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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why were a group of unelected aristocrats allowed to determine if the states they were from wanted independence from the United Kingdom?
Most if not all revolutions consist of two parties. The elites who have the money and philosophy part of the revolution, guns aren't free, and the grunts who want freedom and revenge. Such it was in America. They had to rally troops, a crude form of a vote. They men voted with their lives and there is no greater endorsement than that.
It's called a republic.... people representing other people's viewpoints. I blame the American education system for you not knowing this OP.
Maybe read a book some time.
Might I suggest:
Wdym allowed? they allowed it themselves, because they could
>allowed to
lul, they fought them for it

Delegates for the second continental congress were elected directly or chosen by the legislature, depending on the colony.
The truth is that there is only one humanism-atheism-capitalism but humanists keep making up various flavors, like classical liberalism, social liberalism, nationalism, communism, to keep people running in circle among all the atheist religions. In other words, atheists use their fantasy of markets to balkanize their own religion in order to keep people trapped in it while thinking they become free thinkers when they explore the various flavors of atheism.

the bourgeois created humanism and their revolutions precisely to remove any theology bigger than the bourgeois society, so that the wageslaves can ''create their own goals'' , ie self determination, and be an active ''citizen''. This was at the time of the bourgeois invention of ''nationalism''. Nowadays the bourgeois manages the other side of its self-made individualism with the exact opposite (equally controlled by the same bourgeois), ie perennialism, internationalism , interdependence ie ''being a citizen of the world''.
You have to understand that in a balkanized atheist supermarket of political sides, the bourgeois control all sides, all the narratives. It's the bourgeois who choose what narrative is trendy and what narrative will be frowned upon through the bourgeois means, ie mercantilism and legalism.
Overarching this balkanized supermarket of atheist sub-religions, there's indeed a contrived inorganic theme to get the wageslave going. The bourgeois academia was never about truth nor science.
Any new fad in democracy stems from the merchants and the bureaucratic agents, and they go along the flow, not planning some 4dchess like atheist chuds keep fantasizing.
Right at the beginning they were vilifying monarchies, then they started their self aggrandizing narrative of industrialization, then colonization, then they created 2 world wars, then they started mass consumerism thanks to feeding the peasants with industrial goods, then they started decolonization and now they finally found the perfect match between the mercantile activity and the atheist cravings for virtue signaling: wokism.
This is thanks to women being educated with bullshit studies, women controlling the bureaucracy, women controlling the HR department in megacrops and women being the major consumer in democracy.
Wokism is the ideal life of the atheist and woman: tons of consumerism and at the same time tons of false introspection, because they are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. Merchants and Bureaucrats and Women have no capacity for criticism, which makes them the best candidate for running the show.
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You could have done it yourself if you had balls.

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