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Previous: >>472423641

▶Day: 856 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Zelenskiy arrived in Brussels, EU and Ukraine to sign security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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Blast ziggers into pieces
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Ayo, everyone, it's Friday and you know what this means?

Report on:

>whatcha drimkin
>whatcha eating
>whatcha working on
>Friday plans
>mearshnigger delusions
>integrity of Black Sea fleet rocket carriers
>understanding of wartime powers of the state during war
>ass in ass

t. Eastern Ukrainian
It's Friday my dudes.
Whatchu glugging?
Whatch feastin on?
Whatchu glonking?
Whatchu workin on?
Who you smashin? Hopefully not your palm, lmao.
Whatchu want to happen to vatnigerians?
What's the ass inside of?

t. not Ukrainian, just posting under his flag and hoping he doesn't beat my ass for stealing his bit
>rare flag
The Ukraine lost.
brb, kys-ing
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Haha! I got you now! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i see you liked my pic
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Nooooo. Just report. It's all good, we can share the bit. :D
> >Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale

>hey goyim. I sent all the fighting age jewish men out of the country after the invasion. I’ve know you’ve only had three days of training and you just received your firearm, but remember, when you die in the next 24 hours, all those jews who left will come back after the war and by your land and property cheap and Ukraine will be the most diverse country in Europe, a greater israel. L’Chaim dogs.
I know what you’re doing bro. Hiding from your responsibility of defending your country like a fucking cowardly bitch
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>trying this hard to get a (You)

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>"Demoralise him"
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Since it's Friday morning, here's my off-topic rant: it's annoying that the jobs I can do reasonably well are still closed to me because of the Finnish language requirement.

I wouldn't want it any other way, and I'd like Finnish policies even stronger but it doesn't make it any less annoying.
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haven't seen it before
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>Ukraine will collapse in two more weeks
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>Day: 856
Dumb xoxol lie monke said it would take just few days.
Did chutney man ever show his flag?
Tambov updates dropping in hot
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3 days feel like 3 years...
two weeks feel even longer...
Watchin a movie rn
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i hate ziggers so fucking much
Tons of thirdies get hired as Über drivers and delivery boys with damn near zero language skills. I'm sure you could snag some temporary gig by playing up the poor refugee thing.
i hate that Pole there is dressed like complete faggot
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I'm not a poor refugee anymore though, that's the thing. I'm going to make it but the last thing I'm going to do is act like some spoiled nigger.
feel free to add space marine armor
guard>spess mehrines
details about today's drone attack
>yeye soldiar! gram ye lazgun and invade ze warp portal!
>*commissar rubbing hands in chaos way*
Can't wait for NATO to get dragged in the War for anti-globohomo coups to start popping up in Western countries and linchings start.

Nothing ever happens until a war forces everyone out of the comfort zone.

I'd happily get drafted if that put a gun in my hand and the knowledge and connections to conduct irregular warfare at home.
I’m going out for pulled pork with m’ lady in a few minutes
That's why I said you have to play it up and make them feel sorry for you.
>Well if he gets killed in prison as well russia will reach ukraine levels of democracy hahaha
Navalny big no-no?
Cognito hazard for ziggerinos?
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Save Anne Frank

>Kill Ziggers

Impregnate Anne Frank

>Kill Ziggers

Fuck Anne Frank while she's nine months pregnant

>Kill Ziggers

Raise a loving family with Anne Frank

>Kill Ziggers


Based, be sure to get lots of Southern Sweet BBQ sauce on it.
commisar would never do such thing
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Navalwho? Already memoryholed. Pic unrelated. Maybe.
Pulled pork is fantastic! Hope you both enjoy it! :)

I guess I want to be honest, maybe because I'm not in dire straights, so my and my wife's survival isn't on a critical agenda at the moment. I've snagged a trukki job before with zero skills - I'll do it again with actual Finnish skills now.
the dissidents are too comfy either to start a violence
i personally like popeye's buiscits and their cajun fries
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And she'll pull your pork afterwards, heh.
The guy that has the restaurant is a jamaican, I will see if he has southern bbq sauce. On a *side* note, I think he puts sugar in his coleslaw…
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>/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General - #14681
Future of your Yukrain.....LOL
>Ukraine will collapse in two more weeks
>I don’t know how to greentext

No one said that. Ukraine will hold out longer. Maybe an ADDITIONAL 2.5 years of killing ethnic Ukrainians so the jews can take over your country as easy as possible once they’ve liquidated the population enough.

