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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The earpiece
He was reading off a script too. That's why he was jumbling a lot of his numbers. Trillion-billion, 400 thousand-40 million
You could HEAR it. xD
>topic - climate change
>starts rambling about black colleges
>clearly starts getting yelled at in his ear
>struggles to listen and speak at the same time
Trump did a good job, he would keep talking about the topic of the last question, goading Biden on. Then in his last minute, Trump would actually address the current question. By the time Biden quipped back, he was already two moves back. 3D chess in real time. Biden couldn't keep up.
he was farden an shidden as well
they tried to stack it so much against trump that it backfired remarkably
>Trump did a good job
No he didn't but Biden was abysmal
In what way did Trump fail to do a good job?
all aboard the cope train! next stop Seetheville
Iheard it once i think
Trump did a fantastic job for Trump.
even if he did have an ear piece it didnt work for him
maybe biden himself isn't the stuttering geriatric, whoever was on the other end of that ear piece is
He didn't do a good job, he did the best job that has ever been done in the history of jobs. But if it wasn't actually the best job that has ever been done in the history of jobs, it was a shittily-told lie from start to finish. Kinda hard to tell the difference
If he was fed a script, why did they let him perform so badly?
There's no defeating Alzheimer's
Was shitting himself in the script too?
Biden shitted himself at 5 hour 17 minutes and 31 seconds, look 5 second earlier of that in this video
You can see his facial expression changing and hear the noise of when he shits himself in the microphone
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To think, even on lefturd network, while being told what to say, he was still this mortifying...
lmao it's real :D
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It's part of something known as "sunsetting".
Buckle up, buttercup
>the idea
>the idea
>the idea
>the idea
>the idea
>the idea
Biden being president is cruel because he is a old dementia ridden man who should be in a home or something
"real" answer: He's dementia ridden and can't perform his role coherently
real answer: He's an actor that is trying to appear as if he is half dead (the old Biden is dead) for whatever reason
He was pretty inarticulate. I'll still vote for him, because the democrats are demons.
"I'm senile, making me the victor." - Biden Lo
Nice dijits. But Trump fucked up a lot. Biden's endless fuckups and CNN basically handing him the baton every chance they could and he couldn't even stay on topic or say anything meaningful. He just made fun of Biden and said he did a really heckin good job last time. Didn't make a single good point the entire time and basically won by default. It's like playing a really shitty game of pool where you miss all your shots but the other guy is just scratching over and over and eventually loses on a technicality.
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Based, i have a round trip ticket here i just have to redeem.
choice reference

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