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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This was planned. The earliest presidential debate in history? Let Joe fuck up massively enough to justify putting in someone else before the convention. They’ve had years to plan this out. None of this is a surprise. They’ll replace him with Michelle Obama. There is no doubt.

Story from earlier today: https://www.axios.com/2024/06/27/michelle-obama-private-frustration-bidens-2024-election

The idea! that this isn’t fake and gay is in fact a fact of the malarkey of the circumstances of the situation in which the fact is the idea is fake and gay!
Pretty much this.
Yeah. It was a clean bloodless coup by CNN, and they frankly did a pretty cool job pulling this off.
You're not wrong, they're the ones that requested this debate. They are up to something. But if they find him medically unfit that means Kamala goes in and she'll be destroyed in any debate.

They're gonna have to make him step down some how.
Most Dems have been living in a state of total denial for the last four years anon.

They think the economy is in the best shape it's been in in 40 years.
It's too elaborate and dumb of a conspiracy. They probably guessed he might struggle, which is why they over-prepped him, but no-one expected it to be this bad. It still hurts the Dems for this election even if they replace him. And it won't be Michelle, it'll either be Newsom or Kamala.
>"OMFG HOW COULD HE FUCK UP THIS BAD I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND" - every leftist and news outlet
>"no guys see they actually wanted this to happen" - your dumb ass
Not talking about most Dems. Talking about their, and Joe’s, puppet masters
At this point Biden dropping out is literally the only way Trump might lose. We need to keep him in the race. Shill far and wide about how the panic is overblown and Biden clearly won the debate
You are right. MSM is even talking about replacing Biden already. They are planning some shit
You think that anyone within 5 ft of Biden for over 1 min over the last two years (at least) wasn’t fully aware that he would perform this way during the debate? They hid his ass in a basement during the 2020 campaign. You’re retarded. Use some common sense. This is exactly what was expected, and desired

Think about how “energizing” to their base it will be to have not one, but two black women on the ticket. That’s all that matters to them. Obama Harris ticket. It’s the only (and frankly good) strategy if they indeed want to beat Trump. Notice they also pushed the situation to a head, but convicting Trump, and going after him non-stop. It’s purely to boost the numbers up to make it impossible for Joe to deny stepping down. Only a “change” like this that is “fresh” but also “familiar” could work. I hate to call these fuckers smart, but you have to give credit where credit is due. They sure now how to pull off mass psyops to their own ends.
Doesn't matter either way. The Dems can wheel out all the puppets they want. Everyone knows it's still Hillary.
I agree. I wasn't paying much attention to the ongoings of the ZOG, so I didn't even realize there was a debate until like 10 minutes before it was happening. I've been alive 36 years and can remember 8 presidential elections. Never have I seen a debate in fucking June. There is no way the people around Biden daily though he could pull this off convincingly. It's like they had to prove to someone that he's so fucking mush brained that they need to pull the trigger and change candidates before it's too fucking late. The way this thing went I don't see how they possibly let this guy be THE guy for November. They can rig an election but there's no fucking way they can rig it that hard and that blatantly.
They don’t because then big Mike or whoever they actually like would become a wartime president, and more than half the country will tell that nigger to pound sand when they are drafted, no kikes need trump for that.
This is why you never withhold funding from Israel. Even if temporary.

The reality of the situation is that Joe Biden did one thing right, temporarily, and the Jewish mafia is working overtime to complete finish him after decades of loyal service.
It seems like there could have been an easier way for them to replace him. Biden kind of embarrassed the party as well and there's not much time to replace him smoothly. I think the democrats genuinely believe their bullshit and that Biden is fine and could make it through the election.
Unfathomably retarded take
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>ending your shillpost with nonsense NLP

ANONS: shills are going to dial up these talking points to unbefore seen levels in order to turn you against trump and leave you with nothing. you can EASILY shoot down ANY shill by making him tell you who he thinks you should elect. they can then only:

A. not answer (exposed useless shitposter)
B. list someone with no hope of winning (again, useless)
C. admit they are DNC shills (won't happen)

