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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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No matter, what eventually, the majority of whites will become, right wing and murder/deport all the shitskins. You can also tell a lot of people have become right wing in the last few years. Whites won't get replaced. Might happen in America, but certainly, not in western Europe.
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Billions must die.
Fuck you klaus, I support white demon genocide
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The powers that be have a new system, that has been in the development for decades now, ready to be rolled out in the coming years. It will operate in parallel starting sometime next year and by the next decade it will be fully operational as the Agenda 2030 goals are slowly being implemented.
There will be no collapse, no violence, no uprising, no world war, no revolution, no killing of jews or politicians or other such fantasies. Instead there will be law & order, compliance and total surveillance until the very end. AI will be at the center of it all.

The Great Reset is inevitable.
You mean the SWIFT, AI and CBDC merger, which won't work because of green energy and blackouts.
You white psychopathic lunatics deserve utter extermination.

Fuck nazis
Have you ever noticed how jannies delete every single thread discussing the woman question even if it’s all totally above board political discussion? I just wanted a janny go through and delete like 5 political threads about the woman problem in real time
The only replacement will be by my Latino sperm on their fertile eggs. But dont worry, our children will look almost white.
and then this new thread shows up with coom

When did you realize that jannies are all kikes and the woman question is the number 1 thing they care about suppressing
Imagine determining one's character by the colour of their skin. Sorry bud, having light skin doesn't make you inherently superior to someone with darker skin than you. Thankfully most Germans reject your hatefilled ideology and actually enjoying reaping the benefits of a multicultural society.
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My feeling after watching that.
Nat soc is godly you are evil I this globe container you hooked ever thing up for smchrist denial to the mosaic and stalin's oblast are you fucking nuts
Yep. Total nonsense shill thread with coom b8 video and rage b8 meme flag posts after a whole bunch of quality posts were nuked. I have never been more convinced that the jannies are Jewish glowniggers
Every single Jannie is a fed
This board could be cleaned up so easily if jannies weren’t feds
>hiding your flag on /pol/
Somebody's mad that no white woman would ever fuck him.
Pajeet Pajeet
He shits in the street
Watches porn on his phone
And beats his meat.
Jannies are kikes
Fuck jannies
They were shaking their musky asses for BBC. I hate this world. Niggers owning our women because of big black nigger dicks. They used to be slaves and farm equipment for fuck's sake
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>no matter, what eventually,
>no matter
What eventually

blacks get the lowest tier white women
There was a time in Rome when slaves outnumbered citizens 5 to 1and no one could buy a home due to usury being rampant.
But Europe still survived, although it had a dark age of few centuries lel
The best way to deal with the immigrants if kicking them out isn't an option is to absorb and bleach them in a few centuries. But for this you must kill their "culture" and force them to abandon islam, hindui, judaism or whatever religion/culture they have. Because if not and let to live separately in their own neighborhoods without mixing they will outnumber everyone and will try to impose their religion upon you.
It already happened though.
>is to absorb and bleach them in a few centuries.
Either all mongrels down to the one drop rule will be purged or the world will turn into a planet of shit that's better off being ungulfed by the sun sooner rather than later.
Meant to say few generations then but centuries isn't far off desu
Sacrifice 10% of the population to mix with them, then the next generation goes even further and at the end they'll just have a grandma that was black or indian 120 years go but they look indistinguishable from the rest
Total bullshit, and it never works like that.
Italians have a weird trait of being incapable of hate unless it involves hating another Italian. They'll suck off a nigger just to make another Italian hate them even more.
Is one of them Natalie?
she has indian grandma
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>indistinguishable from the rest
This is what the average person in the whitest country of the americas looks like.
Fuck off idf
yeah cmon thats not what the average person looks like he is just ugly
but can pass as a local in Armenia with them ears and nose
is the dickhead filming having an epo attack?
Disgusting. Just think of all the recessive genes that are now gone forever, anyone of her line will forever loose out on the formerly uncontaminated qualitative continuity. Shows in how she's just another generic actor, just like all those other generic people out there with shit for ancestors.
Western Europe doesn't even have a proper conservative party, let alone something more.
>You can also tell a lot of people have become right wing in the last few years.
I want to believe this but I'm skeptical ever since '22 muh red tsunami, i lost 200 bucks last election and I'm a poorfag
Yep. Used to be a center lefty and now I am ready to go full 1488
Been like this for a while, yeah.

