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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Czech chud attacked a 19 years old Nigerian in Katowice, Poland because he didn't like him walking with a polish girl
Based czechbro
Okay so? The Pole was right to do so.
The Nigerian is free to go home to Nigeria and date a Nigerian girl at any time.
Poland needs to learn to become more multicultural
>Fuck Timmy gon d- AIEEEEEEEEEEEE
How are Czechchads so based?
I thought Czechs are the libs of Eastern Europe?
When other races do it they're subhuman barbarians, when half whites do it its a civilized act of resistance we get it
the Favstian spirit of the Czech people...
They're classical liberals mostly
I am glad nazism is extinct and outlawed hete
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All black immigrants I have met in Poland have been polite people
Translate it
what did their BBCs taste like
Czechs a true bros.
Their language is still funny, but they are bros.
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>Translate it
Don't translate it, that's exactly what he wants
>he didn't like him walking with a polish girl
Let's get one thing straight here: it wasn't because of walking with a polish girl, the real reason was, and still is, penis envy
Poles are black so penis envy isn't a thing for them.
Du hund
>penis envy
Guten Tag Herr Freud, I thought you were dead
the perp in question was a CZECH CAN YOU NOT FUCKING READ?????????????????
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>I thought you were dead
i thought you were dead too
I thought they were an ethnicity in poland? Like the mexicans here?
Kill yourself cuckhold
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Cuckolding is alpha behavior, actually. It means that you see your wife as your private property and choose to use her as a toy for your personal sexual entertainment. It's like a private porn performance just for you.
Kill yourself cuckhold omega male
Cuckolds would be sigmas actually.
You are making germans look bad, shut up Gregorz
Based Czech
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This is not the /int/ I know and love
Cuckholds are omega, the lowest of the low.
No, if they were then they wouldn't be able to get wives. Sigmas are the ones who don't care what others think and live for themselves.
Omegas and betas can get wives
Cuckholds are omegas and betas
Do you spell cuckold as "cuckhold" because they HOLD a special place in your heart? Good boy <3
Kill yourself cuck
>he dropped the "hold"
Good boy <3
Kill yourself cuckhold omega male
Imagining what you look like right now, fat, skinny fat, or a skinny little dweeb? What's your height little guy?
>What's your height little guy
He's flirting now <3
>Ayo lil Tomášsy, imma date dis wyt gurl wutchu gon' d---ACK!!!

Looks like lil Tomášsy got the last laugh.
how about everyone stays in his country no matter what? there can be no racism this way
>Looks like lil Tomášsy got the last laugh.
In a way, maybe?
But in another way, he also has to return to Czechia at some point? And live there? So, maybe no?
I thought Poland was GOOD to immigrants?
How do you know he was staying there?
>I thought
Do you get PAID to think?
Why are Bavarians so fucking rude?
It wasn't meant to be rude
I, for one, don't get PAID to think
So I don't think
part and parcel of being a brownoid in a white country. get used to it or fuck off.
I will ask my German friend about it.
Oh look at Mr. I-have-friends here! Mr. Fancypants, Mr. Hoity-toity!!
Czechs are fiscally left and socially collectivist like the rest of Western Europe.
Poles are fiscally right and socially individualist like America because we protect them from Russia so they’re filled with our NGOs.
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You can't even imagine how hard I cringed at that
It's good to have fee fees, anon. It makes you human. Thank you for sharing your fee fees.
I can share more of my feelings with you
*unzips pants*
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Anon, I am serious. If you thought /int/ was a safe place where you could freely share your fee fees without fear of toxic masculinity, without being judged, you thought correctly. This is the right place for you and /int/'s tent is big enough for all kind of fee fees.

Tell me your story. I'm a great listener.
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*zips pants back up*
you killed the mood
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another day, another failure

p.s. also, i lied. i'm a terrible listener
>walking with a polish girl
Like a clock. Polish whores would rather date nogs than eastern europen men
Women have the right to experience powerful female orgasms for a change.
maybe if slavic men weren't ugly retards we wouldn't have to look for foreign men
Give him medal
Polish female in the thread. Post bobba
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More of a reason to not be with a nigger.
okay, czecho
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Give big booba
They do the same towards any non-resident/shitskin in eastern slovenia/croatia as well. I'm talking literally beatups with baseball bats. The result is that every place or neighborhood looks comfy and tidy as fuck, I never supported grug violence but reality shows it's the proper way of managing your land.
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Based Bohemian Chud
Polish sound like retarded kids are speaking
I am proud of my country man.
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>I am proud of my country man.
Pride cometh before the fall
Just because he was black doesn't mean he was from Nigeria. Probably a hanys.
I think they just have to get used to the transition. Europe is not going to be the monolithic countries they have been.
>it's ok I get replaced because they are nice people
Poland truly is cucked
Czech Republic is the Texas of Europe. In a good way I mean.
They're more liberal but at the same time they're still not cucked as the westerners.
I'd say they're in the range of ideal mix between chillness and social conservatism
I think Poles are so used to their ethnic homogeneity and high trust society that they still have naive illusions about niggers.
They need a European gendarme Chad from the Czech.
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>Czechs are fiscally left and socially collectivist like the rest of Western Europe.

