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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472417977
The catalog spam is hilarious
my favorite part was where joe said he had a six handicap and trump called him out on it and then biden looked ashamed and confused said yeah okay it was eight
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blumpf statement
What prevents a billionaire from spending a fraction of their wealth to literally look like a 10/10 senior chad?
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Not even memeing, genuinely having a mini-panic attack right now. Who the FUCK is running the country? Kamala? Some unelected staff member? Actually what is going on?
Reposting from last thread:
>The Democrat Party will lose badly at every level with Biden. They would be demolished (filibuster proof GOP senatorial majority) outside of their coastal enclaves with a replacement for a whole host of reasons. Do they want a 5 point loss nationally or a 10 point wipe out with solid Democrat states such as Virginia and Minnesota going Republican?
>This is the bed they made.
Also I should add that I will be shocked if Biden again debates Trump. The Democrats will find a way to back out. Think about it. They had this nigger secluded at Camp David for an entire week to pump him full of whatever medications they could think of and even so this is what they got.
8, uh, 12
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Bros. I'm feeling. Alley cat mode.
Yknow jews and trannies and dei black women
>Who the FUCK is running the country?
the biden administration

so, a bunch of gay jews
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Barack Obama, with Jill Biden as intermediary
The reality that plastic surgery doesn't work that way. Biden's had a bunch of work done and he just looks like a corpse.
military guys are suckers and losers though
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Its over. Obama's handler has spoken. Expect Joe to step down very soon, if not tomorrow.
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Did we just witness the greatest unforced error by an incumbent candidate? His team requested this debate.
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Based bombast. He earned it tonight
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Too many people are focused on the debate and not enough on this. I feel the same
These are kike shill threads. No one on the diffident right still supports the kikesucker trump
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Hey, you forgot my AWOO
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>media jew still trying to fool the public with (((focus groups))) after debates
>that fucking jew Frank Luntz at it for decades

Who falls for this shit? It's all these boomers who haven't died yet, isn't it
>Trump's face when Biden said he's a 6 handicap
Best part
there's 2 factions in the executive. jill and her millenial staffers that post all the shitty memes and obama goons in the cabinet and institutions.
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Hahaha thanks Biden for being the shittiest opponent Trump could have asked for
They're going to lose seats in those coastal enclaves particularly in down ballot state legislature and judicial elections.
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fresh salt
Trump is the most philosemetic president in history
>Not even memeing, genuinely having a mini-panic attack right now. Who the FUCK is running the country?
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as a radicalized anarcho capitalist: libertarians will hang. they are just yellow colored commies at this point
biden will go down in history as the worst president while trump will be remembered fondly forever with statues and shit on the moon and mars
Trump is the only Republican that can take abortion off the table. DeSantis would have been fucked
>“Our only hope is that he bows out, we have a brokered convention, or dies,” another donor and Presidential advisor said. “Otherwise we are fucking dead.”
Holy based
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I'll meme it stand by patriot frens. Post moar memeable screen grabs.
Hey, remember when the Secretary of Defense went missing for a couple weeks and nobody in the administration knew about it?

People should be far more worried about that.
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I forgot to awoo!
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So who are they going to replace Biden with? Newsom? Mike Obama? Killary?

Sorry, AWOO!
You think it's funny bashing Joe right now, but Donald is fucked. He is going to jail. You can be a president in jail. Fucking losers, go fuck yourselves.
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>These are kike shill threads. No one on the diffident right still supports the kikesucker trump
uh oh stinky Joe
Do they honestly not realize they will be far worse with a replacement candidate that no one voted for?
Which is exactly why newsom is an even worse option. Biden was the only guy they had left who could play in the midwest, in the rust belt. And the dude is a fucking fossil. Theyre out of options.
I think they had it in mind for a while to have Harris take over if this debate was going to flop. US currently lost all negotiating leverage after this embarrassment.
>according to exit polling statistically nearly all Republicans and independents believe Joe lost and only the 1/3rd of the country who would vote for Hitler (D) if told to said he didn't
Lol. Lmao. Kek.
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>the diffident right
If you can make a gif or webm of Trump's reaction that would be the best. It's even better in motion
Biden did so fucking bad that a rigged CNN debate ended with him about to drop out.

CNN are saying he did shit, never thought i'd see the day.
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> Who the FUCK is running the country?
>Who is running the country?
I used to let the kids watch my hairs go on my legs in the sun. Rusty razers and rain barrels, Jack.
I hope it's not lost on anyone that the press right now is claiming that trump lied during this debate where trump clearly gets joe to FUCKING CONCEDE on live television about of all things, lying about a fucking golf handicap.
and i'm not talking about here i'm talking in the wild.
like, lol.
fuck joe biden, and the press. the tribunals cannot come any faster.
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It's okay! Hang in there AWOO!
Wait poor word choice...
Yup. Its amazing how far ahead of the GOP Trump is on basically everything.
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It was always the technocracy running things. Thats what the 2020 coup was all about. Letting the bureaucracy take over like in the EU. The problem is the america bureaucracy is designed to operate with a guy at the top making the final call. When the potus is absent then each department just does its own thing and grabs as much power for itself as possible and it all goes to shit.
that's why they're stuck with him, the problem with people demanding a new candidate is biden was the compromise choice of a democrat party that couldn't get behind any other option other than larping about a fictionalized obama surrogate
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There's no way the DNC is stupid enough to not have a contingency plan. Biden has been trending downward for 2 years. If their plan always was to replace him though, why wait until now?
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It's ok Anon, I forgive you.
where did you get that? link?
been a problem with the branch for a while. back in I think Gerald Fords days some staffer did some shit that fucked with foreign relations, when asked why not fire him, ford replied "Fire him? I cant even find him."
Biden shitted himself at 5 hour 17 minutes and 31 seconds, look 5 second earlier of that in this video
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This is a kike
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>we are fucking dead
smart people will research the setup used by the beltway sniper niggers
they are all going to prison, no way they dont nuke moscow now
>Biden: a challenge you to a golf tournament where you carry your own clubs
>Trump: bla, bla, bla, wha, wha, wha, ir the victim

