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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The salt is flowing everywhere now.
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>The Dems, CNN and shills right now
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First for FUCK ISRAEL.
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Trump after speach he is going hard on all liberal bs

Bidens lips dont move when he talks.
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Where were you when Joe Biden declared victory over Medicare?
This clip is Biden right after the debate and reddit is calling it a win.
He is going scorched earth on everything like dei and trans bull shit
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Post the actual brap of the debate: https://vocaroo.com/15MGpEOtbGgB
It was clipped at 5:17:30 here by some autistic anon 30min after the debate ended
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Trump would wear oakleys and you know it.
That was insane.

Biden couldn't form coherent thoughts that translated into mouth movement that made words.
It was his worst performance ever.
This leads me to believe it was a set up.

This is straight up insane. Unbelievably bad.
Wtf is actually going on? Reddit comments seem to be broken in random non-political subs. Fucking insane.

Someone explain the democrat's 4D chess here, because I don't seem to fucking get it.
>trying to get those Indians back on the reservation
Why the fuck even go near a sentence like this as a presidential candidate
If there was no drug test for the debate why didn't they give him whatever he's on here earlier?
It’s not a setup. There’s no 4d chess. There’s no grand plan. The ultimate redpill is realizing the establishment is a bunch of retards.
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>i fuck kids and joe biden fucks my ass dry
rather than gloating or weeping at Biden's performance, people should be asking themselves who the fuck has been running the country for the past several years.
if Biden's incompetence is so obvious to us plebes and unwashed masses now, it most certainly was apparent to corporate America's CEO's, executives, and boards of directors some time ago. there's no fucking way Biden would have been allowed anywhere near the levers of actual power. he's simply too dangerous to the stability corporate profits need to prosper.
so who the fuck has been running the country for the last several years is the question everyone should be asking themselves.

even /pol/ should fucking know better.
it's been obvious for months that biden was getting his ass handed to him in the polls by Trump, and that's without biden's obvious cognitive problems.
tonite's performance was a stage-managed controlled demolition of biden's campaign. it was a pre-dermined outcome, and everyone on /pol/ is acting like we won something rather than using it as a moment to wake up a few more normies.
He's old af, everyone ages differently once you hit like 80+. My gran still did yoga and had conversations at 85-90, but 90+ and spoke less but still very alert. Joe also probably did drugs and drank a lot
>*gurgle* "it's tremendous..."
Imagine the smell.
CNN says boden "knows every one of these questions is coming".
We all knew he got them beforehand but didnt expect them to admit it.
We need another live Anti-Trump art piece to complete the circle.
Did anyone watch RFK JR and John Stossel?
There were quite a few C-SPAN callers who matter-of-factly stated that Biden is just a puppet.
Establishment testing if he could even be trusted to play the role of a puppet?
It seems like he failed their test.
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Biden won
That could easily just mean he should have expected these questions. It's not like it's surprising they asked him why he thinks the economy is actually good.
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I get the tendency to think this is all some plan, but there's something you need to realise
There has been a slow but steady build up of retarded decision making in the establishment for nearly half a century
Every time it threatened to come to a head they simply postponed it rather then dealing with it
What you are seeign is half a decade of building retardation growing so cumbersome they can no longer hide it
They were not and are not geniuses, they simply kept postponing their decline and can no longer sweep it under the rug
>everyone on /pol/ is acting like we won something
No white person wins with either candidate. They both made that clear tonight. The salt is delicious though.
The only strategy was to get it out of the way in time for people to forget.
There will be another half dozen new things like racist cop nazi school shooters between now and November.
Can someone please clip the part where Biden started randomly talking about women being raped by their family members? Even Trump looked kind of uncomfortable.
He obviously he pre-memorized answers. Its just he couldn't deliver them, nor were they any good. I swear his coaching and writing is handled by women. He's so catty.
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Tbh I rather take the wise old man who occasionally stutters than the lying orange nazi clown
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well yeah
You really think that?
Then explain why you can hear biden saying "let me respond" but his lips don't move. Volume up.
j'oh shit!
Not everything is a conspiracy buckoo.
Biden simply decided to run again despite saying last time he would let younger democrats handle it. Why, no idea. Life support probably, everyone is scared of death and retiring is usually the #1 cause of suddenly croaking if you've worked your entire life. Or a sense of ambition or lust for power.
Despite dems trying to dissuade him, he insisted. Angrily. So they closed ranks eventually going "He is fine, best guy top bloke".
Now everyone saw that he is not fine and the asses are on fire again. Could have been Newsoms great chance, but he was also dumb enough to box himself in by pretending to be all-in for Biden. Though I still think he will run if dems finally sit grandpa down and tell him it's time for the retirement home.
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if it was a shitting your pants contest sure>>472426452
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I wanted to watch with you frens but I fell asleep :(

Was it a /comfy/ debate to watch? Amd were the moderators as bad as people thought they'd be?
>Was it a /comfy/ debate to watch?
It was just bizarre. Not really /comfy/ tier.
What I think is that it doesn't matter if he got the questions because it's all obvious stuff and he doesn't have answers either way. It's like an open book test. What matters is how you answer them, and that's why the focus is so heavy on just how decrepit and ossified he has become.
mods were more fair than you'd think from CNN but they did try and get Trump on some gotcha's that Trump basically didn't answer.
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It was painful to watch. Biden's voice is like broken glass buried beneath 1000 meters of sand. He sounded like he was speaking from beyond the grave. No one has ever sounded as old as he did. He could barely speak a single clear sentence, and sounded like death even if he did succeed at seeming sentient for a brief moment -- and that's all he got, a few spare moments of not looking entirely braindead.

