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To get it over before the convention
I remember they said that this was a trap set for Trump by Biden and that this would secure him a second term kek
Sacrificial lamb is the only explanation at this point. He’s gonna be forced out.
it was a trap set for trump. and the idiot and his team are cheering afterwards. he did exactly what the establishment wanted and now biden is out and they swap in someone else
They thought it would be funny. It's been a couple of tough years and we all needed a good laugh. Based glowies looking out for the common man

also earliest debate fucking ever they threw him under the bus because he only shoved 7/8th of the jewish dick down his throat and they now have a few months to kill or replace him haha
it was a either a political hit or they are so delusional that it should be criminal
He only shoved 7/8th of the jewish dick down his throat because they cut the tip off.
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Why did they try to let Kamala try and cover for him on CNN exclusively after. She made joe seem 40 years younger and just sounded like a condecending bitch with a case of extra chromosomes.
Unironic humiliation ritual. Now the DNC can swap him out for a candidate they actually want.
i laugh either way haha
netanyahu wants trump to win, so he can do as he pleases
basically, jews.
so hed lose obviosly
there gonna force him to back out now and put obongo or smth in his place
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It's the latter. But it's even funnier now, because they're panicked and going to make even bigger fucking mistakes trying to abruptly correct.
Humiliation ritual
>what could possibly go wrong?
>we have all the questions
>we wrote him the script
>we got it at CNN, in the offices, no audience
>we are gonna put up prompters, give him a script
>we've even put the parts where he makes facial expressions just right
>he's rehearsed it over and over
>what could go wrong?
>he's got this, he'll be fine
>what could go wrong
Nothing. Everything.
Unironically because Howard Stern asked him if he would debate Trump. He couldn't say no.
for the luls, obv
They thought the drugs and earpiece would be enough to keep him coherent
There's no one else. Hillary performed even worse than Biden without the fraud, who are they gonna truck out? Pete Buttigape?
fucking jews lmao
It was either pure stupidity or intentional.
newsome probably
You're getting your kikes mixed up, anon. George Soros and the WEF are the ones that control US elections and they're currently losing their fucking shit that their infinite string of blatant lies, cope, and delusion is not actually infinite.

Netanyahu can't even keep sandniggers from blowing up in his own fucking country the size of a golf course.

I know you're a kike shill and trying the 10 year outdated "le trump is le kike pick" narrative but at least try knowing who you're talking about.
My 2 cents:
The DNC hierarchy has been trying to persuade Biden to drop out for months, but he's an angry, spiteful and demented old man and his wife likes living in the White House, so he's refusing to go as planned.
They therefore had to bring matters to a head by exposing him to public humiliation that he can't survive, with the corporate media launching a coordinated campaign for him to stand down.
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Honestly, he won.

Yes - he had a little senior moment- but senior citizens have wisdom. Joe knows how to run the country and he says he will tax the billionaires 24%.

Trump is just lying and lying. Trump does seem to have a lot of energy but it is malicious and dirty, slimy energy. Joe's a real guy from Scranton with a stutter and he's got my vote for sure!!! I'd rather have a real guy who is super smart but gets nervous and loses his train of thought than a sleazy slimy traitor.
>his wife likes living in the White House
you have to wonder, why?
it's not a great place to live compared to the kinds of places these people can afford to live
it's kind of a shitty house compared to being on some beachfront property in the hamptons or whatever
wasn't a good leader for ww3
Are you going to shill this retarded copypasta in every thread?
>the guy responsible for a huge chunk of the California diaspora winning anything
So it's over.
Is it even possible for a new candidate to enter at this stage? I thought some states had already closed the nomination period?
They officially nominate Biden in August during the DNC, so they could either swap him sometime between now and then, or do it during the convention itself.
>they swap in someone else
ok but nobody else has a chance
kamala is the biggest cocksucking whore in the nation, gavin newsom is legitimately retarded, bernie is past his prime, nobody i mean NOBODY can stand up to don at this point
I would imagine they would run some super quick polls to see who has the best shot of winning and pray it isn't Hillary. Newsom is a legit lunatic who everyone on both side of the aisle still left in California blames for most everything to the point they unironically want Ahnuld back.
Trump WAS walking into a slaughter due to recent events but Biden wasn't lucid enough to capitalize on any of the incredibly easy talking points laid out for him.

With literally any other dem this debate would have been a guillotine for Trump, but Trump walked out victorious just because he was to stand there and talk
I think they've known for a while that Biden is totally inviable as even a methed-up puppet. The plan now is to let Trump get elected and then start WW3.
Thanks. I thought there was an issue getting in paperwork in some states and that the DNC already missed the deadline to file Biden in one state (Iowa?). I'm sure it can be litigated...
>Newsom is a legit lunatic who everyone on both side of the aisle still left in California blames for most everything

Am in California, and yes, most people hate him except for the faggots in SF.
They've already been pledged to Biden, so he has technically already won the nomination just not formally. If he says he's not backing out, then they will move to remove him from the ballot if they so choose. That would be via shenanigans, like party expulsion on some grounds such as the connection to his son and/or some sort of corruption they just throw him under the bus for. There are state laws in place which dictate how delegates at the convention must behave, so it would take some doing in order for the party to justify changing an elected delegate's nomination and an official statement would have to be made which would justify why elected delegates are changing their presumptive nomination.
>Biden is obviously a frail old man, dude is cooked and he isn't backing down so we are just going to alter course
Would probably go over just fine, though. I wouldn't be surprised if they just cut him down like an old dead tree, however, in order to give whoever the new guy will be the best chance of winning with some fiery rhetoric the kids like.

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