Not a good look. Trump and Hillary pwnd.
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Get a load of this guy.
I only saw highlights. What was Biden even trying to say?
Hubert Humphrey was a replacement candidate who never ran, and he still only barely lost

they're desperate. "smartest" move would be to off biden and have harris be officially promoted.
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Very organic post.
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what a great night
Harris polls way worse than Biden.
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Do you guys think the VP debate will be wild too? How will Kamala Harris handle Hulk Hogan?
it was president johnson
I think they are that stupid, i dont think they even expected to 'win' 2020, saw an opportunity with covid. Then the dog caught the car and theyve been headless chickens ever since, outsourcing the most extreme political moves to their DEI niggers and new york kike judges
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I love you all
>This should be an amazing opportunity for the libertarians to provide a viable 3rd option
Pro-tip; They won't.
This reeks of 'Jeb still has a chance' but with the coopted LP faggot party shittery.
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dude that debate was so fucking sick. I'm glad trump called biden a dribbling retard when he tried to talk smack about wolfgirls and ufcking them in the butt.

Trump 2024!
Thanks, I put a lot of thought into it.
Generic democrat man might be able to save the day, unfortunately he doesn't exist, take your pick of Newsome or Kamala, or roll out the good old reliable with Hillary.
>Weimar intensifies
this politico article, thread here >>472421598
Who knows?
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the entire obama admin, and biden staffers filling in the gaps. it's a literal weekend at bernie's shitshow and has been since entering office. if you haven't realized this by now i don't know what to tell you.
The good news is this country actually runs pretty well with no one at the wheel. There's been a bunch of times where presidents were straight up out of commission for long periods and nothing bad happened.
the absolute state of the shills
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I'd enjoy watching Gavin implode his career just as fast as DeSantis did.
Trump held back by not saying he should carry his own bags too, which Biden would never be able to do. He held back about calling Biden a senile old man, that was the goal to not seem like he was beating up on an old man
holy fuck you can hear a liquid noise
I still remember this guy after Hillary lost. There's a clip of him on camera just speechless.
Yes we know, about 45% of Americans will vote for a dead raccoon on the road, if said raccoon is a Democrat. Mitt Romney was actually right about this in his debate with king nigger Obama
Joe Biden reportedly told reporters: "I think we did well"
Good gawd has Biden been this weirdly robotic looking the entire time? I will go back and rewatch but I had important drinking to do.
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I have a shit laptop so it's not gonna happen, sorry. I'm sure someone will clip it.
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i finally have a chance to use pic related
I thought that Biden running for president was actually a joke

Is he really doing that? He can barely talk, who would vote for him?
barryo runs the biden show
biden's getting curbed.
big mike will be the new puppet wannabe.
>first debate with Gavin
>hosted by Fox
>"so Governor Newsom, how would you apply your handling of the crisis in all major California cities to the rest of the country?"
Goddamn niggers are going insane trying to defend Biden
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>...and have harris be officially promoted.
Harris is less popular than Biden. But they can't jettison her because she's a diversity hire.
The Biden campaign is proper fucked.
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At least someone is talking about the real issue of the debate.
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It's NOT Joever. They are STUCK with Joe.
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its annoying that the truth was evident for so long and only just now are people fucking seeing the writing on the wall

>Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.
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Trump could destroy him just based on his record in California
Yes, that's why his handlers keep him away from the media so much. He also had a bad facelift before the 2020 campaign where they tried to stretch the wrinkles out of an 80yr old all at once.
I'm ready to hop on team Hilldog
No-one that was prepping Biden could have thought this was a good idea right? Holy shit the dude cannot talk.
trump should have taken up the golf challenge
Incredible self awareness from a Republican.
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How rigged was it bros?
I truly believed this was going to get axed because democracy, lol.
Upchuck finally had a coherent thought. He's right, you know.
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Lmao at that 2%
>you’re voting for trump or Biden?
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81% of debate watchers say it had no effect on their vote
5% changed mind
14% reconsidering
Trump walking off stage no biggy while Jill had to help Joe off stage must have driven democrats insane
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the editor of the New Yorker just shared this
Sucking up to sandniggers doesn't even win support in the middle east. ofc no one running for the US president is gonna shill for palestine.
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>The Israel Issue
There's no issue with Palestinians being genocided. The faster they get it over with, the better. The constant Iranian/US proxy war via Palestine/Israel is just tiresome at this point.
Reminder that kike is a jewish word that jews use
>The good news is this country actually runs pretty well with no one at the wheel. There's been a bunch of times where presidents were straight up out of commission for long periods and nothing bad happened.
the founders really knew what the fuck they were doing with the whole States thing huh?
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c-could she do it?
Could she remove both Joe and the Hoe?
To save Democracy I guess.
Democrats entering within their own civil war now. The question now is how to KEEP Biden as their candidate. Doing that ensures Trump's win.
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wew lad
I remember when they were just a website than made fun of Christian culture
this was like the democrat version of 9/11
>5% changed mind
thats actually fucking astounding
>made michigan a democrat strong hold
By cheating
Everyone hates her here
RCP just flipped Virginia lmao
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Seems Gavin is ready to stick the knife in. After all he did say he would not turn his back on Joe.
You clowns are laughing now, but this thread is going to be seething when we replace Biden and win in November. Suck nuts
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>be Tuck Chudd
>all you wanted to do was host (((Meet The Press))) for the next two decades after hosting it for one decade
>but you had to give up your comfy job to a mongrelette nigress

