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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why do we not see generals as presidential candidates anymore? I know we make a big deal out of separation of military and civilian power. Which is understandable we’re not a banana republic. But we do have a long history of veteran presidents, and it just makes sense for the leader of the country’s foreign policy to have a military background, especially if that 2028 Taiwan invasion stuff comes true. Why can’t the Dems just pick a moderate mild-mannered general that supports guns and abortion?
That's a nigger
that's a tranny
>Why can’t the Dems just pick a moderate mild-mannered general that supports guns and abortion?
Because their party platform doesn't call for normalcy.
They have greatly “diversified” the general ranks so there aren’t anymore candidates. The highest they can get is advisors.
that's a spicy meatball
DeSantis is a war veteran.
Man is trained to fight and kill, yet Trump got the seat to command the armed forces. That is weird to think about.
Today's generals are chosen being meek and weak willed. Doesn't make for good presidential material.
>Why do we not see generals as presidential candidates anymore?
Stop and consider for a moment what we have for generals these days. There's your answer.
A society with jewish values does not respect martial leaders, they want slavish followers in officer roles. This is actually a problem for Israel where different jewish factions try to carve out exemptions from military service for themselves and get the other jewish factions to be the ones serving them, Israel's pretty dysfunctinal.
Between 1992 and 2012 There were six presidential elections.
In each one, a military veteran ran against a non-veteran.
How many elections did the veteran candidate win?
Eisenhower won a war right?
Who was the last general we had who actually won a war?
because they are now all welfare queens indoctrinated into serving the MIC and or controlled completely by CIA black mail. Eisenhower was the last basically and in his farewell speech he literally spent the whole thing warning about the military industrial complex and what they planned for the U.S.
the vast majority of modern officers are perpetually cucked leftist shills who backstab their own and constantly throw their subordinates under the bus in order to climb the ladder. at most i'd trust maybe a combat arms senior nco, but definitely not an officer, and even that's a stretch because after a certain point in your career even ncos become officer-like and value their career over the welfare of their suborinates.
t. former army infantry
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I'm sort of surprised how fast Mad Dog disappeared from the public consciousness.
Twice. Clinton dodged the draft and Barry was a nigger, so just Dubya also Kerry was technically a vet too
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The real problem is the American constitution. The constitution says Judaism is equal to Christianity. The only valid religion is Christianity. You never win with freemasonry
You want Xi tranny Milley as fucking president? Are you fucking stupid?
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>Why do we not see generals as presidential candidates anymore?
That's because you have nearly FIFTY (50) 4-star generals, compared to single digits when the one of the "few good kikes" was president.

>stars are as worthless as a D. E. I. resume
There hasn't been a decent general since ww2, even someone like Petraeus pales in comparison to them.
Because he turned into a limp wristed faggot. His mad dog days were fucking 30 years ago.
none of the ww2 generals were good too, their solution to every problem was "throw men and money at it" which is what lead us to our current problems.
As political parties became more extreme and polarized, Generals had to start tap dancing to get that star. Because Generals are created by politicians. Guess what kind of questions they get asked? Anything above Colonel is a slime bag politician.
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And an AIPAC guy
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George H. W. Bush served in the Pacific Theater,

The last national military parade was under Bush S. in 1991.

It was basically a Roman triumph to mark the victory in the Gulf War.

Such a thing has not been done in over 30 years, it was controversial.

Some thought it was great, some were arrested, liberals did not like it.
Won't happen, sorry.
There's only ever been like 4 five-star generals
>I like Ike
i lie kike
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I wish Mac Arthur had run back then he seemed to be a really nice guy and he was widely popular too.
Not exactly what his political views were but it could not be worse than what happened in our timeline.
Eisenhower's death camps . . . 1.5 to 8 million surrendered POWs left to starve & die of exposure in open-air camps


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The military is nothing but beaners, black women, and fags.
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A sea of radioactive cobalt would probably be better than this timeline come to think of it.
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I love reading entries like this from a time when white men wanted to claim territory for ourselves rather than for jews with a fig leaf of wanting the whole globe to give faggots "rights".
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have you ever met a flip
When is the last time an American general won anything?

That probably answers your question.
Because we don’t win wars anymore so there’s no point in them running
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What if I told you we actually do see
Presidents who are generals. You just don’t notice them.
because there aren't any good ones anymore,even the WW2 era ones were mediocre and just won because they had every advantage on their side and attacked Germany when it was on it's last legs but at least they were recognized and won somenthing,the closest the US ever came to fighting an enemy of equal strenght was Japan in WW2

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