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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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thanks for the quality salt mining greek bro. appreciate it
>just induce a hallucination and tell yourself everything will be okay
If only these dipshits knew how often briben lies and how often Trump tells the truth. They're willfully ignorant, it's pure spite by this point.
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>it's so depressing to watch this dementia ridden old man debate
>please vote for him anyway
Anyone got any moviebob salt? I remember back in 2016 he had a mental breakdown over the election. I would go see his tweets but the fat fuck blocked me
The political cuck cage.
i don't get it. they survived the first four years of trump
>no camps
>no wall
>no lock her up
>no beaner exterminatus
>Le nazi
Goddamn, I hate reddit. Trump is gonna make us all Palestinians and glass us.
>cnn didn't pull their bullshit that duped me to continue being duped and i'm mad now!
haven't seen it and won't. what did trump lie about? i read it often, but never what exactly
I love how people like this think everyone else is the easily swayed yokel.
This fucking faggot
this is sweet
>Hope..... Change...... Hope......... Change..........
>beaner exterminatus

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>it's just a stutter and little senior moments
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I remember when the buffalo shooting caused a lot of salt lol
I no longer find npc's funny just in the way
I want to know which specific lies they're talking about. I think they just tune out when he speaks, they just assume it's all lies because that's what the lugenpresse has taught them to do.
They're scared of project 2025, where Trump wants to get rid of all bureaucrats and replace them with MAGA Republicans that his campaign have been recruiting for months now to go work for the government. It also intends to change the government structure to give the president more power.
lol this is all manufactured. no way that people really somehow 'just' noticed that biden is a fucking retard
Boomers really need to get out politocs entirely.
they're people who believe what the media tells them. they're are always these types in any society, and they're who propaganda is ultimately made for
It's because Biden's answers all started out "whatever he just said is a lie" and then he just told his own lies or trailed off into some deranged babbling. They're being conditioned and are responding to it as desired.
Has leddit stopped the lockdown or is it going to take two weeks to flatten the curve?
That faggot is still posting there. He must live on that shithole.
You'd be correct
>leddit lockdown
oh please god no, not more reddit refugees
>but he's not winning people over
this is true
I refuse to vote for Zognald the shabbos goy
i'll still vote for him on your behalf, don't worry fren
They already forgot everything about his first round
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>50% thought biden won, or it was a tie
lol wtf
maybe they need the fear porn to feel anything with their fried brains?
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>Joe's a real, down-home, genuine guy from flyover rust belt midwest bible belt small town America and he's got my vote, and my whole church's vote, this year! [copyright ActBlue 2024 - not for public duplication]
That's because the 'left' is heavily indoctrinated. Even after he won, the media shit on him daily for make-believe bullshit for four years.
This is the narrative they're going with. "Trump lied". No one can socially accept that he's the better candidate. We're a bunch of cowards that are afraid to buck the status quo.
Tonight he said that he wouldn't have run again this time if Joe hadn't been such a disaster. He'd be relaxing at one of his many beautiful properties instead. I think that wasn't completely true. Everything else was dead-on-balls-accurate. Maybe thats what they mean when they call him a liar, idk
literally just parroting rachel maddow talking points
maybe they'll find the votes they need overnight
>I think that wasn't completely true
Do you remember his original reason for running? It was the same thing - He wanted to see the US return to prosperity. He said for years, and years before running for President that he would only do it if he felt he had to.
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these morons couldn't find someone to replace a senile retard, and now they're shocked their senile retard is performing like a senile retard

