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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Give me the highlights /pol/
just watch first 15 minutes
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Weekend at Joe was taking cues via ear piece; while Dumbf as in his usual form -- made to look better because of how abjectly mortifying "Sleep Joe" was.
Literally who cares?
Biden actually, unironically shit himself.
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sounds like a burp
Trump dominated that alzheimer's patient
Biden literally leaned on the Charlottesville lie that Snopes just debunked.
Someone on Biden's team didn't even bother to tell him.
It definitely does not.
Trump acted blatantly evil.
Biden acted hopelessly old.
Joe basically showed that he was unfit and tired, and Trump wasn't too entertaining or vicious. It was very tame, but good lord, you can't help but feel bad for Joe.
trump ghhdhedhd binden fhchhjjeehehdh
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Wait they debated already? Either my level of not giving a fuck about this absolute theatre has peaked, or they switched the LHC on again
It was all pre setup, they took him off to camp david while while they did it.
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About what you'd expect
I didn't watch it since I knew it would be filled with too much cringe and apparently it was. Everyone on both sides just wanted it to stop since Biden was clearly incoherent and you just felt sorry for him (not a good look for a president)
More of the same
>Biden is senile
>Trump is a deflecting liar
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>Trump wasn't too entertaining or vicious
Was kind of expecting something like 2016, but no, it was especially tame. Don't no what made Trump so cucked, except the fact that he’s probably extremely fatigued
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You spared yourself a ZOG puppet shoah.
Further proof that our institutions are rotten beyond all belief and capacity.
Trump called Biden a Palestinian when Biden started crying about killing children. Epic win.
When biden won in 2020 the usa politics became fake a fuck.
Basically turns out Trump didn't even start any wars and never lost territory to Russia or Chyna! lol

Only globalist commies did!
Crimea and Tibet.

>moderator: what are your views on the economy?

joe biden: i. well i uh. [nose starts bleeding] hmm.

donald trump: we’re gonna find and kill the grinch. mark my words. we are gonna use the big guns. it’s gonna be something folks
soul nate

>moderator: moving on, what would you do on school choice?

trump: getting back to the grinch thing, we are gonna fly a drone down his little mountain chimney. there’s nowhere on earth he can hide
You're just going to have to watch it, sorry.

The whole thing is like a horror show. There aren't really highlights or clips
Trump wailed on Biden like an illegal getting paid below minimum wage under the table wailed on a resident after they spilled their soup.
Joe is a corpse, Trump is a bullshitter.
Bullshit beats dementia.
RIP Ukraine
RIP Baltics
RIP Taiwan
(probably) RIP South Korea
(probably) RIP Japan
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to get an idea of the idea of the thing at...South Carolina?, here's an idea why don't you do the thing...you know just ... the idea is you watch the thing you know?
>I don't understand a word of what he just said, and I don't think he did either
Guess you'll have to stop being a broke ass English teacher in Japan huh
American politics gave been fake since 2008, with 2016 being an exception that we probably won't see for some time.

Both candidates knows something the general public doesn't, or probably a how swath of things. Non eof them realize how insane and complicated our world is, and the US’s place in it
Moderately wealthy exporter, thank you very much.
Fentanyl Problem:
Machine price proposed by democrats is being overcharged, there is chemical detection methods and x-ray detection methods which can be easily built for quite a low price.
Dog price proposed by republicans is being overcharged.
Money is being skimmed off the top by both republicans who charge for dogs and democrats who ask for machines.
Both Trump and Biden want to keep senior social security, both parties like getting benefits.
Both Trump and Biden have methods which keep the election system running in their favor.
Cost of living will go up for all Americans as political skimming problem is not addressed.

Biden promises to move towards policies which will move towards peace.
Biden is more proficient in understanding people.
Biden wants to leave Donald Trump's wall open to bring in more immigrants
Biden wants to employ more black people
Biden wants to address equity problems
Biden wants to leave borders open
Biden wants abortion issues handled by doctors and states, not federal government because it's a complicated issue

Trump promises to implement ineffective policies which will cause a civil war.
Trump will fire the entire the military.
Trump will cut-throat everyone who sees that he's done a mistake.
Trump wants every other country on planet earth to pay him money.
Trump wants to put black people in debt with Black universities
Trump wants more tax cuts for his rich business mates
Trump will support his rich 'business' mates over solving environmental green problems an example is an oil pipeline but Trump pretends to support the environment
Trump wants to underhandedly kill black people and will celebrate cops killing those people like what happened with George Floyd and will use events to justify cruel treatment
Trump wants mass deportations

Final evaluation is that America will be more likely to move into civil war under Donald Trump than under Biden.
>Didn't watch the debate
THE IDEA that this guy didn't watch the debate, when America is the envy of the world, we've got the strongest military and the strongest economy, and everybody is saying the same thing...
Among many others, but I loved his :O face when trump called him out of the superpredators and their golf argument looooool. Apparently he may have pooped himself, but when one man was talking, the other's mic was shut off, so idk how that would be the case since trump was talking when the shart sound happened. Oh, they also unlisted the video fugging kek.
At one point they started talkin about Golf and Biden said he had a 6 handicap while VP and Trump rolled his eyes and said. “AND THATS THE BIGGEST LIE OF THEM ALL.”