You should COUP your illegitimate jew run government
Hahahahaha right. He said two days. But he’s been occupying the country for two and a half years. So we’re winning!!
Swiss anon, do you upload to catbox?
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Rupees denied, much like mobik z payment.
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So what are we all going to do when Trump wins in November? Is it over?
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gee, maybe the state duped you and all the retards who think he was a hero? :(
Drumpf will decimate the oil price
>tfw you can hear him saying "oi blyad nakhuy".
You shills have been saying it from day one
Remember when Ukrainians were supposed to refuse to go to the front?
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When Trump is reelected your shithole will not see a single penny more, Russians will rape your women to death and chechens will skin your men alive.
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Any day now.
Total nork engineer death.
The orange man won't win. All they have to do is throw him in a cell for 1 week and he'll lose half of the Republishart party. Average American despises prison stigma almost as much as "mentally ill" stigma
>drumpf will save us
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>knock knock
>whos there
>you're son is dead he committed suicide you will get no money because he's faggot zigger shabbos goyim cattle
>"you're son is dead he committed suicide you will get no money because he's faggot zigger shabbos goyim cattle" who ?
Nice to hear man. Don't get distressed how ass our language is to learn. I don't think most finns know basic grammar. Putting kin kkin gnkin in n in words is one of the strangest things.
>Remember when Ukrainians were supposed to refuse to go to the front?

That shit happens every single day.
Trump will focus on America, and that will be enough for the russians to cross the Oder in six months, you will be lucky if Putin don't just nuke your shithole over
>when contrarianism goes too far
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Tick Tock nigger, the click is still running, on seven months a nuke will alnd in Lvov
>liquidated the
VPnigger detected. "liquidate" is a signature KGBspeak euphemism you never see in native Eng speakers
More Tamboving
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They all look like absolute freaks, criminal freaks.
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>it was old fuel
>it was a miss
>literally war crimes
>it was kindergarten
choose 4
Those displaced jews have to live somewhere and novorossiya is the best place.
Does this come in Diet-Cope?
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your shithole will be a big shernobyl as well gypsy fuck
I don’t recall that. Who said that?
Nevertheless, Ukraine lost. You know that. Everyone knows that
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chutney status?
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no, I think I'll watch from my couch and laugh and Russian cockroaches burn to death. and if they'll come here, I'll be glad to rip off their heads myself. but that won't happen, I will die hunting down treacherous ziggers in my country before the Russians would ever get here.


>On a *side* note, I think he puts sugar in his coleslaw…

I mean, who doesn't?
The closer people are to Russia the higher the suicide rate.
>Trump will focus on America
Yeah, and producion of weapons is an easy economy, employment and clout boost
>VPnigger detected. "liquidate" is a signature KGBspeak euphemism you never see in native Eng speakers
This MUST be bait. I truly hope it is.
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>I will die hunting down treacherous ziggers in my country before the Russians would ever get here.

Based and Codreanu-pilled
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they're known as the shit midas of europe. ironically they think that the "butthurt belt" is just a coincidence and everyone is ungrateful to poor ol Russia :(
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I will buy your women on the internet when you are finished lol, can't wait
Everyone knows you are an ESL, mersh. Drop the act
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Trump will not lift a finger for you or your jewish president lol
You wont be getting any of those new weapons.
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They disgust me.
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afraid that as we stand, that's not what's going on in real life. you can daydream your schizophrenic mentally unhinged "I wanna burn down the world" nonsense all you want. for now, you barbarians get slaughtered like cockroaches
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Yeah that'swhy NATO have conducted a no-fly zone over ukraine right? pathetic
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Ahhh, sweet smell of mental health.
Bet your balls, sisters?
Su-25 shootdown. 2024-06-23
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seeting so hard you named the webm like that. treating ancient western tech like it's alien technology lmao.
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Even the fucking flag looks like it's made in china. Nevermind the genetic experiment that's holding it.
Someone uses the word “liquidate,” and you double-digit-detectives determine
>no american uses that word
>must be KGB

