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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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She's been running the country for 3-1/2 years. So what's the problem? Let her run it for another 4-1/2 years.
Running it where? 6 feet under?
Many people are saying it's her turn. She'll do a tremendous job, believe me. Kekistanis for Kamala.
it is most certainly HER TURN. Biden should resign immediately.
She was the "Border Czar" for the past few years. How's her policies working out?
Behind the scenes of course. Or just nominate her POTUS.
God I’d face fuck her so hard
The Whore Of Babylon is a great card, I hope they play it so they can continue the End Times
Just imagine her negotiating an end to the Ukraine war with Vladimir Putin
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>country going down hill 3 1/2 years, lets go down hill 4 1/2 more years
Who should Kamala Harris for President choose for her running mate?
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>She's been running the country for 3-1/2 years
This was the secret president until she bailed. Right now no one is steering the ship.
Pete Buttgig
pretty sure Blinken and Sullivan are running everything.
I would shoot so much cum in her asshole
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I want Kamala and her cute sister at the same time
Judging how bad things are getting they might be, but Rice was president until 5/2023 when she resigned because she was the smartest person in the administration and knew when to run ]far away.
same, i'm jealous of everyone in the administration that's had a blow from her
>She's been running the country
no she didn't shlomo, cut the shit
RFK, Jr. for Vice President
Harris-Kennedy in '24
Can beat Trump
Poor Kamala just wants to go home.
Literally everyone hates her. She's the embodiment of everyone's shitty female boss and no one will put up with it
Nice try there Donnie, you lying sack of shit.
Good luck beating Harris-Kennedy in '24.
206 jewmocracy ended eu NATO nd goldenberg the durwoix shit nd the satanyahoo the zionist birth pangs bullshittt mossad did 91q lavon affair holohoax 200 millions

She’s historically unpopular. She also has a bunch of skeletons that everyone has agreed not to bring up since she doesn’t do anything.
I unironically forgot this bitch existed
It's a done deal.
Coomer Queen Cleopatra reincarnated

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