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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It's actually going to happen lmao
Omg all it will take is some wise words from Rogan or musk and I will be ready to die for zog!
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oh man i wonder which e-celeb will use the exact right string of words to trigger my monarch programming and make me happily march off to die for jews in a desert somewhere
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Good thing I constantly shitpost to alert my 12 followers on Instagram about the coming collapse. My warband, filled with neurodivergent physic majors, vrill seize Capanda Dam to create New Agartha.
Biden will drop out but he will cancel the elections because Russia
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cancelling elections in america would probably result in a second civil war, especially with the way shit is now lol
>the exact right string of words to trigger my monarch programming
>Trump calls biden a Palestinian
>the media collectively kneels calling him the god emperor.
After today, I believe it's real.
skibidi joe to the polls
you're retarded
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no u
i still say trump is a kike shill on the same team as biden. so some of us have normal IQs still at least. you shouldn’t have fried your brain with weed and alcohol
good i am sick and tired of americans being a thing
This is defeatist propaganda.
>no goy, you can never win
>any wins you might see are scripted events
>there's no point in trying to do anything with that momentum, since it's not real anyway
>you already lost
>you won't do shit

If the game is already over, get a high score and log off.
I simply won't go

We should spread Draft hysteria amongst the left-wingers by tying their anxiety about Trump to WW3
Only if you give us some blisteringly macho will to power dommy muscle saiyan girls, glowies
>we can win withing a system where our money is printed by our mortal enemies
Smartest republikike
broooo did you see that andrew tate is twitter? the world is finally changing for the better, it's all great now! i love war!
Run little coppers

Don't care Amerimutt, you vill die for Isræl.
I fucking wish
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Keep dreaming kike.
the only based post in the thread
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just say no
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It's not happening schlomo, no matter how many times you say it will.
Trump clearly said he will stop the ukraine conflict and let israel do whatever they want. It cannot get more clearer than this. The game was rigged from the start. He will be the wartime president and you will die for zog.
Sorry boomers, no zoomette pussy for you (now we get them AND your slut cougars).
It needs to happen.
The second they start drafting is the second I start playing Minecraft IRL. and I’m not a glownigger faggot, I’ll hit real targets, not soft soft glownigger ops.
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The best strategy is to ignore draft because nothing will ever happen to amerimutt. Internet made people into lazy fags and us military will just give more money to mutts so they go to war. There won't be draft like in 70s.

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