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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Bumping because those digits are fantastic
Just imagine trump in the corner sucking his own dick while biden shits himself like a fucking retard in the other corner. I hate them both but trump clearly won just by not having alzheimer's.
There aren't any, Trump just repeats his same old lines and Biden tries his best to keep up and sound coherent, he has a cold or is suffering side-effects of his drug cocktail and appears weak, he rambles but mostly stays on track, there are a couple moments where he blanks out for a few seconds.
Burnt piss.
Mallistic bissiles.
Morals of an Alleycat.
Swastikas on torches.
>And by the way,
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Biden actually froze on stage, he did his no-blinking thing again, he clearly had access to a teleprompter and still fucked it up.
Trump called him a bad palestin and said he sucked at gold.
Border was talked about a lot and Biden had zero defense against it.
DNC is in panic mode and every democrat wants Biden to stand down.
Also checking your digits.
Remember the line about being raped by your sisters? Or when he tried to call Trump a fatass who can't play golf? I wish I recorded it
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and biden shart himself
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hologram bluescreened live on air so they're scrubbing it
The brief argument over who could golf better was probably the only memorable moment since it was like... you're both running for president, who the fuck even cares lol.
I missed it too because it was 3 AM and I prefered to sleep.
I expected that it would be as boring as the last election's debate, but apparently Biden's handler didn't dope him up enough...
Where can I watch the whole thing?
>based digits
Biden shat himself on live TV
> huma abedin at 40% (!!!)
Mommy president
Not many really but here is a few

>biden said he best Medicare and trump said yeah you did lmao
>trump said he had the greatest economy in American history (guess he forgot about the 90s)
>they both had a random pissing contest about gold and their handicaps
>biden babbled for a minute and trump said he has no idea what Biden just said and neither does Biden

Biden looked and sounded like shit and belongs in a care home. Trump was trump, CNN are even blasting Biden, dems want him to resign. That’s pretty much it
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they cleaned up Biden's gobledy gook & deleted Trump's jab from the transcript
>they really just cannot help themselves
Wasted checked on a glownigger slide thread.
I just blanked out at that point. Just a shit shoveling contest. I'm not a Biden supporter, but even I wanted to see him perform better than this. I can't believe people voted for Biden in the first place, but what I really can't believe is that any seemingly literate person would vote for him twice.
This sums it up well, also checked
Highlights: Biden sharted.
Literally, then figuratively, then literally again.
Ffs it just keeps getting funnier everytime I hear it
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>I expected that it would be boring
Is the president of the US shitting his pants on live tv boring?
Apparently, Biden once challenged Trump to a game of golf and Trump won.
And Biden first said he got a score of 4 then he said he got a score of 6 or 8? I don't know golf, but he lied about his gokf score in real time during the debate.
Personally, I think that was code/coms. I think they were talking about......... the golf rumors.
Have you heard of the golf rumors and all those rich old people?
I don't know the whole story but I know its bad.
Real bad.
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> Trump called him a bad palestin and said he sucked at gold.
My countrymen voted for my Prime Minister three times in a row and there are still people who will vote for him a fourth time. They're party voters and are essentially the dumbest cohort of voters you could ever meet, they simply just always vote for the same party forever every single time while also having zero interest or understanding of any political details.
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And so it begins. The digits in this thread are impeccable. Trump will win.
Agreed. Trump will win.
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my father has alzheimer's, the last thing a man in his condition should be is the front man for the jewish cabal trying to genocide white men. its too taxing.
>farted, maybe sharted
>closes eyes, shakes head
>it's over
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two old men shitslinging as the audience laughs, biden acting like hes on his deathbed and once more being unable to complete sentences as trump grills his ass
>talking quietly
>Biden reciting a 30-day rehearsed script
>Biden giving retard looks every time Trump talks
>Biden definitely a zombie on drugs
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Biden fell asleep for 7 seconds, Trump had filled the crowd with rape victims next to Hillary, Kamala was looking thuggish at Trump and it's the same over and over and over again.

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