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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I hate this shithole country so much
our politics have descended to
>no u
Best debate rundown so far
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that really sums it up perfectly.. wow
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Pretty good, that sounds right even though I could only take 20 minutes of it until I had to turn it off.
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Fuckin nailed it.
Kikes have always turned everything into a 'no u' on purpose, it confuses people, their number one propaganda strategy is to accuse their opponent of what they are doing. If you are committing crimes, charge your enemy with crimes, if you committed a genocide, the holodomor, accuse your enemy of genociding you, the holocaust, if your entire ethno-religion is based around racial supremacy, accuse your enemy of being racial supremacists.
Sounds like every thread here. Where where you when /pol/ became mainstream?
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>they're both just as bad
>trump lied
>actually trump stuttered more per minute
>biden had a cold
>dark brandon
>actually I thought joe did better
Never doubt the Democratic machine. Even when it shuts down all of Reddit, it shamelessly marches forward pretending that nothing happened.
Trump won big with the H2O argument, it's undeniable we had great H2O during his presidency
based. I'm happy Jews are white.
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>They have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office
sounds just like any post here
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Pretty good just missing the part where they argued about who was better at golf…
accurate lmao
Based anti semites
I'm not a big fan of America.
can someone come up with a word for anti-america stuff like how jews call everyone antisemiticly?
ameriphobe maybe?
Shut your shithole man
Indeed, anon. I am just waiting for the next prez to make a horse the mayor of a town like Caligula did.
>screncapping your own gay post that resulted, correctly, in no (You)s, and then use it to start a retarded thread
Come on anon. You’re better than that
>And the shameless samefagging
You’re a jew, right?
Yeah you’re a fucking jew

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