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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Another day, another escalation
- National hotline for long COVID launched, people long-term complaints after a corona 'vaccination' can also register.
- Employees of Bunq bank spied on the bankaccounts of their customers against the rules
- Months of rain, now the first warm days and the regime is announcing ‘water shortage’
- motorAnon was ‘very calculating’ in the run-up to the shootings in Rotterdam last fall. The shooting tragedy could not have been prevented by healthcare and safety professionals
- New renters law allegedly will lead to more social rent housing
- PVV cucks again, calls ‘great replacement theory’ (omvolking) a ‘nazi conspiracy’ in line what the NCTV says. They still worry about demographic change. Cowards.
- Honest homeless person that brought back a wallet containing 2000 euro gets 34.000 euro in support from crowdfunding
- Just one road ‘suitable’ for 130 km/h according to the regime
- Security measures for 59 'scientists' and university employees for their publications regarding migration, climate, Palestine conflict and vaccins
- Glowie regime Schoof is ready for (world) war
- Rutte new NATO chief, Hungary cucked and Romania too
- More people die of 'EK stress'
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists'
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal
- NCTV glowies: ‘pepe is an extreme right meme’ and funny
- 18% is for over hrowing the government system, 6% even thinks violence is allowed
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What are your honest thoughts on the lockdown periods from the beginning? I saw the protests and crackdowns, what is your experience?
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I'm trying to learn Dutch quickly, reading through these threads helps me work on it, thanks.
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Goede fucking morgen iedereen! Trump wordt President het is voorbij voor Biden. Wij Joden lachen het best!
Het is geen Artois het is Atrecht
Het is geen Liege het is Luik
Het is geen Anvers het is Antwerpen
Het is geen Dunkirk het is Duinkerken
Het is geen Calais het is Kales
Het is geen Bousbeque het is Boesbeke
Het is geen Audruicq het is Ouderwijk
Het is geen Bruxelles het is Brussels
Het is geen Forêt d’Éperlecques het is Sperkelebos
Het is geen Haunaut het is Henegouwen
Het is geen Bruxelles het is Broekzele

Hou dit in uwe koppeke Walloniër u bevind zich op Bataafse grond!
Als vliegen achter vliegen vliegen, vliegen vliegen vliegensvlug.

Zeven Zaventemse zotten zullen zes zomerse zondagen zwemmen zonder zwembroek. Zware Julien zijn zuster zaliger zei: “Zo’n zeveraars! Ze zijn zijle zeker zot zeg! Ze zullen zinken!
Wij smachten naar achtentachtig prachtige nachten bij achtentachtig prachtige grachten.
Als in Graven graven gravengraven graven, graven graven gravengraven.
Hottentotten tenttentoonstelling.
Roverovervallen vallen overal voor. Het valt voor dat bij een roveroverval een rover voorover over een roverval valt. Maar een rover heeft het er wel voor over om bij een roveroverval voorover over een roverval te vallen. Want voor een rover schiet er bij een roveroverval altijd wel wat over!
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Als Nederlander begin ik mijn dag,
In goed humeur en vol moed,
Ik salueer onze vlag,
Hoopvol ga ik de dag tegemoet.

Rood is het bloed in onze aderen,
Dat vergoten is voor onze vrijheid,
De erfenis van onze voorvaderen,
In onze herinnering voor alle tijd.

Wit is onze ware aard,
Goed en eerlijk dat wij zijn,
Vrij en onvervaard,
Groots, al zijn wij klein.

Blauw is het water dat wij veroveren,
Dat wij varen en ontdekken,
Dat wij in land omtoveren,
Dat ons ijver doet opwekken.

Oranje is de vlam die in ons woedt,
Onze passie en levenslust,
Onze vurige ziel heeft een gloed,
Die nooit zal worden uitgeblust.

En soms zijn er tijden van lijden,
En staat de wereld ons gekant,
Maar wij stoppen nooit met strijden,
Voor volk en vaderland!
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Is this some kind of dutch mnemonic that children learn?
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>Previous threads:
nah, it's just something that's hard to say
there's also those things to say fast that makes it sound like something else
like if you keep saying "boterklontje" (little clump of butter) it eventually sounds like "blote kontje" (nude ass)
This one I got.
These are Dutch tongue twisters, and yes most of them make you say funny things.. But a fun fact: a “hottentot” doesn’t mean jackshit in Dutch, but it is a racial slur in Afrikaans! <3