Imagine I'm posting a Biden version of pic rel
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bidenbros, how do we rebound-
...that is to say trillion-
i mean, i-i mean, how-
...you know?
how do we respond?
They're still trying to go after him on the suckers and losers and very fine people things that were debunked long ago.
good point
it's amusing to watch them sperg out and update their programming in real time but ultimately these people are fucking morons and are extremely dangerous
Isn’t that the Alabama kicker who blew the 2013 Iron Bowl?
I hope it was funny?
I dont see the difference with Trumpers.
Remember that time pol pushed "Still voting Trump" when pol ran out of reasons to vote him?
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>change the government structure to give the president more power.
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>trump just lies
This seems to be the line they're going with. Watch as Destiny magically starts saying this tomorrow.
>tax the billionaires 24%
>50 billion dollars a year
These people are retarded
Who is this broad again?
>'Please vote Biden'
'Please clap'
It's 135 am and I'm phoneposting so no caps but the amount of "here's how Biden can still win" posting I'm seeing is unreal. I've never seen the cope machine soin up this quickly.
Exactly. He was not literally or even figuratively Hitler. And that's why I'm not voting this fall.
There needs to be far fewer of them and more intelligent genetics instead. This place (earth) is a shitshow ran by kikes atm.
How are these people so stupid that they couldn't realize he was reading a script at the beginning. Zero intonation, just large information dumps with barely a pause at the end of his sentences. I've seen niggers read outloud at school with more conviction than this fucker.
Some skank, who fucking cares
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I have an employee. Good guy. White man with 6 white kids... Trump derangement syndrome like you wouldn't believe. Will buttchug every single democrat lie/narrative without question and is 100% convinced that the Dems are good people who support the working class. This man doesn't read. He is as boomer as it comes.

I met one of his daughter once who just turned 18. She Is so motivated to vote for one issue and one issue alone.... she must vote for her abortion rights.

The 18 year old soon to be voter is more concerned with her future ability to legally murder a hypothetical baby than any other issue. No other issue takes precedent.

Image being so deranged.... raised in a "catholic" family with more siblings than average and this is the level of consciousness they've achieved

These people are of diseased minds. Truly in need of deep moral and spiritual guidance. Most of humanity remains in this state.....

I'm not voting for either of these clowns this year. Don't think this is an endorsement for bumpstock Donnie and his clot shot
And you believe that shit? You are one dumb ass nigger
what a woman
Ok, I'm going to vote for trump though
>literally the one place dumber than /v/
>CNN rigged the debate for Trump
These are some of the dumbest cunts I have ever seen
>still jerking themselves off over obama
do they even know biden is his puppet?
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Boomers absolutely cannot die off fast enough.
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Normies can't be fixed. It's genetic. Nothing you tell them will convince them they're wrong, because they fundamentally don't know how to make sense of the world.
Voting won't save us though remember that as you wait in line for no reason for a rigged outcome lmao
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>wahhhhh they didn't coddle the democrat like i wanted them to! wahhhhhh!
I hate mentally ill liberal women so much.
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>haven't seen it and won't. what did trump lie about?

Building the wall
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The difference was/is that the people here on pol saying "still voting Trump" are coming from a place of fuck you and all your propaganda. How many years did "muh good people on both sides" lie go on for. The video has been on youtube for anyone doing any amount of actual due diligence to go watch, and see for themselves. But no, they'd rather just run with what Anderson Cooper and the 5 cows on The View say. I have personal experience on this with my mother in law. I had to hi-jack her chromecast and play the video in context for her. And that was, according to her, one of main reasons she didn't like him. I took that from her and she just shrugged her shoulders and said "well I just don't like him" and made a stupid face.
The difference between "Trumpers" and the leftists, is the vast majority of "Trumpers" will at least hear you out and actually sit and reason with you. A leftist can have all the msm lies and bullshit dropped in their lap, collated and cued up for them and they'll cross their arms, turn up their nose and refuse to even consider the other side.
if you hire vaxxies you're part of the problem
cool story, still voting trump tho
Did these people forget that we already had four years of Trump and not only did we not turn into Nazi Germany, his policy was overall lackluster and pretty benign.
Cringe how muricans fantasise about their politicians being comic book superheroes
Go ahead and vote for your "representatives". Only a mental/emotional/spiritual child needs another adult to "represent them".

Whoever wins will commit murder and all sorts of crime in your name.
But hey if your boy doesn't win this time you can just vote harder next time like a good little slave.

Cannot challenge this narrative, "we must protect our democracy at all costs don't you know"

Your vote is consent for whatever comes afterwards. Keep voting if you think we have a legitimate system. Keep legitimizing it. And then enjoy the results...
fair point
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don't worry about carrier groups
they're paper tigers
easily shoe'd away by sandal wearing goat herders
Surprisingly he claims he only took 1 clot shot and it was because he was forced.