Times are tough for the Chuddster
She gives strong psychopath vibes
They're trying to bait him into bullying a dying man. He's not taking the bait
All those surgeries its not even a woman anymore.
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>when we replace Biden
>CNN saying Kamala had a great night after a planned interview they had with her
>The state of CNN
I would never turn my back to Biden either.
Vomit on her sweater already, mom's spaghetti
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>Everything was rockin' good
CNN fact checking Biden. https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1806539516519530734
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No, they didn't?
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I'm kinda mixed. I was not gonna vote but its conflicting because now its clear democrats want to elect someone that can barely form a sentence.
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>5% changed mind
>14% reconsidering
Hilldawgs UNITE
>and your little dog too!!!!!!!!!!!
Yid, heeb, kike, oven dodger, money-changer. You can call them whatever you want, they're still better than stinky shitskin Muslims.

FYI niggers also call themselves niggers but get real upset when Whitey says it.
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Her losing to Trump again would be hilarious
She'd literally explode in a fit of alcohol, shit and narcissistic rage
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She ranted against Anderson Cooper, it's a terrible look
Yeah, we'll win with anyone we replace him with
Good thing you have a primary to do that....
Oh turns out its already over
maybe him leaving was already set up and they wanted trump to look bad for being a big bully like you say, if so then trump trumped their plan
I need reassurance they aren't going to switch out Joe with someone else
Unironically yes. Those fucking guys saw shit not just miles but lightyears away. the electoral college is based as fuck and the only thing stopping elections being decided solely by a handful of gay mega cities.
Everyone needs a laugh once in a while. Even if it's a awkward laugh.
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>this country actually runs pretty well
Are we living in thw same country? Because I don't see it. When mayorkas was confronted about his incompetenct, his defense was I'm related to a holohoaz survivor. Like wtf. It's kike infested now with foreign interest first before domestix. Where us is the vassal state of jewlensky and pizzrael.
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sleepy kotz

I want to live in a world where Maine, Colorado, Washington and Oregon flip red
It's not, the convention hasn't happened yet
kek that guy is bases as fuck
They unironically did it to prevent slave states from dominating US politics. Yet modern leftist retards claim it's racist and the Founding Fathers did it to benefit slavery owners somehow.
Trump could pick off Maine on a good day with 3rd parties getting 6%-10% of the state but the other 3 are unlikely
this, joe is getting the bernia sanders bump
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The DNC had to have known their house of cards candidate would end up this way eventually. They didn't really think they could push a zombie forever through sheer force of secondhand willpower, right?
I just shower with my Dad. AMA.
>all those pink than hard red
Fuck reagan's amnesty.
He won't flip them, but he's going to boost a ton of R judges and state legislature candidates in those states.
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It is, and you know 100% which way all of those are going.
Alcoholism has not treated him well.
Biden lost
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Top or bottom?
Everyone's mad, this is great.
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ok maybe it's a little bit Joever
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Top Dems are publicly defending Biden
Biden himself says he thought he did well
In general, the practicality of switching candidates is really complicated and hard to accomplish, especially in the modern day
It just sucks because those 3 states have college cities AND major cities. Colorado has the Springs which is rightwing but they get outvoted by Denver, Boulder and Fort Collins, so basically college cities fucking everything
Commies are very dumb and didn’t fully understand the internet when Al gore created it
5% changed their minds is a net 10% shift (-5% Biden, +5% Trump). That puts WASHINGTON and OREGON in the light red, along with NH. Every red state on that map should be bright red.
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next OP
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Insider here, the plan is to dump Biden and run Whittmer. Abortion is their only winning issue and people would vote for her. It's going to work
Webm have sounds? Holy kek
that is bad, lmao
just link the tweet you tweethead
love you though sexy
>well well well, if it isn't the results of my own actions
They can't just swap a candidate, but nothing about the DNC delegates are binding. They could technically push up someone at the convention. Unfortunately in modern times most delegates are geriatrics or sheboons. So it'll be like herding retarded three legged cats to accomplish anything.
lurk more my fren
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Democrats are losing it trying to get Joe Biden to drop out of the race just a few months before the election. The average voter wouldn't even have had time to learn another candidate's name by election day. I've never seen anything like this. The world has gone completely mad over the past decade, but it's the little things that still take me off guard.
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>They like and respect Biden
What causes someone to be like this?
Shed lose her own state
the fact that they are only selecting from 5 states makes me hope trump flips fucking virginia or something
I love this, holy shit.
>that absolute desperation
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What’s the word?
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They're consistently fucking delusional.
They can't admit they're wrong about anything until the point they can't hide the truth from the public anymore.
Then they pretend they knew all along.