It was fucking hilarious.
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>About what you'd expect
>''I love Israel!''
>''No, I love Israel more!''
>''No you don't!''
>''Yes I do!''
something like that?
>I will suck israel cock more
>noooo I will suck israel cock more you weak palestinian
>you suck
>no U suck
>I'm better at golfing
>haha let's not be children, I'm better at golfing, i'm like 25 yo!
that's was pretty much it, kinda feel sad for mutts, both look like a train wreck presidents
My uncle works at Merryll Lynch near Nihonbashi
2020 was stolen. The same regime will still be in power even if Trump gets into office.
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if that's the best makeup the president of the united states can get holy shit imagine what he really looks like
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Whoops, didn't mean to reply ro your post.
>Final evaluation is that America will be more likely to move into civil war under Donald Trump than under Biden.
I was already going to vote for trump, could've saved yourself the trouble.
Bidet said Trump has the morals of an alley cat since he had sex with a pornstar
millions of people just got the mental image of banging a pornstar
Xi, Putin, Kim Jong Un live reaction be like
yea why the fuck did he say this? i dont get it
It's like a guy at work claiming he batted 400 in college
holy fuck
That's cool. I like selling shit but I had the right mindset for that kind of stuff.
>President Trump, will you accept the outcome of the election no matter the outcome
>*90 second tirade deflecting the question*
>umm ok?? but if you lose will you accept deafeat?
>"only if it's a fair election!!"
Why do people like this con artist again?
*never had
oh and Biden said there are "fentanyl machines" at the border, and at one point said "suckers and losers" like 4 times
My favorite moment was Biden saying
>there was no inflation when i took office
My jaw hit the fucking floor when I heard it at first and I had to rewind to make sure he really said that.
He is so unbelievably fucked come November.
Lol kys
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We won
I thought it was interesting that the male moderator called them both "Mr. President" while the f*male one called Trump "Former President." Hourly reminder to repeal the 19th amendment.
Legitimately more unwatchable than their 2020 debacle.
Pretty much lol
>the Charlottesville lie that Snopes just debunked
which is what?
The transmission got choppy when the vaxxine was being discussed.
I think he probably thought they would just leave him muted if he just went all in and 1v3'd them.
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A couple old fags sucked cock and shit their pants and trump ended the debate saying "no you're the palestinian". It was the gayest shit i never watched

I saw an hour long podcast with thus guy.
It's another old fuck, so that checks the requirements I guess but he could say objectively true sentences, and generally seemed like an intelligent guy with intelligent ideas.
I guess no mutt would ever vote for him.
Bro they both called eachother niggerlovers on live TV repeatedly you missed some epic shit. Biden officially won when he said he'd gas every kike at the NY Fed reserve.
it sounds like a stomach gurgle as if he really needs to shit himself, probably from the drug cocktail, and he may or may not have done it
they did cut away from him right after so maybe they got a janny
>Hey you! You're on Presidential doody.
idk it's been like 8 years but trump didn't say nazis "are good people" he said something like, "it's a complicated situation and there's good people on both sides, but not the nazis obviously". Absolutely embarrassing the glowies are still leaning on that but I guess they still need to justify the expenses of that honeypot.
that comment about Trump being 6'5 was bizarre, not only was he wrong, not only was that an irrelevant point, but he's making Trump look like he's massive. And the taller guy usually wins so wtf was he doing
Best zinger of the night was Trump: "I don't know what Joe just said, and frankly, I don't think he does either."
trump was so good some pornstar rush to him and suck him off for the entire length of the debate.
Well it should be from trump side as biden mic was muted at that moment.
Anyway good lord, why on earth the only option was to have a 78yr old vs an 82yr old? There was no one else younger than these two guys? Are you running out of people?
El-Trumpo roasted THE FUCK out of old poopypants Joe. Especially in that 2nd WEBM when trumpo
was not sure what senile old fuck just said...
Because the US education system is brought to you by phizer
I didn't watch either. Is pic related true? Did weq lose trumpbros?
It sounds like an incredibly wet fart, like some liquid seeped out.
There was seriously a whole section about the Gaza war where they argued over who was a bigger supporter of Israel.
Someone needs to make the gif of Trump's reaction to the "6 handicap" golf banter
>Biden: *cough* there's *cough* a thousand trillionaires in the country, I-I mean billionaires *cough*
CNN's own poll had 67% saying Trump won.
More importantly what did Biden do to upset Israel enough for them to force an early debate and humiliate him like this knowing his age and fading memory? Why is Trump now “their” guy? What did Trump promise them?