Also try saying the Dutch word for “witch” over and over again very fast, that word being: “heks”
As in: heks heks heks heks
Interesting. I have a really easy time picking up what's being said out loud in Dutch, to my ear it sounds like garbled English, but my reading is lagging. I need to pick up a dictionary, and I might just be slow.
Waarom zou je in godsnaam Nederlands willen leren?
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>As in: heks heks heks heks
gotta start reading some Dutch High Literature like Pluk van de Petteflet or Jip en Janneke or even Dolfje Weerwolfje
once you're acquinted with that extremely high level of reading you can move on to Carrie Slee books such as Spijt! or Afblijven
Buy Dutch comic books like Suske en Wiske and the Dutch magazine Donald Duck (yes we prefer Donald over Mickey). Or an Asterix and Obelix comic book. They are of insane comedic and literature quality and aren’t as low tier garbage as marvel comic books. You can buy them for cheap on EBay.
A Norwegian told me it would be easier to learn German if I learned Dutch first.
And you believed him?
just go straight to German bro.
learning any germanic language makes other germanic languages easier, because you'll start to see the linguistic similarities and roots of words etc. this is really the case for learning languages that are related to one another in general
I'll look into any recommendations, serious or not, and I don't think I've ever even seen a Mickey mouse comic book in the United States.
pls watch the Norwegian video to understand how you got trolled.
the closest germanic language to english is frisian, so that might be the easiest to learn
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Really? They used to be all the rage in Germany and France when I was a kid… learn something new everyday.
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damn gouda niggers
my revenge will be fearsome
That's what he said, and I heard the similarity for myself.
Seemed nice enough to me. Why not learn both. I don't want to live in your country, or Germany. Just visit and not be such a fish out of water.
>I'll look into any recommendations
Spijt and Afblijven had movie versions (one of my schoolmates was an actress for the last one lol) so you can watch those if you've read the books to hear how its all spoken
I'd also recommend Kruistocht in Spijkerbroek. It also has a movie version
I'd also recommend Michiel de Ruyter, a historical epic film about the real character that saved our asses during the end of the dutch golden age.
Some other good films are Turks Fruit, Spetters, Amsterdamned and Flodder. Flodder is especially fun cause of the sequel, Flodder in Amerika
Yeah, I'm sure they existed at one point. And like most things, I'm sure someone collects them, but among comic books collections I've never seen one.
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>I don't want to live in your country, or Germany. Just visit and not be such a fish out of water.
I like you anon and I hope your language skills and your trip to this country will be a succes. Just don’t go to Amsterdam, go to Dordrecht or any actual good city <3
Adding them to my list.
apparently there's a big dutch production science fiction show from last year called Arcadia. I haven't seen it myself, but might be interesting to check out. 8 episode limited series it seems
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Thank you.
>In a dystopian world, every resident of Arcadia is monitored via an implanted chip by the security agencies het Schild (English: the Shield) and het Vizier (English: the Oversight), making crime seem impossible.
Sounds good.
that old schoolmate of mine is in it too. she plays a character named Alex
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Hope you pop in this thread more fren <3
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Melody? But now I know what school you went to anon. That's a little weird.
I will, I usually just read. I'm also bumping this time because of the election shit.
Its all al-Flandri now
don't doxx me bro, (((they're))) gonna know who i am
>dolfje weerwolfje
hahaha volgende keer kom ik met de griezelbus. Kan de film ook niet echt online vinden, zou hem wel nog een keer willen kijken.

Echt letterlijk je kan niet van meneer beentjes en p onnoval’s bus stappen. En de rit gaat maar door hahaha
Also listen to some Dutch music might help. Like “Doe maar” or Johnny Jordaan. Be careful tho, because Dutch is a very diverse language with over 300 varieties in the Netherlands alone… so a song sang by Johnny Jordaan might sound a bit different than if someone who isn’t from Amsterdam sings it.
Ik ga simpelweg niet buigen voor joodse bankieren met geprinte papieren kijk naar de tijd het is tijd voor guillotines. Hetzelfde voor die woke ass bitches die mijn toekomst verkopen voor social media digits.
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Unironically, a fate worse than death. Losse lippen doen schepen zinken.
Yeah, this one was easy. Jews, fake money, head chopping.
>kike again subverting the host nation and inviting foreigners
seriously what is it with you jews? are you like mental or something?
he's not inviting him you fucking obsessed balkanoid
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Just to visit. I have no intention of staying anywhere but my home country permanently. I will die in America.
you will die on the battlefields of ukraine or lebanon golem, not in muttmerica
>Be careful tho, because Dutch is a very diverse language with over 300 varieties in the Netherlands alone
That sounds like a lot. I was also just listening to a Dutch speaker and a Finnish speaker and a Swedish speaker all try to figure out what the other was saying, and their final conclusion was that they thought each thought the other had a hot potato in their mouth while talking.
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If thinking that helps you get through the day, great. Is it helping?
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>Hot potato language
Sounds about right!
Hello Serbanon how is dating live going?
sometimes I can pick up on scandi, but it's mostly garbage mumbling halfwords, all those football players that come here seem to learn our language fluently in a couple of months though, so it can't be too different
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I diddled some 17 yr old art hoe
i was genuinely afraid that she would report me to police for fun
It’s funny how dutch people are usually taught german and mostly forget but we can still talk in “steenkolen” to germans and with some troubleshooting it usually works out.
>Rutte new NATO chief
>Hungary cucked and Romania too

Iohannis is a useless retard anyway. Not like Rutte is any better but still.
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Arie en Bastiaan en de verloren dildo.
some words in german are so different I sometimes have to stop and think about what it means and then these german fuckers just keep talking and adding more of these words like I'm supposed to know them all, it's tiresome, I usually zone out and say
>immer gerade aus und links um die ecke
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whats your experience with mexicans/ hispanics anons?
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Jongens… de natuur geneest.
Heeft iemand de video van de vindicat student die van het dak springt in 050?
we are not their turf

so zero-ish to very low
incidentally, I think if our retarded law enforcement ever manages to 'defeat' the le bad morrocan mafia here, we might have a problem with you cunts coming in to fill that void
I met some mexicans in Barcelona.
They were nice people and spoke english very well, clearly more well-off than most mexicans I presume.
Rauwe kippen lever eten jongens
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Konijnen lever


Am das walt
Fresh out of de bramenstruik, jawöhl mit schimmel. Gewoon opeten, hoppa. Is super gezond bedorven bramen (!)