These /cope/ generals are full of the dumbest motherfuckers possible
The height of faggotry can be found in a person who comes to 4chan just to filter the people who offend him.
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>language requirement
Since fucking when? Our company os full of quota pajeets, whose only skill is to open github/stack overflow. They can barely, BARELY speak understandable english and sure as ahit can't speak a word of Finnish.
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facts dont care about your feelings
>Bet your balls, sisters?
sure. by the time we create new production capacities (which will take years), ukraine wont exist anymore.
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imo that's a bit excessive, maybe uncheck this
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Well, I don't have a diploma because of the war and those pajeets do, so eh.
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Are you ready?
No more aid unless Ukraine capitulates
At very minimum division up to dnipro river
No security guarantees from USA
War will be frozen for 4 years and then invasion and final end of Ukraine during next elections
>no american uses that word
In non-financial context
>must be KGB
It's a sloppy translation "ликвидиpoвaть", standard issue soviet military speak for elimination
Mine looks similar when the namefags are on rotation.
russia cares so much for its soviet history that it actively pursues soviet destruction
>not hiding stubs
I'm listening to hardstyle and smoking weed at work in operations centre for sending anthrax to ziggers in the mail
>it’s like redditt, but heckin’er
Run. Hide.

Ukraine lost. Can’t hide from that reality
I get paid per dead zigger, if you're interested you can apply here. ignore the bit about needing a degree, just kill some ziggers, take photos and put them in the application
it just exudes weakness, doesnt it?
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>Trying so hard with that rage bait. :DDDDDDDD
>if you're swatting mosquitos and taking care of yourself, you're a pussy
>real men engage in hours of fruitless debates with buckbroken online retards like Mearshfaggot, who thrive on your attention, instead of giving them meager (You) from time to time

Russia will lose this war and Putin will be assassinated. Russia will go into civil war and we will witness the collapse of CCCP part 2, and there won't be a part 3. All Russians will suffer as the consequence for being apolitical and apathetic slave cattle instead of fighting against their oppressors who have stolen their wealth and future. Enjoy it ziggers.

Complete and utter orc death
Based HR roastie
I watched the two episodes of Putin vs the West (part 2) last night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WLpbc5YaCs
Biden comes off as cool. The Kenyan, an arrogant and corrupt jealous zigger. The Chinese - power hungry snakes. The Russians - evil psychopaths, and the Belasrussian UN ambassador could be Soloyov's brother.
you just want an echochamber.

dont try to rationalize your weakness.
If that's what prevent you from working, this is the easiest problem to fix. Just go spend three years in a holyday colony, get half your credits distance learning, and get employed in a tech firm at the end
Weak bait. Get a pity (You) for effort
You forgot
>This is not an OIL war

If you want eez office job and can use computers get an M365 study environment for a month and get something like MS-900 certificate. SC-900/AZ-900 is better but MS is easy. If you know something already get something like SC-300. If you want to current year meme get AI-900. Teams 900 is also good.

Managing M365 on basic level is easy as fuck.
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>go to Duunitori.fi
>see a Asiakasneuvoja (vuorotteluvapaan sijaisuus) position
>oh cool, might be a fit
>go to kuntarekry
>fill out the form
>form says "are you sure you're eligible for the position"
>go to te-toimisto
>go to finlex
>read about the law on rotational substitute
>mfw 20 years of experience required to qualify
>mfw you spent 2 hours filling out the form carefully

Nah, I'd like to enter a Finnish university after I pass the Finnish proficiency test. I guess I'm a masochist and like to play on high difficulty. I do appreciate the suggestion, whether it was made jokingly or seriously.

