
The democrats are well aware that Joe Biden is a fucking idiot. It's how they've managed to loot and destroy America so readily these past 4 years.
So coming into this debate, they knew exactly the state Joe was in. They count on that to do what they do every day - destroy the country.
So don't try to guess the circumstances.
All was known beforehand.
They've been using Joe's retardation to exploit you.
They could ? do some kind of a delegate-switch at the Democrat Convention but it is extremely unlikely.
It won't happen

also, not often noted when the 'replace JB' talk comes up is the fact that the top stars of the DNC all mutually hate each other : Obamas hate the Bidens, both the Obamas and Bidens hate Kamala Harris
too much infighting they'll never resolve
and only 3 months left before the actual vote
It's probably about 10 months too late now.
The DNC can't retool this late in the game.
Especially not with the RNC being unified.
They'd lose both houses from the fallout too.
It would be even worse for them than in '68.
Better to lose the white house than everything.
Pundits saying otherwise are fucking retards.
They supported Biden 24hrs ago, so QED.
If only I knew how bad things really are.
>all the top dawgs in the Democrats hate each other
Which is why Kamala and Newsome will team up to hoover up Bidens delegates with the help of Schumer and Pelosi.
They have a full line of faggots to be given the presidency and you all know it. Even if announced 1 week before the elections they will get the post, first because their electorate will vote for anyone put in front of then and second the globohomo is quite open in them adding as much votes they need to "win".

Trump will not mean anything good either, the world is a mess and with Graham and the other neocon shits around he will continue what demonrats started. Not the President of USA is the problem, US is the problem.
They'll run Michelle. Simply because Obama needs to remain fully in power.
Obama runs the Biden administration, you absolute tool. He might hate him, but he's more than happy to use him.
>but no one expected this nose dive
I refuse to believe they were this delusional. They behave like they just heard Biden speak for the very first time.
They hate Kamalla since she is barely a Democrat. She has jailed more kangs than anyone else in DC
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Big Mike wouldn't survive the scrutiny. You're delusional if you think that is anything more than a meme.
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That triple faggot will do whatever they fucking tell him to do but I do agree it would be a bad move for him.
>Our only hope is that he ... dies
>t. presidential advisor
is this the real life?
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damage control fail

Lol no way do the Republicans do them a favor and vote to remove Biden.
It's going to be Newsome.

He was in the spin room after the debate and was the first one to take questions. They're going to start pushing him hard starting on Monday.

They knew they had to get rid of Biden and this was their chance. There had never been a debate before the convention until now, why do you think that is?
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>Who's really running the country?
Jeb runs on Democrat ticket
Gavin is always waiting in the wings
The only reason they had the first debate this early is so they could justifiably replace Biden.
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Our boy really is going to pull this off
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even our propaganda outlets have gotten the new walking orders and released few articles critical of biden days BEFORE the debate and they have never written anything critical of him
it's so obviously planned
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to see biden in his true form, simply look at his reflection in the floor as he leaves the stage
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Jews won't let Kennedy family up on that hill after JFK tried to ruin their plans to make dollar a fake fiat currency.
>Replace one industry puppet with another Industry puppet.
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Taking a look at the left and right on social media has everyone blasting Biden to shreds. He's only getting 10k likes max, when people saying he is a genocide support are getting 10-20k. The only thing pro-Biden was himself.
If it was planned, they did it really late where it's going to fuck them over.
just print more money, theyll all be dead when jews come to collect the debt so who cares
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im afraid americans dont realize how much of a fucking joke your whole country is after this debate.
for 4 years a demented old fool that cannot even form a sentence was a "president of america", while in reality it was pic related.

why is your country such a motherfucking banana republic?
Too powerful. They're trying to destroy America not turn us into some wh40k shit
Holy shit a Biden just flew over my house
Republicans at this point have a vested interest to vote against removing him via the 25th and let the clown show continue
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but this is.
there should be an official investigation as to who is running america for the last 4 years, its obvious Biden is not the commander in chief, never was.
I actually don't think this is the case. If they wanted to replace Biden, they would not do it from a position of weakness (making Biden look horrible and replacing him out of desperation). Instead, they would have merely faked a health issue which would be understandable from most people, and would allow them to carry on the illusion that Biden would have "destroyed" Trump.
Why is a foreigner trying to tell us how things are? A trip to the inner city shows how fake and gay all media and polls really are. Niggers fucking love trump. Every gangbanger and corner store gossiper love him. Every beaner citizen loves him. Anyone who says the opposite is saying so from their ivory tower projecting their thoughts onto their precious brown pets. It's hilarious really but it's even more hilarious that people still fall for this charade
Genuine chuckle my god
That's antisemitic.
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>torpedoed any potential alternative

You heard it here first folks.
i'd probably have sex with stormy daniels idk she'd probably give me a nice footjob or tug me off into a cup
The pics I've seen she looks legitimately gross. Not sure what trump was thinking
First time Ive ever genuinely been impressed by Fuentes
>>Panic in DC
Q predicted this. WWG1WGA
lmao for some reason, Biden actually upbeat about his performance is the saddest part of it all. That lack of self awareness

No, it's not that. You see, they were coping. THEY FELL FOR THEIR OWN BULLSHIT about Biden. Many assumed the rumors of his mental health were just propaganda, they didn't realize he was actually a decaying vegetable. Must be a huge shock to all the coping Dem doners who all realized they lost the election.
>And no oldfag would disagree.
He’s a satanist.
Genuinely curious how a left winger can watch this shit and say "yeah BIDEN!"


Dude seems like he has full blown alzeimers

Trump is only 3 years younger but speaks and behaves like a normal person
Chill with the antisemitism
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No one cares what Melania thinks, she is just there to bring those titties around wherever they need to be.
you mean joepedoed.
Sweaty passionate sex...

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