Yeah they really don't have the time to build up another candidate.
It's a lose-lose situation for them.
She has the unlikeables of the Wicked Witch of the West. She's a non-starter nationally.
>here's how Bernie can still win
Babylon Bee started out by making fun to Joel Osteen. Who is a fraud. But clearly you’re an idiot who can’t do a 2 second Jewgle search.
I literally prayed to god that Biden would shit himself during the debate. So I take 100% credit for this. I was hoping it would run down his leg and pool around his feet, but can't win them all. I promise to use my powers for good.
crack cocaine
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Sky Marshall replacement Harris would give good debate though in the next one
>run Whittmer
pffffft hahahahhahaaaaa please do
there is no audio or video
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Michael Savage debate commentary.
The problem for D is they have no one else capable of getting the black vote. The black vote is overdue for a shift to R in general. Biden was able to wrangle a lot of them due to being around forever and being Biden's VP. They don't have a plan B to get the black vote.

Trump will probably get 30% of the black vote vs anyone else. And we know he's gonna win the white vote so that's a big issue.
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What went so horribly wrong?
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Oh and also AWOO!

My prayer was "Let Trump impress and Biden depress." My prayer was answered!
Common decency
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They are well and truly fucked.
>Verification not required.
Inb4 typical /pol/ conspiratard. Maybe my mind is fucked due to the events over the last 8 years. The real powers that be (CIA) may have already decided who will be elected in November and it will be neither Trump or Biden. The sheep will have the illusion of choice, but the plan will play out the way it “should” for the greater good and the big picture. Yeah, they think 1000 steps ahead in 3-D chess. Hate Joe all you want I have a father with dementia. It’s very sad to watch. It was unsettling to watch and I had to slap myself to remind myself that this is real life not some movie.
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I don't forgive you
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>their back-up plan is Stretchin' Gretchen
this is too good
Who holds a beer like that? Biden is a fucking alien.
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guess whose turn it is
It vey yes.
There’s nothing to worry about with Israel.

Please ignore
Wesley BellCandidate for U.S. HouseD-MO-01
Don BaconU.S. HouseR-NE-02
Jared GoldenU.S. HouseD-ME-02
Don DavisU.S. HouseD-NC-01
Brian FitzpatrickU.S. HouseR-PA-01
Mike RogersU.S. HouseR-AL-03
Jacky RosenU.S. SenateD-NV | In Cycle
Ken CalvertU.S. HouseR-CA-41
Jon TesterU.S. SenateD-MT | In Cycle
Tom KeanU.S. HouseR-NJ-07
Robert AderholtU.S. HouseR-AL-04
Pete AguilarU.S. HouseD-CA-33
Mark AlfordU.S. HouseR-MO-04
Rick AllenU.S. HouseR-GA-12
Gabe AmoU.S. HouseD-RI-01
Mark AmodeiU.S. HouseR-NV-02
Jodey ArringtonU.S. HouseR-TX-19
Jake AuchinclossU.S. HouseD-MA-04
Brian BabinU.S. HouseR-TX-36
Jim BairdU.S. HouseR-IN-04
Troy BaldersonU.S. HouseR-OH-12
Jim BanksCandidate for U.S. SenateR-IN
Nanette BarragánU.S. HouseD-CA-44
Andy BarrU.S. HouseR-KY-06
Aaron BeanU.S. HouseR-FL-04
John BarrassoU.S. SenateR-WY | In Cycle
Joyce BeattyU.S. HouseD-OH-03
Cliff BentzU.S. HouseR-OR-02
Ami BeraU.S. HouseD-CA-06
Jack BergmanU.S. HouseR-MI-01
Stephanie BiceU.S. HouseR-OK-05
Andy BiggsU.S. HouseR-AZ-05
Sheri BiggsCandidate for U.S. HouseR-SC-03
Gus BilirakisU.S. HouseR-FL-12
Sanford BishopU.S. HouseD-GA-02
Marsha BlackburnU.S. SenateR-TN | In Cycle
Suzanne BonamiciU.S. HouseD-OR-01
Mike BostU.S. HouseR-IL-12
Josh BrecheenU.S. HouseR-OK-02
Brendan BoyleU.S. HouseD-PA-02
Shontel BrownU.S. HouseD-OH-11
Julia BrownleyU.S. HouseD-CA-26
Vern BuchananU.S. HouseR-FL-16
Nikki BudzinskiU.S. HouseD-IL-13
Tim BurchettU.S. HouseR-TN-02
Eric BurlisonU.S. HouseR-MO-07
Kat CammackU.S. HouseR-FL-03
Maria CantwellU.S. SenateD-WA | In Cycle
Yadira CaraveoU.S. HouseD-CO-08
Mike CareyU.S. HouseR-OH-15
Buddy CarterU.S. HouseR-GA-01
John CarterU.S. HouseR-TX-31
Matt CartwrightU.S. HouseD-PA-08
Ed CaseU.S. HouseD-HI-01
Bob CaseyU.S. SenateD-PA | In Cycle
Kathy CastorU.S. HouseD-FL-14
Lori Chavez-DeRemerU.S. HouseR-OR-05
Sheila Cherfilus-McCormickU.S. HouseD-FL-20
Juan CiscomaniU.S. HouseR-AZ-06
The democratic convention is in late August. If a new candidate were decided it would be there. Voting starts a few weeks later in September. The idea of replacing Biden at this point is completely nonsensical.
drug resistance is a hell of an obviator
Yes put in big mike whos husband is responsible for trump grabbing up the rust belt states in 2016 in the first place. Do these retards not realize Trump was literally built on the back of obamas failures?
Frank Luntz is a fat faggot Jew
It's funny because it's true
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Hunter Biden here. How did Pops do tonight? I am here in the Oval Office doing coke and fucking a nigger whore in the ass. Once I am finished my secret service details will blow their brains out and pitch the body in the dumpster here and pour gasoline over the nigger trash. A great night, so pops is ok? Hunter.
Trumps set GOP records for the black vote in both elections I believe. The GOP winning even 10% of the black vote makes the DNC stop existing.
I don't understand that angle. If they make the extraordinary move of replacing Biden they would only do so with someone more likeable and viable than the old man, yes? Kamala is worse in every respect than Biden so there is no way she would be the choice.
>Biden: *shits his pants*
>ok but he's still better than Kamala
this was fun, we had fun today
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elder abuse
Joe Biden shat his pants again, joe's touchy about his son being a loser, and no one knows who's running the country.
They messed up the drug cocktail.
Your giving the CIA way to much credit, DEI has ruined them.