Yeah it’s just natural that all these hit pieces were prepared so quickly. Sure
That is copium of the highest order. I honestly hope they stick to this argument because it’s hilarious
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>I don't know what he said at the end of that sentence and I don't think he knows what he said either
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are you sure it was him?
there needs to be an investigation.
I'm assuming that's r/politics? That sub is unquestionably full of pathetic DNC shills that never allow criticism of their precious corporate Dem overlords.
You don't need to know anything and neither do it but BIDEN UNIRONICALLY SHIT HIMSELF. LITERALLY. ACTUALLY LITERALLY.
They literally argued over who was a better paypig for Israel
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It's one of the only fucking things to watch on TV every 4 years that any actually importance. Literally everyone watches it and it has massive impact throughout the country. Are you fucking retarded?
>RIP Ukraine
Good riddance
>RIP Baltics
Not likely
>RIP Taiwan
>RIP Japan
Nothing would make Trump happier than having an excuse to go to war with China, even if it would fuck the US economy because everything is made there.
Technically he is correct in that debates should be about facts. But if you have a guy with a shit load of Charisma going up against someone who can't piece together their words but is apparently a "genius" no one is going to even look at the "genius".
Biden should have gotten training or the Dems should have known this would have happened. Biden has always had extreme levels of issues in public speaking as he's gotten older. This could have only ever ended in one way.

Honestly - the fact people are harping on about Facts or Lies only shows they have no clue on what people want to see or what people are receptive to. There has always, ALWAYS been a global rule for making people like you or trust you. Confidence.
it's the sound of beating medicare
>le evil
Hurr durr. Politics is a psychopaths game.
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Our boy won
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How do you expect the Baltics to hold off Russia without NATO? Their only choices are go back to the client state days where and pray not to get raped too hard (lol, good luck) or get obliterated in a war that lasts about a week.
Crimea was 2014, leaf.
About maybe 5 or so minutes in Biden had a total fucking shut down. I was watching a podcast comment on it and it went from them laughing to holy shit he's shutting down.
fuckin kek. the rambling and the high pitched breathy old person voice
>he's hurhuhr six hurhhuhrh foot five hurrhhuuhrhu look
I will never, ever, ever vote for Trump again.

Trump exposed himself during the debate by stating he would NOT sign a federal abortion ban into law as president. He clearly believes states should be allowed to murder preborn babies up to the moment of birth. This is satanic.


The most evil, cowardly and selfish act anyone can commit is murder the weakest and most vulnerable human beings. This is why it is impossible to name a single thing in this world more evil and demonic than abortion. Abortion murders babies, damages mothers and creates a culture that views ALL human life as disposable

When we murder our weakest and most vulnerable any and all respect for human life AS A WHOLE becomes non-existent

It's because our culture tolerates abortion that we tolerate mass murder, shootings, allowing needy people to die, abuse of the vulnerable and many other horrible things. Abortion has cemented Neo-Malthusian thinking and eugenics in our culture as every abortion is a eugenic abortion. You cannot have any respect for human life and persons at any stage of life if you support murdering the weakest and most desperate to survive

I do not believe our society and our world could fall much further once it solidifies murdering the most innocent and vulnerable of any group of people, be it the preborn or the sick and disabled, into its culture

When murdering those whom we have an obligation to protect and love becomes normalized then no amount of depravity is off limits.

Over 66 MILLION preborn babies have been aborted in America alone since 1973 which is more dead Americans than in every war America has been involved in COMBINED. No war, famine or even genocide has killed that many in such a short amount of time.

Those of us who can must stand up and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

