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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why did he fuck biden over so hard tonight? i thought ol' tapper was supposed to be an establishment puppet but he threw this entire debate away tonight. jakehad the opportunity to win the election for the democrats, thats the whole point of CNN running the debate with its gay rules (everyone expected them to cheat the debate anyways so what harm is it to rig the thing??) if they were going to treat trump and biden equally
this nutcase jake tapper is FINISHED. he WILL be SILENCED.
The establishment wants a right wing candidate. Not trump, but they don't have much of a choice. They need white boys to die in the upcoming wars.
Biden killed Democracy.
He actually threw Biden a life raft when he was malfunctioning early in the debate. He stopped his incoherent rambling with a "Thank you, Mr. President" and then asked Trump a question.
The jews are getting comfortable with the idea of Trump. They know he isn't goimg to deport anybody, and they need to get White men to die fighting Iran.
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Our guy. I hope they don't fire him for giving a Palestinian quarter.
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Likely. They need conditions to improve for a little bit first as bait.
Of course that faggot is back campaigning for Trump just as everyone said he would.
why are you liking those revolting tweets
i wish i could be this retarded and get away with it
That second tweet was kind of funny
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If this were high school debate club I'd honestly say Biden won. Trump hardly even answered the questions, he just went on tangents and didn't even reply to any of Biden's criticisms. Yeah Biden mumbled and stuttered the whole time but at least he tried to answer the questions.

That said, it wasn't a high school debate, it was a setup by the most biased media outlet in the country run by two people who openly dislike Trump on a personal level. Ignoring their loaded questions and bullshit to get the word out about issues that really matter was absolutely the right move. He knocked it out of the park on the issue of Ukraine in particular; the fact that Putin made no moves on Ukraine when Trump was in office gets nowhere near enough airtime.
>If this were high school debate club
if this was that everyone would still agree trump won just because he was able to speak in the first place.
US is a Republic!
Democracy is a cancer, so this can only be good.
He is CIA. CIA wants Trump, others including the British establishment want Biden.
Democracy is a failed system run by a small cabal of elites trying to prop up the illusion that common people have any say in anything

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