Lekker man maar rauw? Is dat wel oké?
Mij is altijd verteld dat rauw kippevlees best wel riskant is.
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Nee joh.
Ik heb bedorven lever em beschimmeld met schimmel sap en al, hertenvlees gegeten, en mn lichaam wou meer

Geloof die leugens niet. Allemaal bs.
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Gutemorgen heren!
Mijn Biden...ik uhh...uhhhhh....huh? Wat? Waar had ik het over?
Never met one of them. Some I assume are good people.
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Adriaantje is beter te begrijpen dan Biden. TOTALE MALARKY
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Dutch forensic psychological assesment center "Pieterbaan centrum" wants to study MotorAnon for a second time. This is the first time they ever requested for a second evaluation.
Motoranon is redpilling the shrinks.
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>Be Snollebollekes
>Een hit
>Enigste lyrics: Naar Links Naar Rechts
>Megahit in Duitsland
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Link to article about MotorAnon in AD

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Meanwhile Dutch are prepping for Holiday

>Motoranon is redpilling the shrinks.

>That sounds like a lot.
We have crazy dialects. I live in South Holland and there are little towns and villages here with complete unique dialects just 20 minutes from here. Some are dying out but some like Katwijks are still in usage
Euhm, ja kan beter de zeilen effe laten zakken met zoveel tegenwind.
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>notices details

[X] Autism
[ ] Normie
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Picrel is the Sanpaku looking Professor Jurgen Damen that ordered MotorAnon to give people clotshots even after MotorAnon informed him about the deadly side-effects. MotorAnon then injected him with lead.
The establishment fears the calculated Moroccan lone wolf
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I am willing to say that Jurgen Damen was more Criminally Insane than MotorAnon.

This guy ordered deadly clotshots on people while being completely calm and collective
Whereas MotorAnon was under extreme stress from losing everything ( house, driving license, study ) and knowing he was forced to vax people or be suspended again from his study.
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het is tijd
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Free Fouad tho
>loskoppelen van het net
>probleem opgelost
Ah dit is dus de echte verhaal. Dacht al.
Joodse fenotype + een wormenkop.
>Whereas MotorAnon was under extreme stress from losing everything ( house, driving license, study ) and knowing he was forced to vax people or be suspended again from his study.
Dit is het meest waardeloze, zwakke slavenexcuus die iemand kan maken.
>Uh, ja ik heb mensen bewust ingespoten met iets dat ze doodmaakt
>Maar deed het alleen omdat ik anders niet meer mijn papiertje kon halen
En nu heeft die spijt?
Moest ie kebab faggot daarom zn buurvrouw en mutt dochter doodschieten die aangaven dat MotorAnon Flopsie mishandelde?
AI was een vergissing.
>ja ik heb mensen bewust ingespoten met iets dat ze doodmaakt
Lol het is blijkbaar niet erg efficiënt aangezien vooral zwakkere groepen de meeste boosters hebben ontvangen en nog steeds niet massaal de pijp uitgaan.
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>dat MotorAnon Flopsie mishandelde?

I think hat MotorAnon cared more about his flopsie than the average medical student about their labrats.
Are you aware that during medical studies students are cutting up and experimenting on ( live ) animals ?

Extreme stress and excessive alcohol intoxication lowers the prefrontal cortex ability to reduce impulsive behavior ( ie outburst of rage ). and moroccons are already know for poor impulse control, coupled with MotorAnons autism which has shitty emotion regulation as one of it's main symptoms.

uncontrolled emotions + poor impulse control.. Jurgen Damen was well aware of what he was doing when intentionally frustrating MotorAnon. I'm beginning to suspect that Jurgen tried to get rid of MotorAnon because he realized that MotorAnon could see Jurgen's psychopathy right through his "Mask of Mental Sanity."
Dude he admitted beating his rabbit in his ''boohoo I am so sad'' thread
motoranon was clearly a mentally sick incel socio/psychopath, stop defending him. i hope they keep him locked up for a long time, but they probably won't
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>the weak didn't die from the vax

Ah sure .. that's why the goverment is now cashing in on unclaimed pensions due to mysterious excess deaths..
O gawd vrens alcohol is gripping (Me)
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>he beat his rabbit

Did you know that there are rumors that he als spanked his monkey ?
I'm fine speaking Anglish in a Dutch NatSoc Fascist thread, or don't we agree it is?
But it's god awful without my Dutch accent
Later on today I could end up in the German thread, the British thread, drunk. And God knows what I will be doing. How bad is it? Maybe there isn't such a problem.
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>motoranon was clearly a