I'd like to do tietokonelingvistiikka specifically and I love languages and linguistics in general.
>Former Belarusian ambassador to Germany Dzianis Sidarenka has reportedly committed suicide. Independent sources indicate that the diplomat jumped from a high-rise building in Minsk on Sunday. Meanwhile, on Wednesday, state-controlled media reported that he died of a heart attack.

>Sidarenka was the Belarusian ambassador to Germany from 2016 to 2024. After eight years, Lukashenko dismissed him from this position through a decree on March 11.

>"Nasza Niwa" reports that after returning to the country, the diplomat became a subject of interest to the State Security Committee. He was interrogated multiple times and also underwent several polygraph tests.

>In Belarus, every professional diplomat returning from a foreign post in the European Union undergoes such scrutiny. Sidarenka must have been thoroughly examined, as he held one of the more important positions in the diplomatic corps of Minsk.

is that Finngolian or you're having a seizure ?
>Nah, I'd like to enter a Finnish university after I pass the Finnish proficiency test.
That was kind of what I was suggesting, yes. University is an extremely chill environment I have fond memories of.
>and like to play on high difficulty

your expansive efforts to filter everyone who offends you proves this is false.
That's soome keel right there.
Good, good, death to all kacaps, moskals, ruzzians and so called beloruzzians too.
That was me bitching about spending time to apply for work, even though I ended up not being qualified at all.

Yeah, that's the plan then, after the proficiency test.
>actually registering any of the bait posted here at all
If you pay attention to the bait you lose. If you give a (You) you lose twofold.
Haven't followed the debate yet.
Trump denounced ukraine kike regime I presume ?
That's a fair point, something to work on still.
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If only you knew how brown things really are
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They do be like that.
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what is your qualification ? are you forklift certified ?
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Here is the cure my suomalainen friend. Recite picrel until self-actualization.
>anything that doesnt fit the narratives of my favorite echochamber is bait
>if you engage with people who disagree, you lose

I bet Scientologists arent as indoctrinated and cult-like as ukraine supporters.
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Sorry Chudich, but the brappers on the albanian ladies are just too good. Kosovo is Albania
So what's your exitplan, Ukrainebros? Trump has pretty much won at this point and he'll cut off all support, while Russia is only growing more powerful with North-Korean support
>mfw 20 years of experience required to qualify

Oh shit you fell for one of the "premade for someone already" jobs. Finnish gov and city jobs have to be made public even when the candidate is ready. The supervisors usually add some super specific thing you have to meet in order to get the job so the certain person gets it. It sucks ass but the jobs are not all like that. At times you get lucky like my wife and randomly land a great job because the interviewer likes you, you meet the reqs on basic level and other applicants suck.
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/chug/cels roping ?
In Spain we are not allowed to acknowledge such a thing as a "Kosovo", sorry.
>if you engage with people who disagree, you lose
Every time I engage you, you give me silence treatment like a cute little lesbian
Understandable and anti-separatist pilled
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About 7 years of customer support jobs (with 3 years working for a gambling company) and a year working on a forklift.

Excellent. Will save :DDDDD

>Oh shit you fell for one of the "premade for someone already" jobs.

Apparently, it's specifically a "rotational substitute" which is a thing that also has been repealed by Eduskunta and you will no longer be able to do that starting end of July.
>Whatchu glugging?
Mirinda with ice
We should do the same THOUGH. We need more Bandera warriors, not this feminist bullshit
Based schizo
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>year working on a forklift
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Idiot, Trump will throw Ukraine under the bus.
If I post 20 comments, I get 60 replies.

Many trannies simply get ignored and stepped over.

if there is something you want to talk about, go for it.
Is it true that asian chicks have sideways pussies?
Thumbnail image looks like AVGN, lel.
Meh, I'll give him a chance. If Jake Sullivan doesn't want us to win, so are we
>what beigifying does to a mf
sorry, we're in phase of socialist decline that favorites oldfag voters while taxing youth more and more
The world needs Joe to win...
>Trump will throw Ukraine under the bus
And biden didn't?
Under Biden there has been billions of dollars' worth of support. Under Trump there won't be a cent. America will abandon you and probably disband Nato while he's at it so Russia can conquer Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Trump is 100% on Team Putin.
I cant share the deep lore for perfect asian cuties with a piggy.