I bought a business and he was the only current employee. Sometimes you work with what you have
The one the establishment fought over and blocked at every turn, and then the one Biden later claimed we needed?
>haven't seen it and won't.
Bro, Biden shits his pants, watch it
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The current strategy seems to be pretending that he was never president at all, so instead of having to give substantive critique on his first term, they instead can trot out the same old hollow fearmongering.
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>I'm not voting for either of these clowns this year. Don't think this is an endorsement for bumpstock Donnie and his clot shot
me neither desu
Bumpstock, clot shot, Zion Donnie
Remember the vaxx and how everyone at first said it's Grumpf poison but then couldn't wait to get their 8 shots once it became bidens? That's the kind of people you talk about, utterly unable to think outside their party lines.
>tax billionaires 24%
Yeah, that'll happen, lol. Commies think billionaires have "income", hahahahaha
they already aren't paying anything at the current tax rate
I'm tired of pretending democracy works or is good.
it wins over the simpletons... they could tax all billionaires at 100% and it would barely put a dent in the INTEREST
No it was because faggots like you were being paid to post here all fucking day long
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>Holy fucking shit I am out of cope

Say what you want about Trump worshippers but these niggers are no better. Imagine pining for fucking Obama after 8 years of that nigger
Noo! Not the karma!!!!
Good thing we're a republic. But yeah all forms have flaws. In this form, you simply make it super expensive to run for office so the richest people control who gets to run.
He actually did get some significant portions built. You should watch some documentaries on the border. America is very large.
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>not my Reddit good boy points noooooooo
Holy shit lmao
Bernie can still win this
>this man gay for gas pump votes
Democracy is a failure.
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>You will be downvoted on sight
The last time DemocraticUnderground went silent like this was the moment after Trump won. I always go there to find out what the far Left is scheming.
>democracy in action
Says the party that completely blocked out any dem challengers and had the media destroy anyone who did (RFK Jr, Dean Philips).
>none of the people get to decide anything
Classic democracy, these people deserve bullets to the head from whatever secret police would rule over them when we destroy this civilization
Literally a site of trannies and wine moms. Worst of the worst.
This. I'm not sure if I'll vote but it I do it's 90% just to piss off the dem voters.
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Sorry sweaty if you can't see that Trump is LITERALLY HITLER there's no helping you. You as a german should recognise the signs of a far-right fascist like Trump easily.
a legitimate "Democratic Process" would absolutely destroy the "Democratic Party" which means it won't be allowed to happen
>All this cognitive dissidence and butthurt.
Shoes on the other foot from November 2020. I'm enjoying seeing these smug fucks suffer. Maybe a harsh dose of reality will jerk them out of their indoctrination. Then again, these people will vote for Biden again even though they know this country won't be fixed. They just cannot stand a second Trump term.
Lmao, it’s actually over, the normie comedians and podcasts will absolutely destroy Biden in the next few weeks
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>Not winning people over
>67 percent
They're losing and they know they're losing.
I have a few troll account there. They're even aware of concern trolling, so I have to be even more subtle than that to get them start raging against each other. Fun, tho.
>Joe's a real guy from Scranton with a stutter and he's got my vote for sure.
Help a boomer out, is this satire? This has to be either satire or his paid shilling team.
Cool he's gonna suck Israel's cock for another 4 years just like Biden. You'll lose more rights just like under Biden. More empty promises never fulfilled. More DC swamp monsters in his cabinet, in the white house.


When have you heard Trump attack the fed or the banking system?

He shilled the clotshot, still does to this day. To me this is unforgiveable

He willingly participates in a show trial in NYC that everyone know was illegitimate like a little cuck on national TV.

Threw his people under the bus for Jan 6th. Fucking riled half the country up for this obvious fucking false flag. Didn't have the balls to step up then and there. Sat on his hands like a cunt crying about a legitimately stolen election but took no fucking action at all. Just lead Americans to the slaughter. The movement for freedom in the US is far weaker now than it was under Obama. We were ready to completely reject the system until Trump shows up to ruin the party. We're now 8 years since 2016 and the country has never been in a worse state.