God will judge us for allowing this barbarism to happen.
what podcast
While trump did not answer many questions directly and said some dumb shit himself, biden appeared as the most dementia ridden mumbling old version of himself ive ever seen. its not so much that trump won, but that biden is fucking old and demented and its now irrefutable and something many democrat voters now cannot unsee.
>Biden: i was poor as fuck, my family was poor as fuck, we need to tax the rich to oblivion
wtf how somebody can buy this narrative when he spent like 60 years in politics and snorted cocaine from a midget hooker's ass repeatedly in epsteins island with his son? how could anyone believe this millionaire faggot is humble and sides with the low and mid class? If you severely tax the rich you make them flee to another country with their companies to pay less money in taxes
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>Give me the highlights /pol/
I must have missed that because USA Today livestream glitched the fuck out for a solid two minutes. Now I figure that was why.
Whitepeopletwitter. Look at the shill bot https://www.reddit.com/user/yorocky89A/submitted/ who posts in there constantly all day every day. It's hilarious that his last post was 6 hours ago titled "here we go y'all"
If trumps gets too viscous, biden starts to do that smile thing. Which then makes trump look unhinged. 2016 trump is not there anymore, he's too old. Trump is stage 1 dementia, biden like stage 3. Mad trump wasn't getting any clear zingers in about the political prosecution. Should have been clear about that biden doj guy who left his post in bidens cabinet to join the NY prosecution against trump. Pure corruption
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>Nothing would make Trump happier than having an excuse to go to war with China
Trump doesn't want war with China, He'd go to an economic war with China for sure. Blocking imports would go hand in hand with re-industrializing your country, which is what he was doing the first time around.
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They argued golf handicaps at one point
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>Nothing would make Trump happier than having an excuse to go to war with China,
No he wouldn't. He is starting to favor China and hammering out deals with them. He talks big game about China because voters want to hear it, but he's really not worried about them. He didn't do shit to punish them for COVID
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Here's your debate highlights.
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>"debate" starts
>1min allotted time to answer
>israel questions
>now 2mins
Biden knocked it out of the park tonight. He was a warrior poet. I actually wept at the beauty.
Your Cheeto has expired. Tick tock.
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>Don't know what made Trump so cucked
Obama fed him some deadly glowie top secret blackpills when he came into office, and he hasn't been the same since
biden lost horribly, and it wasn't even a challenge
nothing happened
nothing ever happens
Was he shitting himself the cherry on top of the winning cake?
Immediately following the debate, every democrat news network turned on Biden.
These are almost verbatim quotes:
"He had a difficult night."
"Democrats are going to stick with Biden but the race is effectively over."
"If a voter was tuning in to alleviate concerns about Biden's age, it isn't clear that's what they got"
"Insiders are talking about the possibility of an open convention to replace Biden"
Weird moment: Biden says his admin reduced migrant crossings from MX to US by 40% and wants to get that down eventually to a "total ban"; immediately after some remnant of Biden's mind musters up enough neuron firings for him to realise that he has just basically capitulated to Trump's political position on the matter and then backpedals in senile-mode, right into a clusterfuck.
And that moment when Biden goes almost into a senile rampage on stage about golf -- Trump has to say "let's not act like children" -- lmfao?
Who is running the United States right now is what should be concerning most people
Zionist controled media turns on Biden because he told bibi to stay out of Lebanon ffs
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Holy shit, these are golden.
Should you accept an unfair election?
Those glasses came flying from outer space and gives him super powers. I saw it myself.
I didn't want to say but it was right leaning.
I think some of the rumble streamers recorded the whole thing and are able to playback what the recorded during the crash.
Wisconsin is based. I dunno what this is all about?
So, time to sit here and wait for Trump to come and fuck our asspussies until we die for Israel. Really nothing anyone can do about it. Trump 24!
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>"I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence, and I don't think he knows what he said, either..."
Biden: pic related
Let me tell you about Wisconsin:
Everyone wishes to be like us, and are constantly butthurt that they aren't us.
Welcome to the Midwest.
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>Newsom for the desperate
Oh, lord.
>Harris still getting pissed on
Even her own party hates the cunt.
>debates are not won because someone is able to verbally defend his ideas
Can someone from yankeeland explain to a filthy eurotrash, why on god's green earth do you dumbfucks need to have a vote between two old retards?
Like come on, where are the younger people?
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come on guys
this is elderly abuse
someone should be in jail for this circus
Putin should run for POTUS.
Admittedly, it's moderately over
While the idea of Biden sharting mid debate is hularious, it was probably a stomach gurgle since the lav mic was clipped to their chest.
>with 2016 being an exception

I admire your blindness...

Trump was just another Obama style candidate.
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picrel happened and dems are either trying to spin it that it didn't or having completely apoplectic reactions.
The entire debate was useless and dishonest, zero surprise there. Barely any usable information by any of the candidates. It really does look like they're both going to destroy the country.

And people are to blame. 0% of people are talking about what each of them will do to reduce money printing and inflation.
>Don't no what made Trump so cucked
I assume it's because there was no live audience.
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You don’t care about America’s jewish theatre WWE style fake elections?