Asian women love me and I wouldnt want to let them down.

Dont ever bring up asian women again. Stop torturing yourself, and just pretend they dont exist.
>Dont ever bring up asian women again. Stop torturing yourself, and just pretend they dont exist.
Asian chicks are disposable fuckmeat. No sane white man would want his son to be an Elliott Rodger
not intentionally.

We started the war in ukraine thinking our sanctions would knock out Russia's ability to wage war.

Remember, you were really excited to sign the faustian pact. Everything that is happening to ukraine today is exactly what you guys asked for. Begged even.
>Asian chicks are disposable fuckmeat.

They are the highest class of woman on the planet. Not that the judgements of LITERAL CANNON FODDER means anything.
Ukraine will retake all the territory and you will cope seethe. Most importantly eueope is healing up and a total russian genocide is coming
This poster is correct, Russia will invade France and Germany will give up Poland for good...
>They are the highest class of woman on the planet.
They are uggo flat gold diggers. Literally trash tier. Only japs are ok
This scenario will happen only if the EU starts the draft, also need Joe to win re-election.
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>three out of five KIA were on Ukraine's side, implying that Estonian volunteers on team Z get better training

>a big shernobyl
we're already full of gypsies due to your tank imposed communism
>the click is still running
yes but against you
anyway thx for getting us rid of covid lockdowns
had it not been for your retarded invasion we would have still been wearing cuck muzzles
them gendarms boogies shat their pants too
ukies sell their own women into sex slavery. Probably not the best idea to try and judge the quality of others.

Have you ever left the sty you were born in? Any life experience at all?
>implying that Estonian volunteers on team Z get better training
Retard math. Give me a total number of volunteers on both sides
but what about the children in donbass?
since 2014 they are getting shelled.
you should be carefull comrade or you might get an balcony accident
>Under Biden there has been billions of dollars' worth of support
Always a half a year late, always with bullshit limitations, always with excuses, always with "don't strike their infrastructure because gas prices", always with '"russia shouldn't lose too hard". Fuck that.
No fucking idea, most volunteers tend to keep a low profile.
Look up "asian street meat". Perhaps you will find your mom there
>not intentionally.
Being a genuine retard is even worse
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QRD me on yesterday's Trump vs Biden debates, please.
old grampa did better than very old grampa
>QRD me on yesterday's Trump vs Biden debates
>pee pee
>poo poo
Biden shit the bed
He was standing

He's talented like that
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>EU population over 430m
>start a draft
Tf you taking about. Combined military personnel of EU is close to 500k which is more than enough to conqueror russia
>Everything I know about the world comes from video games and porn

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Хyйoвa =(
Have you ever been to Ukraine, mershie?
this post reeks of trying too hard to fit in with 4chan culture, how much are they paying you?...
Whoa, Biden comfirmed secret conservative Hoss.
Who gives a shit, it's not like Biden is good or anything
He never leaves the basement
I remember this video.
Ziggers put it out months ago.
Turns out it was broken old soviet garb they blew up trying to pass off as new western tech.
Was pretty funny
If you want a total victory you should never underestimate your enemy. This is what laid to this war dragging on. If you want to definitively crush Russia then you should draft everyone.
When Trump negotiates your surrender and gives up half your country to Putin you'll be wishing Biden was back.
And Zermak is banking on Trump for a few month already
>Trump negotiates your surrender
Yeah, yeah, and he'll also provide you a state-assigned GF... right...
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Who do you think Russia wants to win?
>seething about Nuland cookies for 10 years
God, the rusniggers are petty as fuck
>I'm listening to hardstyle and smoking weed at work in operations centre for sending anthrax to ziggers in the mail
They don't do drug testing for aussie glow-kneegrows ?