He's a pied piper. I voted for this faggot twice. Please tell me how things will change if he wins again
Wisconsinites know what’s up though. They hear that and appreciate that someone is speaking the truth. Remember that Biden has to win all of MI, PA, and WI and those states are heavily correlated so any success in one translates to the others.
Reads like ChatGPT to me, could be a bot post too!
Plenty o' salt here on the chinz as well.
>How many years did "muh good people on both sides" lie go on for
Biden attempted it tonight, kek, Trump called him out on it
Once someone is so indoctrinated, the only deprogramming is death. T. A. Beria.
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That's so horrible I can't even speak.
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>NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!Not my heckin' Karmerinos!!!!!111 Plz don't downboat!!!!11
Thanks, I was really wondering what two retarded niggers had to say on the subject.
You don't think like a leftist. Leftists don't advance their idiotic points through society by taking over and instantly implementing communism. They advance their idiotic ideas through society by focusing in on EVERY LITTLE THING and fighting tooth and nail for it. They consider EVERY little thing no matter how trivial to be worth dying over, they will exaggerate every victory into the inevitable march of history, and bemoan every loss as imminent fascism.

Because they do this, even though their actual victories are small and ultimately self-harming, they create the illusion of a tide of inevitable victory for them. Like Eve Online, they can't just kill their enemies, nobody dies in modern politics, except of age, but what they CAN do is convince people that the fight is over, the science is settled, and to move on. They do this by talking past the sale, by targeting the next goal while treating their current conquest as a foregone conclusion.

I'm sure that constantly reminding people that we're not marching through the streets in stahlhelms yet is going to make it happen faster though thank you.
>asking maga/pol/ about stuff which could put Trump in a negative light
bold strategy, I am sure you'll get true and honest information
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Why pretend? I don't pretend. I openly tell people about how democracy is a farce.

Many take it as a personal insult... that's how invested they are

The level of control on most people's perceptions is mind boggling.
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Jesus fuck are those people real?
I thought this guy was a troll for the longest time but it turns out there's a group of these people that get paid to post this shit, there's a pic of him along with like 20 other people on the white house lawn.
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this has to be satire, right?
What do you do with Reddit Karma? Is it like Camel Cash from the 1990s, only if you make enough asinine posts and you get a free jacket?
Misguided fools crying over the theatrics of two Zionist monsters.
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Reminder that those dead Palestinian chidlren's blood is on Hamas' hands. They started that shit, and immediately started crying when Israel started swinging back for real.
They're so fucking retarded. When it's all over and this country is a smoldering dump I pray these people have no escape.
The things i would do to people like that....
What will he be taxing the thousands of trillionairs out there
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I don't mind seeing Hillpepe coming back.
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>I'm a victim so listen to me
>Trump is a meanie!
>[it's ok that POTUS is someone who can be bullied]
I don't even know what that is.
Who are these people? Where do they come from?
>my karrrrrrrrma NOOOOOOOO!
Death to JudeoAmerica, the failed experiment.
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>t. Puke Seethecoper
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>Even Jeff is dumbfounded
Holy shit, they really are panicking.
my SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE will be affected? NOOOOO
>Bully a man.

Okay. Trump said that he wishes Joe Biden was a good president. He wishes that because if Joe Biden was a good president Trump wouldn’t need to be there. He could be living a good life with his family.

We could all be living a good life, prosperous and free.

How is that bullying? These people are insane.
Good lord
That is the only space in that person's life where they feel like they have any sort of control or power.
Cuck Bullwatcher
They should sue his ass for making their product look like retard juice tonight.
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>legislatively successful
he's right you know
>I have an employee. Good guy. White man with 6 white kids
>Image being so deranged.... raised in a "catholic" family with more siblings than average and this is the level of consciousness they've achieved
I think the girl is traumatized by the "catholic family with more siblings than average" experience.
Worst part is that this shill didn't take the clotshot and will likely die of natural causes in too damn long.
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Everything I don't like is racist, sexist, bullying etc.
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>b-b-but s-snopes said he lied!
Mark Hamill is legitimately unwell.
That was amazing, it gave me hope again. If Biden doesn't run, who can the Dems even field? AoC? Kamala Harris? That would be the last nail the coffin, absolutely no-one likes them.
Fluke Crybalker
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Doubt it.

