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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Poll: odds - 2024 U.S. President, average
These are betting odds, not polls.
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>NY Times, CNN, Politico, Washington Post are discussing replacing Biden

holy fuck i never would have expected this
Electionbettingodds is also run by Joos. I don’t like them but they know where the money is
That Axelrod headline! haha
>We're saving democracy
>W-w-wait we're gonna get rid of the guy democracy elected
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>Replacing a candidate 5 months out from election
Has this ever happened?
Shut up nigger, this is an election betting poll and reflects the movement of trust and confidence in the election outcome. Kill yourself and go back to redd*t you nigger tranny
it really was catastrophic for Biden at times
I have never seen someone in control of White House be humiliated to that degree before.
there have been several instances of things like this, including way more interesting. the most similar one led to the Civil War but nbd
I have more INFINITELY more faith in betting odds than (((polls)))
Who do they even poll? Ive never been polled.
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why dont the dems just run him anyway and cheat?
Not really, Trump was winning in the betting markets in 2020 too. They're not polls.
So even more accurate than since people are actually putting their money where their mouth is and there's no third party involved that's potentially using shady methodology to get whatever results they'd like to see.
>Trump was winning
>2020 too
DeSantis at 0.4% shows some smart $ taking a long option on (((them))) killing Trump. I don't think (((they))) are unanimous on doing it though, a decent number are convinced Trump is better for (((them))). So 40 bp seems about right.
>why dont the dems just run him anyway and cheat?
They'd need 400 million votes. It would be too obvious.
If you think the polling odds are better you're free to take bets then since you are assuming that they have worse data and therefore have a statistical advantage.
Literally everyone predicted this anon. For months everyone was talking about dems waiting for the debate with biden (earliest debate ever) to throw him under the bus and replace him, then that happened exactly as predicted.
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>Newsom surge
Soft disclosure, anons. Pay attention.
i would like to be alive when they do this just to laugh and tell my grandkids that i was there
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Why is the media all talking about replacing the Democratic nominee when the vote has already ended? Is acting like doing something like this is normal part of their plan? Normalize letting the "Democratic Elite" as they say decide the candidate? Has this been done before? Sounds very undemocratic.
I’ve never seen someone in a debate period be humiliated like that before. Even Jeb did better. Why would they allow him to debate?
that just reflects the fact that Bidens not gonna be running. And hes not gonna be running x10 if the polls look even half as bad as this
its not even a straight REP v DEMs bet tho.
its reflecting the fact that Joes chances however, just disappeared.

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