According to Erik and his herd of normies every anon posting in this thread is a mentally sick incel socio/psychopath.
i don't give a shit what Erik says. MotorAnon posted here himself and he was clearly a fucked up guy. He killed his own pets and then killed people that reported him for it. He's not a normal person. Stop defending him you dumb faggot
En ook niet onbelangrijk:
Het is geen Lille het is Rijsel.
Yeah it's funny how that works.
Even though my Danish vocabulary is more than adequate, I of course have a Dutch accent. So in social and work situations the Danes here often ask me where I am originally from, to which I reply The Netherlands. I swear like 7 out of 10 times the first thing they say is
>oh! Dutch! That's sounds like a hot potato in the mouth haha!!
Then I give them the picrel are you fucking kidding me face, because if there is ANY language that sounds like a fuckload of boiling hot potatoes deep down the throat it's god damn Danish. Take this shit for instance... this is my best rendition of the sentence
>jeg spiser rødgrød med fløde og smørrebrød i Rødovre
I'm not exaggerating, this how Danes sound. And I speak this shit almost every day. Some day I'm gonna die of throat cancer in this place, despite having quit smoking.
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>He killed his own pets
>He's not a normal person

Humans have been slaughtering animals ever since they set foot on this planet.
As such it's not abnormal human behavior. maybe you are abnomal for delegating the job to butchers because you've grown to weak to prepare your own food.
But i'm pretty sure you rage smashed a few mosquitos in your lifetime. you probably dont even think about it.. it's just a reflex.

>he was clearly a fucked up guy

Maybe he was just a normal guy who could not deal with a fucked up world.
You kill mosquito's because they attack you and cause you discomfort. Slaughtering also implies something useful was done with the meat, and I don't think he ate his rabbit. He's obviously not a normal person and if he was he's a little bitch for not being able to hang in the grownup world.
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In Flopsie's defense, yeah killing rabbits is normal when you're going to eat it. And of course you just kill it swiftly, so that there is no unnecessary suffering. But that's not exactly how it went with Fouad, isn't it? If I'm correct he laid like a bunch of bricks on the rabbit, to make it die in a slow and agonizing way. For no purpose (not eating it at least).
That's a substantial differences.
>You kill mosquito's because..

The mere sight of their presence triggers a rage response strong enough to kill it.
Mosquitos don't kill you, they just cause an annoying itch.
But that's all it takes to put you in kill mode . a tiny nuisance.

I'm not saying i condone kicking rabbits, But the rabbit discussion is repeatedly brought up to distract from the professor/government pushing clotshots. which killed a shitload more people than MotorAnon did but doesn't get prosecuted.

Hugo de Jonge should be in Jail, or did you forget he also knew about the deadly side effects of these shots before pushing the booster campaigns.
>maybe you are abnomal for delegating the job to butchers because you've grown to weak to prepare your own food.
so he ate flopsie then? no?
what the fuck are you doing you moron
this is the type of disingenuous argument i would expect from a commie
>retard babble
I miss old /pol/. He'd have been outed as retarded shitskin from the start, he'd have ended up on Reddit, transitioned and then joined the 42% without harming the rest of society.
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>Medical student made to inject people with deadly clotshots by his professor/government
>"B..but he kicked a rabbit"
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needlessly harming animals is a sign of psychopathy you fucking retard, of course i'm going to mention it
you're so goddamn stupid it's painful
Mosquitos kill more people on earth than any other animal. Now, it’s mostly niggers and shitskins, but then again I wouldn’t have a problem with mosquitos if they stayed in Africa and Asia.
By his own admission. There is 0% proof he actually had to inject people. And him working for radiology makes it pretty unlikely he was asked to do so. Unless he was a truly useless moron they more then likely would have asked him for emergency care before they had him do vaccinations.
>>472453241 (Me)
O Gawd.


This is what humanity wants

Never mind the cannibals, it's just the video I have now about it. The cannibal thing is fixed in this video too. But it's less interesting if I spoil this.

Look how natural they live. I mean this is how this world wants to live, without competition or murder from others.

Translated to civilized societies. How this are there. Or how their county is. Still pursuing progress where needed.
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>he's a psychopath

It's called "angry drunk", drunk people have a tendency to beat and kick people, things and even animals. followed by intense remorse when they sober up..

Psychopaths don't have remorse. ( picrel ) let alone any other emotion they want to drown out with alcohol.
>>472457448 (Me)
Niggers also win colonisation. But we will also have our criticism, however it must be fair. And it isn't as intrusive as how North won the colonization issue.

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>I mean this is how this world wants to live, without competition or murder from others.
>tribe that murders and eats people
you western leftists are mentally ill and you should be traveling non-eruopean countries and be beheaded finally like so many of your dumb women across the world
Jette is a cyborg anon, not a robot. Also I know plenty of violent drunks, 0 of them have ever brutalized their pets.

Snap nu eindelijk waarom die freelance klootviool van tegenover ineens een Audi heeft.
? It says in the video that THAT tribe is not a man eating tribe. And that it is another tribe.

I said it's just one I had at hand.