This state of mind is achieved through indoctrination. Only a psychopath would conclude that it's moral to murder children in the womb because they didn't get enough attention from their parents.

The people who hold this view do so because they've been conditioned that they have no inherent value as humans which is a deeply satanic worldview
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Lol, this bitch reposted it after hyping Joe.
They're paying your paycheck, wagie.
Sharing and talking about this dumb thick zoomer Latina whore with based MAGA anons celebrating

Anoyzesy on disc or jerstenz on kik
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>we're free thinkers
>but don't even think about fascism pls
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They're on to us, shut it the fuck down.
Sounds like it was written by a /pol/lack
Wasn't this one from 2000?
They act like they won thr last election and didn't have the deadliest pandemic in history with mail-in voting and barbed wire around the president-elect's white hours.n
>grows up with 5 siblings
The dad probably molested her and her sisters, too.
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hahaha what the fuck. why would anywone from 4chan care about reddit troon points
This one isn't salt or cope this is what's happening
>The insiders
pretty much everyone with half a brain knew what he's actually like behind all that media editing
jesus christ these people are really full of themselves.
49-51% margin election again
You go over there and pimp the shit outta biden. Its just a debate.... blah blah. People that turn on Biden are traitors and concern shills.
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Normies aren't voting based on bit spam
Not even that. Nothing.
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>sample size 15
Its a good thing you live in a constitutional republic instead of a democracy then. So sad idiots like you can vote.
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WI was one of the states that got the massive spike in mail in ballots at like 2 in the morning. Trump won it handily in 2016. If Dems want it they'll have to steal it again.
>Insiders knew Biden was like this.
AKA anyone who watched the Cornpop video almost 5 years ago.
How's that constitutional republic working out for you there, bud?

Just vote harder next time bro
You either laugh lightheartedly at clown world (being blessed with the inability to extrapolate trends and predict consequences), find a way to filter it out completely (coming here isn't it) or slowly go insane.
Looks like a real post to me. It reminds me of a night last week at my favorite coffee shop, I joined a discussion about the upcoming presidential election. I started sharing my personal experience with President Biden's policies, like how he created job opportunities in our community and made college affordable for my cousin who works in a coal mine and has lung cancer. Initially, people were skeptical, but as I talked about the real differences these policies made, heads began to nod and the skepticism melted away.

By the end, everyone was chiming in with their own positive stories about Joe. The barista mentioned how his healthcare policy saved her mom's life, when all the doctors already told her she would die horribly. An old man spoke up, recalling how the candidate personally visited our town and fixed his back. A young child nearby even chimed in, saying how Biden's education reforms meant his school got computers for the first time! What started as a casual conversation turned into a powerful moment of unity, with strangers realizing we all want a better future, and Biden represents that for us. It solidified why I'm so passionate about this most important election.
Ngl, I'm riding with Biden just because I'm a contrarian. Also because eform 4 approval wait times have been drastically reduced under Biden
Holy shit people still post on gamefaqs?
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>guy at trunk falls dead
>only gets shot after he falls
The guy at the trunk is the building 7 of this event.
Proof that mindfucked retards are allowed to have a public opinion and vote.
If people have to take a test to have a driver's license they should also have to take a test to have a license to vote.
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A poll consisting of 15 people? It's all so fucking tiresome.
>mUh CoNsTiTuIoNaL rIgHtS
Playing dead like that nigger to avoid getting shot is hilarious
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I'm hoping they both take turn to perform poorly for maximum salt mining
I haven't posted there since 1997. The last bastion of the old internet is basically a skinsuit being worn by normies and fags.
They knew it, they just weren’t allowed to say it
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Holy fuck, did he really? This makes it even more humiliating for him.
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I didn't know Adriana is Our Girl (I did know Sulu is Reddit's though).
Wow, what a weird distorted fantasy land they live in. That's schizophrenia.
Yeah I remember Sean Last once said that to beat Trump in 2016 all they needed was a younger more masculine version of Bernie Sanders.

