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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Elects a cat as a mayor
Why are Amerimutts like this?
Look how chill that cat is tho.
The mayor usually doesn't do shit but launder money anyways
>Slide thread by a kike or poojeet
That cat is more human than you’ll ever be
The only reason you seethe at a cat and use it as your rage bait is because the cat is the mortal enemy of the rat jew

Seethe at his smugness kike
One day we’ll kill you all
I pray for the day
I yearn for the day
that mayor at least cant launder money so i get it
>implying your mayor is better than that cat
K, bro
Unironically the least corrupt mayor in America.
We probably gave your country freedom and we put men on the moon
the kitty is a better mayor than yours
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What town is this? I need head there
*to head there
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Talkeetna Alaska. Took LITERALLY one second to search.
Nagleys store

13650 E Main St
Talkeetna, AK 99676
United States

Does this count as me doxing a politician?
Also what’s the deal with Nepotism in that town?
The daughter of Stubbs is the mayor?
Cat won't fuck anything else. May as well vote for a dead person.
be honest a cat is a better mayor than a human, all people are corrupt and evil and should not govern anything
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We are often beholden to laws put in places hundreds of years before we were born. Were more conservative than Europe though, so instead of rewriting our laws we elect cats and dogs. Plus we keep our guns. And fuck California. They should elect house pets too.
>The racial makeup of the CDP was 87.95% White, 3.76% Native American, 0.13% Asian, 1.30% from African American, and 6.87% from two or more races. 1.04% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race.

(almost) No niggers or messicans
Makes sense
Cat wont import niggers and steal money
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>Why are Amerimutts like this?

Because I'd rather have a cat as a mayor instead of a nigger, simple as.
Id rather have a cat mayor than a nigger or chink one
A cat wouldn't endorse nigger invasion, niggers are mean to cats so even if the cat could think and speak and write it would be incentivized to keep shitskins out.
Only America and Japan has soul. The rest of the world lost theirs long ago and are simply leeches sucking on these two countries.
>”In 2013 Stubbs signed into effect the Denali equality act; ensuring everyone of color an opportunity”
Nice try
Cat mayor better than shitskin mayor.
It’s cute… almost too cute.
it's a vote of no confidence in the existing candidates. trump was kinda no different, voting for him was a direct Fuck You to an establishment that was so out of touch that they thought they could peddle the populace another bush or clinton
I would vote for a cat president if I could
This should become customary in any town that requires stability for some years instead of flip-flopping through parties and increasingly corrupt candidates.
Nothing to be mayor of. Talkeetna didn't have 1000 people when they elected the cat. The whole town is just a general store, a motel, and post office.
It’s Alaska. Pretend it’s the us all you want but that place is wild country. Bet you didn’t even watch ice road truckers
I'd trust a cat over a Kike to run a city anyway.

OP is a faggot.
Whites can create a functioning society without excessive hierarchical leadership, thus they elect a cat because the cat is incapable of fucking it up.
>that mayor at least cant launder money so i get it

You can bribe him with deenz. Unlike paper money, deenz are real capital.
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Cats govern better tha hooman
>when the toxoplasmosis reaches level previously thought impossible
If you're going to elect for a big fat pussy anyway, then why sugarcoat it?
and he is the least corrupt mayor in history of the town and the cutest :3
>American people -in an astonishing act of collective lucidity- manage to irrefutably prove that politicians aren't necessary at all
>largest impact is some idiot making a "why are they like this" post
We deserve our terrible fate
Isn't Romania a country in Africa?
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Norway promoted a penguin to major general and was knighted.
Caligula had his horse elected senator to prove a point.
Simple. Cat's can only be fat, they can't be niggers, shabbos goys or jews. I say based.
>Stubbs was a cat who was the honorary mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, from July 18, 1997, until his death in 2017.

That's when white people still existed in America.
>Looks at politicians.
Yeah, why was this not sensible again?
More useful than a real politician, this is a win for americans
It was either cat or nigger.
It's one of rhe reasons I found strange love towards America and the People creep into my heart like an old souls home in fimiliarity despite it driving me Bat Shit Nuts... the people here love animals.
Truly, truly love animals, now, none of us are perfect but the love for animals here is great and that shows it's worth saving.

Disclaimer, I reserve the right to bitch and criticize endlessly whenever I please anytime I please! lol
He runs that town! lol
what the fuck? is this real?
What's his platform
why aren't you like this
Well, would you rather have a dog as mayor?
the cat could be president over biden at this point
Lol, epic.
Idk looks like a patio table
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deenz and catnip
we have that too
Catfaggots are retards
More news at 11
Next we elect a colt for mayor.
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Cats know how to run things.

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