But anon. How could you? :(
Gurgles don't sound like sharts
> “And by the way…………….” -Biden
> “finally… beat Medicare!” -Biden
> “wsszzhdhshhjg” -Biden
>”We had H20. We had the best numbers.” -Trump
>”There was no inflation when I became president!” - Biden
>”I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he know what he said either.” -Trump
I feel old getting this.
>>”There was no inflation when I became president!” - Biden
this was hilarious
he said there was no inflation under Trump because the economy was so bad
>uhh duh guuhhh covid em guhglg
>haha biden you have uhh umemn hmm dementia!
this for an hour and a half
excuse me?
Biden mopped the floor with drumpf.
this is completely and 100% accurate. god I fucking hate this country. I could find better candidates cooking meth under the nearest freeway overpass.
Another funny thing was all the democrat "strategists" whining afterwards because "Trump was allowed to lie" and should have been "fact checked" in real time for "certain demographics"
>Making sure that we're able to make every single solitary, person uh que eligible for what I've been able to do with, the uh, w-w-w-with the COVID, uh excuse me with, um, dealing with everything we have to do with uh, *croaks*, look, *croaks more*, if, we finally beat Medicare.
The spouse.
He's not wrong though, beaners are fucking everywhere.
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Trumps big moment was thay he called biden a palestinian in an attempt to insult him
They absolutely can. Especially if you're constipated.
>I mean billionaires!
lmao biden is done
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michelle. commonly referred to as THE WOOKIE.
>I would be very happy to be someplace else in a nice location
sounds about right
>It's one of the only fucking things to watch on TV every 4 years that any actually importance. Literally everyone watches it and it has massive impact throughout the country.
I know you get paid to type nonsense like this, but don't you boys at Langley feel any shame? Anybody of even modest intelligence knows that politics is kayfabe to pacify the goyim.
>"I saved Israel"
>"You're a Palestinian"
actual quotes from the debate
Like most Western nations, there are more older people than young people in the US. Boomers (the most populous and wealthy demographic) refuse to acknowledge that their views on economic and social issues are hopelessly out of touch with the world today that they did not grow up in. They clutch the reins of power and influence with a death-grip and do not allow new, fresh faces in.
The end result of this is the banana republic gerontocracy you see now.
Milei isn't jewish he just worships judaism and desperately wants to be one but can't abide by a few of their rules.
He has many public statements going back to the 90's stating he dislikes abortion personally, but thinks it's a political necessary evil - which, frankly, he's right about. If the republicans embrace a full federal abortion ban, they never win an election ever again.
If you'd rather give power over to the people who think abortion restictions are fascist, rather than people who thinks it should be legal but restricted, then you are a falseflagging shill or a shitposter.
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B-dawg stuck with that face in your OP all the way through. It's over frens. He came across as a frail old man, while Trump was jacked and ready to pounce on AAAALLL THE ENEMIES OF THE JEWS! GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE! MORE AMERICAN THAN AMERICANS. MORE HUMAN THAN A EUROPEAN OR A NORD! THE DRIVERS OF CIV AND AND...IN FACT...THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE...BUT NOT ONLY THAT, BUT, "EXISTANCE" AS A THING!!!!!! TO EVEN EXIST WAS MADE BY THE JEWS!
Anyone with a shred of sympathy would feel bad for the man and leave him with his family or put him in an elderly care home, unfortunately, he's in US politics. They are going to keep him jacked to the tits until this is over. I wonder how much stimulants his old heart can take.
It was very uneventful. Joe is old and Trump is boring.
>If the republicans embrace a full federal abortion ban, they never win an election ever again.
Doubtful. And if you're correct, then Americans will get what they deserve. If they value orgasms over life, they deserve death.
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>Give me the highlights /pol/
Why did they force Joe to run in the first place? Senile fuck needs to be in a home.
You forgot Jew and nigger worship
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This actually happened during the debate almost 1 for 1 at some points
Joe looked like he was reading an imaginary teleprompter that was nowhere near the camera.
>If they value orgasms over life
have you heard of these things called "women" who make up approximately half the voting population?
no one gives a fuck
Charlottesville didn't land on the moon. Charlottesville isn't even a real place.
Exactly. Therefore, RIP.
Because dems are retarded and thought if they can do it 1 more time they can win or at least make look it reasonable but at this point even Biden wins a cheat election that will literally result in the same issue Americans demoralized to fight China truthfully Xi and Putin won and this debate is the crowning achievement I have to think CNN is some deep cover SVR or GRU because this was brilliant literally no one wants to vote and in doing so will cause a draft to be even more unliked
Aussies used to be good at shitposting/bait. What the fuck happened? This is the gayest shit I've ever read, but also the most boring. The only reason you get a (you) is because of how milquetoast it is. It's weird. It's like something that's smells kinda bad, tastes like nothing, and looks average. I expect better than this Australia. Considering you are vassal of the USA I suggest you heed my word. After all, we're the only thing standing between you and total chink domination. I ain't fuckin around Bruce. I better not see anymore posts like this. You've been warned.
There are people in this country who are stupid enough to think Michele Obama has a chance to be president.
Rescind women's suffrage. In any case, voting is but theater.
Aussies have always been cucked as a euro satellite but at least had enough personality left to banter. After bending over and spreading their cheeks to their government over the coof there's not even the personality for banter left in most of them.
your fantasy is that they'll go ''rip''

what actually will happen is that nato and the EU will lose their gay little influence and relevancy
yep, bullshit always wins in a media debate, CNN rigged the rules to let lying go unchecked, Liz Cheney could take Biden's place and win

Its very weird to forget these people are being chosen to run a country, and their opponent is someone like RFK that feels like a real leader and not a clown. What the fuck has happent to the world.
It wouldn't matter if boty of them were talking the language from the Sims.
Biden needed to prove he's not senile and weak, he failed. He spent half of it looking lost with his mouth open.
>Trump exposed himself during the debate by stating he would NOT sign a federal abortion ban into law as president.