But ok this one then

But they are being a bit poor, being challenged by neighbouring tribes embracing modernity.
Anon, I know you are drunk but tribalism is straight up regression.
Just find Nort and South here with your browser search function

Or should I explain again what deeper true and spiritual principles they are I am talking about.
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>Also I know plenty of violent drunks, 0 of them have ever brutalized their pets.

Unlike the drunk's wifes/girlfriends, the pets can not tell afterwards..
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I kind of have it the other way around. Not that I go around beating up Flopsies, but generally in daily life I'm kind of a cunt and have tendencies to provoke people a bit. Most of the fighting in my life I have done completely sober.
When I'm drunk however I just like everybody and want to hug people and think the world is great.
what are you waiting for then?
just go live in the wilderness
NL is one big mega city
life there is too comfy and unnatural
go today
Well I'm not sure yet how it will work out. But I have taken my measurements against it.

And, while tribalism in itself, clearly it's an important part of how we want to live

Listen, the tribalism part is difficult for us to fathom. But we'll be alright. It's progress. Not regression. Not how it will turn out to be in true truth [not explained in this post. It takes time to say it]
Pets are very fragile compared to humans Anon. Also not talking about them beating up their wifes or gf's. Talking about going out and looking for fights in the club/bars.

It's 4.30PM and you're already beyond drunk. A true savage indeed.
Also what's the problem. Since we can acknowledge negroes colonizing us. We can be frank about we want them to get the * out as this is just how toxic we are. Just as God gave us to be.


Also East = either miracle or death. Just don't do anything wrong or secure so that you would not. By functioning treaties with East
mja zolang jullie geen vegan zijn zoals ik hebben jullie het recht niet om anderen voor psychopaat uit te maken
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wie van jullie is dit?

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This is an antisemitic term? I understand they locked people down and shut down churches? I am not Jewish, and is not good to use such hateful language.
ik toon graag mijn morele superioriteit
The zionist government of Netherlands implemented the COVID-19 lockdowns, some protested, beaten up by the police. Subject of OP's thread.
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It was shit, I liked working from homo though, moving to Sweden in January 2021 was a breath of fresh air for sure.
Also kanker
Did you obey or did you resist?
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It's slang for "people from Amsterdam"
Kansloos gelul weer van al die instanties; iedereen die ook maar last heeft gehad van een buurman/buurvrouw, maakt niet uit hoe erg de situatie was kan dit beamen.
>>472459722 (Me)
Ok, what if we see this:
Just find the several South in your browser search function https://web.archive.org/web/20210228123052/http://enochian.info/category/enochian-keys/

North only has one hit

Listen, IF so negroes do not comply we have all right to be toxic about them
Adriaan, het is tijd.
Absoluut. Je hebt echt geen rijdende rechter nodig om te zien wie een asociale debiel is en wie niet. Dit is gewoon weer het eigen straatje schoonvegen. En de volgende mafklapper krijgt weer jaren de kans om de malloot uit te hangen voordat ze ingrijpen.
>>472460443 (Me)
Negroes must comply to this, as far as they do not, we have ALL RIGHT to be as toxic as we like to be against them.
What do you mean obey? I wore a mask when shopping yes it was usually ten minutes of my time or so, we already shopped a lot online back then, what restrictions do you think there were?
I moved before the government wanted people to stay indoors at night, and as bars were closed I didn't really have an option but to stay at home or drink in parks.
Dood aan de joden.
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>En de volgende mafklapper krijgt weer jaren de kans om de malloot uit te hangen voordat ze ingrijpen.
Adriaantje Teringlijer in het nieuws wanneer
So you will get in the van and go to Ukraine for the zionists?
Geef Adriaan af en toe een gedragen slipje van zijn zusje waar hij aan kan ruiken en hij vormt geen bedreiging.
Too old for that, also no. I spent most of my time at home in general for me it was more comfy as before so I did not complain.
Ff opzouten Pajeet. Ik heb geen zin in curry vanavond.
>>472460913 You
>>472457448 Me

>>472458141 (Me)
We need to inform Swede anon here.
Someone come holp. Hes not going to inform himself.
Goed verhaal, lekker kort.
Ik denk vooral dat jij ff je bedje moet gaan opzoeken maat.
Listen, first look up North and South in your browser search function here https://web.archive.org/web/20210228123052/http://enochian.info/category/enochian-keys/

Then, know this >>472459722 (Me)


Too many cunts in Holand
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Ik begrijp niet het.
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>Pomfritter på kebabpizza
Zweden is soms best een mooi land
Hanlo. Hoe verloopt de jacht op Sefardische vriendinnen?
This is what this world wants. Howe we want to live

But never mind the cannibals. They are fixed. But it spoils the video saying it.

However, blacks have colonized us. This is how we want it, though translated to our civilized societies.