Thats just some chair or shoe on the floor crunching, sounds more like someone moving on a leather couch than an actual fart.
Trump handled that pretty well. No one really cares about that stuff anyway, not with Biden's clay carapace threatening to crackle into dust at any moment.
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>Why, no idea.
Well sonovabitch. Looks like someone forgot about Ukraine.
>he doesn't have answers either way
Oh. Is that why you won't talk about what I just said?









This’s probably true. First Bernie and now this. Libs will not be happy.
>cnn mods were fair
>trump, will you accept the alection
>we asked if you'll accept the results
>we still want an answer if you'll accept results
>mr.biden, would you like to respond
The claims of setup from most is just democrat-grade cope. They thought they could sleepwalk him through like last time. They only had to make it until November and he could be shuffled off into the sunset.

Now they have no candidate at all. Kamala would be it, as they cannot ditch her, but she is toxic in the extreme. They are fucked and know it.
>Thats just some chair or shoe on the floor crunching, sounds more like someone moving on a leather couch than an actual fart.

in the other thread they are saying its the host drinking but they are ignoring the second quieter bassier follow through when he fully commits to shitting at 5:17:38 or so

cant wait for the spin on this
You posted an undecipherable audio artifact that, even if it's what you claim, has nothing to do with the question. You're austically focused on a figure of speech.
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Be less gullible.
Two more weeks until biden voters tell us to trust the plan.
I think a lot of democrats will feel they have been sold a bill of goods
>You posted an undecipherable audio artifact
It's not real!
>even if it's what you claim, has nothing to do with the question.
Even if it's real it doesn't matter!
CNN caught fucking with the debate and you're too much of a shill to notice.
I get the feeling they were ready to play the schoolmarm and scold him while cutting off his mic but amazingly he self-disciplined more than I thought he was capable of.
Then all those "You have X seconds left" from the moderators makes me think neither of them wanted to be there.
>Be less gullible.
>No, it's not real.
It was during the cnn stream.
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>Sure, we lied to you about Biden's condition, but TRUST US this new candidate is great!
>no bro just turn your speakers up a little more
It doesn't sound like anything, and like I asked before, what are you even saying happened? Joe's a secret ventriloquist which proves he got questions in advance? Hard hitting questions such as...what are your plans for the economy, what do you think about abortion, and why is Russia le bad? Are you saying you were surprised those topics came up?
You don't seem to realize how close this republic has been to civil war, and what a job it has been to turn that around.
im a neet who slept through the whole thing, nice to wake up to the fact biden shat his pants on live tv
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good baid, heres a (You)
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Oh shit, please, AND have a new Q drummed up to placate these assholes. Call it 'P'.
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>A bunch of back-room deals to ditch the guy they rigged even their own primaries for, and install some new unelected figurehead.
>Democracy in action.
This is your brain on Clown World.
>democracy is party insiders hand-picking their preferred replacement after voters made their own choice
that relates to my comment how?
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Someone ring up Shia, I'm feeling adventurous.
CNN jacob samuels was just responding to himself, obviously.
You tell me glownigger, what happened? Why do you hear it but don't see it?
It's easy to make out when volume is up. Don't play dumb.
If xir blames the media for this debate just wait til xhe sees who wrote the rules for it.
they really do live in a carefully crafted alternate reality where people aren't sick of democrat policies that make everyone poorer and less safe. remarkable.
Talk about deflection. You posted that video, twice now. Why don't you tell us what you think it means, and then what it means in relation to the idea of Biden getting questions in advance.
>tell me
You don't know shit.
ok retard, you baited me, well done
Look at the video retard. I didn't create it, CNN did. Why don't you ask your buddies how it's possible?
Compared to 2020 it was fair as fuck when trump had to debate Biden and Wallace
I still don't know what it is you're referring to. Just because you're desperate for it to have been...something you still haven't explained, doesn't make it true, whatever it may be.
The brap heard around the world
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>I still don't know what it is you're referring to.
Turn up your volume and listen in the first two seconds. Pretend to not hear it all you want.
I did and don't hear anything. Sorry you're delusional.
god i love to see this faggot cry
In what part of the debate did Biden say he was going to give gibs money to black home buyers and black students? I heard it was 10K or 15K for blacks.

Is that even legal? How can the federal government discriminate and give money to people based on race?
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this is the happiest day of this week
It's probably just a producer in the host's earpiece but you must be deaf, listen closely right after the host says "sir" and before he says "well"
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Yeah it's an echo coming from somewhere. He still hasn't explained what this is supposed to do with anything besides pump up his own tweet's viewer numbers.
Notice how he stopped and made sure that he did NOT say anything about uncles?
Hmm... makes ya think.
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Probably true, despite still being a horrible plan. The only thing I can think of is they wanted to use the last bit of their geriatric candidate before having to switch.

They don't really have good ones in the pipeline other than maybe Newsom. He'll be like Trudeau but for the US.
>his niece diary
This guy knows all about in-family rapes
Could someone tell me where in the debate Bidens earpiece falls out? I watched nearly an hour and must have missed it.

Trust the.. the thing.


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I’ve noticed this board is nothing but cuckolds and glowies
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That was a serious shit.
I'm telling you, Sleepy Joe, that was the biggest pile that anyone has ever shit in their pants in the history of this country.
It's true.
Hueg victory

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