yes because even Trump is not THAT retarded, you deranged christcuck
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The idea that the idea of the idea the idea the idea is absurd the idea idea idea the idea the idea that the idea that the idea of the idea the idea the idea is absurd the idea idea idea the idea the idea that the idea that the idea of the idea the idea the idea is absurd the idea idea idea the idea the idea that the idea that the idea of the idea the idea the idea is absurd the idea idea idea the idea the idea that the idea that the idea of the idea the idea the idea is absurd the idea idea idea the idea the idea that the idea that the idea of the idea the idea the idea is absurd the idea idea idea the idea the idea that the idea that the idea of the idea the idea the idea is absurd the idea idea idea the idea the idea that the idea that the idea of the idea the idea the idea is absurd the idea idea idea the idea the idea that the idea that the idea of the idea the idea the idea is absurd the idea idea idea the idea the idea that the idea that the idea of the idea the idea the idea is absurd the idea idea idea the idea the idea that the idea that the idea of the idea the idea the idea is absurd the idea idea idea the idea the idea that the idea that the idea of the idea the idea the idea is absurd the idea idea idea the idea the idea that the idea that the idea of the idea the idea the idea is absurd the idea idea idea the idea the idea that the idea of the idea.
fuck you
Look, here's the deal, the idea that the idea is absurd, is ridiculous.
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Have you ever wanted to viciously obliterate a confused senile old man? It's not natural. Trump probably just feels weird having to argue with this nursing home patient.
C'mon man the idea of more than half this country are nazis man the idea
Why would that be "retarded"?
They can't resist showing you their Moloch worship by forcing everyone else to play along federally. It's such a Jewish thing.
Bingo. I always knew they were kinda gay (no guns since like 98?) but the level of gayness to they've risen to is astounding. They are, dare I say, possibly gayer than France.
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So like are these the candidates?
Can they switch Biden to someone else?
Jesus christ I don't get American politics but I watched the whole debade and the man was sleeping through half of it and the other half he was confusing numbers, locations, talking points and just about everything else.

He behaved exactly like my grandfather did after having a stroke in his 86th year. He search for keys he had in his pocket for 2 hours.

I know Presidents can be just a showpiece but fuck me can't you find anything else like what kind of image does this project on the world.

Two demented old people, is that what the US as a superpower has become?

And it hasn't even seeped into culture probably because they don't want you thinking about but the decade the US has been run by 70+ year old weak people.

Didn't think I'd want George Bush back... or Obama...
STFU, fed.
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No seriously is this it? Does it have to be there two candidates?
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clown show
We already know you're pushing for Biden replacement, CIA fed. Fuck off.
Trump won bros
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biden had this look nearly the entire time. moderators could only help by muting his mic since he was a muttering, cranky mess.

You don't get it I don't like Trump too why can't you have someone like Ron DeSantis?
this image is quite possibly the worst thing my eyes have seen on this website in 16 years
When are they gonna let go of the Charlottesville shit already
"burning swastikas"
I already want Trump to win, you don't have to sell him to me
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i don't ever visit pol, but saw the news about this. what the fuck is going on with your candidates?
jesus fucking christ is worst than i have tought
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STFU, fed. You're such a lying fucking cunt.
He abused his children I have zero sympathy for him. His own ego put him in this situation. The man is a psychopath.
Trump is great though
Wherein Biden repeats the words in his earpiece "<prompt> talk about that." Then he reminisces about Ashley Biden's shower time.
yes sir mister president, now let's go change that stinky diaper ok?
>Biden should have gotten training or the Dems should have known this would have happened.

You think he wasn't coached as much as his senile brain could handle, and his body wasn't pumped full of nootropics to try to keep his mind from disintegrating on stage?
If Biden did that poorly even with that much prep time, he must be basically brain dead...But, we already knew that. I'm much more interested in who's pulling his puppet strings, and what they plan to do now that the house of cards is collapsing.
Anyone entering American politics has some kind of anti-social disorder, so no surprises there.
What I'm sympathizing with is the American public, their "president" has been unmasked as a barely functioning geriatric demented corpse.
Despite all the memes, I wish you burgers all the best.
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Here's the deal; Number one, Medicare is not a sucker and a loser, YOU are. Number three, the uh, um the um muh, muh, an um, well anyway, look. Number one, All problems were from the mess I inherited, that's Number One. And also Corporate greed and the billion, um the trillionaires not paying their fair share which he gave tax breaks to, that's Number One. Number Two in my pants
Bye bye Pvt. Jamal.
Shartinez, are you quitting?
Joe looks like he has zero agency. I don't care if Trump's an asshole if he's the only one with a semblance of agency.
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>2 minutes later
Narrator: Why are childcare costs rising so much, Trump?
Hows nobody bringing up that Bidens wife at the end got up on stage and went "Now lets everyone clap because Joe answered all the questions so nice"
Hes a fucking vegtable
he said border patrol agents. loololol