It's not as evil to as intrusive, however winning colonization of North had been

The Dutch in this thread here, some of them are being cunts
Ik zou hier een eigen draadje van maken, Keizer.
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I am unsure what you are on about, I assume I should watch the video, but I am not behind my pc working and such, I am watching my ducks in the garden now.
eendjes :DDDDDD
>het is brussels
spring uit het raam
I am not doing it. Clean out this Dutch thread. Don't think I will do it, just I
Also there are Spanish in 8c
So we need to set ourselves straight and go there. I don't want to do it by myself.
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> Hanlo. Hoe verloopt de jacht op Sefardische vriendinnen?
Slecht en het is bijna sjabbat dus dan valt er niks meer te jagen voor een hele fucking dag.. :((
Based Duck watcher
Right, this is just what we do when we meet Southerners. Unless (...)
Oh, oh, maar Spanjaarden moeten dood.
Nee, Spanjaarden zijn onze vrienden

Zonder hun kunnen we niets.

Elke agent verdient de dood. Ga Nederland veilighoude. Ofzo.

Binnenkoort pleeg ik een moord aanslag :))

Het is verboden te bestaan, als je Nederlands ben
Ik ben illegaal. Ik ben verboden.

Dan moet je toch terugvechten.
Stelletje kut-Nederlanders.

>Hou me te goede, niet iedereen. Maar grote bek graag als je geen kut bent
Waarom heb je het accent van een allochtone zwerver?
En als jij een neger bent in Nederland dan moet je toch goed meewerken. Want zo is 't nu eenmaal.
Ik bedoel Oostenrijk-Nederland in het EK?
Ben in een multiculturele ghetto geboren: Nederland
En ben jij een neger?
Politie en overheid Nederland probeert de Nederlander het leven zuur te maken en te doden.

Zij hebben nog NOOIT 1 poot uitgestoken voor Nederland.

Homos joden/en dis politie verdienen de dood. Weg Wegg!!!

Heb j niet nodig in een high trust maatschappij.

1 agent de nek doorsnijden en de andere 100.000 demken wel 2x na.

Als jij iemand 250 eu laat betalen in de middle of nowhere verdien je daarvoor te sterven
Volks verraad ten top. Afmaken
Allemaal buitenlanders pok, dikke wijven.
Zuur in t gezicht gooien. En niemand wilt meet boa worden. Als je ziel zo vies is mag je t van buiten dragen

Echt ik meen het. Oprecht 100% vanuit mijn gouden hart. Ik zeg t gewoon.

Holland hoer

Je mag ALLES zeggen
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>If I'm correct he laid like a bunch of bricks on the rabbit, to make it die in a slow and agonizing way. For no purpose

Shitskin genetics summed up
>*Ik ben in een *multicultureel ghetto geboren
Net zo Nederlands als de negerts van het Nederlands elftal.
Nach Haus Gehen

Vandaag is gister.
Gister is morgen.
>Zuur in t gezicht gooien
Ah, een moslim. Dacht het al. Wegwezen hier kaffer.
Kek, vooral in het noorden, Jesus. In het zuiden was het oke tot ASML en Philips Indiërs gingen importeren tot en met. Die stinkers woonden overal in de prettigere buurten van Eindhoven. Lekker overal afval dumpen, kinderen op de internationale school lekker over de bril heen kakken.
Ik gaat indiers

Als iedereen nou eens massaal de politie zou aanvallen i.p.v op t kanker malieveld met met vlaggetjes zwaaien
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I verlies toch nooit want ik ben geboren in Gouda Negers

En als mijn mede-Nederlanders niet '''meehelpen''' voldoende toxisch te zijn

Wij zijn gewoon zo toxisch
Eerst had je de Aziaten daar en dat ging allemaal nog wel. Al hebben ze wel de kat van mijn buurvrouw opgegeten. Maar die Indiers zijn inderdaad het ergste.
Jah, goedgekeurd als je mij gelooft
Leuk he rattenplaag omdat een gezin standaard voor 20 man rijst kookt en t dag in dag uit in t park dumpt

Geld genoeg ofzo.

Niks van zeggen, is cultuur is mooi.
Vroeger mocht je mensen nog met de riem slaan, en dronk je savonds samen een biertje met de wijk agent
Echt. Dat was NL

Nu worde. Wij afgemaakt. Gewoon iemand mot zn leven geven en een agent doodmaken, gewoon voor de eer
Altijd vervelend als Chinezen je kat of hond stelen. Maar wel verdomd lekker
Mooie vlag amigo
>Gebruikt Toxisch op een niet ironische manier
Dit is geen Reddit, kikkerlikker.
Jij eerst, zou ik zeggen.
Ik weet het ook alleen omdat ze het bandje lieten zien.
Goed, ben je een Zweed van ons卐 in Zweden. Of ben je een originele Zweed?
Tijd datum station, kanker cryptojood.