They might choose Gavin. Biden's chances of winning are very low.
Fuck off dude. They made fun of everything. Like tattooed evangelical church culture like youth pastors with wrist tattoos. Don't be an asshole
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>reenacting 2016
Would be fun
Gilbert CisnerosCandidate for U.S. HouseD-CA-31
Katherine ClarkU.S. HouseD-MA-05
Yvette ClarkeU.S. HouseD-NY-09
Emanuel CleaverU.S. HouseD-MO-05
Ben ClineU.S. HouseR-VA-06
Michael CloudU.S. HouseR-TX-27
Jim ClyburnU.S. HouseD-SC-06
Tom ColeU.S. HouseR-OK-04
James Comer U.S. HouseR-KY-01
Herb Conaway Candidate for U.S. HouseD-NJ-03
Lou CorreaU.S. HouseD-CA-46
Jim Costa U.S. HouseD-CA-21
Joe CourtneyU.S. HouseD-CT-02
Angie CraigU.S. HouseD-MN-02
Rick CrawfordU.S. HouseR-AR-01
Dan CrenshawU.S. HouseR-TX-02
Kevin CramerU.S. SenateR-ND | In Cycle
Jason CrowU.S. HouseD-CO-06
Ted CruzU.S. SenateR-TX | In Cycle
Henry CuellarU.S. HouseD-TX-28
John CurtisCandidate for U.S. SenateUT-SEN
Anthony D'EspositoU.S. HouseR-NY-04
Sharice DavidsU.S. HouseD-KS-03
Monica De La CruzU.S. HouseR-TX-15
Rosa DeLauroU.S. HouseD-CT-03
Suzan DelBeneU.S. HouseD-WA-01
Chris DeluzioU.S. HouseD-PA-17
Scott DesJarlaisU.S. HouseR-TN-04
Mario Diaz-BalartU.S. HouseR-FL-26
Byron DonaldsU.S. HouseR-FL-19
John DuarteU.S. HouseR-CA-13
Neal DunnU.S. HouseR-FL-02
Chuck EdwardsU.S. HouseR-NC-11
Sarah ElfrethCandidate for U.S. HouseD-MD-03
Jake EllzeyU.S. HouseR-TX-0
Tom EmmerU.S. HouseR-MN-06
Adriano EspaillatU.S. HouseD-NY-13
Ron EstesU.S. HouseR-KS-04
Mike EzellU.S. HouseR-MS-04
Pat FallonU.S. HouseR-TX-04
Randy FeenstraU.S. HouseR-IA-04
Brad FinstadU.S. HouseR-MN-01
Michelle FischbachU.S. HouseR-MN-07
Deb FischerU.S. SenateR-NE | In Cycle
Scott FitzgeraldU.S. HouseR-WI-05
Chuck FleischmannU.S. HouseR-TN-03
Lizzie FletcherU.S. HouseD-TX-07
Mike FloodU.S. HouseR-NE-01
Valerie FousheeU.S. HouseD-NC-04
Virginia FoxxU.S. HouseR-NC-05
Lois FrankelU.S. HouseD-FL-22
Scott FranklinU.S. HouseR-FL-18
Laura FriedmanCandidate for U.S. HouseD-CA-30
Russell FryU.S. HouseR-SC-07
Russ FulcherU.S. HouseR-ID-01
Andrew GarbarinoU.S. HouseR-NY-02
Mike GarciaU.S. HouseR-CA-27
Sylvia GarciaU.S. HouseD-TX-29
Brandon GillCandidate for U.S. HouseR-TX-26
Kirsten GillibrandU.S. SenateD-NY | In Cycle
His brain is melting faster then anyone else on earth.
Speak English, Mahmet. No one gives a shit about your backwards goat fucking culture.
Amerisharts make a brit/pol
you're in a race with the australians 321 go
>he doesn't know jews have been running things since the early 1900's
ngmi senpai
why would gavin tank his career more than it is?
if he loses than he is basically fucked out of running and winning for life
it's funny how they set up a rigged debate on CNN and it was the worst thing possible for Biden
Carlos GiménezU.S. HouseR-FL-28
Marie Gluesenkamp PérezU.S. HouseD-WA-03
Craig GoldmanCandidate for U.S. HouseR-TX-12
Dan GoldmanU.S. HouseD-NY-10
Jimmy GomezU.S. HouseD-CA-34
Tony GonzalesU.S. HouseR-TX-23
Vicente GonzalezU.S. HouseD-TX-34
Lance GoodenU.S. HouseR-TX-05
Josh GottheimerU.S. HouseD-NJ-05
Garret GravesU.S. HouseR-LA-06
Sam GravesU.S. HouseR-MO-06
Mark GreenU.S. HouseR-TN-07
Morgan GriffithU.S. HouseR-VA-09
Glenn GrothmanU.S. HouseR-WI-06
Michael GuestU.S. HouseR-MS-03
Brett GuthrieU.S. HouseR-KY-02
Harriet HagemanU.S. HouseR-WY-ALL
Josh HarderU.S. HouseD-CA-09
Pat HarriganCandidate for U.S. HouseR-NC-10
Andy HarrisU.S. HouseR-MD-01
Mark HarrisCandidate for U.S. HouseR-NC-8
Diana HarshbargerU.S. HouseR-TN-01
Josh HawleyU.S. SenateR-MO | In Cycle
Kevin HernU.S. HouseR-OK-01
Clay HigginsU.S. HouseR-LA-03
French HillU.S. HouseR-AR-02
Jim HimesU.S. HouseD-CT-04
Ashley HinsonU.S. HouseR-IA-02
Steven HorsfordU.S. HouseD-NV-04
Erin HouchinU.S. HouseR-IN-09
Chrissy HoulahanU.S. HouseD-PA-06
Steny HoyerU.S. HouseD-MD-05
Richard HudsonU.S. HouseR-NC-09
Bill HuizengaU.S. HouseR-MI-04
Wesley HuntU.S. HouseR-TX-38
Darrell IssaU.S. HouseR-CA-48
Glenn IveyU.S. HouseD-MD-04