im gonna go shit my pance. im shittin with biden
reddit says that both are terrible and senile but atleast Biden doesnt like like Trump so i believe them
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Lmao what the fuck
If I were American I'd be cheering. Trump in office is a win for Americans and a loss for everyone else
>Dealing with... everything we have to do with... uhm, look, Ehh, h hh hh h, if we finally beat medicare
>Thank you president Biden, President Trump?
>Well, he is right. He beat medicare. He beat it to death.
How did Trump not laugh his ass off?
This is just plain satire.
Just noticed red tie blue tie, I wonder if they had to wear party colours or if it was just "red = strength, blue = compassion".
I always predicted that with Biden's awful history of gaffes and now dementia, he'd end up "dying of natural causes" right after his second year in office. However, I guess they decided that 2+ years of President Kamala would be even worse.
based trump
Trump lied continuously for 90 minutes and refused to answer a single question. Biden had several embarrassing senior moments, but was actually answered questions. American voters are apparently going to pick the guy that cannot answer a question honestly.
> has massive impact throughout the country.
throughout the world, you mean.
Strong US presidents put third world shit holes in their place, which protects Europe, which means world peace.
SNL cold open will be fire.
Biden didn't shit himself, therefore he was brave and stupendous.
Well hello
I just hope that the best man wins.
America is too fat, lazy, and brainwashed to even attempt the ‘idea’ of a civil war.
Best chance of that was during the pandemic but that fucking passed.
And "black people weren't affected by inflation"
>Biden had several embarrassing senior moments, but was actually answered questions.
Biden, is that you?
>Biden is old
>Trump avoid a too many questions and loves Israel
Here :
(full debate raw feed no comment-streamer)
Someone who saw the same debate I did
This is wrong, in argentina they are 0.5%
No. Dems are scrambling hard to find literally anyone to replace Joe right now
Man I’m at work. I’m hungry.
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Like imagine the inner state of this person right now
Right underneath the surface there's the 9000 psi of rage seething and boiling
He's trying his hardest to pretend everything is fine, keeping the facade on the surface
He absolutely has to say the exact opposite lest everything will spill over into reality
I swear you can learn a lot about people if you watch them at their max copium moments where every psychological defense is exaggerated
But Trump is talking there so it had to be picked up by Trump's mic?

Also it sounded like a tummy gurgle, or it could have been a rubber heel florp shoe sound; if it were so righteous a shart that Trump's mic picked it up you know he would have commented on it / fled the arena.
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Why are they both so old? Why are american politics so fucking weird? Americans please do something to yourselves. Why aren't you taxing your billi/milli class fucking Waltons, Kochs, etc.? Rrreeee
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well current reports have pointed out he may actually have shitted
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Biden:When I served in Vietnam, we were ambushed. There is shooting, explosions, screams all around. I'm ashamed to admit, but I shat myself.
Moderator:There’s nothing wrong with that, because the situation was truly terrible, anyone could have shit themselves out of fear.
Biden:No, you don't understand. I'm shat myself right now.
Which candidate can suck israel cock the hardest? Trump the super sucker or the dementia patient?
Ya the no audience no interruption actually hurt joe. He cant fill the void with his voice, trump can
age limit for presidency suggestion: 60
holy kek
Honestly, if Newsom actually replaces Biden, I'd bet on him.

Trump's not as sharp as he was in 2016 - he's still funny, but he's lost most of the edge that made his schtick work.

Yeah, when the race is the EXTREMELY geriatric Biden versus only mildly geriatric Trump, Trump looks good - but when it's a young, AGGRESSIVELY media-trained good looking mid-50s man against 2024 Trump? I think we'll be #HavinGavin.
This except mumbled like the cryptkeeper
Trump did not lie about the economy. 2019 was the best year for America economically. We completely wiped out all the losses from the 2009 economic crash and Obamacare bullshit. 2020 fucked over almost every country. Not Trump's fault.

Also, Biden opened the boarders wide. Trump is not lying there.

Also, Biden is weak as fuck and nobody respects him. Zero wars under Trump and two wars under pussyhat Biden.

Trump was truthful about everything that matters. Everything else is stupid bullshit we have to hear about because women and the mentallly ill can vote. I don't care about what Trump lied about because none of that shit matters.
You can't win a debate if you can't say your fucking points. Trump left himself open to getting rekt with all kinds of outlandish, bullshit statements, but Biden failed completely to capitalize on them (or even respond to them at all in most cases). It was a trainwreck for him in almost every possible way. Things that should have been turning points ("why did 40 of your 44 cabinet members refuse to endorse you for president") came out with all the impact of a wet shart. Biden is genuinely finished.
t. actual, unironic leftie
You literally can't have Newsome run. It's unconstitutional. Kamala is your only other option. Cope with it.
Isn't Gavin pretty much an asshole who spent like a hundred million California money on two homeless bathrooms which didn't work and whos ex-wife and current wife are literal loonies or some shit?
numales abound itt
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Thank you Jesus for making me Russian.
Neither candidates are good, but I’ll vote for Biden because /ptg/ needs to die once and for all
im getting second hand embarrassment from this
Better suggestion, an honest medical appraisal for candidate viability. Honestly probably too much to ask though.
can you elaborate for non-burger pls ?
>...or they switched the LHC on again

...timeline switched last week on thursday around 12:00 central european time!
He's old, so i'm supposed to feel bad?
Did he feel bad when he's molesting he granddaughter?
holy shit
Newsom needs to be voted in the primary election. You can't just handpick him cause he looks presidential. The people actually have to vote for him on the ballet.

