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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I'm voting Biden.
Imagine the chaos.
Vote for yourself
Unironically this. Accelerate 2024. Push the pedal all the way to the floor.
I'm voting for whoever I think has a chance of beating Trump
Why do I think the Jews are pushing for Trump. I'm not autistic but have you noticed all the media outlets dropping Biden
We're on the precipice of the new age of humanity. Time to help push it forward.
There’ll be more chaos if Trump wins (more leftist sperging), but we all know you are a shill.
Honestly this, Biden is the acceleration play this time.
So this is the best you glowies can do? Pathetic.
yeah but the jews know that people know now so they are pretending to drop support for biden knowing that everyone will notice and then switchh to supporting biden, who they actually want to win
I'm voting Trump so you troops will have job security.
you sir are a based gentleman
Agreed for max chaos BUT
hear me out
The left absolutely hated on trump 24/7 on all news channels (and plebbit) like he was satan himself and they were chosen by God to speak bad about them all the time or their mother would die in their sleep at night

It'd probably be funny as fuck having Trump elected again too.

encourage any dissident right wingers to vote for biden
i'm not even right wing or left wing but this evil system needs to devour itself
>(more leftist sperging)
So they sperg if trump wins and if biden wins they crash this plane with no survivors
Regardless if Biden win or not, JewSA would've collapse anyway.
Yeah fighting wars because we know most of them are not fit for the actual workforce
>It'd probably be funny as fuck having Trump elected again too.
not really, we all saw it, trump just isnt saying all the edgy things he was saying in 2016 because he's part of the duoparty now, and him being in office would make all the dumb boomers thing everything is saved or some shit, not that it matters
>both trip over themselves pandering to niggers and jews while avoiding any possible mention of banks, monetary system, media warfare against the populace, etc.
Just let it burn already. The last guy who even tried to legitimately address anything was Ron Paul and that was 12 years ago. And for all we know he was a datamining operation. It's been over for decades.
That's very true, but I feel like we've gotten our fill of watching lefties seethe over not having control. I'm more interested in giving them the world they want now. Watching them burn in the hell of their own sin sounds way better than le crying soijack.

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