Brian JackCandidate for U.S. HouseR-GA-03
Ronny JacksonU.S. HouseR-TX-13
John JamesU.S. HouseR-MI-10
Hakeem JeffriesU.S. HouseD-NY-08
Dusty JohnsonU.S. HouseR-SD-At Large
Julie JohnsonCandidate for U.S. HouseD-TX-32
Mike JohnsonU.S. HouseR-LA-04
Jim JordanU.S. HouseR-OH-04
Dave JoyceU.S. HouseR-OH-14
John JoyceU.S. HouseR-PA-13
Bill KeatingU.S. HouseD-MA-09
Mike KellyU.S. HouseR-PA-16
Trent KellyU.S. HouseR-MS-01
Tim KennedyCandidate for U.S. HouseD-NY-26
Jen KiggansU.S. HouseR-VA-02
Kevin KileyU.S. HouseR-CA-03
Young KimU.S. HouseR-CA-40
Angus KingU.S. SenateI-ME | In Cycle
Amy KlobucharU.S. SenateD-MN | In Cycle
Raja KrishnamoorthiU.S. HouseD-IL-08
David KustoffU.S. HouseR-TN-08
Darin LaHoodU.S. HouseR-IL-16
Nick LaLotaU.S. HouseR-NY-01
Doug LaMalfaU.S. HouseR-CA-01
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She's a brown woman, you can't have someone lower on the oppression pyramid leapfrog her for the nomination. They're really painted themselves into the mother of all corners.
I agree Whitmer is terrible but the plan is to lock Trump up for six months at sentencing and have Whitmer be the nominee and hit hard on the abortion thing while Trump is stuck in jail. It will work
>5% changed mind
holy fuck that's biblical for a presidential debate
...and not a peep from the press about trump's supposed vp shortlist picks tonight!
even though all of them were ostensibly there!
Rogue bot?
Greg LandsmanU.S. HouseD-OH-01
Nick LangworthyU.S. HouseR-NY-23
Rick LarsenU.S. HouseD-WA-02
John LarsonU.S. HouseD-CT-01
George LatimerCandidate for U.S. HouseD-NY-16
Bob LattaU.S. HouseR-OH-05
Mike LawlerU.S. HouseR-NY-17
Laurel LeeU.S. HouseR-FL-15
Susie LeeU.S. HouseD-NV-03
Sheila Jackson LeeU.S. HouseD-TX-18
Julia LetlowU.S. HouseR-LA-05
Mike LevinU.S. HouseD-CA-49
Ted LieuU.S. HouseD-CA-36
Barry LoudermilkU.S. HouseR-GA-11
Frank LucasU.S. HouseR-OK-03
Anna Paulina LunaU.S. HouseR-FL-13
Morgan LuttrellU.S. HouseR-TX-08
Nancy MaceU.S. HouseR-SC-01
Nicole MalliotakisU.S. HouseR-NY-11
Celeste MaloyU.S. HouseR-UT-02
Tracey MannU.S. HouseR-KS-01
Brian MastU.S. HouseR-FL-21
Doris MatsuiU.S. HouseD-CA-07
Lucy McBathU.S. HouseD-GA-07
Michael McCaulU.S. HouseR-TX-10
Lisa McClainU.S. HouseR-MI-09
Jennifer McClellanU.S. HouseD-VA-04
Tom McClintockU.S. HouseR-CA-05
Rich McCormickU.S. HouseR-GA-06
Addison McDowellCandidate for U.S. HouseR-NC-06
Morgan McGarveyU.S. HouseD-KY-03
Gregory MeeksU.S. HouseD-NY-05
Bob MenendezU.S. SenateD-NJ | In Cycle
Rob MenendezU.S. HouseD-NJ-08
Grace MengU.S. HouseD-NY-06
Mark MessmerCandidate for U.S. HouseR-IN-08
Dan MeuserU.S. HouseR-PA-09
Kweisi MfumeU.S. HouseD-MD-07
Carol MillerU.S. HouseR-WV-01
Max MillerU.S. HouseR-OH-07
Mariannette Miller-MeeksU.S. HouseR-IA-01
Cory MillsU.S. HouseR-FL-07
Marc MolinaroU.S. HouseR-NY-19
John MoolenaarU.S. HouseR-MI-02
Barry MooreU.S. HouseR-AL-02
Blake MooreU.S. HouseR-UT-01
Riley MooreCandidate for U.S. HouseR-WV-02
Tim MooreCandidate for U.S. HouseR-NC-14
Nathaniel MoranU.S. HouseR-TX-01
Joe MorelleU.S. HouseD-NY-25
Jared MoskowitzU.S. HouseD-FL-23
Frank MrvanU.S. HouseD-IN-01
Kevin MullinU.S. HouseD-CA-15
Greg MurphyU.S. HouseR-NC-03
Richard NealU.S. HouseD-MA-01
Joe NeguseU.S. HouseD-CO-02
Troy NehlsU.S. HouseR-TX-22
Dan NewhouseU.S. HouseR-WA-04
Donald NorcrossU.S. HouseD-NJ-01
Ralph NormanU.S. HouseR-SC-05
Zach NunnU.S. HouseR-IA-03
Jay ObernolteU.S. HouseR-CA-23
Minnesota's early voting starts 46 days before election day. There is no time to replace him. They would literally have one month to campaign.
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i never golfed before i assume it means biden gets to put his golf ball closer to the post?
>they might run a different white man in lieu of the first black female VP
I don't think they messed it up so much as Trump called so much attention to it that they couldn't give him his usual dosage at the risk of Trump pointing it out.
Gavin might be stupid enough to listen to the