>S500 finally went to sleep
How can Ukraine have lost if the gloves haven't come off yet? Isn't Putin still fighting with one hand behind his back?
trump's a coin flip on everything, no fucking clue what he'll do. he says one thing, does something completely retarded instead. trump could see putin as slighting him in some way and he'll send one gorillion dollars to ukraine, or he could see zelenskyy slighting him and declare the war is over and that he'll invade ukraine unless ukraine cedes half the nation. guy's a based retard, although he's also a pussy so if his advisor tells him to do something he'll do it (so most likely he'll shut down everything except for israel which he'll go 10x harder into it)
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Probably anything or anyone that produces unrest, chaos and uncertainty, at any point.
The only way for Trump to get Russia to stand down is if the issue of nato involvement in ukraine is settled.

Ukraine is going to be dropped like a bad habit. You have no ability to make any demands of anyone at this point.

Ukraine will do what it is told to do, or a lot of really bad shit starts happening.
they only take australians I assume?
isn't that just a joke?
>Elliot Rodgers
I hear roaties and their simps regurgitat this name so much.
Asian girls must really triggerv you fags to no end.
Don't think so, Tivaz guys have delivered rekt S-400s before
>I'd rather have no support than support that's slow
Okay retard, enjoy being Russian I guess?
I thought these rugged super invincible systems which destroy all western air capability?!?

Trump and Putin are in Xis pocket. The tariff shit was probably to raise Kushner family stocks or some shit.
>I hear roaties and their simps regurgitat this name so much.
Let's be real. If you were born a male hapa it's ZOVer for you from the start
he said in the comments they're not allowed to publish the video (yet?)
This is the same level cope posting as before the US latest aid package got approved. So sure that everything will be blocked but they got proven wrong as always. The aid will continue as long as Russia is in Ukraine.
looking forward to the seethe
>DUDE just throw a security guarantee into the dumpster, who cares lmao
>instead, let's give ukraine a no-guarantee that says they have to give up 20% of their nation in exchange for nothing, lmao, enjoy being conquered over the next 50 years, piecewise, by literal mongoloid barbarians
giving up on ukraine would be the dumbest fucking thing possible, might as well just disband NATO while you're at. god trump is so fucking dumb, but hopefully he's just saying this shit like he usually does instead of actually planning to do it
how many cookies does it take to mentally break russniggers?
is a bag or two enough?
the worst thing about the war is that that it takes so long. It blueballs me so hard to know that will be manhunts for russian warcrimimals. I can almost taste the righteous justice that comes with the crusade. God I get hard thinking about 4chan threads in similiar epic quality to HWNDU where autists here were able to pinpoint the exact location of the target within record time.
No way bro what the fuck is going on how is ukraine going sicko mode on the Sneed-X00s I thought AD was Russia's thing
Sassy, is that you? Donnie? Clarence?
Your Anne Frank obsession is frankly degenerate and disturbing.
Trump must secure the existence of G-d's chosen people and a future for Jewish children
Checked, mein Führer
What support? No F-16s, no tanks, no Patriot launchers (have to talk with Israel to get some wtf).
Let me guess, you prefer men?
Ziggers are basically the same shit as flat earth conspiracy theorist niggers on tiktok and mearshlomo is the worst of them.
Are you so retarded you can't see how nato's support isn't enough to let ukraine win?
I haven't even thought about that. Ohhh fucking purge them oh lord
It is what it is. Russia failed to achieve military objectives in time before Europe reconstituted. It has since become a meat grinder where Russia can't sustain its efforts without sacrificing internal security (ISIS attacks increase), border security in other sectors (Finland NATO), and begging for arms from North Korea of all places.