De hoogovens in plzz
Ik word soms heel verdrietig als ik me bese f dat de meeste Europese kulturen gewoon verdwijnen. Hier zijn niet genoeg negers, maar negers in Negerland is prima, als je daar als blanke gaat wonen beginnen ze ineens met apartheid enzo. Apartheid was een goed ding
Dit dus

Vind dat je dat mooi verwoord zo. Heb je netjes gezegd.
Mag gezegd worden.
Ik kom uit Brabant, maar woon hier nu 4 jaar.
>OV gebruiker
Whats next, een fatbike? Hoe Noord Afrikaans wil je het hebben?
Ok, maar als jij een nederneger in Zweden bent. Dan ben je nog steeds waardevol voor ons. Omdat we een correspondent nodig hebben in Zweden.
Iedereen IEDEREEN.

vieze kanker poten knuppelen

Er wonen belachelijk veel Nederlanders in Zweden. De meeste zijn helaas achterlijk
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>Ik weet het niet

Hoe sterk hoe achterlijk is de immigratie naar Zweden uit hier.
Maar als het goed is


Ik kom ook uit het zuiden, uit Brabant
Als je die Schimmelpenninck ziet, sla je hem dan wel op z'n bek?
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Uit Eindhoven
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Uit Leiden, Morsroad, and at its gate is the commemoration V/d Lubbe
And order of Maltha
>iemand mot zn leven geven en een agent doodmaken, gewoon voor de eer
Maar natuurlijk ga jij dat niet doen he?
Het is wel zo. Ze kunnen er niks van zeggen.. wantt.. ttiisss zoooo.. TIS GWN ZO weetje..

Nee maar eeerlijkk. Eeerliijjk...
Het is toch zo??¿

Wat denk jij dat de man die geboren is op 7 januari. De Russische kerst. Hiervan denkt?

Goed, met één excuus. Dat is dat de negers nog verder naar het zuiden wat zij gedaan hebben.
When will we attend to the großem schaft
Nikkers, het zijn nikkers. Russen, dat zijn negerts.
I know it's sad vrens. But we can't just go about emigrating te Norway. Te Sweden. Denmark or Finland.
Er is dus al tijden een psy-op gaande in het land waarin een kanker zwarte de verbastering 'Neger' krijgt i.p.v de meer accurate, juiste term; nikker.

Hoe noem je een neger met een glazen oog?

Stront aan de knikker.
Why is there such a huge dutch population on /pol/? I thought most dutch people are left-leaning? Or is that only Amsterdam?
Theyre leaning fuck knows what ways n all that cus they're handicapped beyond beliefs. Spassed put cancer freak country.
The handicap runs deeep in NL. Leaaan back
>>472466383 (Me)
Just look up South here.

Or North
Imagine if fentanyl hots nl it'd be like a fucking limbo dance x'D
>>472466758 (Me)
South has more search results as North. East = miracle unto death or life for us. However if we stabilize it. It's not a gamble but a treaty we can depend upon.

Richtig Schön
Nigger if ye go to the more toxic North. Or even (...)
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Verkeerde vlag.

Lots of third world import that are confused about their culture and race. Only white people in this thread are the swedish guy, the danish guy and myself probably. The wannabe cop killer anon has an obvious accent that tells me he's either used to hanging out with Maroccans or is one himself (further confirmed by his choice of (public) transportation).
En als ik gezopen heb, zo iedereen al boos is. Maar dan wordt ik hier pas echt boos over
So you're saying most of the left-leaning people in Netherlands is white, and the right-leaning ones (who are supposedly anti-immigration) are immigrants? Interesting....
May Denmark, Sweden and Norway and Finland dripsit me ALL NIGHT vrens

Because, when will ye fail, as ye not to fail in this?
Dutch Indies mark
No. The dutch on /pol/ used to be based farmers. Now it's just people who hate jews, and those people are generally immigrants. This thread for example most people are either anti-semite or anti-african. Yet noone is shitting on the worst culprit; islamic immigrants.
Don't listen to these retards. Pretty much all Dutch posters here are white and have always been white. There are not that many "left leaning" people in the Netherlands either. Everyone is either a centrist or a right wing "close the borders" type. Only in the big 3/4 cities you find some lefties.
Which immigrants are worst? I remember visiting and cycling through Amsterdam 2 years ago and Noord is full of africans kek. Where are all the white people usually at?
For (Me) being borne of fuhrer of Austria>>472464290

MIT what r u doin..?xd
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>Why is there such a huge dutch population on /pol/?
>I thought most dutch people are left-leaning?

That's still true

/Pol/der basically consists of morrocans, turks, pajeets, glowniggers and a jew who do nothing more than shitpost and slide these threads.
which is completely representative for the population makeup in the Netherlands
To find an actual Dutch you have to look on tiktok or facebook where they post pictures of their jobs.
Listen to this from 0.22.11 to the end


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Dagelijkse herinnering, dat de dood wensen aan de politie met gewelddadig taalgebruik gebruikt kan worden als bewijs voor een “poging doen tot terrorisme” volgens de huidige jurisprudentie…
>Was letterlijk de hele dag niet aanwezig
>Hij is werkeloos