>pssst don't worry Gavin
>We have your back and can assure your victory
They can't skip the woman that's been a heart beat away from the White House for 3yrs without alienating every female and some sizeable chunk of the black vote.
>I didn't understand what he said at the end of that sentence...

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never baked one but give me the pasta and i’ll do it
No that would be an absolute clown show
Report all spam
Trump legit looked at him with sympathy
No one cares about that, though. Everyone knows niggers are subhuman, even base Democrat voters. They just pretend because in their warped view of the world pretending all races are equal is somehow noble or whatever.
The tranny jannies don't do shit about bot spam.
Biden kamala are as bad as it gets. She would win like 5 states. They know this and won't run her.
What possesses someone to larp as being in Rothschild's inner circle but they bother to post on /pol/
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Never forget
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>I agree Whitmer is terrible but the plan is to lock Trump up for six months at sentencing and have Whitmer be the nominee and hit hard on the abortion thing while Trump is stuck in jail. It will work
I haven't laughed this loud in years, thanks for that.
That's arguable. The polls I've seen put her approval at a single point above biden.
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Biden's team is basically cancelling the rest of the debates after this, right? Unless if they manage some super cocktail to prop him up
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There was a surprisingly large number of blacks (mainly but not exclusively male) at the Philly convention, and they were very enthusiastic about him too



AWOO dutchman!

She looks like Jigsaw
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No it’s a list of every member of congress bought by AIPAC which makes shit like pic related possible.
That’s just part of “the plan”. They only care about how they’re perceived not actually are.
Apparently Pennsylvania early vote starts fucking 50 days before the election. That would give the D candidate only 3 weeks to campaign there before voting starts.
That's because she's never in the spotlight and no one has any idea what she even does. As soon as she cackles on national TV that's out the window.
>Biden kamala are as bad as it gets. She would win like 5 states. They know this and won't run her.
but if they don't run him, they can't NOT run her, is the joke, is why it's so funny
When it's actual spam/flooding they do. Eventually at least
His handlers have always been running the show. It’s completely obvious, it’s been obvious for a long time, and for you to not know this fact is very suspicious. Are you retarded? He is probably the most literal example of a puppet president we’ve ever seen
No one cares about dead shitskins. It's not an American political issue.
It's how much he writes off his total strokes above par. So if he finishes the game with 10 strokes above par the handicap would make it 2.
Hail Vigo!
I really didn't consider it until tonight but I honestly think its Jill. Its the only explanation for how fucked up things are. Clearly being run by a person who has no idea what they're doing. Say what you will about Obama but it wasn't this fucked up either.
Obama and his staff, which >we have been saying for ages.
Kek the only time I get them to do anything is when I insult them a bunch. Then I get a 24hr ban but they actually clean up the mess. They're spiteful little troons.
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Alley cats for Trump!
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Where have you been the last 4 years, everyone was already wondering this.



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>Verification not required.

nick and AF does!
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Hell yeah
Clitzilla is higher than Hunter. Hillary is way too sick.
It’s an American political issue when we’re spending billions of dollars a year to vaporize said shitskins.

Israel has a wall and we don’t.
Israel has free college and free healthcare that we pay for.

Fuck off JDF shill.
Even 5 is questionable. Her home state of California hates her and couldn't even give her enough support to stay in the primaries. She literally only won her senate seat here because her opponent was worse than she was.
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Hulk Hogan in the white house would be so kino

Biden has NEVER been at the helm. That's like, the whole point. No, it's not Kamala either. They were the absolute PERFECT candidates for the Ds precisely because they're both literal non-entities. There's never been a more perfect opportunity for a shadow government than this. "Biden" hasn't made a single political decision in the past decade and that's precisely the way they like it.
Digits and Biden miraculously just dies from a heart attack or stroke within the next couple weeks.
My bitch looks like david hasselhoff
take your meds schizo
Its also a great opportunity to red pill the normies on the deep state, or 'power of the unelected government'
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“Who”is the deep state? Freemasons ?israelis? All Jews? Satanists?
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The so-called "Star of David" (also called "Magen Dovid" or "Shield of David") as a symbol of international ‘organized’ jewry. The "Star of David" -- which wasn't a popular symbol of Jewry until the 18th c. when it was adopted by the Rothschilds -- is actually a hexagram with 6 points, 6 equilateral triangles, forming a 6-sided hexagon interiorly. It is the ancient star of Remphan (Moloch , Chiun, or Saturn/Kronos) and Ashtoreth mentioned in Amos 5:26 and Acts 7, and one of the most powerful symbols used in Freemasonry, Satanism, and the occult.
I said in my post you retard
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The Origin of 666

>in the Babylonian system of worship, they had 36 supreme gods or demons , which included the sun god, which they believed to be the father of all the other gods

Freemasons say Solomon is the Sun, that's why he gets 666 taels of gold per year (astrological number of sun) 666 is sum of all decans in zodiac.