Newsom has nothing to do with the incumbent presidency. It's third world nonsense to switch him in at this point. It would make the democrats look retarded and the election look like a sham.

Also, republicans could easily establish the rules to cockblock the switch.

Democrats are literally dying with Biden. Theres nothing they can do about it except have Kamala run for president.
>Didn’t watch the debate
neither did anyone else
As long as the china flu new liberal fascists aren't dead, who cares.
but here's the deal there's a lot of young women are being raped by their by their in-laws by their by by their spouses brothers and sisters by just it's it's just ridiculous and they can do nothing about it and they try to arrest them on they cross state line
>thank you
trump and biden are playing a golf tournament to determine president
it's a pretty cool development
>The people actually have to vote for him on the ballet.
Misunderstanding of the rules - Party nominations are done by the DNC which finalizes in August. Delegates are assigned to him at this time, and stay assigned to him unless he drops out. If he says
>hey I'm dropping out because I'm too old guys
his delegates can pick effectively anyone they want, voting is just how the delegates are typically assigned.

It'd be extremely crass politics, but being real, I think the average voter says
>honestly, after the debate, I get it
Everyone's got a grandpa at home going soft in the head that probably needs the car keys taken away from him, and in the face of a stronger contender after tonight's shitshow the democrats won't care much and while the republicans will whine, there's no rule saying they can't.

No one cares about grift - everyone just wants a funny guy who looks presidential, says the right things, and makes his opponents look like idiots. The crux of it is that when you get down to it, Trump didn't look great in this debate either: he looked a fuckton better than Biden, but most of that was hard coasting on his opponent being unironically senile, unable to form coherent sentences, let alone clapbacks, and who's forgotten all of his media training. Present Americans with a genuine choice
>you want the geriatric ex-president who lost his comedy touch, or this slick DILF chad?
and I'm betting on the DILF.
I doubt any serious democrat candidate would want to attach themselves to this train-wreck administration. They'll rather wait till 2028 and just write this one off.
It's a coinflip. They have to play for the downballots and really, really dislike Trump.

I think you're right you probably don't get Gavin this cycle even if he'd win it - but I do think you get someone like Buttigieg, someone who people will say
>he's milquetoast, but I can see it
watch rfk if you want your brain to not rot.
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>the idea
>you're the worst president ever (they both said this a lot)
>anti-semitic bile
>6 handicap
the last one is the only thing that got any reaction from trump. he almost fell over
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It wasn't important.
Stopping Israel is.
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top kek
hyperbole is a rhetorical tactic
incoherence is not.
Yeah, guess who in the white house then. Same team as now. Funny how they accused Putin of being Trump's boy, yet he's never grabbed so much land with his best bud Biden.
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The only question I care about is which goy did a better job fellating Israel
Just dont vote ever again, since you think that's the presidents job to handle. You're a fucking retard. You should have been aborted.
Humiliation. Imagine being Chris Langan right now, seething that he is not Gottkaiser of the Amerikanisches Reich.
>you can't help but feel bad for Joe.
I did feel bad for him, he was just obviously not up for this.
?? Trump's goal was to not scare people off and let Biden stumble and mumble his way to defeat. If he came off as too aggressive (and you could tell there were times he was revving up to go and then would pull back) it would take the spotlight off that.

Dems agreed to this early debate in the chance of this exact scenario they could nominate someone else. But they haven't found anyone realistic to replace him with. Some blue governor? Newsom's CA is a disaster, Whitmer was the lockdown Queen, and who knows of anyone else. Obama? Please.

The Dem nominee will likely be Harris because she's already VP and the need to maintain the black vote (already eroding towards GOP) will force their hand.
sheinbaums photograph is fake
they might pull a milei to make normalfags belive alternative ways will further destroy everything
>the need to maintain the black vote (already eroding towards GOP) will force their hand.
remember, at this point the concern is less the presidential race and becomes more about the bottom of the ticket. If Dems nominate someone other than Harris and black voters just stay home it could cause all sorts of lower offices to flip GOP too. Nightmare scenario for them.
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the demoncraps are finally seeing biden is braindead. (they're very slow like him.) now they want hilary to take his place.
hard to care about trump's grifting when the other guy can't even string a sentence together
imagine the smell
Biden or Trump?
> and then I threw a football over them mountains

biden is a pathetic liar. they're not even believable lies.
I didn’t get that either
I just can’t believe he froze up within the first 5 fucking minutes man
And his fucking mouth hanging open the whole night
Trumps sitting there calling him a criminal and he’s just looking at him with that old man what the fuck is going on face

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