Just a fascinating demonstration of incompetence from a former superpower who has zero support from the outside world aside from childless, genetic deadends and blackmailed politicians.
I really don't see Trump throwing the war. He doesn't want to take the L during his presidency and won't cross the MIC lobbyists
>thinking our sanctions would
You don't block the sale of their oil, what fuckin' sanctions.
Whats with the Russians and cookies, are they starving or something?
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Can anyone download this video and upload to catbox? I don't have telegram
>Gackt moves to Russia
Don't underestimate what a YUGE philisemite Chuglard Gulp is. All Zelensky has to do is wear a yarmaluke and the Donald won't hesitate to send Ukraine even the most cutting-edge hardware.
>victoria nuland
Rusniggers are retards
tbdesu, i can only see him either dropping support to 0% or ramping up to 1000%. coinflip president
The same as "warm water ports"
Space wunderwaffe bros
>cluster ATACMS flew into S-500 radar's face
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About that...
I need a sitrep, I haven't followed the conflict since Russia took parts of the north, what have I missed thus far? Did Ukraine manage to retake it?
My guess is the latter. His ((Russian mob)) connections would compel his going in all-in to save Israel- whos society has nearly ruptured (a fate common to all criminal enterprises). Aid to Ukraine will be inevitably diverted but not without plenty of forewarning. Potentially giving the EU a chance to step up to the plate and organize their own military coalition into Ukraine.
Ukraine stopped the russian offensive and is very slowly taking the land back.
stupid hohols, we already have S-600 to replace it
Cool, what about the rest of Ukraine, still standing still?
russia will abbandon crimea this year.
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Russia failed to advance in the chasiv yar direction and I heard yesterday they did another failed assault on vuhledar.
>Production units: 1
After that one is destroyed russia will move forward s700 pre-production unit.
After that one is destroyed the prototype s800 will be put to work and by the end of the year tissue sketch s900 will be defending the kremlin
Ukraine just destroyed Russia's ONE S-500?

next month some north koreans will also storm chasiv yar, but will defect the moment they learn they can have chocolate cookies in captivity.
Except Zelensky is open about his ancestry while Shelomov pretends he's 1488% pure Hyperborean to appease his domestic audience.
didn't need to
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Ukraine and it's international leftist backers, are gay fags. That is all.
Biden's shit debate performance today pretty much sealed Ukraine's fate IMO. That was the worst news of the war. On the plus side, that probably means Ukraine is going to get a shit-ton of funding between now and inauguration -- especially following the election.
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>Orange man bad!
>Racist white supreme!
Typical Ukraine supporting Liberal faggot, LOL!
There's something else to take into consideration, trump adores sucking israeli cock and he's only going to help israel in it's endless wars instead of ukraine.
>NOOOOO Trump WONT be bad for Ukraine
>Also I support Russia
What did you think you were trying to do here with this post
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>Trump WONT be bad for Ukraine
Never said that, if Trump literally Nuked Ukraine, I'd cum. Like Biden did in his daughter, during their showers.
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Qrd on chatney?
> drink
Eating šaltibarščiai at work (counts as drink)
> work
NATO biolabs, developing effective ziggercide
> plans
Watch The Boys and pound gf
> delusions
mindworm level
> carriers
> powers
Everything to make TZD a reality
> ass
in the ass
You are a shitskin loser faggot
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>Watch The Boys and pound gf
Homelanderikevichus, dis you? :D
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>Dead tranny general moving at a snail's pace
Even the slow-rolling Russian advance is moving faster than your thread. You're Inorganic and gay.
Kek, I like that the fuel tanks now have cope cages that also don’t work.
Hitler checked
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>Everybody that doesn't support Minor Attracted Persons must be a shitskin
Its adorable when you guys try to fit in, by trying to be racist. It just never works though, nigger-lovers like you stick out like a sore thumb, LOL!