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36 = 666.

The Testament of Solomon mentions 36 demons, which is the number of demons in Goetia. The “G” in Freemason symbol .
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that sounds pretty dumb why not just list what he actually got?
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If If the Israeli flag had a Cross on it, a Christian symbol, then it would be needed to bless it; and israel.
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the jewish flag “Israeli flag” consists of a canaanite child sacrifice diety symbol? That Freemasons attempted this deceptive child sacrifice symbol (6 sided Star) with “Solomon” or “Saturn”
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Nah, you fuckin shitlibs, niggers, globalists/communists/jews/marxists, I DON'T want biden to be replaced. You won't be able to replace him without the catastrophic ego hit anyway that you've been desperately avoiding since you ran him, got him installed and have defended. Now you're just making excuses to try and reduce the ego bruise from him and by extension YOU

I want him to stay
I hope he is suffering in all levels of being, daily
I hope he is being reprimanded and belittled for being such a disaster
I want all of you faggots who voted for him to suffer and continue to suffer daily under what he has caused, what YOU have caused
I want you all to have no other recourse than to commit mass sudoku out of fear of facing up to how wrong and manipulated you willingly are
I want you to have to try and rig this moron and his moron vp into a 2nd term despite it being so obvious and de-fortified that you'll feel like your being forced to put your collective dicks into a bear trap with the administration's gun to your heads while having to pay for expensive gas, being evicted due to lack of rent, taking out new credit lines to buy a gallon of milk and being mugged and rapped by haitian, muslim and venezualen illegals

Fuck you. biden stays until the end.
Things are hard sure. I'm fine. My family is fine. My friends are fine. You deserve the hell and you are NOT fine. Die in this pain suckers.
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Maybe Solomon was a child sacrificing pervert that has 700 concubines?
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Is trump invoked in this deceit ? This use of the Christian Gospel to justify war?

This is your Bible salesman? He meets with Johnson in high spirits and the next day House is trying to start a draft
Single digit handicap is pretty good for an amateur. Literally 0% chance joe is anywhere near that
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Would they attempt to hide their true intentions with symbolism? Would they hide the obvious connections between the concept of the Devil/ Satan and their canaanite child sacrifice cow diety w/ horns named BAAL/moloch? Would they use astrology (Saturn) to camouflage their cult of child sacrifice? Would they claim to be the children of God? CONSTANTLY?— to the effort of world governments money laundering $ to fund Zionist wars of conflict for Jewish profits?
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Perhaps Jews made the entire biblical story of Solomon up to hide his Babylonian / canaanite CHILD SACRIFICE rituals;

Perhaps Jews were the original “scientists”— they had their whole world figured out. They proclaimed Saturn/ KRONOS was the Sun, the Father & Creator;

And then astronomy had technological developments like telescopes which BTFO the Jewish liars when they realized a bigger planet named Jupiter existed

So if CHRISTIAN scientists were able to BTFO the Jews on their Saturn is the Sun/ Lord theory;
would the followers of Saturn/ Remphiam propose a type of psychological warfare on the followers of Christ (Christians)?
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throughout Trump’s life he had Scottish rite Freemason mentors quite literally “grooming” him to be a leader of america- a leader with an diehard allegiance to freemasonry/ hebrew community that they can trust and feel “safe” with
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Trump is Scottish Rite Freemason. Trump and his Freemason collective that serve solely israel and Hebrews— planned and orchestrated the BLM 2020 along with the death of George Floyd riots with Silicon Valley to push marxist-anti white algorithms to American youth through Silicon Valley owned social media apps
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>who is baal and why does the synagogue of satan worship it with child sacrifice via the fire of moloch (their King)— Neanderthals really like their fire

There canaanite witches don’t even have the balls to worship their Babylonian demigods themselves. They have Gentile women sacrifice their fetuses for moloch every day (abortions).
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Somehow along the centuries, Freemason stopped worshipping the Father of Christianity and started to worship Jewish canaanite dieties like BAAL- though which the fires of moloch were the vesicle of human sacrifice .

Don’t believe me? Look up what BA’al means in Hebrew— it means LORD

AND what does moloch mean in Hebrew? It means KING
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Freemason lodges, synagogues , and federal buildings are all apart of the “Saturn” BAAL- moloch FREEMASON child sacrificing cult that protects jews from righteous persecution for their witchcraft. King Jehu of the Bible was said to have destroyed baal worship by making baal temples into toilets (public restrooms), killing the baal worshippers and burning the city (2 kings 10.28)
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The Canaanites - Israelites that chose to racemix with Moabites were banished to a wilderness desert called Canaan; a desert that receives little to no rain.

Droughts occurred, crops died and this caused a desperate culture among Canaanites.
So they abandoned the Christian God, and start creating their own idols of worship — which is baal- which means Lord in Hebrew— who is said to be a storm God-

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