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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Trump exposed himself during the debate by stating he would NOT sign a federal abortion ban into law as president. He clearly believes states should be allowed to murder preborn babies up to the moment of birth. This is satanic.


The most evil, cowardly and selfish act anyone can commit is murder the weakest and most vulnerable human beings. This is why it is impossible to name a single thing in this world more evil and demonic than abortion. Abortion murders babies, damages mothers and creates a culture that views ALL human life as disposable

When we murder our weakest and most vulnerable any and all respect for human life AS A WHOLE becomes non-existent

It's because our culture tolerates abortion that we tolerate mass murder, shootings, allowing needy people to die, abuse of the vulnerable and many other horrible things. Abortion has cemented Neo-Malthusian thinking and eugenics in our culture as every abortion is a eugenic abortion. You cannot have any respect for human life and persons at any stage of life if you support murdering the weakest and most desperate to survive

I do not believe our society and our world could fall much further once it solidifies murdering the most innocent and vulnerable of any group of people, be it the preborn or the sick and disabled, into its culture

When murdering those whom we have an obligation to protect and love becomes normalized then no amount of depravity is off limits.

Over 66 MILLION preborn babies have been aborted in America alone since 1973 which is more dead Americans than in every war America has been involved in COMBINED. No war, famine or even genocide has killed that many in such a short amount of time.

Those of us who can must stand up and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

God will judge us for allowing this barbarism to happen.
Give a verbatim quote.
You didn't hear what Trump said? He said he would NOT sign a federal bill to protect preborn babies. He said he supported Ohio and Kansas' decisions to allow the killings of babies in the womb. That's evil. He is a fraud.
Please talk about this. America needs a pro-life president who will give JUSTICE for the preborn.
Can you give a verbatim quote?
Re-watch the debate.
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Wow, you really are a delusional, morally bankrupt individual, aren't you? How does it feel to be so full of hate and ignorance, spewing out your twisted beliefs like a broken record? I mean, seriously, do you even have a brain or just a pile of feces where it's supposed to be? Because your logic is about as coherent as a drunk toddler on a trampoline.

And let's not forget the fact that you're a complete hypocrite. You claim to care about the sanctity of life, yet you support a president who has done nothing but harm and endanger the lives of countless Americans. You're not pro-life, you're pro-birth. Once that baby is out of the womb, you don't give a damn about their well-being. And don't even try to bring God into this, you're just using religion as a shield for your own twisted beliefs.

You know what's really satanic? Your sick obsession with controlling and punishing women. You're so obsessed with the idea of controlling someone else's body that you're willing to deny them basic human rights. That's the definition of a mentally ill individual. Seek help, seriously.
No, he said he opposes that, but that he is against a bill that would prevent contraceptive pills from market. There's a difference and we are still free to make our own choices. I don't agree with it, I don't like it, but it is what it is. Murder is different.
How can someone that doesn’t exist judge us? There is NO GOD you moron. You’re mentally ill.
Because it’s deeply unpopular and he needs to get elected.

Kicking it back to the states is the best thing he can do.

Republicans take things too far when they start talking about banning contraceptives. Normal people who have sex don’t like that kind of rhetoric.

Just ban the barbaric shit like ripping a baby out with tongs and then fuck off.
He said he supports a state’s right to choose.
I think abortion should be banned federally but there's no reason to band contraceptive.
Hormonal contraception is abortion.

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