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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Who was he /pol/?
Apparently he dressed up as tarrant and walked around a member of parliments office with a knife until he was arrested.

Australian media is doing overtime to shut it down, threatening to arrest anyone who publishes anything about the man, the incident or the manifesto the man apparently handed out.

This obviously walks a very fine line, because it has not been determined whether it was a failed terror attack, or a stunt. And whether news journalism qualifies as promotion. Australian state media refused to publish this image but that's their policy but the law, mainstream private media published this image but few details, foreign media was far more frank, and increasingly Australians rely on foreign press as Australian publications are heavily censored.

I'm obliged to say that I don't promote or condone anything, and simply want to know what actually happened, as I'm sure most members of the public do and will.
I honestly don't know why they're trying to shut it down when he's the perfect scapegoat to ban whatever they want to ban next.
Maybe it's some important politician's kid.
I mean, how else did they gain access?
Children in 100 years will play with Tarrant action figures.
From what I've gleaned he explicitly denies connection to any established nazi group, which is consistent with asio predictions that terrorists will gravitate towards but not actually come from nazi orginizations. Unsure if there have been any official denials from notable nazi groups.

I don't know whether this was a failed attack or a stunt, but I know that this has been established by others

What did this achieve? Probably nothing, possibly an own goal, I think mainstream political groups have decided not to give the incident more press by denouncing the attacker. But it's likely that Web censorship will increase significantly in Australia, in many ways I want to see if they delete this thread. If 7news can publish I presume anons have the right to but I think it's important to throw the canary in this one.

It seems the attacker was a podgy 19 year old and it's unclear how the police took him in. State media has censored that fact quiet deliberately. It's unclear if police tazered him, just pushed him over, if he surrendered or threatened to take his own life etc. I think that's very important to the public's understanding of what happened, the police know for a fact, there's probably primary footage.
sure they will kike
There's a very deliberate decision here not to act overly in order to stop the attack generating publicity, but I strongly suspect that websites will be shut down over this, possibly 4chan. At the point they feel the narrative is contained they will use this as justification, the fulcrum here is whether the action will give publicity to the attacker or moral high ground to authorities.

Unfortunately these things only go in one direction and I genuinely fear that we're all getting arrested sooner or later, public opinion can only go so far in one direction before the public decide to imprison citizens who hold fringe views regardless of what is or isn't actually done.

He's been charged with actions in preparation, which sort of implies that they think it was an aborted attack rather than a stunt. If they thought a stunt like that qualified yet would just have charged him with a category one terror offence because 19 isn't a minor.
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>y-youre a kike if you hate us muds we good boyz dindu nufin!
looks too dorky to even work for the feds
Huh, who?

Actually I'm feeling a bit sleepy, might just take a nap. Night, /pol/.

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