This like those horror vidya games where the objective is to survive and youre getting chased by some cryptid goon.
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fake and gay af
You underestimate how little the average retard pays attention to politics. Have you noticed most of the lies used to cover for politicians don't even remotely work for anyone half-way paying attention? That's because they're not meant to, they're meant to deflect and dissipate interest from "low-information" voters whose entire political perspective is composed of half-understood hearsay. It's actually shockingly rare for a huge number of people to watch unvarnished speech directly from the naked emperor's mouth.
Deliver on the 6 million first, please Hans
Ok kike
Note that whoever is holding the weapon is placing his support arm as far out as possible down the barrel, which is current SOP for zogbots, for some retarded reason.
Kek. What a day.
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Meh, looks real to me with the blood puddle near the entrance and the bullet holes at the glass window. Well deserved too.
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Wait what? The election is in 4 months?
I actually think this is true. They couldn't just swap him out without showing all the Dems that it was absolutely necessary. Biden won't be their candidate.

I wish I could call them so I can troll them and put in some fake orders

>Hey there, I wanted to go to the club and didnt have any roofies. How much is it for a crate of your retard juice? I want them bitches mumbling and gaggin on deez nutz.

It's her turn!

4chan folk bros... we got too cocky...
Why does she think it is OK that the President can be bullied?
This need to be pasta.
Trump was legislatively and peacefully successful too.
Well yeah these same people cut their dicks off and think they're women.
The only thing jacked up was his dementia.

24% of what? Lol mumble mumble, grr those rich
2016 vibes kek
> Electing Anal
The desperate Democrat smoothbrains can't even say what "lies" are those because they're the ones lying
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caffeine made him shart himself figuratively and literally
I can't wait to hear the song again.
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Probably the best take thus far
Not totally retarded
Whats with all these leftists admitting that sex work is rape?
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Is he kaput?
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They're not kidding when they do stuff like this.
Hopefully you guys are paying attention.
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A fucking goblin tranny?
Do you virgin losers have a mental malfunction somehwere?
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>some libshit lives in a world of creating fictional characters to justify for the fact they're fucking retards
good thing they dilate, their assholes will be primed for another 4 years of another zionist but more orange.
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man i fucking WISH all these faggot redditors worst fears would come true and this would actually become nazi germany. but i could only dream.
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What you transphobic christucks DONT understand is that every single person from the ethnic (Jewish, immigrants etc), religious (Pagan, Muslim etc), sexual (gays, trannies etc) minority group we ALL fucking know that with christuck DRUMP it will be fucking SO MUCH WORSE with DRUMP NO MATTER WHAT BIDEN IS AND ACT LIKE!! DOES NOT FUCKING MATTER CHRISTKEKS!! BIDEN WILL WIN!!
>my safespace

He supposedly has a cold in the middle of fucking summer, that's death's door level health at that age.
Enjoy your noahide slavery.
>our made up labels from made up cases vs reality is failing!

Moviebob is too fat to go full Chernobyl this time.
>It was her turn
>let's humiliate our president and reduce the amount of time we have to change the candidate and look like a total fucking disaster and mess
>when they could have just replaced him a long time ago if that's what they wanted

not everything is a conspiracy.
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Aw Adam Green`s minion entered the thread...spicy
Why is expanding voting rights good?
youre mother. how could you forget that
You are a conspiracy weasel like Jake Gibson, do us all a favor, go fuck yourself.
Don't the Dems have super delegates that literally just override what the voters want in the primaries?
>yah, we saw that you voted for this guy, but our super special people have decided to go with this dude instead lol