Koos werkeloos
Guess where most people live? Also include any student city (Nijmegen, Leiden etc). Also you will not find 'some lefties' you will find a vast majority of them.
North Africans by far (mainly Moroccans). Surinamese also do a lot of crime and have really bought into that 2000's US gangster vibe but are mostly concerned with killing each other because someone said a mean rhyme about them. Turks seem to be integrating somewhat but at times still show they are tribal uncultured bunch.
Gast die dat deed is toch een Marokkaan dus die komt er wel mee weg als hij even een theetje doet met de wijkagent.
Ik hoorde net dat count Dankula gaat echtscheiden… waarom is hier niks van te zien geweest op /pol/?
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Addendum; Somalians and Ethiopians are the worst when it comes to employment. They just get drunk all day and steal bikes. Would deport all of them without prejudice if given the opportunity.
>is niet een thuiswerktjaad

gaat het niet redden
>Thuiswerken in het jaar van de heer 2024
Wie gaat anders die stagiares een corrigerende tik op de billen geven?
Ah stfu. Theyre the most covilized, least interfering. Yes also least intergrated, but thats a good thing. And honestly makes them more intergrated into our lands than ppl trying 2 be dutch or smth ? jews cancervwashing the country

The islamist just stick to their own n shit. Mossad is doing divide and conquer. Dont fall for it. Racebaiting vullshit. Thats how the jew operates.

But you would know, wouldnt you, filthy kike.
But listen vrens, for previous episodes ye need the literal fuhrer for it to be safe

Or ashfar the predicting lion
nou ik niet
Fuck toothpaste niggers
Took the whole thread but finally you admit to being a mudslime. Get fucked you filthy inbred import. You nor your religion are welcome here.
Jah but sometimes ye seed someone being much smaller as ye are. As ye big ding
It's such a big ding this Jesus. What do we need to do?
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Ye big ding.

Don't you think once, and more as once YOU are going to have to need. Something much smaller as you are. E.g. to win Russia
So, we have a Moroccan cunt and now a Jamaican cunt in our Nederdraad?
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loer langer flikker dat is adriaan teringlijeer
Ok ye psychopath
You ALL people must give this, this (...) over to me
I can not find Ashfar again.

I am trying, however where is he
Ok this video is good

However the real channel has vanished
>>472471897 (Me)
Ok, it's not good
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Twee turboschizos in de draad. En ze heten letterlijk Sebastiaan (Bassie) en Adriaan.
Dit verzin je gewoon niet.
If you come from Holland. Disqualify this nigger now. Immigrating North.

>Sorry vrens disqualify it now
Nigger amongst Denmark. Mat Denmakt curse ye, as they should ye nigger

Jew actual alert
Complete Jew alert!
De Meems schrijven zichzelf koek
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>iemand noemt mij schizo!
>[doet vervolgens zeer schizofreen]
Deel en pakket
Macabee vs Adriaan bokswedstrijd wanneer
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Miems zijn esoterisch.
Een quantum-manifestatie van het collectieve gedachtengoed.

Hij is een neger

Een verrader voor ons land

Zovelen Nederlanders in 't noorden

Goed. Je weet wat het moet worden. Abnormale stromen, en wij weten het zelf. Zij hoeven niet te beginnen het te weten.
>>472473319 (Me)
Er is geen spoor dan dat onszelf. Dan dat wij dat zelf weten. eerst

Kom bij mij
Kom in Nederland. want dat is wat deze draad [onderwerp] is
Zelfs als jij een neger bent in ons land. Goed >>472462286 (Ik)

En verder mijn ID
En Oostenrijk wint wel van ons in het EK. Maar kom en erken deze dingen voor onze overwinning.
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>med chad

...who is 165 cm tall, lol.
>>472464290 (Me)
If everything goes wrong. We stil have Östereich

And this is what ye will acknowledge te (Me) personally now
Östereich doesn't have any niggers in their Fußball - team
>New renters law allegedly will lead to more social rent housing
Can someone explain me this law? I'm autistic
Your autism is ended now

Just come and help our empire
oh yeah I saw a video on that recently, disney cant sell comic books for shit in the USA, while theyre incredibly popular across europe, and I think across south america too
Het Rijk

>Het Rijk
>Het Rijk
>Het Rijk
>Het Rijk
Listen vrens. Holland is just being so sickening

>It's just sichening

Les go
>Der großem SCHAFT
And now ever EVER don't EVER make (Me) te go into Germany and Brittany. But funeste: into America ye niggers immigrating into ur North
Hoe het tot meer sociale huur moet leiden is mij totaal onduidelijk. Behalve dan dat meer middenhuur ineens als sociale huur gecatagoriseerd wordt.
Tl'dr: Ook voor middenhuur (tot een bepaald bedrag, ik dacht 1200 euro/pm (welke pauper zit daaronder en in middenhuur lmao)) komt er een puntensysteem. Afhankelijk van het aantal punten mag je huurbaas maar een bepaalde hoeveelheid huur vragen. Dus het kan zijn dat inderdaad een aantal middenhuur woningen ineens sociale huur worden. Maar het is alsnog een super dom idee om de woningschaarste mee op te lossen.
>Rather even, however do not. Move into Mutt Americha. However do not.

First we need to find our rules for it.
Sjeng detected.
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You aint Dutch till you eat erdberd much
Adriaan je bent niet welkom in het volgende draadje.
Ye nigger. I do not trust ye. But the neo-Fuhrer supports ye

Jus as we have a neo-cunt
That I do not post here
Aarbei smaak is lekker maar aardbei niet imo
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>Amsterdam is jewish

68 posts maar...Adriaan alles okay? Heb je je pillen genomen?

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