Picrel is an example of why I refuse to support Western-Society, it is inherently Anti-White. Which is why you are so adamant to defend it.
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Daily reminder that it's over and even Jewlenskyy admits it.
Some shitskin earlier dropped some metaphor about onions and explained he was talking about "boiled onions" (a delicacy in his shithole) and how they must be eaten immediately or turned into churney after trying to troll the thread, deleted his post, etc
Lol he does look lithuanian I admit
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Troons love Russia though.
same peace formula as the last two visits to saudi arabia, which found support for the territorial integrity of ukraine, which is what he's referring to in "a few months" (that being saudi arabia conference)
You’re a dumb fucking idiot if you think Ukraine ever had a chance of winning. Whether it’s Trump or Biden, Ukraine will be dropped. Nobody cares. It’s about inflicting losses on Russia. And if a 1,000 Ukrainians need to die for 1 Russian soldier, than that is considered a win.
Doesn't seem like it.
Did you participate in the Tim Hortons tiktok challenge? Or were you too smelly, even for your pajeet bloody bastard cousins?
The height of faggotry can be found in a person that comes to a thread every single day, just to pretend that Ukraine is going to lose in two more weeks. You should try making some friends in real life, but that would mean you have to pretend that you are not a faggot, which is completely impossible to your persona so you do what you do best. You pretend to be retarded online and enjoy being called retarded back because you think that you make people mad, while everyone is just laughing at you. You literally have tranny mentality. Wake the fuck up. Everybody thinks you are a giant faggot. Remember your high school?
fuck off paki
>says the eternal virgins
>west le bad
You are either a leftypol tranny or shitskin loser. Faggots like you deserve to be euthanized
>Picrel is an example of why I refuse to support Western-Society
You're such a terrible liar, zigger. We all know that's not your reason.
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Please see >>472443128
Reminder: You are more concerned about Ukraine' border than the ongoing white genocide in America, you're an Anti-White leftist. Simple as.
Two more weeks you say? Get a better material, you genetic failure.
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Oh, no, actually you're right. A system in which this can exist, IS JUST FANTASTIC! (Not)
Why are they mutually exclusive?
I don't see why it's so hard to believe. Many white men in the West are feeling disillusioned lately after so many years of being treated like the devil.
> 2 more weeks
> paki scum
Shill whores are mad
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This pigger fucks
in my experience shitskins like yourself are the anti-white leftists
>West le good
If you think this is GOOD, I'd like to have whatever you think is terrible.
If Bush was there, he'd give him some chicken legs I guess.
baking one more
Are you here just to cry about faggots? Or are you here to talk about an attack on white civilization from the east (again)? Why do you think these two are even remotely connected together?
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no one's mad, you're just brown
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It's not really a peace summit if Russia won't be there. Both sides need to cooperate to end the war.
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yes, as I thought
you're a shitskin
skin the color of shit
brown, brown, flush it down pajeet
You can’t cooperate with Russia. They see anything short of violence as a sign of weakness.
I am trying to help you pretend to be retarded better. Next time, just say
>Two more weeks and Ukraine is finished
It says the same thing you said, but it is funny, not retarded and faster
Mate, if the ratio was as you said, that would not be considered a win kek. Western military investments are expecting an order of magnitude difference in quality when it comes into direction evaluation (war) with its turd world counterparts (Russia, China). And yes, as of right now, with the notable exception of battle tanks, the NATO portfolio has proven itself to be sound investments. Keep your chin up, and keep paying taxes. You are helping /uhg/ in its quality content creation and we appreciate you.
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>Or are you here to talk about an attack on white civilization
Raping white children in public schools classifies as an attack on white civilization, yes. Russians and Ukrainians are both Slavs, whether you think Slavs are equal to Western Europeans or not is entirely up to you. To suggest they're any distinct differences racially, is just false.
that's what he's referring to by "bring it to table"
KSA conference found support from pretty much all participants wrt ukraine's peace formula
it will probably be similar, with a concession here or there
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Atta boy, stick to the script and keep coping!
(0,0) italy.. mamma mia!
I'm sorry that you were born a subhuman, truly
I empathize with being dealt a bad hand
I don't know exactly what it feels like to be subhuman, but I do understand that it can't feel good to be less than the shit smeared all over your homeland beaches and such
it'll be okay, bud
Russia will be there in the Saudi summit. As has been said the Ukrainian 10 point peace plan is the starting point.
Why would Russia need to be there? That's like insisting that some nigger warlords have a seat at the negotiating table. Their input is not worth considering just keep killing them on the battlefield.
It's probably the act of giving a cookie alone that breaks them
>I don't see why it's so hard to believe
Because Russia is so much worse towards "White men" and the main source to the West's decline (alien invasion included). If you're a White Westerner you want the best for your kin and country, you certainly don"t want asiatic communist mongoloids to erase the West and her people, your home and family.
The false flagging zigger troll is not White nor Western.
Russia doesn't need to be there. If Russia wants peace, Russian troops can go back to Russia, but they won't, because Russia doesn't want peace.

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