Ameretards talking about my country with full confidence in their bullshit statements never ceases to entertain me
>g-guys, i said the n-word, am i one of you now?
>they still have naive illusions about niggers.
nah, its just women
quoting one of the anons from a thread about women being more anti nuclear
>If women properly understood probability and risk they wouldn't fuck niggers
if that was true czs wouldn't exist
I just can't believe you're so cocked that distraught over the mere mention of a nigger.
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everyone knows polish women are very welcoming
Based czhud.
Nah, that would be Serbia. Czechs are rather domesticated. They're essentially a smaller version of Poland.
Czech gets Czeched.
Nice whoreposting, sugartits
there are 10k black people in poland, that's hardly getting replaced
>Czech chud
Chuds live in northern Europe not central Europe
If you're not a japanese but gaijin english teacher posting under a Japanese flag you're no better than the niggers you complain about
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>there are 10k black people in poland
Your mom's appetite must be insatiable
enjoy mulatto criminal underclass. They will get every single junkie hooker pregnant.
Us anglos are at the forefront of this change, and for that we will treated with hostility but this is an essential change if Poland is to survive the 21st century.
It always starts out mild. In 40 years your cities will be decaying slums filled with millions of them, Poles will be made to hate themselves with mass media, and there won't be shit you can do about it by then. Do something about it now.
How naive. I can see why they started in the west, slavs have always been easy prey for Jews.
Gigachad. I kneel.
Huh? Is this Hans...OK?
I'm a normal Japanese person, and I don't mean to insult you, but I don't know why you want to defend niggers.
>mom, i said the n-word again, i'm one of the cool kids now!
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>The Nigerian is free to go home to Nigeria and date a Nigerian girl at any time.
>enjoy mulatto criminal underclass
but we aren't bringing in croatians
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>I'm a normal Japanese person...

right, "normal", aka vidrel.
What? In my country the n-word is not a crime and it doesn't mean much.
In your country, would that silence criticism against niggers? Are you a Reddit mod?
I remember hearing the same shit 10 years ago, 10 years later nothing has changed
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a single one is too much you NIGGERLOVING FAGGOT
10k is an irrelevant number in a 38 million population country, retards like you probably think trans rights are a relevant issue

What is a 19-old aspiring rapper doing in Katowice lads ?
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pooland: a bunch of kike/nigger-loving femboy faggots.

they could have been mighty, but the butthurt over russia has warped their minds.
Fucking based as fuck, godspeed to you czech Chad, he deserves a medal from the president.
Yet Baltics are filled with American ngo's and we are just like what you described czech as.
You don't know shit about EE.
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>but the butthurt over russia
no one has butthurt over Russia
you are falling for CIA propaganda

We will get the names of glowniggers who are doing this
and all around the world
>he didn't like him walking with a polish girl
preventing race mixing is a human right.

>he deserves a medal from the president.
He saved this girl
Quintessential case as to why you'll never get your ethnostates, and /pol/ is full of summerfags, cheering on some random jumping a Nigerian kid because he was walking with a polish girl.

He should've violently killed the polish girl, and untill you realize this your countries will keep getting browner.
>He saved this girl
From what? Being satisfed and left shaking with utmost pleasure for the first time in her life?
Sukdeep Dipshit,
Shut your ho ass up. Before you get stomped.
Did the n_gger ape get hospitalised?
Did he skip to the breaking barn?
He should have attacked the girl
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>He saved this girl

>From what?
From a narcissistic negro with delusional understanding of reality, and superficial view of relationships.
We don't need hedonistic negroes in Poland and our acceptance of this trend is on the verge of violent retributions like the
Chech heroic lad showed us.
Expect more to come.
>didnt attack the girl