They know fixing the woman issue is the singular political issue that needs to be worked on the most, hence the heavy suppression of this topic by the comped tranny jannies.
Maybe a hundred million if we ruthlessly slaughter suppliers of sin
>certainly not in Western Europe
Bro by 2030 50% of UK youth cohorts will be post 1948 settlers and 1 million+ non European colonists settle per year.

You are living in the end game, right now. Repatriation was needed 30+ years ago.
No intentional genocide that has occurred on this planet in history has ever resulted in a complete removal of a race of people. Ever.
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It doesn't matter.
The future belongs to chads. Cucks and chuds need not apply. Regardless of skin color.
If you're a pathetic faggot with a flaccid cock, you will have no future and deserve nothing
Look at this chad. Not even prison will keep his sperm from flowing into pristine horny uteruses with guaranteed babymaking.
If you want a piece of the future, a stake in the future of humanity, grow up, be a man and fuck pussy, kick losers and start taking names.
>not in western Europe
what are you talking about?
it already happened!
I've been to Berlin a month ago, and you could not find a German there during the day
the only white people there were all speaking Ukrainian

Looking glass, looking glass who's despairing most of all?
Americans would never mass murder them, we might round them up and send them home or to Africa, but this once great Christian nation still strongly holds Christian values, regardless of what you see on TV in liberal shit holes.
If that were an option you would have done it a long time ago.
The truth is, you'll never do anything to anyone. You'll just sit at your keyboard crying like a little bitch for your entire life.
Are you sure there even are billions?
Like the 6 (six) million?
Or like the 22 (twenty-two) million?
What you're saying is you want "billions" to die?
yes that us the beauty of democracy, it's a ticking bomb. i don't know what brown immigrants are thinking daring to stay in the west, might all be retards
Are you fucking retarded or something brownie? I mean don't have any real expectation from a bronw gyp nigger but the degree of retardation in that statement is simply amazing.
hard truth from a digits man
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pic rel in response to your webm
White women need to become property again
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>having light skin doesn't make you inherently superior to someone with darker skin than you.

Yes it does
yeah they will
they wouldn't if you actually followed the split plan
but you guys want to get flooded again, this time it's with fire tho
so good luck
>>having light skin doesn't make you inherently superior to someone with darker skin than you.
>Yes it does

What about afro-albinos?
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niggers are niggers anon
>niggers are niggers anon

But then you must admit race isn't a matter of skin color anon, race is more than just "skin deep", so it's not the color after all
The purpose is not "replacing" white people.
The purpose is using "white people" in the same way "bourgeoisie" was used in communist memes.
Instead of muh class shit, it's muh race shit.
The purpose is enslaving everyone.
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bullish for monero
Oh NO. How will you ever personalitymin now?
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>Might happen in America, but certainly, not in western Europe.
Lmfao du behinderte Nutte, America is the only country on this godforsaken earth that even pretends to care about liberty
Western Europeans are too conformistic and cucked to ever care. We're a billion times worse off than mutts and any idea to the contrary is cope
Yes it is the color dimwit.
>Yes it is the color dimwit.

So if a nigger has white skin they're "white"
There are no niggers with white skin.
>There are no niggers with white skin.

Google "albino black"
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Are we talking about "race" now?
It was about skin color and character.
W-w-why you changing things anon?
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Everyone has "it's better over there; they have a chance, so I'll do nothing" syndrome
Anomaly, nobody cares retard.
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Excuse me?
if you keep adding half a white person each time, eventually they will be fully white. It will take longer depending on their ancestry. An Indian can be finished in a few generations likely, as they are already significantly whitemixed. Yet there is not enough white people to accomplish it with marriage. Sacrificing 10% of whites is not worth it, it is way too much. Instead if anything nonwhites should just be bred or use white sperm or eggs.
rivers of blood ay
Like an albino nigger? I'd say no.