So is that what he's saying? That the Democrat top brass purposefully humiliated Biden at the perfect time so they can hand-select someone else without having to worry about pesky vooters?
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>we're gonna live in Nazi Germany
if only... if only...
Adam Green is a FUCKING HERO for exposing the poison of christcuckery giving oppression, intolerance and fucking desert religion bronze age, anti- freedom, anti-sexual exploration, anti-fucking-fun to Europe for fucking 2000 years and destroying Europe for LITERALLY thousands of years!!
But for 50 years he did nothing?
Just sniff? LMAO
Number go up
Oooooooooooooooh ok not salty enough. Yet.
>left can’t meme
It never ends, kek
didn't the faggot moderators from gamespot or ign do a hostile takeover of gamefaqs forums?
I couldn't live with this woman, I would have my face buried in her cheeks all day like a horse with a nosebag.
demon loser.
>as a vocal coach
doesn't she have a fucking youtube video to make? you accidentally click one of these vids and all you get is these obnoxious faggots pausing a music video every 10 seconds, what the fuck man
How long till he goes in a Solidus Snake exoskeleton
>no blood at all
>Same tacticool load out in every shooting video
This shit glows always
Lurk for 2 years, newfag.
Have some more salt anyway.
They’re going to replace Biden.
The following are the dates of the first presidential debates going back to 1980....
2020: September 29
2016: September 26
2012: October 3
2008: September 26
2004: September 30
2000: October 3
1996: October 6
1992: October 11
1988: September 25
1984: October 7
1980: September 21

2024: June 27
Project 2025 doesn't even come from Trump though. It's not coherent or at all viable either, one of its precepts is defunding the fucking fbi keke
my sides, no way it was like that?
this HAS to be a bot
I hope this boomer gets raped to death.
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Dude you'll die alone, childless your country and your subcontinent will be transformed into brown shitstained hellhole in your lifetime.
Your midwit e celeb won't charge shit simply because his whole fanbase consists of faggots like you.

Verification not required
Still votin' zion, clotshot Don.
>lying and lying
Liberals should be taxed at 100% and have their voting rights removed.
msnbcuck is this season's cnn
>imagine obama up there
>uh uhhh uh uhhh
Yeah it would be worse when it's coming from a younger person who cant be judged as old man and also can't be judged because nigger reasons.
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>What did he lie about?
reddit is 80% bots
if you're in the "current thing" threads it's closer to 95%
>everyone expected biden to crush trump
what? this is cult member levels of delusion.
Left-Libs are always talking about the right's "politics of fear" but look at the shit these people do, look at that backdrop.
Who cares? Npc's are NOT human.
Bot are everywhere even here Mister smartass.
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>slam my jimmy through your mouthroof
vote or be sold into gay sex slavery motherfucker
i'm afraid its been
7 years
>Chunky Yogurt is a fortune teller and has the best insider info
He sho' nuff did, my nigger.
But moviebob "didn't watch it at all. Kek."
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It's always projection, anon.
Imagine if to post on 4chan you had to use an account that would list all of your posts and keep a (You) tally. He is threatening to make your (You) total smaller. He'll take them away!
That's not a blood puddle, anon.
That's part of her brain and skull.
Decent marksmanship for multiple targets and running.
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hahahahaha that can't be real
Me too. I was out helping my father with some farm work out at his farm in a rural red state. After we had finished up all that farm work and associated farm work business and ancillary farm work tasks we headed to the local bar for a drink. Less the kind of bar that's popular with farmers and truckers. While there, Biden came on the T.V. and spoke about the economy. Well after that, one of the grizzled patrons looked up and said, "You know, that ol' Joe Biden is solving inflation, fixing the border, securing women's reproductive rights, and bringing back dignity to the White House and to America; he's got my vote." All the other customers I the bar, mostly farmers and truckers nodded along and said "Here here!" Then everyone stood up, raised their glasses. and sang the Joe Biden theme song in unison. It was quite a telling experience out in a rural red state.
This is nothing like Mittens vs Obama. Completely different candidates in a different political environment.
>as a vocal coach
they think this is a real job
>doesn't she have a fucking youtube video to make? you accidentally click one of these vids and all you get is these obnoxious faggots pausing a music video every 10 seconds, what the fuck man
hahahhahahhaa yes,
fuckin same
they don't make those videos much anymore since Scamdemic ended and now they have to get a actual job
It's covid. The unvaccinated are to blame.
i remember spending an afternoon downloading a 56x56 video that showed how to finish 00 agent facility in goldeneye
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>are coming from a place of fuck you and all your propaganda.
By supporting another zionist buttgoy? Kys boomer faggot
looks like faggot cali bitch relocated to Ga
top kek
also checkeado
trumps thew one who appointed the judge who struck down the bumpstock ban
trump endorsed ivermectin way before the jab, something no pro jabber recommended
You should still vote for Joe.

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