And they will be until they have numbers, then they start niggering around
Smarter than avg basketball american
Women understand it very well. But that understanding kicks in during pregnancy. Before that they search for strong aggressive genes. Basically Alfa fucks beta bucks. This is why for thousands of years there have been traditions surrounding marriage. Humanity already went through this and knew it leads to collapse, we are just rejecting the wisdom of our ancestors. Rejecting our traditions and culture.
Too many Nigerii
NGL, I'm pretty touched chuds from all over the world come to Poland to protect hers european character.
Pic related.

lol, the narcissism of negroes who claim they can move to Europe and replace the actual host population just because
they can speak with them about Netflix or any other modern bullshit is going trough the roof.
Second thing I notice is how negroes from africa buy baseball caps , and try to look like they were from NY or something.
Fucking scammers they are going to have a brutal wake from reality.
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>lol, the narcissism of negroes who claim

nigga went to fuck a bitch he paid for. where is your fucking problem incest boy? you scared it wasnt he cousin?
yes downies can pure, a defect is not the same as a hybrid. If you where White you would know the difference.
>nigga went to fuck a bitch he paid for.

niggers were literally market stock for centuries.
How can a negro "pay for a bitch" that is in contrast to logic.
It's actually the negro that is being brought in by NGOs like fucking cotton , you niggers
are being paid for by jews. You are the globohomo commodity .
Polish women love niggers. A single nigger gave HIV to like 50 polish chicks, apparently they line up for them. I heard it's like that in Ukraine too. Fucking slavs turn out to be the biggest mudsharks topkek
Then Hawk Tuah appears and ruins your whole imaginery world. All white women are brainwashed.
Nah. Not all of them. Cultures with more traditional gender roles that reject Americanisation have good women.
> reject Americanisation
in fact Americanisation is only a vessel for Judaisation.
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Based chuddie.
probably BS. We got this kind of propaganda regularly when niggermania was beginning decades ago. Jews make up these kinds of stories constantly
what do nazis have to do with poles attacking nigerians?
Could you please stop posting your fetish on my catholic wholesome siterino?? One more BBC bait and I won't clean your toilets for 2 weeks
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Cope all you want. Polish women are arguably the world's biggest coalburners which is saying something. Picrel would get laid easily in Poland, unironically.
40 years ago in my london borough there were only a few blacks, now it's 40% blacked.
besides niggers your county us best importing Indians.
If you don't stop it now your children will be the ones to suffer.
You been warned.
>Poles are black so penis envy isn't a thing for them.

This, the guy who attacked wasn't Polish but Chechz

>This is not the /int/ I know and love

Fuck you krautfag

>They do the same towards any non-resident/shitskin in eastern slovenia/croatia as well. I'm talking literally beatups with baseball bats. The result is that every place or neighborhood looks comfy and tidy as fuck, I never supported grug violence but reality shows it's the proper way of managing your land.

This, 4chan chuds think eastern Europeans attacked the nigger for chud reasons
The real reason is they are not cucked like westerners are, the mechanism is totally different

Also native africans, who haven't been anglo-niggerified, are nothing like american niggers

Also here is the story translated:

> A foreign Czech man who insulted and beat up a black Nigerian citizen in the head at the Katowice railway station may face up to 5 years in prison. The security station noticed the racist behavior of the foreigner, and after a while the police also intervened. The Czech man may be facing deportation from Poland
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I'm catholic too, we're LITERALLY brothers
Imagine going to prison to protect a mudshark's "honor."
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No bbc rage baiter is a brother of mine ,choose your words wisely or your toilet will get CLOGGED
Good fuck off don't come to our countries
You are a Jew
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Hate me, spit on me, beat me, rape me, break me all you want...I will always turn the other cheek because you are my brother and I love you
No they aren't. Meanwhile there are tens of thousands of videos with american white women begging to be blacked - like the video with Hawk Tuah girl. In Poland every video like this is instantly condemned by hundreds of people.
Not honorable action, creature that voluntarily meets with niggers deserve toll. Like vaccinated.
I will forgive you if you rise my hourly rate from 3 juro to 4 juro herr Hans
Honestly at what point do you declare this to be mental illness ?
What nigerians doing in Poland?
Not everyone should be welcome everywhere.
so all girls have to do for attention is date black guys? nice
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We are equals
I believe it guys, nigger was definitely not being a nigger or anything else, just pure impotent jealous rage
Keep on posting your gay ragebaits, i will act as i didn't see them bavarianbro
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d**th to niggers
>rather domesticated

>visits MZ in Croatia
>stupid warnings, fuck'em
>grabs grenade
>let kid play with it
>let the kid get killed

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