Look, whiteness isn't just in skin cola or eye color, every fucking nigger can get bleached or get a pare of contacts. No, whiteness is in facial structure. Means no big nigger lips, no giant nostril nigger nose, no chick flat face or eyes and so on. It's not hard.
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Fertile white chicks for cultural diversification.
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Won't happen in America either !
The new generation is upon and it's our turn now.
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There is literally nothing sexy about a grown woman gyrating like a sugar-buzzed toddler
Mutts literally have it better for the long term future. Not in the cities, but elsewhere in the country. On the other hand, Europe is extremely densely populated. There's nowhere to go to escape the niggerfaggotry. And unlike mutts we don't espouse liberty as an ideal, we think there is only one way of doing things and everything else is nazi extremism (le irony). We're barely above chinks in terms of herd thinking. While the European political system still stands it will implement all sorts of laws to suppress freedom of thought and forbid dissemination of alternative visions for the future. Not only for the future, but also the past. Those of us living now may remember a time when there were few non-whites here, when Europe was still majority white. A few generations from now everyone will be indoctrinated into a brown retcon of history, and if you happen to discover that Europe was white you'd be convicted of a hate crime. Europeans seem to be locked into a doomed trajectory because of our politically enforced conformism.
I prefer the other end of American girls dancing with their cops. This looks like a bunch of drunken bongsmoking Brit slags.
It makes my dick soft!
Lmao, I've seen this bot post the same shit over and over again. You can see through the obvious demoralisation, right, anon?
Street shitting pajeet until confirmed kike. Both are rat-people who the world would be better off without.
Niggers literally cannibalise whites believing they’ll get superpowers.
Whites will eventually snap out of it and rise again however things will have to become much worse before that happens.
America is the most likely White country to revolt first. White identity and racism has always been part of America, it will be more difficult for other European nations to organize around race, other than maybe Germany.
Notice whites trying to say white genocide not real now lmaoooooo
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>the majority of whites will become, right wing and murder/deport all the shitskins

Unfortunately, it's game over for whites...unless you revert to Islam.
No you're right, it'll be much much worse. They'll be mixed with everyone else into a single slave mutt ethnicity without a culture or home.

Germany is already replaced wtf you talking about? Even small towns aren't German now. Travelling there was the biggest blackpoll ever. You could see it in tourist's faces.
>America is the most likely White country to revolt first.
We all know that isn't true. Well, perhaps if McDonald's becomes a luxury.
If you are not white you come from a demographic of up to 30% pedophile animals. Remember that is why you are going to the camps. Don't forget it.
What's a normie like you doing in a place like this?
Whites won't get replaced as long as you admit to this post that Slavs are white.
>but certainly, not in western Europe.
Germany wont exist in few decades.
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I mean, y'all do realize that this single meme debunks the whole niggers are the most violent and immoral narrative, don't you?
Nothing will happen unless you can destroy the matriarchal anti white grip brainwashed women have on the jewish system. You would have to meme woke women as crazy low status nation traitors that sell their own for social validation. It would have to be memed in such a way that women start infighting. Woke women are the glue that holds the great replacement together.
Niggers are every day violent. Whites are “we’ve tolerated your lies for long enough” violent. One is objectively morally correct.
White women shaking their asses like tribals is utterly embarrassing. Looks terrible. At least it is literally dey culta when the browns do it, and it comes from deep within their soul and genetics. It’s cheap media driven mimicry when pasty white bitches do it. Dare I say, cultural appropriation.
Lolno, you're both retards. White is a racial classification of Europeans. It has nothing to do with skin color.
true but only on like 1% of earth's land surface. central control is inefficient. An accurate analogy would be building a machine to monitor and direct the growth of every tree on earth. Decentralisation of decision making is obviously more energy efficient. Therefore centralisation will only ever be sustained in small areas.

Basically you will succeed in making mordor and angband and that's about it. As your power increases and centralises the majority of the world will actually get freer day to day.
This anon
Unironically every one of those whores must die as well
Twerking is actually pretty cool and funny from a zoology perspective
that was true maybe 20 years ago
No shit.