The only correct answer is Trump. Nothing else is remotely possible or helpful.
Kek. What a fag
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shills are getting angry every time i post this.
>This was planned.
Doesn't look like it, it looks more like the equivalent of Democrats writing a 3 hour exam and in the last 10 minutes just realized everything they wrote was wrong and are desperately watching the seconds count down as they try to figure out how to salvage the mess.
imagine being such a fucking NPC that it's the TV debate that makes you decide who to vote for
What am I shilling by pointing out the obvious, retard? Hours before the debate big Mike comes out and says there’s a rift between him and the Bidens? Earliest debate in history? You can’t even add 1+1 and you call me a shill? You’re retarded.
>Trump agrees to do the debate early to give the DNC time to find a more suitable candidate
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so who you voting for?
I want biden to win the presidency, accelerate.
You should be not willing to vote for either
Trump point blank said that he'd import more pajeets than Canada the other day
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So who you voting for
I'm not voting until I see a serious candidate
These retards aren't serious
>A. not answer (exposed useless shitposter)

mhm, ok.
Not a retarded idea. They're going to wheel out Hillary again, who is a slightly less rotten corpse.
>This was planned
Scripted wwe shit by zionists yeah
The problem with that is people might be shilled into believing it
Not voting is an answer, you retarded subhuman
hahaha your answer is intentionally useless, as predicted.
Just about as useless as some piece of shit memeing about Zion Don who will import so many punjabi your nose will lose its sense of smell
If you couldn’t guess their moves would look like this 4 years ago when the election was stolen then you are an NPC
Found the streetshitter.
But dems aren't that smart
It doesn't matter if they are surprised. What matters is that they get to eat a lot of shit for their insider unity. Tonight, they get to babysit their homosexual instead of dumping it on the minority voters.... and they are going to get touched... often...and wetly...and then their homosexual will insist that they tell it that they love it.
>another angry shill
543p2095782 dimensional chess
trust the plan

Blue Q
If you only knew how good things really are
Yeah seems like thats whats about to happen. Dems aren't dumbasses, they know what they're doing

Trump would starch any of their candidates in a debate so it doesn't really matter who they put in there - they just have to be likeable and give the public a sense of relief that it's not Trump or Biden

So Michelle Obama would be a good choice. Genius move would probably be to run Obama again or something but Big Mike (presumably with Barack doing a lot of behind-the-scenes shit) would probably win in a landslide

But tbqh it doesn't really matter who wins, I don't think the US president has anything like the power he had in the 50s/60s. US is kind of fucked either way
At this point I'm going to vote Biden for the sole purpose of acceleration. Imagine letting a person with dementia run your car. Now imagine them running the country.
Kamala is a death sentence, most Dems fucking hate her
Best post online today. Thank you all caps
Absolutely. But I'm thinking Gavin Newsom with Big Mike Obama as VP.

Newsom was literally at the debate waiting to be interviewed after the disaster.
Has there ever been any hint at all that Michelle wants to be President?
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Oh fuck up, They're going to run Biden no matter what because whoever you think they want to replace him with is arguably worse.
>Michael Obama?
She's expressed that she doesn't want to get into politics because she had enough of it during Obama. She much prefers her private life with her famous friends.
A dude who's getting recalled in the bluest state for the second time?
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so then why would they make trump look good in front of thousands of people in order to accomplish this goal? wouldnt it have been better to just go through with it earlier in his term instead of 4 months before the election?
from my recent reconnaissance it doesn't look like our shilling is needed as it's already being done by 1 billion bots on social media
in my defense, i did type Michael Obama.
Why would Michelle Obama want the job of running against Trump? Why would anyone? They'd enter the race with such a disadvantage, most likely setting themselves up to be the joke forced nominee that lost to Trump. The way the election cycle typically goes, there are good years to run and bad years. 2004 was a shitty year to run as a Democrat, but 2008 was a freaking amazing year to run, and that's why it was a lot more competitive.

Trump got more popular in 2020 than he was in 2016, it's just that COVID and mail-in ballots and harvesting and whatnot let the Democrats sneak by with the barest of victories. It wasn't like his voters turned on him and he bled support.

Any Democrat that actually wants to be president and thinks they have a realistic shot at the job would not want to get their probably one-and-only chance now, with Trump more popular than ever and most people firmly on the side of "the country is on the wrong track." Biden has been a shitty president in ways that affect people directly, and the biggest issues for people now, like the economy and immigration, are the issues that people have always liked Trump on.

Letting Trump repeatedly surge his way to a lead nationally and in every swing state, so they can break their whole nominating process to force a wild card candidate in is a terrible strategy. Best to just let Joe lose, but if they do replace Biden, they'll probably just run Kamala because it'll be really hard not to, and then they'll all make millions of dollars being The Resistance for four years, at which point Trump will be gone and they can get an actually good nominee.
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I've been telling you faggots that (((they))) are rigging it for Zion Don this time around. The court cases are just to make him malleable. (((They))) will install Trump, genocide Palestine and deploy US troops to Iran
It was a shamefur dispray.

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