/Nupol/ is just a bunch of shitskins, muslims, libtards and glowies whining and coping at this point.
You can't enslave a population forever memeflag kike. You better start writing your will instead of this non-sense ;)
Oh you're getting replaced alright.
If that were true you would have no need to constantly tell us :^)
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What's funny is that it was prophesied and expected, and here's the kicker God knows the intentions and motivations of each and every individual and "A.I." does not. It's hilarious that you dawned a gadsden flag to demoralize and lie so subtly.
God knows the future "A.I." only has access to the past to project probability. God knows, we don't, so the inevitably that the failure to collectively take dominion over one another is a circular demonstration and testimony of this fact that there is a creator who intervenes in spite of our "we shall ascend" willfulness.
excellent bait fren, but so wrong on so many levels.
Muscles. So what?
>The best way to deal with the immigrants if kicking them out isn't an option is to absorb and bleach them in a few centuries.
No it isn't kike
This video is one of 1000000s of reasons why it will be YOU white whore people who will be genocided, along with your disgusting WHORE culture!
that is how you make moar...
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Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
Thank GOD
AMEN, even
>You white psychopathic lunatics deserve utter extermination.
As you type this???
I don't think it will mr. frodo.

At least here, as a half breed, I suffered the destiny of the white man when I was just a toddler with blond hair and blue eyes...

As the national bank of my city with the numbers 05880, meaning zero white males and seeing the "portuguese white ring wing" (illiterate people that persecute white people in name of mansory while deliberately not going after portugueses [functional retardeds] or non whites), I can guarantee, we were the last of the whites...

We have this white portuguese functional retarded elites that is so stupid that they only contribute to their own exticntion...

As they persecuted me, I hope they all die and their properties get taken away like mine was.

As for germans, you're probably a turk just wantign for the few reaming germans to die.

It is over, the many psyops and the british retardation is too much...

As they convinced that continental europeans were Aryan, they conviced the british that they are jews.

The ridiculousness of it can only be paired with the turks that live in eastern europe and believe they are jews.

Only the total bombardment of Portugual/Spain and turkey, south italy, poland, germany, russia and all europeans country with the only remaning of a tiny city in Estonia could save the white people, because right now there are 4 white people alive in a tiny city in estonia.
>resistance is futile goy
kys memefag
>meme flag
>just give up goy
No, the only way I lose is by refusing to die. Your golem are inferior warriors, you have not waged war with fire and steel for an age. The system you build to shelter yourselves from the world has made you weak and complacent. It is collapsing faster every day for all to see. You want me to not fight now, at this critical moment. For if I do you shall be obliterated, rendered to ashes. It is YOU who should surrender, beg for forgiveness and mercy.
As a jew I can only agree. I'm afraid it's over and the Aryans will inherit the Earth.
They are trying to be the broker in a metaphysical divorce between the white man and his white woman. Come together, do not seperate.
>verification not required
I want to tongue each and every one of their pussy holes after my friend Jamal here cums deep inside them.
Would much prefer them to get on all fours and let me eat their pussy while Jamal rails them from behind, his balls slapping my forehead, his creamy cum leaking from around his massive thrusting shaft, beautiful brown unborn babies oozing between those beautiful pussy lips and down her engorged clit right into my eagerly waiting mouth.
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Girls with non matching bras/panties or bikinis should be crucified along with the ones who can't dance.

So it is written, so let it be done.
Plap cheeks
What do you mean?
The hottest boner fuel is a slim sexy chick wearing only an oversized t-shirt and maybe some panties.
Lmao you spics are all like 5ft tall and look greasy. Whatever kind of white women with those kind of standards you can have bean boy. As if tho.
Auslander Raus!

ur plan dont work bro lol ur just gay thats all good job
The great reset is when all those things you said won't happen do. There will be no globohomo genocide of whites.
Why can't white women dance? They come here for vacation and the only moves they know are:

Moove booty left and right with arms up
Swing body left and right slowly, with eyes closed and noodle arms moving around

How are white men not choosing a latina over a frigid blonde?
i hate women so much it's unreal
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>No matter, what eventually, the majority of whites will become, right wing

This is why the Long Arm of the Left shill this board so hard, to try to hopefully gaslight a few NewBs into being radically retarded and siding with the left.
Never go swimming in the ocean with a woman anons, their holes attract sharks.
>can’t differentiate between interpersonal criminal violence and capability in war
You realize this supports the conclusions about brown low IQ, right?
>no killing of jews
This is where your larp fell apart, kike.

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